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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Training Restrictions (DIV1.PTS) - P600830 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Ограничения в Обучении (ц) - И600830-1 | Сравнить
- Ограничения в Отношении Обучения (КРО-4) (ц) - И600830-1 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 600830 - HCO Policy Letter - Special Zone Department [PL003-055]
- 600830 - HCO Policy Letter - Training Restrictions [B140-024]
- 600830 - HCO Policy Letter - Training Restrictions [PL003-054]
CONTENTS TRAINING RESTRICTIONS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Fran HldrsFran Hldrs
Ds of TDs of T
Assn SecsAssn Secs
HCO SecsHCO Secs



For the first time in our history, I am placing restrictions on the acceptance of students for training in Dianetics and Scientology.

For the first time in our history, I am placing restrictions on the acceptance of students for training in Dianetics and Scientology.

It is important that these restrictions be placed in effect and kept in effect.

It is important that these restrictions be placed in effect and kept in effect.

We are becoming too successful to take stupid risks as an organization.

We are becoming too successful to take stupid risks as an organization.

Several recent instances in various parts of the world showed that we were accepting security risks for training. In most cases our people stood around all sweetness and light and wouldn’t believe as usual but in these cases they suddenly alerted to the fantastic liability of standing by a security risk.

Several recent instances in various parts of the world showed that we were accepting security risks for training. In most cases our people stood around all sweetness and light and wouldn’t believe as usual but in these cases they suddenly alerted to the fantastic liability of standing by a security risk.

Therefore, no student may be accepted for training by the Director of Training until he has been given a solid security check by the D of T personally. If the student fails to pass the test he is to be sent to the HGC for processing using the money deposited for training. When entirely cleared he may then be accepted for training and only then. Thus he is not refused training. But he may not be trained before he is cleared if he is a security risk.

Therefore, no student may be accepted for training by the Director of Training until he has been given a solid security check by the D of T personally. If the student fails to pass the test he is to be sent to the HGC for processing using the money deposited for training. When entirely cleared he may then be accepted for training and only then. Thus he is not refused training. But he may not be trained before he is cleared if he is a security risk.

State of case shall be used for rejection only when it is such that he or she is impossible to security check by reason of a stalled or wild needle that will not register.

State of case shall be used for rejection only when it is such that he or she is impossible to security check by reason of a stalled or wild needle that will not register.

These three reasons only may be used for rejection in addition to the above.

These three reasons only may be used for rejection in addition to the above.

1. Has a criminal record;

1. Has a criminal record;

2. Is studying Scientology to procure data or evidence for another organization; and

2. Is studying Scientology to procure data or evidence for another organization; and

3. Is a member of a subversive organization that might use Scientology to overthrow a government by force.

3. Is a member of a subversive organization that might use Scientology to overthrow a government by force.

See that we get careful about this now.

See that we get careful about this now.

Validation seals may not be placed on existing certificates without security checking for above.

Validation seals may not be placed on existing certificates without security checking for above.
