It is the concern of anyone sending a despatch or mimeo to route it accurately.
A major part of an executive hat is "routing".
A vital part of any staff member's duties is proper routing.
Our orgs are too big for routing to occur to Bill, Jane or Pete.
Route to the hat only, give its Department section and org. Put any vias at the top of the despatch. Indicate with an arrow the first destination.
Sign it with your name but also the hat you're wearing when you write it. You might be holding several hats. Which one wrote?
Just as a post office can't find wrong addresses, so neither can we. If you want your despatch to arrive, do the above.
When you get a misrouted despatch, look it over and see how it erred and return it to sender with a copy of this Policy Letter.
That way we'll take a lot of confusion out of our orgs.
There is an org there, you know. A lot of new staff go about for quite a while never noticing there is an org there that has posts and functions.
If we all route to the right hat from the right hat according to our org board, we'll make it a lot sooner.