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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Real Why (DATA-19) - P701013-2 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Действительное Почему (ДАН-19) - И701013 | Сравнить
- Настоящее Почему (ДАН-19) (ц) - И701013 | Сравнить
- Настоящее Почему (ДАН-19) - И701013-2 | Сравнить
- Настоящее Почему (ДАН-19) - И701013 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 701013 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Real Why, The [PL017-024]
- 701013 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Real Why, The [PL042-058]
- 701013 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Real Why, The [PL069-105]
- 701013 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Assent Form [PL017-025]
CONTENTS THE REAL WHY Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Remimeo Data Series 19


“WHY” as used in logic is subject to noncomprehension.

WHY = that basic outness found which will lead to a recovery of stats.

WRONG WHY = the incorrectly identified outness which when applied does not lead to recovery.

A MERE EXPLANATION = a “Why” given as THE Why that does not open the door to any recovery.

Example: A mere explanation: “The stats went down because of rainy weather that week.” So? So do we now turn off rain? Another mere explanation: “The staff became overwhelmed that week.” An order saying “Don’t overwhelm staff” would be the possible “solution” of some manager. BUT THE STATS WOULDN’T RECOVER.

The real WHY when found and corrected leads straight back to improved stats.

A wrong Why, corrected, will further depress stats.

A mere explanation does nothing at all and decay continues.

Here is a situation as it is followed up:

The stats of an area were down. Investigation disclosed there had been sickness 2 weeks before. The report came in: “The stats were down because people were sick.” This was a mere explanation. Very reasonable. But it solved nothing. What do we do now? Maybe we accept this as the correct Why. And give an order, “All people in the area must get a medical exam and unhealthy workers will not be accepted and unhealthy ones will be fired.” As it’s a correction to a wrong Why, the stats really crash. So that’s not it. Looking further we find the real WHY. In the area there is no trained-in org bd and a boss there gives orders to the wrong people which, when executed, then hurt their individual stats. We org board the place and groove in the boss and we get a stat recovery and even an improvement.

The correct WHY led to a stat recovery.

Here is another one. Stats are down in a school. An investigation comes up with a mere explanation: “The students were all busy with sports.” So management says “No sports!” Stats go down again. A new investigation comes up with a wrong Why: “The students are being taught wrongly.” Management sacks the dean. Stats really crash now. A further more competent investigation occurs. It turns out that there were 140 students and only the dean and one instructor! And the dean had other duties! We put the dean back on post and hire two more instructors making three. Stats soar. Because we got the right Why.

Management and organizational catastrophes and successes are ALL explained by these three types of Why. An arbitrary is probably just a wrong Why held in by law. And if so held in, it will crash the place.

One really has to understand logic to get to the correct WHY and must really be on his toes not to use and correct a wrong WHY.

In world banking, where inflation occurs, finance regulations or laws are probably just one long parade of wrong Whys. The value of the money and its usefulness to the citizen deteriorate to such an extent that a whole ideology can be built up (as in Sparta by Lycurgus who invented iron money nobody could lift in order to rid Sparta of money evils) that knocks money out entirely and puts nothing but nonsense in its place

Organizational troubles are greatly worsened by using mere explanations (which lead to no remedies) or wrong Whys (which further depress stats). Organizational recoveries come from finding the real WHY and correcting it.

The test of the real WHY is “When it is corrected, do stats recover?” If they do that was it. And any other remedial order given but based on a wrong Why would have to be cancelled quickly.
