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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing (UNI-02) - L541228b | Сравнить
- History of Dianetics (UNI-03) - L541228c | Сравнить
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RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Введение (КО-1) - Л541228 | Сравнить
- Групповой Процессинг (КО-2) - Л541228 | Сравнить
- История Дианетики (КО-3) - Л541228 | Сравнить

CONTENTS GROUP PROCESSING Cохранить документ себе Скачать


A Group Processing session given on 28 December 1954

I think it's high time we got down to business here. Usually it's hour three or something like that before we start processing anybody. What would happen if I started to give you a little Group Processing now?

Audience: (applause)

Well, before I give you some Group Processing, I want to tell you something about Group Processing. May I?

Audience: Yes.

Group Processing has been variously announced as being unworkable, workable, too workable, not workable enough, practiced by the wrong people, uninteresting if the same processes are duplicated; it has been pronounced as the savior of the human race and as something that will never get anywhere, and I have been quoted as saying that it has now been abandoned. But none of these things are probably true. None of them.

All right, Group Processing. Group Processing is just as workable today as it ever was. For an organization such as Operation Phoenix in its experimental thrusts into the society, it was found to be temporarily rather unworkable because the people came in and they sat down and they did the Group Processes and they went away well and we never heard of them again.

It was a horrible thing! They — it's terrible. Particularly when the HASI was paying all the expenses of Operation Phoenix.

They would walk in, they would sit down, they would get processed, they would get well, they would go away — and their friends were so out of communication that nobody ever learned the church was there. It was too good. It was too good. It didn't give individual auditors any practice at all. And so we started to concentrate for a little while on individual processing. Why? Well, we just wanted to get into circulation in the society.

Now, Group Processing is the answer for such a thing as a veterans' hospital. It is the answer for a sanitarium. It is the answer for an army unit, a bunch of jet pilots, for the AMA. I wouldn't go so far as to say you could get the AMA to sit still long enough to be group processed, but we could try!

One of these fine days I'm going down to the American Medical Association local county something-or-other in some state or another, and I'm going to say, "I'm a physicist and I'm trying to destroy things, too. (audience laughter) And so how about me giving your local luncheon — you know, your get-together — a little talk?"

And I'll go in and talk to them at their local luncheon about their knives and their forks and their spoons and their plate, and about the ceiling and the wall back of them and the floor. And who knows? Somebody might get into communication so that he would look and say, "My God, Hubbard!" (audience laughter)

Now, you can do all sorts of things with Group Processing, but it's pretty hard to oversell. Pretty hard to. Some auditors manage it. I've managed to oversell things occasionally — but not out of innocence. (audience laughter) Not accidentally.

Now, Group Processing had its origin, actually, in 1947 when I had a practice in a little small town — a typical small town in the United States: Hollywood.

Now, I had a practice in Hollywood and nobody knew my name. And if they wanted witchcraft, they got it. Witchcraft was ... A strange kind of witchcraft — they laid down on the couch and you started snapping your fingers. (audience laughter) All right. If they wanted spiritualism, they got that, too. Only it was a funny kind of spiritualism. They lay down on the couch . . . If they wanted mysticism of some kind or another, they got that, too. Only it was a funny kind of mysticism ... (audience laughter)

But I had lots of friends. And one fine day an old lady walked into the Los Angeles Foundation. Just walked in, big as life. And she'd seen my picture in the newspaper and she was looking for me. "You're that fellow who was out in Hollywood. And I've been looking for you for two years to tell you that I am still alive even though they said I was going to be dead. And you moved and disappeared before I could find you and thank you. So I've come down now to thank you. So thank you." And she turned around and walked out, and I've never seen her again to this day.

One time and another, quite a few of these people have shown up. Quite a few. But very few of them with curses.

Group Processing started in that stage. How? I had too many preclears. How did I process them? Well, you put two of them down in chairs and you say to them, "Remember something. Remember something else. Remember something else. Remember something else. Now let's see if you can hear something." And that was Group Processing.

And I've done it to as many as three people in this fashion and it's quite remarkable what has occurred. But for long years, nothing much was done with Group Processing, until actually some of it was tried over in London, and then I started in in earnest in Philadelphia.

Some of the Group Processing which has been done on people, one should have been arrested for! But very few people who have been group processed ever have the complaints or the upset that people have from individual processing, for some peculiar reason. I never hear anywhere near the upset by reason of Group Processing — mostly because we're not in intimate enough contact with the people so they can talk to us. (audience laughter)

But we have an interesting thing in Group Processing. The Freudian people for many, many years looked for low-cost therapy, and industrialists all the time are looking for ways to cut down absenteeism, and all sorts of material would show up that could be group audited. But it's too simple. That's the main trouble with it — it's too hard to sell.

You go in and you say to an insurance man, you say, "Now look. We could take your staff of salesmen and we could probably increase their sales if I would come in here every Thursday and for one hour group process them."

But they say, "Nothing could happen that way." Apathy. Apathy. "Salesmen can't be any good anyhow. I don't know any that are. It's outside their range of experience." But one very well-known Scientologist who actually did have a staff of salesmen working for him did process them and according to a letter he wrote me, their sales went up five hundred — or a factor of five, I think it was. Five hundred percent, something like that. Whee!

Not very much Group Processing either. Just regular, consistent Group Processing for a short space of time.

So the workability of Group Processing is not much in question. Trying to get people to come in for Group Processing is the main problem faced by Group Processing.

Now its history is only a couple of years long, really — active use of. And it's only during the last year that we've really been doing Group Processing in earnest. But we have found that audiences will take the simplest processes and take to them best. An auditor often makes the mistake of thinking he has to go on and invent or rearrange processes in order to keep the interest of his audience while group processing. And this is not true. Quite the contrary.

George Wichelow over in London is — he's quite a showman. George knows a lot of things; what he knows best is showmanship. And when he was told that he was going to be permitted to run on free Group Processing sessions, just Group Opening Procedure and nothing else, he immediately registered a tremendous protest and he says, "But we won't have anybody, because nobody will come and run Group Opening Procedure week in and week out." And they did. And he had a much larger group by just doing that than he had by doing variations of processes. Real curious, isn't it?

Well, Group Processing has been very successful in many of these congresses. It has done some very interesting things for cases in congresses. The type of Group Processing which we're going to run during this congress is not necessarily designed to make you feel any better; it is not necessarily designed to teach you anything; it is not necessarily designed. (audience laughter)

So with your kind indulgence and cooperation, would you like a little bit of it right now?

Audience: Yes! (applause)

Okay. Well, let's start out in the more elementary stages. I'm going to give you an auditing command. You see if you can follow it out. It's just as simple as that. A little game we'll play here right now called "the floor."

Let's find the floor beneath your feet. (stamping noises) Let's find the floor. Is there a floor beneath your feet?

Audience: Yes.

You sure there is?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a floor beneath your feet?

Audience: Yes.

Come on now. Don't be an "only one," some of you people that haven't been telling me so. Is there a floor beneath your feet?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure of it?

Audience: Yes.

Is it a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a floor beneath your feet?

Audience: Yes.

You sure of it?

Audience: Yes.

Does it feel like a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Okay, okay. Now is there a floor beneath your feet?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure there's a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Okay, okay. Is there a floor beneath your feet?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a chair under you?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Let's find out if there's a chair back of you. (pause) Is there a chair back of you? ''

Audience: Yes. ''Chair under you?

Audience: Yes.

Is there?

Audience: Yes.

Well, let's hear about it. Is there a chair under you?

Audience: Yes!

All right. Is there a chair back of you?

Audience: Yes.

Chair under you?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a floor under the chair?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure the floor's under the chair?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure the chair isn't above the floor? (audience laughter) Well, okay. Okay. But is it? ''

Audience: Yes.''

Well, is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

You sure there's a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Well, let's find out if there's a floor there. (stamping noises) Okay. There is a floor there, then?

Audience: Yes.

Fine. Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Fine. Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure there's a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

What's there?

Audience: A chair.

Okay. What's there?

Audience: A chair.

Okay. What's there?

Audience: A chair.

Okay. What's there?

Audience: A chair.

Okay. What's there?

Audience: A chair.

Okay. What's there?

Audience: A chair.

Okay. Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure there's a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure there is a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure there's a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay, okay. Is there a floor and chair there?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now we sure have got some acquaintance, I hope, with the floor and the chair. Right?

Audience: Yes.

You sure?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes. No. Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Louder. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes!

Okay! Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes!

Okay! Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes!

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got the floor?

Audience: Yes.

You sure that's the floor?

Audience: Yes.

You sure you got a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

You sure there's a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure there's a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

You sure you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you absolutely sure you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Whose left hand is it?

Audience: Mine.

Okay. Whose left hand is it?

Audience: Mine.

Are you sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you sure of it?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got two hands?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Good. Have you got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Whose floor is it?

Audience: Mine.

Good. Whose floor is it?

Audience: Mine.

Whose floor is it?

Audience: Mine.

Okay. Have you got a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Whose chair is it?

Audience: Mine.

Okay. Whose chair is it?

Audience: Mine.

Okay. You got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Whose right hand is it?

Audience: Mine.

All right. Whose right hand is it?

Audience: Mine.

All right. Whose right hand is it?

Audience: Mine.

All right. Whose is it?

Audience: Mine.

You sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

Whose left hand is it?

Audience: Mine.

Okay. Whose left hand is it?

Audience: Mine.

Okay. Whose left hand is it?

Audience: Mine.

Okay. Whose left hand is it?

Audience: Mine.

Are you sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you sure of it?

Audience: Yes.

Have you got hands?

Audience: Yes.

You're sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

Have you got hands?

Audience: Yes.

Have you got a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got hands?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Okay. Are you sure you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Whose head is it?

Audience: Mine.

Okay. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have one?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Did you have one?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have a head?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Do you have a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have hands?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Do you have a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have a hall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have a hall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have a hall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Do you have the floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Okay. Do you have the floor?

Audience: Yes.

Do you have a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Okay. Do you have a chair?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Do you have a chair?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Do you have a chair?

Audience: Yes.

You sure you got a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you sure you got a chair?

Audience: Yes.

You sure you got a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you sure you got a chair now?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a body?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Have you got a body?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is it your body?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure it's your body?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a body?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a body?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a body?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a body?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You sure you got a body?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you sure you got a body?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you sure you got a body?

Audience: Yes.

You absolutely sure you got a body?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You sure you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

All right. You're sure you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got hands?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a hall?

Audience: Yes.

Sure you got the hall?

Audience: Yes.

You sure you own the hall?

Audience: Yes.

All right. You're sure you own the hall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You sure this hall's yours?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Good. Have you got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a body?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

What are you doing in it? (audience laughter) All right. All right. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Let's find out. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a body?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have a body?

Audience: Yes.

Do you have a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Okay. Do you have a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Do you have a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

You sure you got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you sure you got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Sure? You sure?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Have you got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Have you got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a body?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Have you got a chair?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Have you got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Have you got a chair?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Have you got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Have you got a hall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a stage here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a stage here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a stage here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a stage here?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is there a stage here?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is there a stage here?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Are there any lights here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are there lights here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are there lights here?

Audience: Yes.

You sure?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Are there microphones here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are there microphones here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are there lights here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are there lights here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are there lights here?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Am I here?

Audience: Yes.

Thank you. Am I here?

Audience: Yes.

Am I here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Am I here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Am I here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a stage here?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Am I here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you here?

Audience: Yes.


Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Am I here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a chair here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is the back of the room here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You sure the back of the room's here?

Audience: Yes.

You sure the back of the room's here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is the back of the room here?

Audience: Yes.

You sure the back of the room's here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is the front of the room here?

Audience: Yes.

You sure there's a front of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a front of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a stage here?

Audience: Yes.

Are there lights here?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a chair here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a chair here?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a front of the room here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a front of the room here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a front of the room here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a front of the room here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you hearing anything?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you hearing anything?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you hearing anything?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you hearing anything?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you hearing anything?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you seeing anything?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you seeing anything?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you seeing anything?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you seeing anything?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you seeing anything?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you being anything?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you being anything?

Audience: Yes.

What are you being?

Audience: Me.

Good. What are you being?

Audience: Me.

Where are you being it?

Audience: Here.

Good. What are you being?

Audience: Me.

Where are you being it?

Audience: Here.

Good. What are you being?

Audience: Me.

You sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

What are you being?

Audience: Me.

Where are you being it?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you being it?

Audience: Here.

Okay. What are you being?

Audience: Me.

Okay. Who am I being?

Audience: You.

Good. Who am I being?

Audience: You.

Good. Who am I being?

Audience: You.

Good. Who am I being?

Audience: You.

Good. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you hearing anything?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you hearing anything?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you hearing anything?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you seeing anything?

Audience: Yes.

Well, look it over. Are you seeing anything?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you hearing anything?

Audience: Yes.

Good. What are you hearing?

Audience: You.

Okay. What else are you hearing?

Audience: (various responses)

What else are you hearing?

Audience: Us.

Oh, okay. What else are you hearing?

Audience: Us. Noise.

Okay. What are you hearing here?

Audience: Noise.

Good. What are you hearing here?

Audience: Noise.

Now what are you hearing here?

Audience: Noise.

Good. What are you hearing here?

Audience: You. Noise.

Good. What are you hearing here?

Audience: You.

You sure?

Audience: Yes.

Good. What are you hearing here?

Audience: Us. You.

What are you hearing here?

Audience: Us. You.

You hearing sound here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. What are you hearing here?

Audience: Sound.

Good. What are you hearing here?

Audience: Sound.

Good. What are you hearing here?

Audience: Sound.

All right. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a chair here?

Audience: Yes.

You sure there's a chair here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. What is there here?

Audience: A chair.

Good. Is there a floor here? (audience reactions) Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a chair here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, look at it. Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Come on. Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

You sure there's a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure there's a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure there's a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure you're here?

Audience: Yes.

You sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. What do you see?

Audience: You.

Okay. What do you see?

Audience: (various responses)

Okay. What do you see?

Audience: (various responses)

Okay. Do you see?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you see?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Do you see?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you see?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you see?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you see?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you hear?

Audience: Yes.

How do you know you hear?

Audience: I hear.

Okay. What are you doing?

Audience: Hearing.

Okay. Can you hear?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Can you hear?

Audience: Yes.

Can you hear?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Can you hear?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Can you hear?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you here?

Audience: Yes.

Can you hear?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Can you hear?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Can you hear?

Audience: Yes.

Good. What's here?

Audience: You. We are. We all are.

Okay. Do you have a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Do you have a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Do you have a head?

Audience: Yes.

Do you have a head better now?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have a body?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Do you have a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front of the room here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there lights here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there noise here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there noise here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there noise- here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there any noise here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there any noise here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there any sound here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there any sound here?

Audience: Yes.

Are there any voices here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are there any voices here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you sure there are voices here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are they your own voice only?

Audience: No.

Okay. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are there curtains here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a stage here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a back of the room?

Audience: Yes.

You sure?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

How do you know it's a floor?

Audience: (various responses)

Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you sure there's a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

What kind of a floor?

Audience: (various responses)

Good. Is it a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Do you agree it's a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Ah, then it's a floor. Good.

Okay. Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

You sure there's a chair there?

Audience: Yes.

Well, some of you are awfully reticent about it. Now let's speak up. Is there a chair there?

Audience: Yes!

Good. Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a back of the room there?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a front of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a back of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a front of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Oh, come on. Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Whose ceiling is it?

Audience: Ours. Mine.

Good. Whose ceiling is it?

Audience: Ours. Mine.

Good. Whose ceiling is it?

Audience: Ours.

Good. Whose ceiling is it?

Audience: Ours.

Is there a ceiling there?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is it real?

Audience: Yes.

Who says it's real?

Audience: Us. We do. I do.

Good. Then it must be real. Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure there's a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

You sure there's a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

You sure?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Are you certain there's a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

Is that a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is that a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is that a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure that's a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure it's a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure it's a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Are you certain it's a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Are you positive it's a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Who says so?

Audience: I do.

Do you agree it's a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Then it must be a chair.

Audience: Yes.

Is there a ceiling there?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a back of the room there?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a front of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a back of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a front of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Are there any people here?

Audience: Yes.

Are there people here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are there people here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are there people here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You sure there are people here?

Audience: Yes.

Do you agree there are people here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, wonderful. There must be people here.

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine. Am I here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Am I here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, thank you. Am I here?

Audience: Yes.

You all agreed I am here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. I must be here. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a front of the room here?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a front of the room here?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a front of the room here?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure it's a front of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are there lights here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are there lights here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are there sounds here?

Audience: Yes.

How do you know there are sounds here?

Audience: We hear them.

Okay. Are there sounds here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is anybody nervous here?

Audience: No.

Is anybody nervous here?

Audience: No.

Okay. Well, just listen for a moment.

Is there any silence here?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now let's listen for a moment. Is there any silence here?

Audience: No.

No. Okay. Is there a room here?

Audience: Yes.

You nervous?

Audience: No.

Why not? (audience laughter)

Is there too much noise here?

Audience: No.

Are you sure there isn't too much noise here?

Audience: No.

Well, okay. Isn't there too much noise here?

Audience: No.

Oh, there's too much noise here, isn't there?

Audience: No!

Okay. Is there too much noise here?

Audience: No!

Are there too many people here?

Audience: No.

Are there too many people here?

Audience: No.

Well, okay. Okay. Okay. There aren't too many people here.

Audience: No.

Good. I'm glad. I'm glad. Am I here?

Audience: Yes.

Thank you. Am I here?

Audience: Yes.

Thank you. Am I here?

Audience: Yes.

Are you here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you here?

Audience: Yes.

You sure you're here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Please tell me. Where are you?

Audience: Here!

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

All right. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

All right. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Are you sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

You're not someplace else?

Audience: No.

Are you here?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good. Where's present time?

Audience: Right here.

Where's present time?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's present time?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's present time?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's present time?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's present time?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's present time?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's present time?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's present time?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Okay. Where's present time?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's present time?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's present time?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's present time?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where is present time?

Audience: Here.


Audience: Here.

Point to it.

Audience: Right here.

Okay. Where's present time?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Are you just agreeing on it or are you here?

Audience: We're here.

Okay. What's the difference?

Female voice: None. Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a chair here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a chair here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a body here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a body here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a body here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Did you bring a body?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Did you bring a body?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is your body on straight?

Audience: Yes.

Let's look it over. Is your body on straight?

Audience: Yes.

Well, let's look it over again. Is your body on straight?

Audience: (various responses)


Audience: (various responses)

Is that better? Is your body on straight?

Audience: (various responses)

All right. Let's look it over. Is your body on straight?

Audience: No.

Well, let's look it over. Is your body on straight?

Audience: (various responses)

Well, let's look it over. Is your body on straight?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Is your body on straight?

Audience: (various responses)

Okay. Is your body on straight?

Audience: (various responses)

Okay. Is your body on straight?

Audience: (various responses)

Okay. Is your body on straight?

Audience: (various responses)

Okay. Is your body on straight?

Audience: (various responses)

Okay. Is your body on straight?

Audience: (various responses)

You sure your body's on straight?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you sure it is?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you sure you got a body?

Audience: Yes.

Oh, sure. Whose body is it?

Audience: Mine.

Sure. Whose body is it?

Audience: Mine.

Sure. Whose body is it?

Audience: Mine.

Sure. Whose body is it?

Audience: Mine.

Sure. Whose body is it?

Audience: Mine.

Sure. Whose body is it?

Audience: Mine.

Sure. Whose body is it?

Audience: Mine.

Sure. Who are you?

Audience: Me.

Good. Good. Who are you?

Audience: Me.

Okay. Who are you?

Audience: Me.

Okay. Who are you?

Audience: Me.

Okay. Who are you?

Audience: Me.

Okay. Who are you?

Audience: Me.

Okay. Who am I?

Audience: You.

Good. Okay. Who am I?

Audience: You.

Good. Who am I?

Audience: You.

Good. Who am I?

Audience: You.

Good. Who am I?

Audience: You.

Good. Who am I?

Audience: You.

Good. Who am I?

Audience: You.

Good. Who are you?

Audience: Me.

Good. Who are we?

Audience: Us.

Good. Who are we?

Audience: Us.

Good. Who are we?

Audience: Us.

Good. Who are we?

Audience: Us.

Good. Who are we?

Audience: Us.

Good. Who are we?

Audience: Us.

Good. Who are we?

Audience: Us.

Good. Who are we?

Audience: Us.

Good. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Good. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Now I'm going to ask you this in confidence. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

You sure there's a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Sure there's a chair here?

Audience: Yes.

Sure there's a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Sure there's a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

You sure there's a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Okay. Okay. Now how do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Feel pretty good?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Feel good?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You really feel good?

Audience: Yes.

Who feels good?

Audience: I do.

Good. Who feels good?

Audience: I do. We do.

Good. Who feels good?

Audience: I do.

Are you sure you feel good?

Audience: Yes.

You sure you feel good?

Audience: Yes.

Well, who feels good?

Audience: I do.

Good. Who feels good?

Audience: I do.

Fine. Who feels good?

Audience: I do.

Fine. Who's got a ceiling?

Audience: I do. We do.

Good. Who's got a body?

Audience: I do.

Good. Who's got a floor?

Audience: I do.

Good. Who's got a right hand?

Audience: I do.

Good. Who's got a left hand?

Audience: I do.

Good. Who's got a right foot?

Audience: I do.

Good. Who's got a left foot?

Audience: I do.

Good. Who's got a head?

Audience: I do.

Good. Who's got a back of the head?

Audience: I do.

Good. Who's got a head?

Audience: I do.

Good. Who's got a back of the head?

Audience: I do.

Who's got a back of the head?

Audience: I do.

Who's got a back of the head?

Audience: I do.

Okay. Okay. Okay. You got a back of the head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a back of the head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is that your head?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure that's your head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a hall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Whose hall is it?

Audience: Mine. Ours.

Good. Whose hall is it?

Audience: Mine. Ours.

Good. Whose hall is it?

Audience: Mine. Ours.

Good. Whose stage is it?

Audience: Mine. Ours.

Good. Whose stage is it?

Audience: Mine. Ours.

Good. Whose science is it?

Audience: Ours.

Good. Whose science is it?

Audience: Ours.

Good. Whose science is it?

Audience: Ours.

Good. Whose science is it?

Audience: Ours.

Good. Whose science is it?

Audience: Ours.

Good. Whose science is it?

Audience: Ours.

Good. Whose science is it?

Audience: Ours.

Good. Who owns it?

Audience: We do.

Good. Who owns it?

Audience: We do.

Good. Who owns it?

Audience: We do.

You sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Who's got a body?

Audience: I do.

Good. Who's got a science?

Audience: We do.

Who's got a hall?

Audience: We do.

Good. Who are you?

Audience: (various responses)

Good. Who are you?

Audience: (various responses)

Good. Who are you?

Audience: (various responses)

You sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Who are we?

Audience: Us.

Good. Who are we?

Audience: Us.

Good. Who are we?

Audience: Us.

You sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

Are we here?

Audience: Yes.

Who's here?

Audience: We are.

Okay. Is there a floor here, too?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a ceiling here, too?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a front wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a stage?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a back wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a right wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a left wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Hooray! We've got walls and floors and ceilings. What have we got?

Audience: Everything. Walls and floors and ceilings.

Got a hall. That's right. Who's got a hall?

Audience: We do.

Whose hall is it?

Audience: Ours.

You sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Are you real sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

What have you got?

Audience: A hall.

Good. Who's got a hall?

Audience: We do.

You sure we got a hall?

Audience: Yes.

You sure we got a hall?

Audience: Yes.

Have we got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have we got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have we got a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have we got a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have we got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a body?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Where is the body?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's the body?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's the body?

Audience: Here.

Good. Are there other bodies here?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Where are they?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are they?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are they?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are they?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are they?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are they?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are they?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are they?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are they?

Audience: Here.

You sure of that?

Audience: Yes.

Is there anybody else here?

Audience: Yes.

Who's here?

Audience: You are. We are.

Okay. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a hall?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a front of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a back of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a front of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Which hand?

Audience: (various responses)

Which hand?

Audience: (various responses)

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

How do you know?

Audience: (various responses)

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

You sure?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Good. How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Good. How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Good. How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Good. How do you feel?

Audience: Good. Fine.

Good. How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Good. How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Good. How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Good. How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Good. How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Good. How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Good. How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Good. How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Good. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a floor here?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a chair here?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a ceiling here?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Okay. Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

You sure you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Are you sure you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Good. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a left foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a right foot?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

You got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.


Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Oh, boy! What bodies! You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

And you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Wonderful. Have you got a front of your face?

Audience: Yes.

Got a back of your head?

Audience: Yes.

Got a front to your face?

Audience: Yes.

Got a back of your head?

Audience: Yes.

Got a front of your face?

Audience: Yes.

Got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a front to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a back to your head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.


Audience: Yes.

You sure you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got feet?

Audience: Yes.

You sure you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Have you got feet?

Audience: Yes.

You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

You got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Well, well, well. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a front of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Good. Good. Is there a back of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Fine. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Is there a front of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Good. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. I got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got feet?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you look?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you look?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you look?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you look?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you look?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you know?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you look?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you emote?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you know?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you look?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you emote?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you work?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you work?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you emote?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you look?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you know?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Can you know?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. You got a head?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Have you got a room?

Audience: Yes.

You got a room?

Audience: Yes.

You got a room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Okay. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a back to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is there a back to the room?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a back to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a back to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a back to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a back to the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front to the room?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you alive?,

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Are you alive?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Where's that?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's that?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's that?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's that?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Come on. Really now. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Oh, come on. Really. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Oh, where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you now?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. We got a floor?

Audience: Yes.

We got a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. We got a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. We got a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. We got a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. We got a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. We got a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a back of the room?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a back-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a right-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a left-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a back-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a front-hand wall?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Is there a ceiling?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's present time?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's present time?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's present time?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's present time?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Oh, where are you?

Audience: Here.

All right. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

All right. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

All right. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

All right. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

All right. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

All right. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

All right. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. What shape are you in?

Audience: Great. Good. Fine.

Okay. What shape are you in?

Audience: Good.

Okay. What shape are you in?

Audience: Good. Fine.

Okay. How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Okay. How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Okay. How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Okay. How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

Whose hall is it?

Audience: Ours.

Whose floor is it?

Audience: Ours.

Good. Whose front of the room is it?

Audience: Ours.

Good. Whose back of the room is it?

Audience: Ours.

Good. Whose right-hand wall is it?

Audience: Ours.

Good. Whose left-hand wall is it?

Audience: Ours.

Good. Whose ceiling is it?

Audience: Ours.

Whose chair is it?

Audience: Ours.

Okay. Whose hall is it?

Audience: Ours.

Okay. Whose science is it?

Audience: Ours.

Good. Where's the hall?

Audience: Here.

Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Where's the hall?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Okay. Where's the hall?

Audience: Here.

Okay. How are you?

Audience: Fine.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.


Audience: Hello.

Hello and end of session.

Thank you.

If there are any casualties, Emergency Auditors are present. If you can't find them, it's because they're casualties.

(audience laughter)

Thank you very much.

Thank you.