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CONTENTS COURAGE PROCESSING Cохранить документ себе Скачать
(C/S Booklet)


Lecture 47 - Disc 51
A Lecture Given on 28 January 1954
58 Minutes

And this is the 28th of January, 1954, afternoon lecture. And this afternoon we’re going to take up what else you can do with, more or less, this same process.

You’ve seen that there is something to, now, this processing “courage.” Courage, of course, processed that way is, evidently, the first entrance below serenity into resistance and it’s resistance itself which brings about the single aberration of restriction. If you want to know what an aberration is, it’s restriction.

And so the first entrance into flows would then be courage, but it happens to be a soluble particle. Courage is not bad, nobody is damning courage, you understand. It’s just the fact that it just takes more than the thetan thinks he has to mock-up, to knock out this system of ridges which are the communication systems of the individual.

If you believe you are handling anything else but a communication system, I invite you to put somebody on the E-Meter while you’re running some courage on him and when it goes clonk, you investigate further. And you will find him in a facsimile. And if you will continue to run the courage or handle that as an automaticity, I invite you to run him a little bit further, at which time you will see the E-Meter go clonk again and you will be in another facsimile. And then you run some more courage and you will see the E-Meter go clonk and he’ll be in another facsimile.

What are we trying to do? We’re trying to get a straight line from C, thetan, to E, body. Well, there’s a couple ways of doing it: and one of those ways is just to ignore any lines and process on 8-C, which to a large degree simply ignores any lines, neglects them. Or process on the other process which you have there, which is just a straight communication process with a catalyst particle. This is a communication process using a catalyst particle which plows through the lines.

All of a sudden, this will start to make sense to you. I’ve had to teach you about automaticity. You should teach somebody all about automaticity and give him a very clear understanding of automaticity and randomity before you try to teach him anything about Courage Processing, because it turns on so many automaticities. And the main automaticity it turns on is “body out of control,” so you just handle that as you would any other automaticity. It’s a very simple matter: all you have to do is have the preclear mock it up approximating it or be it or be alternately himself and it. Any other method we have of handling automaticity handles this automaticity.

But this is the kingpin turner-upper of automaticities: Courage Processing. And you can turn up more serious automaticities in less time with this type of processing than anything else I’ve ever run into. Had this one for quite a while, but an auditor who isn’t grounded in randomity, communication, automaticity and a dozen other things, such as from Know down to Sex and so forth, the Tone Scale and so on, he’s liable to get very, very badly adrift.

Here is a process which is something like flying a very, very hot airplane. If you were to take somebody who was trained on a little Taylorcraft or something of the sort and then shove him into the cockpit of this Courage Processing, it’d take more nerve than he would have. Furthermore, it is not a process which can be generally released, because it takes too much out of the auditor.

The auditor is sitting there being serene, running the hottest process he could run. He's sitting there being courageous, in the face of a hot process, with all of the courage that he mocks-up and all the serenity he mocks-up and all the calmness he mocks-up just being dragged down to the bottom of the barrel, swoosh, by the preclear. Kind of amusing that you have this degree of action here.

Now, there’s been some of you walking around in circles saying, “We want action, we want action, we want action, we’ve got to have action, we’ve got to have action.” Well, the amount of climb that a preclear has to take from Homo sap to Operating Thetan has never been any shorter than the distance it has been. It isn’t any shorter at this moment it won’t be any shorter tomorrow. It is the same amount of stuff. Let’s call it eight hundred billion miles of stuff. And just because we invent a new process, this stuff doesn’t get any closer or the communication situation doesn't change. None of the phenomena changes.

Now, whenever you have a problem with the preclear, it is actually a problem in restriction and that’s all. Totality of the problem is summed up under restriction. You could state it in numbers of ways, but that’s a real close, narrow, fast way. He’s restricted. He can’t receive or reject. He can’t accept or reject. He’s restricted in motion, he’s restricted in action, restricted in space. He has too much space or too little space, too much motion or too little motion.

Now, restriction is the thing this universe specializes in, since it pounds at an individual on a 360-degree sphere with every type of wavelength which it has. Therefore, with this 360-degree sphere we find the preclear getting smaller. We might expect him to eventually wind up running a small pebble or an atom in the pebble, if the universe held good and continued to be a trap. Very likely, this happens. I don’t know, as far as that’s concerned, even whether it’s important or not.

But it is important that it requires more darn serenity than a preclear is able to mock-up where he sits in a body and requires more courage than he is able to assemble while sitting there in a body. In fact, the universe requires more than he can deliver while sitting in a body. And it ain’t safe, folks. It just isn’t safe.

Now, you can go on theorizing and saying it’s all very well to talk about exteriorization and so forth-these techniques work on somebody interiorized. Sure, they do. But even the state of Theta Clear isn’t very safe. Fellow can knock back in, simply because he hasn’t ever, anywhere on the track, drilled himself up to an ability to create the necessary quantities of thises and thats necessary to handle existence. Were you able to create, from one corner of this universe to the other, enough serenity-so that it would stay there, you know, not just be soaked up by the whole universe-were you able to create this, this universe would disappear.

Now, you can think all you want to about blowing it up savagely and suddenly and pulling off its pins and knocking it down one way or the other, but you wouldn’t get very far. Violence only begets more restriction. If you don’t believe this, fire a twelve-gauge shotgun sometime. Put it lightly to your shoulder (don’t bother to press it against your shoulder very much) and hold it rather loosely and pull the trigger. Well, where the bullets landed and where you landed received the same foot-poundage. So, that’s violence. That’s the use of force-force particle.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with using force so long as an individual can handle force. You handle force by interiorizing and exteriorizing or by mocking it up or unmocking it. What we’re dealing with, with SOP 8-0, is how to handle this universe rather than, really, how to make a guy happy.

So, let’s look over this problem and realize that we’re dealing with a finite, unchanging, stable problem. The problem now, as stated, is terrifically stable. The MEST universe is a game consisting of barriers. The handling of a form depends upon the control of the form. In order to play the game all the way, you have to handle a form of some sort. If you’re going to get around and handle the form around barriers, you’d sure better know about forms and you sure better know about barriers. That form, every time it’s matched up on the wavelength of this universe, is just going to get pounded and pounded and hammered and hammered and hammered and hammered and caved-in more and more and more. And it’s not going to do any outflowing, all it’s going to do is inflow.

Well, then you, handling that form, agreeing with it continually, mocking yourself up continually so that it will act, had certainly better never slip on this one. Your health, as a thetan, depends on your ability to emanate. And the health of the MEST universe depends on its ability to emanate. Where the MEST universe cannot emanate, it dies. It gets down to a final spot and explodes, as plutonium, actually It’s very curious, but it’s rigged so that it can’t get down to a spot where it can’t emanate. There is always a more dense state from which it will, eventually, emanate.

Well life, confronted with this tremendous automaticity can use it only so long as life understands that it is a static, that it is more vital to be able to create a form than it is to preserve one, that one should be able to exteriorize out of and interiorize into anything, that one should be able to fix and unfix his attention and fix and unfix other attentions, at will, and one should be able to dematerialize and rematerialize anything. And if one could do that, this universe holds no qualms. None. And when one can’t do that, it’s a deathtrap.

Now, if you will explain to me just how an individual can do other than go into a dwindling spiral on something which pounds him from 360-degree sphere, continually, and lets him emanate very slightly indeed-the entering wave is going faster than the departing wave; therefore, always, some particles of the wave remain, every time it reflects. And when you see that this is additive mass and that this additive mass principle itself is quite sufficient to bog him down in mass, if you see that, you’ll recognize that that is jail. Jail is merely a dramatization of this.

You’ll find any preclear that doesn’t exteriorize well is, actually, basically terrified of this universe, but he’s wasting courage by being apathetically effortful about it. He is. He’s just going along and trying to ignore it all. And he’ll get through, muddle through somehow, he figures. And as we run this, some of the darnedest manifestations take place. He finds out he can’t touch anything. He doesn’t dare touch anything. He is so afraid of these barriers, of this space and this thing called time, that he’s frozen into an immobility which will not permit him to emanate, because he will not be able to get past the barriers, of course. He knows he can’t emanate, because he knows there are barriers.

Basically this universe is a conviction that there are barriers. A little bit higher, it’s a conviction that there’s a game. Doesn’t matter whether there’s a game or isn’t a game. Doesn’t matter whether it’s a game of barriers or a game of holes. We’re not interested in that, it’s just games can be all sorts of things.

An Operating Thetan, by definition, is one who is able to continue in this universe and to handle it as a thetan without a secondary agency called a body. It’s by definition. It is not an absolute state. But the state begins when an individual understands and can perceive what actually is occurring to him as a thetan and that there is a solution to his problem. This is the first rung of the ladder.

Now, there is a solution to his problem and his problem is, one, “How do I continue to exist in this game and maintain some stability, in terms of restriction, so that I am not continually being more restricted against my own determinism and so that I am put into a state, finally, where I can no longer remedy the restrictions which have been laid upon me. How do I get out of that state? What do I have to do to continue out of that state and still be able to play the game?”

Well, one can continue to play the game only if one can exteriorize out of anything and interiorize into anything and as long as one does not have any complete dependency upon MEST or mass.

Now, in Change of Space Processing, a thetan learns with great rapidity, with great rapidity, that distance is not a barrier. The next thing he learns is that masses are not barriers, simply by you interiorizing him and exteriorizing him, in terms of masses. You know, you put him into large masses and out of large masses and have him go in and out of them and so forth. At first he gets considerable sensation from this, rather unwillingly, and then this sensation drifts away and then he can have the sensation or not, but he can also get in and out of masses with great ease. And he can move himself in and out of masses. All right.

And let’s take attention. There’s always the problem that his attention may get so fixed upon something that he cannot remove it. He’s afraid of this, that’s why he won’t look. So we have to remedy that and have him fix and unfix his attention and be able to fix and unfix the attentions of others. If he can’t do the latter, you see, he’s not going to win very much in the game, because their intention is to fix and unfix his attention. So he’s up to just middle when he can merely unfix and fix his own attention. He’s got to be twice as high as that.

Well, we have this particle called courage. How easy is it to process? Process is restimulative to the auditor. It requires that the auditor understand the principles of automaticity and randomity and how they are handled in a preclear. It requires that an auditor has some understanding of gradient scales: knowing where he should enter the case (there is always some level of case where the individual can get courage). And knowing, of course, Scientology in general, because this is the center backbone of Scientology that we’re talking about and it runs off in many directions.

Well, how does it apply to everything and anything? Very easy to do, to apply it. But he should see that he isn’t dealing with something specialized that has to do with corset stays and won’t apply the second you go into shoelaces. He’s always expecting the “shoelace preclear” to show up, you know? Won’t work on this preclear.

Well, let’s see how many ways you can use courage. Well, you can use it in the same mode as used in Step IV. And not only can use it, but now that you’ve had a taste of blood, you jolly well better had. Use it in terms of wasting, saving, accepting, desiring and being curious about it, in brackets, and you beat that one to death! You’ve got to put in, probably, on a preclear who doesn’t exteriorize easily, just to get him to exteriorize and stabilize him and so forth, you’ve probably got to put in at least an hour of “wasting courage.”

Now, you’ve seen this thing working fairly fast. Well, you better look at it working a lot faster, because it starts working like a hurricane the second you do this. Fellow finally perceives his own chronic emotional state, as a waste of courage, because that’s what he’s doing. And he will suddenly start running this and expecting the emotion to kick back at him and the emotion that he’s going to run out and all these choice emotions that he’s been having come in and fly out and change and so forth and by golly, here he is, stuck with something that’s awfully familiar-it’s him! Only he’s running him as part of a bracket of wasting courage. Fantastic.

In other words, you can run out the chronic emotional state of the preclear with Step IV, SOP 8, applied to courage.

Now, you can also take side panels on it and take nobility and applause or admiration, just for the sake of variation, but I wouldn’t stray much further than that, unless it is to “waste serenity.” But you won’t be wasting any serenity on anybody until you’ve just wasted the dickens out of courage.

Now, you know how to run a bracket and you know that the preclear has got to be sure that he is wasting it. As he runs brackets in wasting, he does not have to be able to get good mock-ups. All he needs is an impression, but he’s got to be certain that he is wasting it, certain that it is being saved.

Now, all these qualification mechanisms are simply significances kicking in, the qualification mechanisms. The individual says, “Well, now, let’s see. We’ll pour it down a rat hole. No. No, that really wouldn’t be wasting it, because there’s liable to be a rat down there and ...” Now, that tail end there is the qualification, which in itself is uncertainty, because one is going further and further out, further and further away, from certainty. As one departs from C to E, is a communication.

When you can be certain what is the source, why, you’re real certain. And when you’re as certain that there’s a pre-source, a side source, a parallel source and a diathermic source, you had certainly better look further because that’s not certainty. You just better look a little further, you know, and find the parabolic source and the hyperbolic source and this-a-sources and that-a-source. “Is it John that punched me in the nose or was it the fact that his wife scolded him this morning? She is the author of the punch in the nose. No, that wouldn’t be it because the milkman made her mad.” And here we go running off.

Now, you will see auditors doing this with processes. You’ll see them doing this with investigation. Instead of trying to climb one long consistent ladder, you will see them going off into the deeper significances of. And you take almost all of the Homo sapiens at large, if given the slightest opportunity, he merely dives into the deeper significance of and finally winds up with religion. He just abandons the whole thing and says, “Well, it’s all God and God’s everyplace and I’m nothing.” He gives an identity to his enemy.

His enemy is actually his own ignorance. His own ignorance of what? Of himself.

Now, as you process this, you make sure that preclear knows he’s wasting it. And then have him get somebody else up there and have this other person waste it, you know? Idea that somebody else is there, a specific person, and that person wastes some courage. And then, we get two other people up there, you have him get two other people or the idea of two other people and have one of these make the other one be courageous in such a way as to waste it. You know, one of them making the other one waste some courage. In other words, be courageous-have Papa and Mama there and Mama making Papa courageous about buttoning his shirt.

Now, as you run this, your preclear will come up and scrape bottom.

Every once in a while, you have some preclear who tells you he keeps on going down and sooner or later he will reach bottom. Of course, he’s dramatizing some sort of a fall engram. But he just goes on and on and on finding something deeper and something deeper and something more significant about how wrong it all is. And when he gets down to the final point of how wrong it all is, why, of course, he finds that he was wrong. That is the inevitable answer. If one starts to find anything wrong, he will eventually discover that it is he who is wrong. What is wrong about him? What’s really wrong about him is he’s finding something wrong. Anybody who starts on this mad career of trying to find something wrong will eventually find out that it’s himself.

You can even run this in a process: you can have somebody find something wrong with a corner and other things wrong with a corner-he’ll line charge probably before you get him there, but if you kept this up, why, he’d eventually find out that it wasn’t the corner, it was himself. And yet you were just asking him to find things wrong with the corner-fictitious things there. And he’d finally wind up with the fact that it is wrong with himself.

Well now, the preclear has already run that course. He’s looked at the MEST universe and found everything wrong with the MEST universe and finally it’s wrong with him. You see, that’s why he’s sitting there. He’s found out what’s really wrong is himself. That was his first major discovery.

Well, he’s already run the circuit and the circuit is “everything is wrong but me.” The circuit began, really, with “there’s something wrong with that” and then, “there’s something wrong with that and that because they’re connected with that" and then “there’s something wrong with that and that and that and that and that, because they’re connected with the that.” But I’ve forgotten what the first “that” was, so it must be “everything wrong in that area.” Now it’s “everything wrong all the way around here.” Now it’s “everything wrong above and below and beyond.” And now it’s “everything wrong, everything wrong, everything wrong, it’s all bad, it’s all bad over there, it’s all bad over there, it’s all bad over there, it’s all bad here.” And he’s been through that course and that has been life to him in the last 76 trillion years.

Now, it is indeed miraculous that you can come along and in a few hours bail him out of this existence where everything is wrong and everything is wrong and everything is wrong. And you can back run that track.

I give you the matter of associative restimulators and restimulators in general, as covered in the First Book. You will find that there is something wrong in the environment, so therefore the individual finds the entire environment wrong, yet he has never spotted the first thing that was wrong with the environment. He just knows there’s a feeling about it.

Well, an individual setting up resistances against the environment will eventually get to the point where the environment is pulling on him. The resistance has inverted, in other words. You see that? He’s resisted until he’s being pulled by his own resistance, he’s being pulled outwards. Well, that’s an inversion. Now, he resists some more in that degree and finally resists to where he is pulled outwards again, by his own inversion. And then he resists some more until he’s poured outwards again-it takes about nine of these things to spin a guy in complete. And you’ll see these unfold in a preclear as you run him and you’ll see these inversions taking place. Pushes and pulls and so forth.

He will get a tremendous tension against the room or he’ll get large feelings of pressure out in front of him where there isn’t anything and all sorts of queer manifestations show up. You don’t pay any attention to those manifestations as pressures. What you pay attention to are the automaticities which turn up only when they are automaticities which demonstrate to him he cannot control a form! That’s the only automaticity you pay any attention to in Courage Processing.

Any automaticity which turns up could be handled. What’s an automaticity? Some wild manifestation. A bunch of sparks suddenly fly out in front of the preclear. He didn’t determine this was going to be. It’s very surprising, a bunch of sparks flew out. And you could handle that. You could just have him throw some more sparks out and it’d undoubtedly be very revelatory, but you’re not interested in that. You’re only interested in the fact when he gets down to a point of where he feels like he’s going to shake himself to pieces or go appetite over tin cup. That’s when you start paying attention to that automaticity and that’s the automaticity: the automaticity of non-control of a form.

All of a sudden as you’re running this, he gets the picture of his mother. She dashes in one door and out the other door and flies in through the roof and flops all over the floor. That’s an automaticity of Mother-form. So you handle it. How long do you handle it? Just enough to take the edge off. What are you doing? You’ve just knocked out a ridge of some sort or another, so let’s just knock it out. What knocked it out? Particle flow. So let’s get some more particle flow going.

If you don’t handle these automaticities as they come through, a preclear is liable to become very, very, very upset and very, very uncomfortable. This is an auditor failure when an automaticity of form turns up on the subject of control and he lets it go by, because the case will have a tendency to slow down because the case gets afraid that something new and strange may happen. And the auditor merely demonstrates to him that he can handle this, to some degree, and keeps on going. That’s in the interest of morale and also in the interest of mechanics.

Now, where does this process stop, as far as the body is concerned? Well, I can tell you as I sit here right now, I know many of you are going to overrun the exteriorization point by at least five, ten, fifteen hours. I’ll bet you, sooner or later, somebody here may overrun an exteriorization point for some preclear about twenty-five hours’ worth before he suddenly wakes up to the fact that, “Hey, you know, he could have exteriorized anywhere along this line.”

Now, the thetan is clamping the body because he’s afraid the body will go out of control. As you run the Courage Processing, these fears of going out of control are edged off. The thetan doesn’t have as hard a grip on the body anymore. He might not really be improving much on his ability to mock-up courage or serenity, he might not be improving terribly. He might have taken a little sag on it. That doesn’t matter. It’s how many beams has he got clamped on this body, how many somatics is he holding in so that he can hold them off? That’s what’s important.

Now, every time you hit one of these automaticities, some of the fear goes off of the case. And after just so much of it’s gone off, you could say, “Be three feet back of your head” and the fellow would be back there, but he’d be working much better as a certain exterior than interiorized, because what’s the idea of trying to clean up all the GE ridges, too? Because this technique has the liability of pouring too much through the GE ridges. So, hold it down. Get him out as soon as you can.

You’re just running this, just long enough, so that you can get him out. He might as well be interiorized into a stove. He might as well be interiorized into a book or a block of wood. It doesn’t matter what he’s interiorized into, he happens to be interiorized into a body. That’s incidental beyond this: the block of wood won’t come apart and the body will.

I don’t know how many hours it would take to actually start knocking a body apart, but it probably would take a hundred or so. It would take, from my estimates of it, quite a bit of processing to start knocking a body to pieces with Courage Processing. Many a preclear, if he hears this remark, is liable to immediately say, “Well now, better not be used on me, because the body is liable to come apart.” That’s what he’s afraid will happen, you see? The thetan thinks he’s holding the body together. The body is a set of automatic machinery and perceptions which hold together out of its own automatic machinery. The delusion of the thetan is that he’s holding it together. He isn’t. He’s controlling it, he isn’t holding it together.

It’s a horrible thing for a thetan when he finally realizes that every effort he ever made to hold the body together was a negative gain. Every time he tried to hold the body together in some fashion or another, he merely succeeded in aberrating his own communication system. If he wanted to mock-up bodies and remedy the havingness, that’s something else.

Well, here we have what the thetan can do and can’t do for a form. He can create one, he can cause one to persist and he can destroy one and he can repair one by remedying its mass, by additions or deletions, but he can’t hold them together. He can’t make energy press against energy and get any result at all and he never will be able to.

All right.

What can happen to your preclear, as you process, that’s wrong or bad? Mostly havingness, if not totally havingness. Courage Processing destroys or upsets mass. And having destroyed or upset mass in the individual, you get the individual unable to be in the same balance that he was in and so he doesn’t feel as well. And he gets colds and other kinds of things, just because this mass has not been remedied.

Well, how do you know when a mass is going to be remedied or not remedied or when you ought to or shouldn’t or something of the sort? When should you start remedying mass? Well, it’s when the preclear starts to drop down tone, of course. He’s got too much of something or too little of something and it generally is too little of something.

Well, how do you feed him mass? Well, how do you control these automaticities? You can actually control the automaticities and help his mass out at the same time with this kind of a tricky little process: you make him mock-up the body flopping all over the place and then falling dead as a result and then have him pick the mock-up and stick it in himself. That’ll remedy mass.

You can have fifteen bodies out in front of him all going out of control simultaneously and then smash them all together and make one body which is in control and then shove it into him-remedy mass-so that we have an excellent way of shooting two processes with one command. Instead of letting him run these automaticities out there and forgetting about them, we let him run these automaticities out there and they flop around all over the place and so forth and then we just use what mass he has created. It isn’t we’re trying to conserve mass or anything of the sort. It’s just it’s a little shorter way of going about it.

All right. Now, where do we have a breakdown in the process? The auditor. The auditor will fail to enter the case at a sufficiently low point where the case can actually feel some courage or get some courage of one kind or another.

The auditor may fail to communicate with the preclear to find out what’s happening. The auditor may not pay enough attention to communication lags and their changes. The auditor may have a tremendous piece of restimulation on his own hands if he himself isn’t Clear and so have a tendency to suppress the whole process. And that has been done. He may be so anxious not to get the preclear out of control that the best thing to do is kind of kill the preclear or throw him into apathy or something, so he does.

Well, good auditing, then, would be to follow through with the process, stay in communication with the preclear, discover what the preclear is doing, discover how he is doing it, find out when the automaticities turn up and handle them as they come, and vary the process sufficiently with unlimited processes so that the preclear doesn’t have a tendency to go entirely out of balance. Run some nothing, run this and run that.

Well, you have an enormous array of processes. When you start in with 8-C and they go through a nice solid basic process of putting things in walls and so forth (which is very easy to do), mock-up of various emotions, runs through in the handling of automaticity, Beingness Processing, when you make the person be this and be that and pretend he’s this and pretend he’s that. Very effective. You have Creative Processing, where you have the individual mock-up these various things. You have Havingness Processing where you make the individual accept and reject various things. And he’ll exteriorize on practically any of these.

But if he’s real bad off, he won’t exteriorize until he has some certainty that he can control a body from outside. And so we get up to Courage Processing and this turns it on but good and this makes him let go. He’ll let go and back out and be certain he’s out of his head.

Now, why doesn’t a preclear perceive? What is perception, anyhow? Perception is inverted resistances. He never gets the wave back that he sends out. He can’t control it after it’s gone, he can’t make it reflect off of anything, so he can’t emanate light to make things glow. Everything he throws out gets absorbed.

Well, he can’t handle wavelengths when he’s doing that. You know, you say, "Turn everything gold” and he can’t turn everything gold and then see it gold. Well, it must be that the environment is soaking up whatever he’s throwing out there to turn things gold. Well, so he’d better shift it around and get off of a stuck wavelength problem.

Well, why is it that the eyes see all colors? They see all colors simultaneously because they’re kind of on a stuck band. The light band is stuck and kind of glued together and compressed. It’s fantastic seeing all these colors at the same time. You actually have to take and tune yourself up simultaneously to about twenty wavelengths and that’s quite a band to see on. So you’ll find an Operating Thetan quite routinely sees things as all gold or all green. And if he wants to see everything with all colors and so forth, why, he just simply sort of jams the color band and then he can see everything with all colors and then pull it apart again. Seeing with all colors simultaneously is an automaticity.

Talking into air gives him a fixation on air. Breathing air gives him a fixation on air and he gets stuck on air. If you ask him to send out on the wavelength of air a lightning bolt, it won’t go ten feet. If you ask him to send one out, not on the wavelength of air, it’ll go just as far as it’ll go out in empty space. It’ll, by the way, affect bodies just as neatly, this one that’s not on the wavelength of air. A fellow is right on the surface of Earth and he’s handling energy which is not on the wavelength of air, it’ll affect bodies just as neatly.

All right. Remedy of havingness. Your preclear has always got too much and too little. He’s in an unbalanced state. If you run a preclear up to a point-you interiorize him and exteriorize him out of things and stuff and stones and that sort of thing, you should check him afterwards for a remedy of any idea that he has that he’s just a concept or something. You know, he hasn’t anything to identify as himself. He becomes unhappy as a result.

How do you remedy havingness? The crudest way to remedy it is to have the fellow, while exteriorized, put eight anchor points around himself and snap them in on himself, then not throw it away, just keep it. And put out eight more anchor points around himself, new ones, and snap those in and eight more and snap those in and eight more and snap those in and eight more and snap those in, until he has a sizable mass. He gets real happy when you do this.

Okay. Single aberration, of course, is time. Time is a co-action of particles and being the co-action of particles, when one tries to restrain two particles from coming together or from separating-when he is using his own energy to do this-he is, in effect, suspending himself slightly in time. See? So that control and time tic in together because control is essentially handling particles. Competence is simply getting two particles to coincide or not coincide at will. That’s competence. And when you can get these particles handled, you have no trouble with time. Well, if you can’t handle particles, you have trouble with time. Quite obvious, because time is the co-action of particles.

And where an individual has markedly failed to keep two particles apart or to separate two particles, why, he has to that degree become stuck in time. So this is what is known as being “stuck on the time track” and that is the basic mechanism of being stuck on the time track. The difference being is the individual has approximated particles of his own, which he says are intimately made up by himself, for the control of particles in the MEST universe itself. And a MEST universe particle is a different kind of a particle from the kind he’s mocking-up to control it with. The MEST universe particles are still kicking around. The particles of the Santa Maria are probably scattered to the four ends of nowhere by this time-but they exist. There is probably one in South Carolina and there’s probably some up in Plymouth Harbor and there’s probably some more down on the Gulf Stream, still going through the Gulf Stream. When you find out how many atoms it’d take to build one ship, the disintegration of atoms and molecules would demonstrate to you it has quite a scattering possibility.

Now, some preclear was on a voyage in the Santa Maria and he got scared the day it was going through the Dragon’s Mouths and he tried to hold the Dragon’s Mouths apart and hold the Santa Maria still long enough to get around a certain rock and he’s made a picture of it.

Well, the Santa Maria molecules and the Dragon’s Mouths molecules and all these other molecules have changed by this time. They’re still existing and they’re still somewhere else. And being somewhere else, they’re not in his facsimile, are they? But he’s got a picture of this facsimile, so your E-Meter says he’s stuck in 1492. Yeah, he’s stuck in a pattern of particles that he tried to keep from separating or closing in the date 1492. But what says he’s stuck there? It’s just a picture of it. The actual particles aren’t there anymore. So being stuck on the time track is delusory and a person gets into a delusion, at length, because he thinks everything is stuck and time itself isn't moving.

Well, this comes about when he’s not even vaguely inspecting particles around him. Present time would be the awareness of the position of particles in the instant called now and that would be an individual’s contact with present time. The MEST universe is an automatic present time machine. And when an individual gets out of wild.agreement with this, his disagreement itself puts him out of present time. That’s time, a barrier. Time is a barrier because one can’t go back to 1770. One can’t go up to 8065 A.D.

Well, one can’t go up to and back to these places because 770 and 8000 A.D. are alike introduced abstract arbitraries. It’s of no bearing in reality. There isn’t any such flow of stream with ports on it marked “1720” and “1895” and “8063.” There are no such ports on the time stream.

What there is, is this-man’s inability to understand this has caused him to assign an erroneous value to this and we have people doing time travel. Well, if you want to do some time travel to 1781 or 1776, you will have to find the particles which were there and move them all back into the same position and have Continental Congress sitting in Philadelphia and you will have to even recover the particles which have escaped since from the document called the Constitution and you will have to rearrange all these things and put all these particles back where they were at that time. And that would be really 1770, ’76 or whatever it is. That would really be it.

Now, to get the particles up to 8065, you just have to arrange all the particles, catalyze them on their path to a point where they would all be as they would be in 8000. But what do you know, that would be 8000. If all the particles of the year 8000 were arranged as they would be in the year 8000, it would be the year 8000. But not because you said there was a year called 8000, because the particles are now in that pattern. And if you’ve agreed that this is 8000, then you’ve just agreed on something else.

You can also agree on the price of dog food. That doesn’t make the price of dog food an arbitrary factor in your entire existence. But in the case of a continuous agreement upon this arbitrary called time, why, you have finally entered an abstract factor into your existence that’s not understood and is an error. So the individual still holds on to this facsimile which arduously pretends to keep clashing rocks from closing in on the Santa Maria. And the particles aren’t there anymore.

Well now, that itself is aberration and delusion, if you want to put it that way. Well, you’d certainly better dissolve or rearrange, without too much upsetting his mass, these particles that he’s depending on to keep the clashing rocks from wrecking the SantaMaria, because the SantaMaria isn’t here anymore. Those particles are otherwise arranged. And there are many solvents and methods of handling these things. There’s erasure that erases the particles in such a way-that is to say, it erases the significance out of these particle masses. There’s picking up ridges and throwing them away, but that done promiscuously throws out of balance a person’s havingness.

There’s all kinds of ways you can handle these masses of energy. But when it finally boils down to it, you are handling things that were set up to static and resist all effects. They were set up there to be motionless and resist all effects and to keep something from happening or make something happen. And they’re not keeping something from happening or making something happen anymore. And so we have the unnecessary bric-a-brac of the engram bank. The individual likes it because it’s mass, he doesn’t like it because it has significance. He does not need it to remind him of anything. He does not need a picture to remember anything. He cannot have a picture which tells him anything unless he knows what is to go into the picture in the first place.

Now, that should tell you a great deal about aberration. Courage Processing happens to be one very fast way of catalyzing all of this. Well, because it catalyzes it so rapidly, must also mean that it is wrecking havingness with great rapidity. See, it’s ruining time so it must be ruining havingness. It’s shifting it out of balance one way or the other and around and around. Well, that means that this is being done at a speed that you’re not accustomed to seeing it happen as. You don’t realize that every little while, why, you’re going to have to stuff this guy full of mass. If you don’t stuff him full of mock-up mass or something of the sort like that, he’ll do a slump on you. Why will he do a slump? Well, he’s unhappy about it, that’s all. He thinks he has to have mass in order to be happy, and who are you to argue about it?

Everybody seems to have agreed to this one: that people have to have mass in order to be happy. Actually, I can prove to you conclusively that the source of all unhappiness is mass, but I’m afraid I would be repeating the word of any Hindu philosopher.

Well, if you’re looking for happiness, don’t get the other kind of mass, however-MEST universe mass-all stuck around. Every time you get too much mass, you get to be the servant of it, one way or the other. Well, that’s what the Hindus try and talk about. What kind of mass we’re trying to talk about is the kind you mock-up. It’s more important to the thetan to have mock-up mass than to have MEST universe mass. First time I’ve mentioned that, but you sure should take note of it. It’s more important to the thetan to have mock-up mass than MEST universe mass. You think, and have gone along on the supposition, probably, to a large degree, that-well, that Creative Processing was a secondary process. You know, it was second to being able to do it in the MEST universe. Well, that’s not it. Doing it in Creative Processing is a primary process and doing it in the MEST universe is so secondary that it’s not even therapeutic. Having mass.

But of course there’s the other way around: an individual has arranged his mass any time he has failed to get something in the MEST universe, so he’s made his own masses static. He’s made them fixed, rather, rather than static (since that’s a meaningful word in Scientology). He’s made these masses fixed in various patterns and kinds. He’s got masses all right and they’re tremendous masses, but they’re on fixed patterns. Couldn’t have a bicycle when he was five, so he has this picture of a bicycle. The truth of the matter is, a bicycle that he made out of his own energy is more valuable to him than a bicycle which runs on two wheels, as far as mass is concerned.

A thetan without any mass and simply owning the MEST universe, theoretically, would be in very good shape, but he’s not. By test, a thetan is happier with his own mass than he is MEST universe masses. All right.

I recommend you to this process. Let’s get in there and pitch. Step IV, using “courage” and then “serenity.” Now I expect all cases to be completely shattered and exteriorized and in excellent condition, well above Theta Clear, by Monday morning. You know enough to do it. Now let’s do it.

And if you don’t do it, why, I know of an Operating Thetan named Joe I’ll have zap you. [laughter]