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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Auditing Session - Preliminary Steps of R3R, Part I (SHSBC-311) - L630710 | Сравнить
- Auditing Session - Preliminary Steps of R3R, Part II -3 (SHSBC-312) - L630710 | Сравнить
- Auditing Skills for R3R (SHSBC-310) - L630710 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Одиторские Навыки для R3R (ЛККС, СИКСХ-310) - Л630710 | Сравнить



An auditing demonstration given on 10 July 1963

LRH: Okay, July 10, 1963. All right, honey. Okay. Your chair’s a little aslope – bring that arm up a little bit, would you? Thank you. Now, the room all right?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay. Is it all right with you if I have a recorder running here?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Is it?

PC: Mm.

LRH: Doesn’t bother you?

PC: No.

LRH: Not making any electrical squeak or anything?

PC: No.

LRH: You can hear it?

PC: It’s making a hiss, but it isn’t squeaking.

LRH: That upsetting to you?

PC: No.

LRH: Sure?

PC: Yeah, it’s all right!

LRH: Huh?

PC: It’s all right.

LRH: All right. All right, put your hands in your lap. Squeeze the cans. Thank you. Havingness is up pretty good.

Tone arm’s here at 4.75.

Now, what we’re going to do in this session is the preliminary assessment, R3R, and we’re going to find a level here, if we can.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: And start to list if we find a level. Okay?

PC: Mm. All right.

LRH: Anything wrong with that?

PC: No that’s all right. It’s all right!

LRH: Not upsetting you in any way?

PC: No!

LRH: All right, very good. I have the listing ARC break sheet here, so forth.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right, let’s hope we find an interesting level. Okay. Is it all right with you if I begin this session now?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Okay. Start of session. Has the session started for you?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Very good. What goals would you like to set for this session?

PC: To have a good session.

LRH: All right.

PC: To find an interesting level. To have the nulling go easily. Get over this ARC break uh – sore throat!

LRH: To get over this ARC break?

PC: Yes, I just said it. I meant sore throat.

LRH: You got a sore throat?

PC: Yes.

LRH: I’m sorry – to get over this sore throat.

PC: Mm-hm. It’s interesting. I don’t have an ARC break.

LRH: All right. All right, how is that?

PC: That’s all right.

LRH: Okay. Now, we’ll put in our „since“ mid ruds.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Now, when was the last time I audited you?

PC: Monday night.

LRH: All right. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Concern about um – Janie.

LRH: Okay.

PC: That’s about all – um, sore throat.

LRH: All right.

PC: Um – that’s about all.

LRH: All right. I’ll check that on the meter. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been suppressed? All right, I didn’t get a specific read there. All right. Since the last time I audited you, is there anything you’ve been careful of?

PC: No.

LRH: All right, I’ll check that on the meter. Since the last time I audited you, is there anything you’ve been careful of? All right. Doesn’t read. Since the last time I audited you, is there anything you’ve failed to reveal?

PC: No. I don’t think so.

LRH: All right. I’ll check that on the meter. Since the last time I audited you, is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? I’ve got a disturbed needle here. Yeah, what’s that?

PC: Well, I thought um – I failed to reveal that I didn’t want the children taking Cokes from the front refrigerator.

LRH: Front? You mean Winter Garden?

PC: Winter Garden refrigerator.

LRH: All right. Very good. All right. Since the last time I audited you, is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? All right, I didn’t get a specific read on that. Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Put this on the meter now. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been invalidated? All right, I didn’t get a read. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been suggested? Yes, there’s a suggestion.

PC: Well I suggested that – um, 3N, at – you know – an implant run, gets more gain and benefit to a pc than an engram run.

LRH: Hm – mm.

PC: Hm.

LRH: All right. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been suggested? Seems to be still something here.

PC: Oh, that we uh – put a new lineup in the X Unit. Yeah.

LRH: All right. Don’t quite see how…

PC: Well, the new lineup of procedure – of auditing – in the X Unit. You sent it on through on a note for them, you know, saying this sounded good for X1. It was the suggestion that uh – that all the missed withholds be listed down and then cleaned up one by one. This was from – this was suggested by Pesco to you and you said this sounded like a good thing for X1, it was…

LRH: Uh – huh.

PC: … you sent it on to Reg and then Reg sent it on to Herbie and then Herbie sent it on to me.

LRH: Oh, I see! All right, very good. I remember now.

PC: Hm.

LRH: Sorry. All right, since the last time I audited you, has anything been suggested. You protesting the question?

PC: Hm!

LRH: Hm?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been suggested? There seems to be another suggestion here.

PC: Oh, I’ve suggested that I would like to find an interesting level and I thought about different levels that I thought might be interesting.

LRH: Oh!

PC: Hm.

LRH: All right, thank you!

PC: Hm.

LRH: All right! Okay. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been suggested?

PC: I think I’m protesting the question. It never reads. I don’t know why it’s reading.

LRH: All right. Okay, very good. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been suggested? I’m afraid there is a suggestion here. There. There.

PC: I just was wondering, is it something I suggested or something someone else suggested? You know?

LRH: Hm! What’s that? That.

PC: I suggested that – um – that – um – that I get off that withhold to you prior to the session, because it didn’t sort of involve me, except my reaction to someone else.

LRH: All right, very good. That’s what had your TA high here. That’s what had this high. Okay. All right. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been suggested? And that’s smooth. Very good. And your needle cleaned up and you dropped half a tone on the tone arm. Okay?

PC: Good.

LRH: Since the last time I audited you, has a mistake been made? Did you think of a mistake?

PC: No.

LRH: Let me check that again. Since the last time I audited you, has a mistake been made? All right, that’s clean. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been protested? Did you think of something? It was a latent read.

PC: No, I didn’t think of anything.

LRH: All right, very good. Check it again. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been protested? And that is clean. Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, very good. Since the last time I audited you, is there anything you’ve been anxious about? I got a bit of a slow.

PC: We’ll about that – trying to get that date, last night, in the session.

LRH: All right.

PC: I gave you…

LRH: All right. Since the last time I audited you, is there anything you’ve been anxious about? All right, that seemed okay. And since the last time I audited you, has anything been decided? Yes.

PC: Well, I decided to – um – get some of the paperwork done before the session tonight.

LRH: All right. Very good. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been decided? I’m – see another read here.

PC: I decided to get Janie and Mrs. Milchert some auditing.

LRH: All right. Since the last time I audited you, has anything been decided? All right, that didn’t read. Okay, very good. Do you agree that’s clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Now let’s check something here. All right. Have I missed a withhold on you? What did you think of ?

PC: Well – uh – the only thing I thought of there is that it wasn’t the children taking Coca – Colas from the Winter Garden, it was the children taking Coca – Colas out to other people from the Winter Garden, you see, that I didn’t – that I was objecting to.

LRH: Oh, I see. All right. Okay. Have I missed a withhold on you?

PC: Well, I’d like to – certainly like to get this head and throat cleaned up. You know? I don’t like the – um – aches around in my head and my sore throat, you know.

LRH: Hm.

PC: Fixed up. That’s about all I can think of.

LRH: All right, very good. Have I missed a withhold on you? I don’t get anything reading. Tone arm went up kind of high here. You upset about anything?

PC: No, just sort of waiting, till the body of the session.

LRH: Well, all right. Very good. Now, uh – okay. Now, we abandoned a chain on you. What about that chain? Is that what your sore throat is?

PC: I don’t know.

LRH: Any consequences here on this?

PC: I don’t think so.

LRH: You don’t think so? All right, we had a nice clean needle for a while and then it roughed up. Have I asked you questions that you protested?

PC: No, just was surprised that you asked a withhold question after the rudiments, you know. That’s understandable, but I just was a bit surprised.

LRH: Okay. All right, thank you. Anything else? Uh, your needle’s nice and clean now. Okay. Now, let’s carry on with the Routine R3R assessment, shall we?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Let’s see what we can do about this and see if we can get you a level.

This is an interjected note to whoever is listening to this tape. This, of course, was just an ordinary, run – of – the – mill session. This session is not done for demonstration purposes. A few small errors creep into it one way or the other. It’s a rather tough session. It’s pretty tough and go – touch – and – go, and the – you cannot, of course, see the pc’s meter, as you’re listening to this on just a tape. But the facts of the case are that you can follow this fairly closely, as to what the meter is doing.

The reads throughout this right down to the end, and just before the end, continue as very, very small reads – rather hard to follow, which you’ll see, that the rudiments are gotten in every time the thing dirtied up. Every time the needle dirtied up, why, it was cleaned up. In other words, the assessment was done on a thoroughly clean needle. The needle was throughout very nice, smooth, sweeping clean. And no attempt was made at any time here to do it on a dirty needle.

And occasionally you can hear paper rattle there, as the assessment sheet is handed over to the pc on two or three occasions, to see if she’s had any thoughts about these levels, as the sheet given to her, of course, might refresh her mind.

The breath which you hear in this is due to the quality of the microphone more than anything else. It just happens to be well tuned to breath and it’s a pretty breathy recording.

This note is interjected just for your interest. You can follow this assessment fairly closely. The TA was high most of the assessment, right up to the point where something interesting happened.

LRH: Have you mainly suppressed? That’s correct.

PC: Hm.

LRH: In this lifetime – in this lifetime, have you mainly failed to suppress? In this lifetime, have you mainly not suppressed? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly invalidated? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to invalidate? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not invalidated? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly been careful? You had a thought there, what was it?

PC: Not particularly, I thought.

LRH: All right, thank you.

In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to be careful? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not been careful? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not been careful? What did you think there?

PC: Perhaps I could have been more cautious, I thought, or more careful, in this lifetime.

LRH: All right. Good. In this lifetime, have you mainly not been careful? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly suggested? All right, what thoughts did you have on that?

PC: No, I thought.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to suggest? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not suggested?

Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not – have you mainly withheld? Okay. Sorry for the stumble. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to withhold? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not withheld? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly protested? All right, what was your thought there?

PC: I thought that that was someone else’s level. I always think of these levels as someone else’s, you know. That’s the first one you’ve hit that I’ve known was someone else’s level, you know. Like…

LRH: Oh!

PC: … that’s Joe’s level or Pete’s level or something like that.

LRH: Oh! Oh, all right. Okay. Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly protested? In this lifetime, have you mainly protested? Anything else on that?

PC: No.

LRH: All right, it’s in. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to protest? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not protested? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly hidden? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to hide? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not hidden? All right. Well, any thought on that?

PC: Just thought those were all amusing.

LRH: All right. Any other thoughts that you’ve got there?

PC: No, just – like „In this lifetime have you mainly hidden,“ you know. Oh, dear!

LRH: All right. Okay. All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly revealed? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to reveal? You got another thought here, what was it?

PC: Well, I thought, why yes, some people would react on hidden, you know. Take a criminal or something like that, he would be hiding from the police, and so forth.

LRH: Hm. Yeah, all right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to reveal? Something about that?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not revealed? Have you mainly not revealed? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly made mistakes?

PC: [laughing]

Accusative, that wouldn’t… See many a pc taking umbrage at that!

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to mistake? I don’t get that at all! Failed to mistake.

PC: Failed to make mistakes, hm?

LRH: Hey, that’s – that’s probably right! Maybe that was a typo, huh?

PC: Hm!

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to make mistakes? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not made mistakes? All right, you had a thought a moment ago, what was it?

PC: Uh, I thought it would be very interesting – somebody you know.

LRH: That’s real…

PC: That was – I don’t know…

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly asserted? Flying needle here. In this lifetime, have you mainly asserted? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to assert? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not asserted? In this lifetime, have you mainly not asserted? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly changed? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to change? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not changed? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly damaged? Okay. In this lifetime, have you – that’s an awful accusative one, too, isn’t it…

PC: Hm, yes.

LRH: … when you get right down to it? All right. Any thought on that you didn’t utter?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to damage? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not damaged? Have you mainly not damaged? All right. Well, we’ve only had a couple in so far.

PC: Hm!

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly withdrawn? All right, that banged. What did you have to think about that?

PC: That this is one of the students’ levels. One student had that level assessed.

LRH: All right.

PC: It was the wrong level.

LRH: Hm?

PC: It was the wrong level.

LRH: Oh, all right. Check it again. In this lifetime, have you mainly withdrawn? Okay, it’s still in. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to withdraw? In this lifetime, have you mainly not withdrawn? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not withdrawn? All right, any thought on that? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not withdrawn? All right, not in.

In this lifetime, have you mainly convinced? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to convince? You have had a thought now.

PC: Had a thought. I noticed that we were in on the – uh – on some of the Prehav level levels, now. You know?

LRH: Hm, hm! In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to convince? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not convinced? Okay. Anything else? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly proven? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to prove? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not proven? Any thought there?

PC: No. There’s not much I haven’t not proven. The only thing I have not proven are all the scientific experiments. I never could get them to work out in the laboratory.

LRH: Uh – huh.

PC: So you might say I – I failed to prove conclusively all the principles of physics and chemistry.

LRH: All right.

PC: That’s about all I’ve not proved.

LRH: Okay. All right. Let me ask you that again. In this lifetime, have you mainly not proven? Have you mainly not proven? Have you mainly not proven? Nope. Out.

In this lifetime, have you mainly been right? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to be right? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not been right? What did you think about all that? That’s in.

PC: That’s in? Hm!

LRH: Hm?

PC: Well, I just remembered, along back there, that one of the students has „failed to be right“ as their level. You know? And so I sort of perked up my ears on it. That’s all.

LRH: Oh, all right. Very good, thank you. In this lifetime, have you mainly not… What’s that?

PC: I don’t know. I didn’t think of anything.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not been right? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not been right? All right. Anything more to say about that?

PC: Uh – uh.

LRH: That’s out. Not been right? Not been right? No, that’s out. Okay. Thank you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: In this lifetime, have you mainly been wrong? Accusative, isn’t it?

PC: Oh, dear!

LRH: All right.

PC: Hm.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime… I can see it now – some HGC pc really cutting and running on that!

PC: Yeah, ha.

LRH: … have you mainly been wrong. All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to be wrong? Okay. In this lifetime, have you not been wrong? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly won? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to win? Okay. Failed to win? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not won? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly lost? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to lose? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not lost? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly agreed? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to agree? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not agreed? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly disagreed? In this lifetime, have you mainly disagreed? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to disagree? You had a thought here of one kind or another.

PC: I’m suppressing a sneeze a little bit.

LRH: Hm?

PC: I was suppressing a sneeze, but it didn’t. . .

LRH: Well, go on and sneeze.

PC: No, it won’t sneeze.

LRH: All right. Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not disagreed? Have you mainly not disagreed? Something wrong with „mainly“? You keep binging a little bit on „mainly.“ There it is. There.

PC: Oh, isn’t that part of the saying right there, the plains, and the something or other and you know, the saying, you know, and mostly on the plains, mainly on the plains, the…

LRH: Oh! All right. All right, very good. In this lifetime, have you mainly not disagreed? Not disagreed? In this lifetime, have you mainly not disagreed?

In this lifetime, have you mainly ignored? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to ignore? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not ignored? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly decided? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to decide? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not decided? All right. Any thought on this?

PC: Uh – uh.

LRH: All right, in this lifetime, have you mainly propitiated? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to propitiate? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not propitiated? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly held off? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to hold off? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not held off? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly pulled in? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to pull in? All right, what was that?

PC: I thought – it sounded like getting into a bit of physical exercise type of business here, you know, pull in, push out…

LRH: Ha – all right.

PC: … push up and…

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to pull in? Failed to pull in? Any more thoughts on that? That seems to…

PC: No, you know, about the only thing I could think of, you know, like failing to pull in the anchor, or something, only I haven’t had any anchors to fail to pull in. But uh…

LRH: All right.

PC: It doesn’t make sense to me, frankly.

LRH: Oh, it doesn’t?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to pull in? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to pull in? All right. In this lifetime – in this lifetime, have you mainly not pulled in? Okay.

That’s better. A few more to go here, we’re doing fine. Well, we’ve got three more columns of them, to be precise.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: In this lifetime, have you mainly remained? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to remain? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to remain? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not remained? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly prevented? In this lifetime, have you mainly prevented? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to prevent? Oh, what are you thinking about there?

PC: I got a bit of the thought, that „endure“ is on this list, you know.

LRH: Oh, „failed to endure“?

PC: That’s right. After having been run for hours and hours and hours on the terminal, on that „endure,“ you know, I thought, oh, dear! That might be coming up soon!

LRH: All right, very good. All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to prevent? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not prevented? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly pressed on? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to press on? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not pressed on? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly avoided? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to avoid? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not avoided? All right. You’re having a big think here, of some kind or another.

PC: Oh, I was thinking that, yes, I suppose those levels – you know, I was trying to think of what people might answer to these sort of things. I found myself thinking about it. You know, a level like that…

LRH: Oh, all right. All right, very good. In this lifetime, have you mainly blocked? In this lifetime, have you mainly blocked? All right. Some thought about that level? That’s in.

PC: No, I thought of Arthur’s blocks and children’s blocks, and that sort of thing.

LRH: All right. Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to block? There’s something here.

PC: Ah, it just seems like an – a funny level to me. You know, I suppose it means putting barriers up. But, uh – every time you say blocked, you know, I think of blocking out incidents.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: And I think of – uh – blocks. And I think of failed to block.

LRH: All right, very good. In this lifetime, have you mainly blocked? In this lifetime, have you mainly blocked? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to block? All right. Those are not in. In this lifetime, have you mainly not blocked? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly retreated? In this lifetime, have you mainly retreated? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to retreat? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to retreat? In this lifetime, have you mainly not retreated? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly reached? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to reach? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not reached? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not reached? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly attacked? In this lifetime, have you mainly attacked? Big thought on this someplace?

PC: Attacked stayed in one time before. And then went out. I just remembered that.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly attacked? All right. It’s – it’s staying in this time. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to attack? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to attack? That’s not in. In this lifetime, have you mainly not attacked? All right, there’s a read on that. Anything else you care to say about it?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. Those two stayed in. All right.

In this lifetime… You got a thought going here.

PC: Well, I thought it was interesting, that one could attack, it would – both attack and not attacked are in, you know?

LRH: Hm.

PC: I suppose one can get a ridge built up on attacking and failing – not – not attacking, you know.

LRH: Hm.

PC: And that’s why both levels could read.

LRH: All right.

PC: Otherwise it sounds rather paradoxical.

LRH: You what?

PC: Otherwise it sounds rather paradoxical, you see.

LRH: All right. Okay. Anything else on that?

PC: No.

LRH: This needle’s gone mad.

PC: Oh, I suppose, yes, I was thinking, I wonder if „to attack“ was part of the Helatrobus goals.

LRH: Ah! All right. Thank you. Sorry to pester you about it. In this lifetime, have you mainly stopped? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly stopped? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to stop? All right. It’s not now in.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to stop? Well, what happened?

PC: I don’t know! I ha – I just – oh, I thought, that people would probably wonder why you said „That’s not in – failed to stop“ because they won’t know that – that was uh – a lower level.

LRH: I’m not particularly making this for anybody else.

PC: Oh, I see. All right.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to stop? It’s not in.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: In this lifetime, have you mainly not stopped? All right. We’ve picked up a hell of a dirty needle here, all of a sudden.

PC: It’s getting sort of long, wondering when we’re going to – sort of get through. I know we got two more columns.

LRH: Well, it’ll be over in just…

PC: Hm.

LRH: … just a moment. Thank you.

PC: Hm.

LRH: In this lifetime, have you mainly confronted? Well, you’ve got something more than that worrying you, lady.

PC: Oh, I suppose I’m wondering what level it would be. All I can think of.

LRH: All right, very good. That cleaned it up quite a bit. All right, in this lifetime, have you mainly confronted? In this lifetime, have you mainly confronted? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to confront? In this lifetime, have you mainly not confronted?

In this lifetime, have you mainly communicated? Have you mainly communicated? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to communicate? In this lifetime, have you mainly not communicated? All right. Thought here?

PC: I thought – possibly. Mm.

LRH: Hm. All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not communicated? Not communicated? Not communicated? In this lifetime, have you mainly not communicated? No, that’s in with a touch here. All right, we’ve got about five levels in, now.

All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly been prideful? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to be proud? Any thought here?

PC: I thought then – that’s the first time I’ve heard of that one. You know, and what’s that? Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to be proud? Some more challenge on this of some kind?

PC: I had a – was my itch.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to be proud? Boy, that reads! Nothing else about it?

PC: Uh – uh.

LRH: All right. That’s in. In this lifetime, have you mainly not been prideful? Mainly not been prideful? You mainly not been prideful? You’ve got something going here, man. Look at the number in all of a sudden.

PC: Mm. Well, it sort of began with „‘attack.“ And how could it be attack and not attacked, I thought. And then I was surprised when you said „been prideful,“ I thought, you know, prideful. I’ve never heard of prideful! I suppose it’s proud. You – you mean you’ve been proud!

LRH: All right.

PC: You know? And it started with some of these staying in, and I just didn’t understand, or dig, you know, like „failed to pull in,“ and „blocked“ – blocked! You know, the instant thing I thought of there was the children’s blocks.

LRH: Hm.

PC: You know? And um – that’s about all!

LRH: All right, thank you. I’m sure that cleaned up the needle quite a bit here.

PC: Hm.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not been prideful? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to be proud? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not been prideful? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly sympathized? In this lifetime, have you mainly sympathized? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to sympathize? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to sympathize? In this lifetime, have you mainly not sympathized?

In this lifetime, have you mainly recovered? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to recover? In this lifetime, have you mainly not recovered? All right. Two columns to go!

PC: Good!

LRH: We’ll be over this – very few…

PC: Very good!

LRH: … moments. Okay?

PC: Hm!

LRH: In this lifetime, have you mainly helped? In this lifetime, have you mainly helped? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to help? In this lifetime, have you mainly not helped? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly known? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to know? In this lifetime, have you mainly not known? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly caused? Have you mainly caused? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to cause? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not caused? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly believed? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to believe? In this lifetime, have you mainly not believed? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly cured? Cured? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to cure? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not cured? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly liked? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to like? In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked? All right. Have you mainly failed to like? Have you mainly not liked? Have a thought there?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. What’s the matter?

PC: I just was thinking, that was amusing.

LRH: What’s that?

PC: That – that was amusing, I thought.

LRH: All right. Very good. In this lifetime, have you mainly endured? In this lifetime, have you mainly endured? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to endure? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to endure? In this lifetime, have you mainly not endured?

PC: Only thing I can think of is who’s that and what have you endured? I’ve endured, endured and failed to endure in this lifetime. What have you failed to endure? ‘Endure!“ You know?

LRH: All right.

PC: Aw!

LRH: Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to endure? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to endure? In this lifetime, have you mainly not endured? Okay. They’re not in.

PC: Good.

LRH: In this lifetime, have you mainly abandoned? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to abandon? In this lifetime, have you mainly not abandoned?

In this lifetime, have you mainly given up? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to give up? In this lifetime, have you mainly not given up? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly been sane? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to be sane?

PC: Oh dear!

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not been sane? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly been curious? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to be curious? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not been curious? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly desired? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly desired? In this lifetime have you mainly failed to desire? Failed to desire? In this lifetime, have you mainly not desired? All right, anything you care to say now?

PC: Uh – uh.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime – in this lifetime, have you mainly enforced? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to enforce? In this lifetime, have you mainly not enforced?

In this lifetime, have you mainly inhibited? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to inhibit? In this lifetime, have you mainly not inhibited? Okay. One column left to go.

PC: Hm.

LRH: Okay? Hm?

PC: Good.

LRH: All right. Any comments you care to make here?

PC: Have a terrific somatic on an – on my arm. I don’t know where it turned on. But…

LRH: Yeah?

PC: Uh…

LRH: Is that so?

PC: Yeah. It’s been on for some time.

LRH: All right. Anything else about it?

PC: Uh – uh.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly had? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to have? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to have? In this lifetime, have you mainly not had?

In this lifetime, have you mainly looked? Give me a little rundown.

PC: Mainly I was suppressing moving my arm. It’s quite…

LRH: Hm?

PC: … it hurts quite bad.

LRH: Is that so?

PC: Badly. Yes. Hm. Oh, „looked!“ That’s an interesting level – I thought about being in Spain and…

LRH: Hm?

PC: … doing what the Spaniards do. And oh, how the look!

LRH: Yes. All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly looked? In this lifetime, have you mainly looked? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to look? In this lifetime, have you mainly not looked?

In this lifetime, have you mainly been serene? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to be serene? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly been enthusiastic? All right. In this lifetime, have you failed to be enthusiastic? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly been conservative? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to be conservative? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly been bored? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not been bored? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly been antagonistic? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not been antagonistic? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly been angry? Have you mainly been angry? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to be angry? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly resented? Okay. In this lifetime, have you failed to resent? All right. Failed to resent? In this lifetime, have you mainly not resented? Any thoughts here? No thoughts at all?

PC: Just trying to hold still…

LRH: All right.

PC: … in spite of my arm…

LRH: Still hurting you?

PC: Still hurts! Hm!

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not resented? I roughed up your needle now. Why is that? How’s that?

PC: That’s better.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not resented? Mainly not resented? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly feared? All right. Have you mainly feared? What’s the thought on that?

PC: I thought that that – I know two people who’ve had that as their level. Hm!

LRH: In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to fear? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to fear? What’s the big thought here? Failed to fear?

PC: I don’t know!

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to fear? Reads. All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly feared? In this lifetime, have you mainly feared? In this lifetime, have you mainly not feared? Oh come on, what do you got here?

PC: I haven’t really been thinking of a thing, except I know that „feared“ is two other people’s level. One level, I know, it didn’t run on them, and another level on another pc, I know, it didn’t run on this pc, another pc I know is being currently run on it.

LRH: Well, all right. Anything else about that?

PC: No, I just puzzled over „failed to fear.“ I haven’t failed to fear.

LRH: All right.

PC: I haven’t feared much either, but I certainly haven’t failed to fear!

LRH: Okay. All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to fear? Failed to fear? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not feared? In this lifetime, have you mainly not feared? All right. They’re both out.

In this lifetime, have you mainly been in grief? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to cry? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly been apathetic? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to be apathetic? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly inflowed? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to inflow? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly stopped inflow? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly outflowed? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to outflow? In this lifetime, have you mainly stopped outflow? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly…

PC: Sorry.

LRH: What?

PC: My foot was itching.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly stopped outflow? Some…

PC: No, I just noticed we’re down near the bottom, and I’ll be glad to get through with the list.

LRH: All right, very good. In this lifetime have you mainly stopped outflow? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly thought? There must be something else, everything is reading.

PC: No, I just would like to get on through, you know, and that’s a few more.

LRH: Oh, you’re on your „press on.“

PC: Yes, I’m on my „press on,“ you know.

LRH: All right, very good. Well, you’ve only got another half a dozen.

PC: Hm.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly thought? In this lifetime, have you mainly thought? In this lifetime, have you mainly thought? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to think? In this lifetime have you mainly not thought? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly thought? Okay.

In this lifetime, have you mainly evaluated? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly evaluated? Something going on here?

PC: No, just wondering what the pause was. What the pause was all about.

LRH: Hm. All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly evaluated? In this lifetime, have you mainly evaluated? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to evaluate? Something’s going on here.

PC: Hm. I’m – just can’t understand why we suddenly started going so slow! I said that I’m getting near the end of the list and I want to complete, you see.

LRH: All right. I don’t care if you are. That needle suddenly – you’ve pressed your needle into a complete…

PC: Yes!

LRH: … crash.

PC: I was just wanting – come on! You know? We’re almost through.

LRH: Why?

PC: Because I just would like to get a level, that’s why! You know? We’re almost through with the list!

LRH: All right. We bypass some charge here?

PC: No. Except it seems like an awful long wait!

LRH: All right. Have I gone across your level? Have I abandoned the right level? Mm-hm. All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly evaluated? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to evaluate? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not evaluated? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly had opinions about? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to have opinions about? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not had opinions about? All right. That’s it. Take a break!

LRH: All right. This session is resumed and we have about – oh, a very few of these levels in – only three or four. Four or five. Six, maybe. All right.

Anything you care to say before I start doing this? All right. Well, let me give you a fast one here. On this list has anything been suppressed? Yes? Hm?

PC: I suppressed – uh – impatience in getting through the list.

LRH: All right. On this list has anything been suppressed? Seen the read again.

PC: Some eagerness to get the level now.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Eagerness to get the level now, you know?

LRH: All right, very good. On this list, has anything been invalidated?

PC: Well, some of the ones I didn’t quite understand, you know, like „blocked“ and pulled in – „pull in,“ and uh – you know, like those.

LRH: All right, very good. Okay. List. A little something left on it.

PC: I’ve got some, you know, feel, got – feel somaticy, you know.

LRH: We ran across something here, didn’t we?

PC: Yes, and my head hurts, and ooh! So…

LRH: A rough go.

PC: Hm!

LRH: All right, let’s see what we’ve got here, okay?

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: Your ears sensitive?

PC: No, bit chilly. The room got a bit chilly. It’s warming up, I’ve turned the burner on.

LRH: You’ll be all right?

PC: Hm! Be okay.

LRH: Want to put a bathrobe over your legs?

PC: No, that’s fine.

LRH: You sure?

PC: Hm!

LRH: All right, anything else you care to say here? Yes?

PC: No.

LRH: All right.

PC: Felt like I was going to sneeze.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Felt like I was going to sneeze again, but I didn’t.

LRH: All right. Something else?

PC: Just my head hurts and I really don’t… Well, that’s all.

LRH: All right. Okay, let’s take up these levels now. And the first level we have – I’ve got a very dirty needle here.

PC: Well, I thought of, in the break, panorama, the South African information . . .

LRH: Ah!

PC: … book, and I thought that the government put out a very nice, interesting magazine, there, you see.

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: And um – I thought that – uh – and also they show pictures of the – of the 1948 German – uh – war orphans, who arrived and were adopted by South Africans, you know? And I thought that that was – um – you know . . .

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: … an interesting gesture.

LRH: Hm! All right, good. Anything else happen in the break? A little something. You jumped a half a tone arm high.

PC: Can’t think of anything else that happened in the break.

LRH: All right. Anything else upsetting you here? Is it trying to get on? Yes.

PC: Hm!

LRH: Press – on type.

PC: Press on! Charge!

LRH: All right. All right. Now, in this lifetime, have you mainly protested? Protested? In this lifetime, have you mainly protested? All right. Anything you care to say about that level?

PC: Hm, that’s one of the students level.

LRH: Hm?

PC: I know it’s one of the students’ level.

LRH: Yeah. All right. All right, good enough, it’s in. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to reveal? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to reveal? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to reveal? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to reveal? In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to reveal? All right, on this level has anything been suppressed? Yes – very badly.

PC: Well, it’s a button in the rudiments and, you know.

LRH: Hm – mm.

PC: I have – I know I failed to reveal. Whether that’s mainly what I’ve done in this lifetime, I don’t know.

LRH: All right, very good. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to reveal? All right, that’s in. Okay.

All right. Your needle’s pretty awful dirty.

PC: Well, I don’t

LRH: And your tone arm went up – way up during the break.

PC: Uh! Yeah, that’s all I did, I saw that South African magazine, and I thought that and I – and I thought about the blankets, and I thought… I didn’t even wonder about the levels, I didn’t even think about them. I just noticed that somatics had turned on, and I was feeling a bit, you know, bad.

LRH: Hm, hm – mm.

PC: And – um – that’s all. I hoped it came out to an interesting level – that’s about the only thing I’m worried about.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly withdrawn? Have you mainly withdrawn? That’s in.

In this lifetime, have you mainly attacked? In this lifetime, have you mainly attacked? They’re all in!

PC: Hm! I’m not thinking about them or saying well, that – you know, I’m not doing anything like that.

LRH: In this lifetime, have you mainly not attacked?

PC: The only thing I can think about is I am anxious, and – uh – you know – and hope I can get an interesting level, and hope that – uh – it’ll run all right, and hope that it’ll get a chain that will produce tone arm action and, you know, sort of getting down toward the bitter end, I would like to come up with something that is the level, you know?

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not attacked? In this lifetime, have you mainly not communicated? Have you mainly not communicated? Oh. Whoa, man – just whoa!

PC: Well, what do you want me to do?

LRH: I will take care of it.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. In this session – in this session has anything been suppressed? Yes?

PC: I’ve suppressed impatience, on getting on with it and getting my level.

LRH: All right, very good. In this session, has anything been suppressed?

PC: I suppose I suppressed levels that I didn’t – was – wasn’t particularly interested in or didn’t think I had anything on them, or something like that. I can’t really say that. I suppressed thinking about other things, during the session, and I suppressed my horror of waiting in the session.

LRH: Waiting?

PC: Waiting. Yes.

LRH: All right. We’re going to assess three things here. Felt bad. In this lifetime, have you mainly felt bad? In this lifetime, have you mainly felt bad? In this lifetime, have you mainly felt bad?

In this lifetime, have you mainly waited? Have you mainly waited? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to wait? Have you mainly failed to wait? All right.

Now, all right. Let me finish these rudiments. All right. In this session, including the break, has anything been suppressed? All right, I’ll check it on the meter. In this session, including the break, has anything been suppressed? Yessum?

PC: My hand moved. I suppose I suppressed somatics.

LRH: All right. In this session, including the break, has anything been suppressed? All right, did you think of anything else? In this session, including the break, is there anything you have been careful of? Yes?

PC: To hold still.

LRH: All right. In this session, including the break, is there anything you have been careful of? Yes?

PC: Not to ARC break.

LRH: All right, very good. In this session, including the break, is there anything you’ve been careful of? All right, in this session, including the break, is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? Yes?

PC: My level.

LRH: All right. In this session, including the break, is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? I got another one. What was that?

PC: I don’t know – I suppose I thought that maybe South Africa, in accepting the German war orphans, they liked – liked Germanic stock of people, you know, that kind of people.

LRH: Hm-hm. All right, very good. In this session, including the break, is there anything you failed to reveal? Yes ma’am?

PC: Well, if it is, I don’t know what it is, I failed to reveal it to myself.

LRH: All right. In this session, including the break, is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? All right. What – what’s the rest of the gen on these war orphans? That’s what’s had your tone arm up.

PC: Nothing. It’s just I saw a picture in the magazine of war orphans who came to South Africa in 1948. And I thought that was a very nice gesture, you know, because the rest of the Western world, and the rest of the world were putting them practically in concentration and DP camps, you see. And I thought that was a jolly decent thing; and I thought that they’d probably thought that – uh – German racially were a good stock to bring to the country, you know, as – uh – and then I also thought that they, with the scarcity of white population, naturally they would want a greater proportion of white population. And that’s all I thought about it!

LRH: All right, thank you.

PC: Hm.

LRH: All right. In this session – in this session, including the break, is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? All right. Is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? Something?

PC: Well, „failed to reveal“ is one of the levels that we have in that’s reading.

LRH: All right, thank you. In this session, including the break, is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? Good, that appears to be clean. In this session, including the break, has anything been invalidated? Has anything been suggested? All right, has a mistake been made? All right, what’s the mistake?

PC: Well, waiting, now, will always dirty my needle up. So sort of when I get the f – when I see you sort of looking at the needle, you know – and I’m waiting for something to happen in the session, I think, oh dear, my needle is going to get dirty.

LRH: Well, all right, very good. In this session, including the break, has a mistake been made? All right. In this session, including the break, has anything been protested? In this session, including the break, is there anything you’ve been anxious about? In this session, including the break, has anything been decided? All right. I don’t get any reads. How’s that?

PC: All right.

LRH: Your needle’s now clean. And you’ve lost your half – a – tone gain.

All right, let’s do these things again, huh?

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. You still haven’t got an ARC break?

PC: No.

LRH: Got an ARC break? A bit?

PC: No, I just was hoping let’s – let’s get on, you know? Before the needle dirties up again. If you’ve got a clean needle, make the most of it, you know?

LRH: All right. All right, in this lifetime, have you mainly protested? In this lifetime, have you mainly protested? All right, that’s out.

In this lifetime, have you mainly failed to reveal? All right, that’s out.

In this lifetime, have you mainly withdrawn? In this lifetime, have you mainly withdrawn? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly withdrawn? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly attacked? In this lifetime, have you mainly attacked? Okay. It’s out.

In this lifetime, have you mainly not attacked? Have you mainly not attacked? In this lifetime, have you mainly not attacked? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly not communicated? In this lifetime, have you mainly not communicated? In this lifetime, have you mainly not communicated?

All right, there’s something else going on here, now.

PC: It’s mostly facial pressure and somatics.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Around my face.

LRH: Something about your face?

PC: Noticing facial pressure and somatics.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime – in this lifetime, have you mainly felt bad? In this lifetime, have you mainly felt bad? Anything about that level?

PC: Hm.

LRH: In this lifetime, have you mainly felt bad? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly waited? In this lifetime, have you mainly waited? In this lifetime, have you mainly waited? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked? In this lifetime, have you mainly stopped outflow? Well, what thoughts have you had there?

PC: „Waited?“ I thought, well, yes I certainly have waited around a lot. Well, I just noticed them going out and then I hoped they weren’t going out because I – because of suppress, or anything like that.

LRH: All right. Good enough. In this lifetime, have you mainly stopped outflow? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly stopped outflow? Have you mainly stopped outflow? Stopped outflow? Stopped. Stopped.

Now, all right. In this lifetime, have you mainly felt bad? In this lifetime, have you mainly felt bad? Have you mainly felt bad? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly not communicated? Have you mainly not communicated? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked? In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked? In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked? Yes – all right.

PC: That reminds me of a Prehav – hav – uh – level that we used to run on 3D Criss Cross. That was dislike and, you know, what have you disliked? And I think we came up with something, I forget what it was we came up with.

LRH: We did what?

PC: A 3D Criss Cross line on that. It was disliked. What have you disliked?

LRH: Hm.

PC: You know?

LRH: You listed this at one time…

PC: Yeah.

LRH: … or another? Similar.

PC: Hm.

LRH: All right. Very good. In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked? In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked? Still with us.

All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not communicated? All right. Now, on that level has anything been suppressed?

PC: I suppose communication.

LRH: Hm?

PC: It was communication and I know we’ve had that in reading, sometimes, you know, before.

LRH: All right. On not communicated has anything been suppressed? Yes, a tiny bit.

PC: Oh, I think it would be easy to list, I suppose, I suppress thinking that.

LRH: All right. On this level, has anything been suppressed? Yeah, another suppression?

PC: Listing on it.

LRH: All right. On this level has anything been suppressed? I got another suppression. You don’t think so?

PC: I don’t think so.

LRH: The level itself kind of is a suppress.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. On not communicated has anything been suppressed? All right, that seems clean. On not communicated, has anything been invalidated? Apparently a bit of invalidation.

PC: Well, I suppose the other level being in invalidates it.

LRH: All right, what level?

PC: The other level that we have that’s in, on the list. Because there are two level – two levels in, or something like that, so each one invalidates the other. Um, um, also when we got to that point before and it was in, you said, “Ah, there’s something wrong here.“ And you got in all the rudiments. So that tended to invalidate the read that was on that.

LRH: Oh, all right. Now, okay. Now, on this level has anything been invalidated? Another invalidation?

PC: It seems like it almost came out on the list before on the Prehav Scale. I’m not sure whether it is or not. It got invalidated in favor of something else.

LRH: All right. On this level has anything been invalidated? I got another read here.

PC: Well, I’m protesting the question now, I really don’t have…

LRH: Are you protesting.

PC: Yes…

LRH: All right.

PC: … I am.

LRH: Very good. On this level has anything been invalidated?

PC: The rudiments! And invalidate!

LRH: All right, very good. On this level, has anything been invalidated? Anything been invalidated? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not communicated? Have you mainly not communicated? In this lifetime, have you mainly not communicated?

Are you suppressing this now, or anything? In this lifetime, have you mainly not communicated? Have you mainly not communicated? All right. Now, on this level, has anything been suppressed? On this level, has anything been suppressed? All right. What did you think of?

PC: Oh, the buttons tend to suppress it because they’re going on and on and on and on and sort of a protest on the – on mid ruds.

LRH: All right. On this level has anything been suppressed? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not communicated? Mainly not communicated? All right. That is to some degree still with us. Not communicated? All right. Anything been invalidated here? Mistake been made?

All right, here’s the other level that’s in. In this lifetime have you mainly not liked? In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked? That level is out. On this level has anything been suppressed? Yes?

PC: Yes, I realized I was alter – ising it every time you said it. Not liked, I would think disliked.

LRH: Oh, all right. On this level, has anything been suppressed? Another tick.

PC: I couldn’t think of what it was we got assessed out on the 3D Criss Cross line, on disliked.

LRH: Hm-hm. All right. On not liked, has anything been suppressed? All right, on not liked, has anything been invalidated? Okay. In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked? What have you got – what are you thinking about?

PC: I keep thinking that – I keep objecting to „not liked.“ You know? It’s disliked. You know?

LRH: You’re trying to alter – is this thing?

PC: Trying to alter – is it. But I suppose I can accept it as „not liked,“ and let it be „not liked,“ instead of trying to change it to disliked. But I would never say I not – liked something, you know.

LRH: I see, there’s a continuous protest on this level.

PC: Um!

LRH: Is that right?

PC: Um!

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked? In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked? Not liked? In this lifetime, have you mainly disliked? In this lifetime, have you mainly disliked? In this lifetime, have you mainly disliked? There’s a slight stick on disliked.

PC: I keep thinking, well, if it does assess out then I’ve already done a list on it, and I won’t have to do any listing.

LRH: Oh? Oh – yeah? All right. Good. In this lifetime, have you mainly disliked? In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked? Not liked? Not liked? All right. What gives with this level?

PC: I don’t know.

LRH: All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked? In this lifetime, have you mainly disliked? In this lifetime, have you mainly disliked? On this has anything been suppressed? I didn’t get a read. In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked? Not liked?

All right, on this level has anything been suppressed? On this level, has anything been protested? On this level, has anything been decided? All right.

In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked? Not liked? In this lifetime, have you mainly disliked? In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked? Got any thoughts about this level?

PC: No, just seems a bit derogatory – like in this lifetime, have you mainly not liked. It’s like I’ve been going around mainly not liking. You know?

LRH: Oh, you think it is critical?

PC: I think it’s a bit critical. Yes. You know?

LRH: All right. Very good. Thank you.

In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked? Have you mainly not liked? All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not liked?

All right. We’ll try the other level. In this lifetime, have you mainly not communicated? In this lifetime, have you mainly not communicated?

All right. In this lifetime, have you mainly not communicated? All right. Not communicated is out and not liked is in.

All right. Just a minute. I’ll straighten this out. Why? You protesting the assessment?

PC: No. I just – I – I had a feeling like it would come out to be something that I wasn’t particularly interested in. You know. I could see myself getting a chain on when’s the last time you disliked or not liked – you know – cabbage or something like that.

LRH: I see. You’ve been thinking about this since we…

PC: No, I just thought of that.

LRH: All right.