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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Audio (Beep) Meter Demonstration (3ACC-35) - L540120 | Сравнить
- Exteriorization - Communication in Theta and MEST (3ACC-35) - L540120 | Сравнить
- Exteriorization, Communication in Theta and Mest (3ACC-36) - L540120 | Сравнить



Lecture 35 - Disc 39
A Lecture and Demonstration Given on 20 January 1954
37 Minutes

LRH: You notice, there must be a little anchor point here at the wrist where the 2 hand bends. Well, we’ll find a live spot there, I’m pretty sure, unless you’re dead entirely.

None there. Where’s your hand been hurt?

Student: It was burned and scaly.

LRH: This hand was?

Student: Yeah.

LRH: Well, that’s what happened to it then. Okay.

Student: I had to start using my left hand.

Note: This recording contains electronic beeps and tones generated by the Audio (Beep) Meter being demonstrated during the original lecture. The recording starts with the demonstration already in progress.

LRH: [beep] Oh, how interesting, Jeanette. Ho-ho! Can you roll that sleeve up to where we can get the inside of your elbow?

Student: Oh, yes.

LRH: Gee whiz, this machine is...

Student: [laughing]

Female voice: She’s not bad.

LRH: Now, we'll get the back o£ this... [beeps]. There’s howl! Boy! Your anchor point structure here we’ll-your auditor had better start rebuilding it.

Student: Mm-hm.

LRH: No kidding.

Student: Want to try the other arm?

LRH: Yeah.

Student: Okay with me.

LRH: Because it ought to... [beep] There!

Student: There! One, at last!

LRH: Well this tells you immediately something. She said, yes, she has had some injuries. This machine shouldn’t howl like that-but this is the second little beep, is the one that should come in.

Male voice: Can you turn the volume down and the sensitivity up on that thing?

LRH: Volume down and sensitivity up? Huh-uh.

Male voice: It won’t do it?

LRH: Huh-uh. That’s all right. We’re getting a bop, except it’s really loud when the thing is operating properly.

You notice this, see here’s a live spot and we did get one here, but what’s happened to this one here?

Female voice: She moved it away ...

LRH: What are you doing, Jeanette?

Student: [laughter] Oh, I feel like everything has stopped...

LRH: Everything has stopped?

Student: Yes sir.

LRH: Demonstration subject.

Student: Mm-hm. [laughing]

LRH: Is that right? There is one here.

Student: Yeah.

LRH: Well, I’ll give you a bop anyhow. [beep, beep, beep, beep] [laughter]

Student: Do that again.

LRH: Felt good, didn’t it? Felt good.

All right. Now you notice we don’t have any bops over on this side of her face. Right?

Student: Mm-hm.

LRH: Everything has stopped, she says. She means, she’s stopping it Very interesting.

Did you say something for me?

Student: No...

LRH: Not rolling-there it is. [beep]

I got it through. All right, I’m going to turn this on. Did you notice there that it went through at a specific instant-that you sort of knew it was going to go through?

Student: Ses, and a little sting.

LRH: Yeah. And a little sting. Well, that little sting, dear, was my beam. Okay. I’m sorry.

Student: Quite all right.

LRH: All right, you will know when this one goes through, [beep] Okay. I see what you’re doing now. Boy, can she put up a fight.

Student: I can feel myself putting up the resistance. I don tknow why, but I realize it.

LRH: Well, the guy who is turning that on is me. It isn’t her. All right. Now let’s look at faith healing, okay?

Student: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay? Faith healing.

Let’s not resist my thought. You know what’s registering in there? My energy.

Student: Mm-hm.

LRH: She knows that.

Student: I can feel it.

LRH: All right. Let’s take her forehead here. Somebody run the Assumption on it. It’s not very bad. [beeping] Now let’s take this upper lip here. And see, it’s live, and then there’s a specific line of demarcation here where we don’t have liveness on the face. Do you mind if I touch your face?

Student: No...

LRH: You’ve been a demonstration subject, haven’t you?

Student: Yeah, I’ve been a hypnotic subject...

LRH: Where? No kidding!

Student: ...fora group of docto rs for a year.

LRH: No kidding!

Student: Do you think that has something to do with it? [laughing]

LRH: Okay. Faith healing has that category. Now, the funny part of it is, is we can take this and reverse it. We can take this out here and we can use it manually. And you could go from student to student and you would find that your ability to do this varied. Now, we haven’t any longer a probe here.

You can put your hand down.

But where my finger touches her now, it will act as a probe. You mind?

Student: Mm-mm.

LRH: You probably have to have a different set here.

Male voice: Do you want me to set it on inverted?

LRH: Huh-uh. We don’t want it inverted.

Something is wrong here. How about your hand touching your face? Should be live right there. Just the same way it was with the probe.

Student: Does your hand being on the point make any difference?

LRH: Might.

How very interesting. This was okay the other night and now can’t get it again. I’m getting no action from that particular cell.

Only fits in one way. Or does it? Nope. Just the one way. And this should give you a bop. And you should get a bop here. And we don’t get a bop.

So this is the baby that’s out, the other one isn’t.

Well, there’s something wrong with the way this machine is oscillating right now. There shouldn’t be any howl on this machine at all. Apparently we should have gotten the probe going just that way. There’s something wrong with it. It has either been hit or has it’s-it has a resistor in it and probably the resistor has been set up. Now look, I’ve got ahold of the probe here. Now watch, [beep, beep, beep, beep ... ]

Student: [laughing]

LRH: Faith healing. I’m an electric eel on this stuff, I mean-you get this-and so on.

Your face feel warmer?

Student: Oh, yes, very warm. I wish you ’d do it to my feet. They ’ve been colder.

LRH: Good enough! [laughter] We tried to do it through a silk stocking, but I don’t think it’s possible to do so. Requires about 5,000 volts to go through a piece of silk like that.

Student: Oh, wow.

LRH: That’s an awful lot of stuff to try to push through, by the way. Now you try to push through somebody’s scar tissue.

All right. The use of this instrument tells you how dead the preclear is, not how alive he is. Because every time you hit with this instrument and you find no spot, the truth of the matter is the fellow has an anesthesed area. That’s the way you read it. Don’t read it as a pain meter.

Now you can tell immediately how well off the person’s body is or isn’t. Now, one chiropractor, for instance, is liable to be an electric eel. They happen-every few guys out of a hundred will have a personal impulse.

And when you get up toward Operating Thetan or around Theta Clear, your impulse starts picking up and you get up to a point around Theta Clear there where you’re hitting this one out of every hundred. And then you get somebody who is fantastic, I mean, you know, you just—a lot of juice. And so if he massaged the preclear afterwards, if we considered this a pain detector, it would tell him immediately the preclear was in agony all over this area now. That’s not true. The preclear is alive. This gives you an index of Homo sapiens, though, that this meter with this probe can-it can be used, you see ... This is a new combination machine. They just make a probe meter all by itself. It tells you that they were willing to consider that a fellow had to get rid of this area where the meter bopped. Ooooh! The only thing he had left to live on was this tiny little piece of pain and he was cherishing it just no end and being very proud of it and then they took it away from him. But if one of these electric eels-a good high potential guy suddenly got hold of this individual, why, bang. The second he massaged this area or anything, the whole area would go live. And with some individuals, it was just good enough just to touch the area and pow! See?

Volney threw in the sponge on this way of testing it the other evening. I said, “Well, Volney, you know very well that your face is dead, has been dead like that for a long time. It doesn’t register on your face, does it?” And he said, “That’s right.” And i put it over and registered it against his face. Just threw a sheet of energy down between him and, of course, it registered. It was real spooky.

LRH: [to student] Now I want you to turn this machine on. Look at the probe from inside your head or from outside your body.

Student: Mm-hm.

LRH: Just look at it. Now connect a white beam between the probe and you. Make the face of the probe go white, [beep] There we go. Now let’s do it again. Until you know you’re turning it on.

Student: I feel like I’m going through a stone wall to get there.

LRH: That’s right. That’s true, [beep] Did you know when it was going to go on?

Student: Yes. I can feel it’s just like...

LRH: Yeah.

Student: ... a piece ofconcrete.

LRH: All right. Let’s hit it again over here.

Student: There’s a rigid obstruction it’s... uh... not...

LRH: There’s an obstruction there? All right. Turn it on here.

Student: Mm-hm. [beep]

LRH: Area is still alive.

Student: It’s easy up there.

LRH: All right. Let’s turn it on now. [beep, beep, beep ... ]

You turned it on?

Student: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay. Breathe easy, but hard down here, huh?

Well, turn it on, on your wrist, [beep] You remember that this was dead before, when we were going over it?

Male voice: Yeah.

Student: [beep] It’s easy there.''

LRH: There’s nothing to it. You know you’re turning it on, don’t you?

Student: Oh, I feel like I am.

LRH: Sure you are.

Student: But it’s blocked here.

LRH: Oh. Turn it on there anyhow, so we don’t give you a failure.

Student: №. This has been dead for about ten years, fifteen years.

LRH: Who used to slap your face?

Student: Nobody.

LRH: Come on. [beep] [laughter]

Now, you can get a zone read on a facsimile. See there?

Student: Well, I’ve got a phrase that said "could slap your face", but I don’t think it ever-slapped. I don’t know, [laughing]

LRH: Well, okay. Okay. Oh, well let me show you the metabolism test here. Listen. We have to get this off of certainty. And we have to get this off of... Well, aren’t we cute here? This thing is heterodyning against the microphone. And that’s all it was doing.

Male voice: How’s that?

LRH: Well, that’s all right. Now let’s get this back to zero here. And you got hold of that very nicely. All right. Now let’s get her on the dial if we can.

B! Well, look at this stuff, would you! Look at this character over here. She’s riding just as nice as you please. That’s a real good read. You see that В scale? Well, the В scale of course reads here. As we go across, it reads 3,3.1,2,3 as we go from left to right. And so we get over here and, of course, it must-inevitably, it started with 2, if this is 3, and so we get the fact that she is reading at about 2.82. You see that? 2.82. That’s real good. That’s real good, [laughter] We notice it’s got a reading there. All right. Let’s get her over here. And we notice we have an average set. We have a fairly average set down here as we’ve got both dials vertical. And we’ll just take off from there and see if we can get our needle quietly posted here someplace. And then let’s touch her on the back of the neck and we find out we have much too active a needle for this here preclear. She’s reading high, you see? All right. So let’s back it off. Let’s touch her again on the back of the neck and find out what happens here. What do you know? We just don’t get enough happening. Boy ever kiss you there?

Student: Mmmm. Can’t remember.

LRH: See? You’re not reading enough.

All right. Let’s bring it up here. Did a boy ever kiss you there?

Student: Oh, yeah.

LRH: You think so?

Student: Don’t remember specifically.

LRH: Uh-huh.

You don’t remember specifically?

Student: No.

LRH: Well, you object to being touched there?

Student: Oh, no.

LRH: No?

Student: Not normally.

LRH: Well, let’s just be here a little cagier on this machine here. Let’s see about where you do read. And we’ll set it back to average. Made your tone go down. What are you doing, gripping that can?

Student: No. I’m not. I’m trying to ...

LRH: This is a real weird needle reaction here. It’s going back and forth. It’s hunting.

Too much needle action, so let’s just damp it on the input.

That’s right, now squeeze the can. Too much action. Unsqueeze it. Now squeeze it. Now unsqueeze it. Now, just squeeze it and let go. Squeeze it and let go now. Just hold on to it and hold on to it normally afterwards, you know, just hold on to it and then just go crunch and let her go. Do it again. Crunch it. Do it again. Okay. In spite of all fancy needle sets, this is normally the way I set a needle. Ask him to scrunch it and let it go and if it drops half a dial, I’m set. That’s the dial-that’s the way I use-that’s the way I set a needle.

All right. Drop it—scrunch it again.

Now we’ll notice how wild this gets, the second we bring this up here. Now scrunch it. See, bang. That’s too live a needle.

Okay. Now scrunch it.

That’s still too live. Now scrunch it again.

Well, that was pretty-real wild. Scrunch it again.

Trying to work somebody who is in good shape. That’s it. Now we’re not getting a whole dial drop anyhow. Okay.

To do that, by the way, I had to set these things over here on this case-I had to set this other thing-the upper and lower little needles on the right-hand side there reading 2 and 2 or thereabouts. Each one reading 2 and she’s got a nice calm response there.

All right. Take a breath.

Let it out.

Now just a minute. Take a breath.

Let it out. Let it out. That’s very interesting. What were you doing last night?

Student: [lauding] Well...''

LRH: She’s tired.

Student: I had a couple of nightmares... I know someone wasfollowing me around and I couldn’t get rid of her.

LRH: All right. To get this test, you just set both of those needles vertical. Now take a breath and let it out.

Now we’ve got it.

All right. Take a breath and let it out again.

There is not enough response on this. Take a breath and let it out. Mm-hm. We’re getting inadequate read there. You’re not breathing in and out with your mouth. That’s what we’re doing wrong.

Student: Want me to do it over?

LRH: Yeah,

Student: The first time I did it was that way.

LRH: You tired?

Student: I was practicing my yogi breathing for about twenty minutes before this class began.

LRH: Wore out. That’sright.That’s right. That’s nokidding.

Student: Yeah, and my nose is all stuffed up and I thought I might catch a cold, so I went out in the back and I practiced with yogi...

LRH: Uh-huh.

Student: ...breathing...

LRH: Here we go.

Student: ... for about twenty minutes.

LRH: And of course that gives a guy more energy which is why yogi works, breathing more oxygen and so forth...

Student: Breathed, yeah.

LRH:... and so on.

[to another student] Take ahold of that. Thank you very, very much.

Second Student: I’d better.

LRH: Let’s get Pearl to take ahold of it there and let’s see if we can get a difference of read on that. Now your yogi breathing had you about burned down to the ground. Yeah.


Student: I won t do it anymore.

LRH: [to audience] Now, look-she’s reading there as nice as you please. And, this is real good for a body, see? Just terrific for a body. She’s reading there above 3, somewhere around 3-3.1 and quite an accurate read.

All right. Now, let’s-did you notice I’ve got both of these lower needles here set vertical, just to get a constant? It tells you in the first place that she’s in good condition over here on the tone meter.

[to second student] And now, take a breath, Pearl, and let it out. There you go. Isn’t that a beautiful reaction? Look at it. Terrific. You feel good, don’t you?

Second Student: Uh-huh.

LRH: See.

Second Student: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Now, we’ve got that riding over here. Now let’s-do it again, Pearl.

[to audience] Now see-you see now, when we’ve done it the second time, we’ve got her a bit burned down. Aha-there.

[to second student] All right. Now take a nice deep breath and let it out. Second Student: Mm-hm.

LRH: There we go!

[to audience] See? Went over and hit the pin. Preclear in good shape. Let’s roll. She’d probably be three feet back of her head with great ease. Take her all around the universe with no strain. Trek, trek!

Okay. So we know two things about her immediately. We know her tone and we know her basal metabolism, how tired she is at the moment. She can have a good tone and still be tired. That’s this character here.

[to second student] All right. Thank you.

Now we have in all of our work, then, these factors against which we’re operating all the time. We have how tired the preclear is or how undernourished he is. By the way, this will also tell you the fellow doesn’t get a good rate ... You didn’t eat any breakfast, did you?

Student: Yes. I did. Two raw eggs in a glass of orange juice.

LRH: You didn’t!

Student: Yes, I did!

LRH: My goodness. You eat any dinner last night?

Student: Yes. Ah, no I didn’t, come to think about it.

LRH: No, you didn’t, come to think about it.

Student: I didn't. Uh-uh. You re right as always...

LRH: Okay, it’ll measure two things. It’ll measure the amount of food in the body and the amount of oxygen to burn the food. Of course, because we are running burning rate, we had certainly better measure the carbon. You know, better

20 January 1954 measure the chemical as well as the oxygen, say, the carbon as well as the oxygen factors of the breathing rate. And this also says that Pearl probably had a small but adequate supper and had a small but adequate breakfast. And about routine in food level.

Come here a minute, Don.


You hold on to this. Okay. Now we’ll just see what we get here in various reads and...

The critical stage.

...and we get a read here on the C scale. We get a read here on the C scale right at 2.

All the way up there?

Yeah, better than I thought, [laughter] Now did we do a big dive on that BMR test?

All right. Now, take a breath, Don.

[shallow breath]

Take a deep breath and let it out.

[deep breath]

I did that, by the way, with this pin over here.

[takes another deep breath]

Now wait a minute. Now you’re doing all right.

Now just breathe normally for a moment and realize that you’re amongst friends, [laughter] All right. Just relax for a moment.

Now take a breath with your mouth and let it out. Deep breath through your mouth and let it out.

[deep breath] Okay. No dinner. No breakfast.''

LRH: And you were having a rough time in a session yesterday afternoon. Weren’t you?

Student: No...

LRH: [to audience] This gives you an immediate index against food and auditing.

Right? You’re trying to exteriorize the guy...

[to student] I’m not holding you up as a horrible example. We just have to open your mouth and hold your nose and shove more food down your throat, [to audience] Now you see that?

[to student] Thank you, Don.

You get the coincidence of these things-reading and auditing? Now I quite normally surprise some perfectly well-dressed preclear by saying, “How have you been eating lately?” And he thinks I’m talking about this and that. “Why, perfectly well, of course.” And you say, “Well, did you eat any supper last night? And breakfast today?” Of course I’m sitting there looking at the machine when I’m asking him these questions. And if he says ‘Yes” and ‘Yes” and we don’t get a good reading on that... See, the only reason Don didn’t get a good reading is he just didn’t have а-he just didn’t eat supper or breakfast. I happen to know that, which is why I’m asking him to take note of it.

All right. We’ve got a problem. This person did eat supper and did eat breakfast and they haven’t been doing any undue exercise and we ask to take a deep breath and let it out and it drops two points. Ding-ding-ding, here comes the little men in white coats. See that? So, you as an auditor at that moment-auditor beware.

And you say, “Well now, let’s see. What’s the realest thing that you’ve contacted lately?” And don’t you go on much further from that. And you be awful sure that every time you give them an order, it’s an order they can perform and that you do not give them a second order until they have performed the order you have given them. See that? Because you’re dealing with a person who, if run into an engram, would scream and scream and scream and scream. So you know before you go, which is a good thing to know. See that?

So this machine, just with its tone reading-a 400 just with its tone reading and its oxygenation test, in itself, pays off in terms of auditing. You don’t have to sit there and run it worth a nickel after that. I mean, if you just use the machine just for that, why, you’d be way ahead, because listen, in this day of good makeup you can be fooled. You just don’t take a careful look at your preclear here. It just catches you a little bit off balance and the next thing you do is say, “Well, all right, now,” you say very happily, noticing the machine is doing a theta bop. “Fine. Now let’s go into it very nicely and let’s find somebody who is alive.” And then the case starts to scream and breaks down and sobs bitterly and has a horrible time and you say, “Well, that’s fine. We’ve gotten a grief charge.” Good. Now we’ve gotten a grief charge. Isn’t that cute? All set now. So we rub our little paws together and we start to run this grief charge and the person just cries harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and spins harder and harder and harder. And we say “How the hell did I get into this?” Well, you got into this because you didn’t know before you went. You see that? The person was exhausted. And, now, you’re trying to audit a body. A thetan plus body.

Also this machine will do something else. This machine will read off the top and after the person’s been exteriorized. And you set those sensitivity knobs way up there and you can get the activities of the thetan. Although the thing is connected to the body, because he’s nebulously connected to the body and so you get that.

This equipment, then, is something that you ought to know how to use in its earlier stages, rather than the way you have been using it, which is in later stages of the case.

Now just as a little footnote here, let me tell you how to run out a grief charge. Here’s a theta bop on the machine. What’s a theta bop? Well, a theta bop is unmistakable. The machine is going from 5 to 20 and to 5 to 20, to 5 to 20, to 5 to 20 about like this: 5 ... 20 ... 5 ... 20 .. . and sometimes it does a little hunt at each end. If it’s doing that little jump-jump at each end, you haven’t got the right depth, but that’s all right. It uniformly means that the thetan is with another-a duplication of himself guarding a body somewhere. A dead body. It means a dead body.

Now, if you want to key that out, you run the current lifetime deaths in this fashion. You see, they’re just locks, really, on his own death. You know, Grandpa dead, Mama dead, Papa dead and so on and you get this terrific theta bop. Well, that will show up on a case who has heavy grief charges and losses in this life if it’s in acute restimulation. But the basic on it is he’s guarding a dead body somewhere. If you ran that dead body as such, in various ways, you would key that chain. But that’s all right. Let’s not worry about keying the chain. Let’s not worry about fighting with the preclear about whether or not he’s got a dead body someplace or another. He knows Papa is dead and Mama is dead. You take it a little bit further around and we can run it this way.

All right. “Give me three places at the present moment where your father isn’t” and by just that and repeating it and by running the overt act-motivator sequence: “Give me three places, now, where you are not abusing your father. Three places where your father is not abusing you.” And if you run this chain of questioning just like that and no more, you’ll get there and you’ll eventually key it out. Now you can also find out that, “Where isn’t your father abusing your mother or your mother abusing your father” and you’ll key-out this theta bop.

Interesting, huh? Doesn’t take very long to do it. Don’t bother about chewing up the track. Now, you can also run it this way: “Give me three places there is not a dead body.” “Three places you’re not protecting a dead body.” On a preclear who’s pretty low-toned, you’ll dive him right straight into the engram. So let’s take the lighter-the current lifetime locks. If the preclear is up there and is doing a theta bop and he’s reading around 2.5, well, get on the ball. Let’s knock that dead body he’s guarding out, by saying, “Now tell me three places where a dead body isn’t at this moment and three places you’re not guarding a dead body.” Got that?

All right. I’ll leave this machine up here for you to fool with if you want and for you to test your preclears on. If you will just take your preclears-those people who are auditing here-if you just take your preclears and just run them past the machine just on the basis of-let’s set them on the Tone Scale and let’s give them the metabolism test. You’ll know more about your preclear than you’ve known for some time. And let’s just put the machine right here and just let you do this.

Female voice: That varies-the metabolism test varies, doesn’t it, from day-to-day...

No. Not from the things I’ve been saying. It varies on the preclear a little bit from day-to-day...

Female voice: That’s what I mean...

...but it-the variation is not down to horrible.

Female voice: But you said if a runner came in, been around the track six times, be would be winded.

Yeah. But you shouldn’t audit him at that moment.

Female voice: No.

Got that?

Female voice: Yeah, I understand that.

Male voice: Does it vary before or after he ate?

Yeah. But you’re only interested in one thing.

Female voice: Whether or not he can be audited.

Whether or not he ought to be audited.

Male voice: Yeah.

That’s all you’re interested in.

Male voice: Will not enough food or too much breathing both give the same effect on the BMR?

Too much food?

Female voice: Not enough.

Male voice: No, not enough food...

Oh, not enough food ...

Female voice:... and too much breathing.

... and too much breathing will give you the same effect. Yeah.

Okay. And Fll just leave the machine here and we can take our period one in period one today. And we’ll-with period one, if we take the first short part of the period and we can run a test on that machine, it won’t take you three minutes to run that test on that machine. Because I’m going to take it—I’ll tell you what I’ll do, I’ll take it into my office and you just bring your preclear in and run it. I’ll show you what your sets are on it. Okay?

Female voice: Wealready did that on my preclear, sir.

You got a good preclear there.

Female voice: I know.

Okay. Let’s take a short break.