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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Validation of Franchises (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P591120 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Подтверждение Сертификатов (КРО-1) (ц) - И591120 | Сравнить
- Подтверждение Сертификатов (КРО-2) (ц) - И591120 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 591120 - HCO Policy Letter - Validation of Franchises [PL002-133]
CONTENTS VALIDATION OF FRANCHISES Cохранить документ себе Скачать
37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1
Amended and reissued 10 March 1960


It is important that Scientology magazines run occasional notices as follows:

“Your best guarantee of ethical and expert auditing is a prominently displayed HCO Franchise. Your Central Organization cannot guarantee the ethics of all auditors but those who hold HCO Franchises are known to be ethical. In case of doubt about your auditor’s record write to your Association Secretary (etc). He can inform you of the standing of any practising Scientologist. You can also write to your HCO Secretary concerning any matter of ethics, technology and awards.

“Medical Doctors and Psychiatrists are not qualified by their state licences to practise Dianetics or Scientology unless certified as well as auditors.”

If any query arrives concerning any auditor only one of two responses are permitted:

“Referring to your query concerning (an auditor or Scientologist) we are pleased to inform you that we know of no reason why he (or she) should not receive your full confidence.

“If you know any reason to the contrary please inform us. *

“Ethics forbids further discussion of the reasons.

“Any further information you can give us concerning the activities of this person would be gratefully received.

“Scientology is too powerful to be permitted to be used professionally by unscrupulous persons.”

Or, if the person asked about is in our bad books, write only:

“Concerning your query about (an auditor or Scientologist) we regret to

inform you that we cannot recommend this person.

“Where certificates have been revoked we have not always recovered the actual document.

“Should the person in question report for auditing and be cleared by the Central Organization, a public notice wUl be posted to that effect.

“Yours for a clean Earth, etc.”To answer other than the above is to seem to fully recommend an auditor or, in the second case, further data could lay grounds for libel.

This is basically an effort to clean up the field, which is already pretty clean, and to secondarily force persons to be well trained and to have HCO Franchises.Do not recommend any auditor in any way who has not been trained within three years or alternatively has not served well on a Central Organization staff in lieu of other training.

Note: If a straight forward request arises where the originator has no reason to suspect anything wrong with the auditor and it is merely an enquiry you may only quote as far as the asterisk *.

Valerie E.
Obin HCO Area Secretary

[Note: 20 Nov 1959 issue by LRH was amended by HCO Area Sec to include asterisk in text and note in last paragraph.]