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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing - Balance (3ACC-73) - L540212 | Сравнить
- Group Processing - Sound (3ACC-72) - L540212 | Сравнить

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CS Booklet


Disc 77
A Group Processing Session Given on
12 February 1954
58 Minutes

Okay. And this is the 12th of February, 1954, afternoon processing session. I’m going to give you a process, now, which is a very simple process, an extremely simple process.

You must realize the processes we’ve been doing here of recent times have, many of them, been very tough. In that some of you will be leaving, let’s run a process which is a balancing process. Some of these processes have been plenty rough, one way or the other.

This morning, for instance, we were processing sound. Later on today, I want you to run through that one again.

So, let’s start out with about the simplest process we know and that’s this:

Experience where you are.

Just experience being where you are.

All right. Now let’s predict something real.

Now let’s predict a good communication with someone.

And let’s predict some affinity.

Let’s predict something real.

Some more things that are real.

Now let’s predict some nothingnesses.

Some more nothingnesses.

Now let’s predict some horribly evil somethingnesses.

Some more of them.

Oh, get some wicked ones.

All right. Now let’s predict some real good somethingnesses.

Now let’s predict some dire, horrible results on people.

Now let’s get more catastrophic than that. Predict some horrible catastrophes.

Oh, more. More horrible catastrophes.

Now, those you’ve been thinking of are too sudden. Let’s predict some slow catastrophes.

Now let’s predict some horrible, terrible, utterly undesired states for ourselves.

Okay. Now let’s plan some diabolical things to occur to other people.

All right. Now let’s predict some horrible things to do to little children.

Now let’s get some horrible things to do to psychotics and then plan to do them. All right. Now let’s see how we would go about teaching somebody to do horrible things and convince them that this is perfectly social.

Now let’s predict some direful consequences on the Eighth Dynamic.

Now let’s make some plans to utterly ruin thetans.

Now let’s get some plans to preserve the mest universe, forever, and make it even worse for a thetan to live in.

Okay. Now let’s plan something to do to innocent little animals.

Oh, you can get worse than that.

Now let’s devise a plan to keep everybody from having anything.

Now let’s predict some horrible consequences on the First Dynamic.

Now some horrible consequences on the Second Dynamic.

All right. Now some horrible consequences on the Third Dynamic, as a member of a group.

And now some consequences to your body.

And now some terrible consequences to anything or anyone who makes a sound.

Now let’s predict no consequence for several antisocial actions.

And several fates. Predict several fates for anything that happens to turn up.

Okay. Now let’s predict several losses-several losses and predict that you’re going to bear them perfectly.

Now predict some more losses and predict, this time, that you’re not going to be able to bear them at all.

And now several gains, that is to say, several acquisitions, very horrible acquisitions.

Now let’s predict a fate worse than death.

Now let’s get a causative side of the body and put prediction in it.

Okay. Be way above Phoenix there and pick out some places where you’re not.

And now let’s predict some good things.

Good things on the First Dynamic.

Some good things on the Second Dynamic.

Now some good things about babies.

Now some good things about your own case.

And good things about groups.

Some good things for Mankind.

Now some good things about the mest universe.

Now some good things about other thetans.

Some good things about God.

And about the Devil.

Now some bad things about God.

And predict some good things for the Devil.

And some good things about thetans.

And some bad things about thetans.

Some good things, now, about the mest universe.

And predict some good things for the mest universe.

And some bad things for the mest universe.

And predict some good things about energy.

And predict some bad things about energy.

And some good things for animals.

And predict some bad things for animals.

And predict some good things for this group.

And some bad things for this group.

And now some good things for you as a thetan.

And some bad things for you as a thetan.

Okay. Now let’s be way up above Phoenix. And check off some things that aren’t predicting.

Some more.

Let’s look at them.

Okay. Now let’s predict some good communications, receiving some.

Some more of them.

Now let’s predict some bad communications.

Some more bad communications.

Now let’s predict some good communications.

Now let’s predict some bad communications.

Some more of them.

All right. Now let’s predict you sending some good communications, you giving some good communications.

Now you sending or giving some bad communications.

And you giving or sending some good communications.

And you giving or sending some bad communications.

And you giving or sending some indifferent communications.

Now if those continue to slide up into bad communications, then just predict something indifferent and slide it off to bad.

Think of that as a little cycle. Give an indifferent communication and then change it to a bad communication.

Do that several times.

Now predict yourself as having helped everybody and that leaves you the last human thetan alive in the universe-dead and done, however. You helped everybody and they have ruined you. Do that several times.

All right. Predict this condition of you being ruined by everybody and arising to new heights each time.

And do it until you can do it without any qualms.

Now get this. You being ruined, utterly wrecked, and rising each time to new heights. Now just flip that cycle, many times.

More times.

Now predict you being ruined by noise and confusion and rising anew each time.

Some more times.

Predict that you’ll be thoroughly ruined and then you will rise to new heights.

Now predict that you’ll communicate yourself to death and then rise to new aesthetic levels of communication every time.

Do this as a cycle, one after the other, many times.

All right. Predict something good for yourself and have it go bad. And do this many times.

Now predict something horrible for yourself and have it go good, several times.

More times.

Now invalidate your abilities and get it that you can go right on doing it anyhow.

Get specific abilities and invalidate them. And get you can go on doing it.

And do that until you can just plain invalidate hell out of yourself and still keep doing it.

Do it some more.

Now invalidate your most cherished ability. Then decide you can do it anyhow.

Now mock-up your most horrible self. And make it worse.

Get your most horrible self again, then make it better.

Now get something that you’re quite sure you wouldn’t ever dare do without ruining yourself forever. And order yourself to do it.

And do that many times.

Now order yourself firmly to remember something in the future and then forget it.

And do that as a cycle many times.

Now order yourself to forget what you should remember. Then remember it anyhow.

Now rapidly remember several things which you’ve told yourself to suppress.

Do it some more.

More times.

Now predict utter ruin for yourself because of processing. And be ruined.

Now predict complete sublimity and serenity for yourself because of processing, and be serene.

Predict complete self-reliance for yourself and be self-reliant.

Now predict your imagination will be gone and get factual.

And predict, now, a completely imaginative character and get delusory.

In other words, imagine the room full of lions. And be very upset because they’re full of lions. Run that as a cycle.

Many more times.

All right. Predict yourself as entirely imaginary and be entirely imaginary.

Now take some other people’s predictions and make them come true.

Do that some more.

Now give some other people some dire predictions and have them make them come true.

Now give other people some good predictions and have those good predictions come true.

Do that many more times.

Okay. Now get any random idea and point to it and say, “Well that’s the cause of all of my difficulty.”

And another one. And another one.

And another one. And another one.

Now get an idea and predict how to make it into a difficulty.

Do that again.

And again.

And again.

Now get an idea about yourself that’s a good idea.

Now make it better.

Now find two pieces of mest and touch them simultaneously.

Now find two spaces and reach into the centers of each of them and just stay reached there for a moment.

Reached into two spaces, don’t think.

Okay. Find the building under you.

Let’s locate present time somewhere.

Okay. End of session.