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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Population Surveys (PR-15) - P720125 | Сравнить
- Population Surveys (PR-15R) - P720125R74 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 720125 - HCO Policy Letter - Population Surveys [PL023-024]
- 720125R - Board Policy Letter - Population Surveys [BPL01-035]
- 720125RA - HCO Policy Letter - Riches or Poverty - The Quality of the Dissem Division - A Dissem Div Checklist for Quality [PL044-002]
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[Note: The following issues were not written by L. Ron Hubbard and are therefore not included in this volume. PR Series 15R

BPL 25 Jan. 1972R, PR Series 15R, POPULATION SURVEYS.