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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing - Certainty Assessment (5ACC-13b) - L540415b | Сравнить
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5ACC-13B 5404C15 Number 14 side 2 of „Universes and the War between Theta and Mest“ cassettes.


15 April 1954

And now we're going to establish some certainty on all dynamics.

The first one that we're going to take up is: „Let's get the most certain thing you can get, and be certain of; about yourself.“ The most certain thing - bad, good or indifferent, it doesn't matter - the most certain thing about yourself. All right. You sure that's the most certain thing you've got there about yourself? Okay.

Now let's take the most certain thing about the sexual act. What's your highest certainty on the sexual act? Okay.

Now let's see if we can get a high certainty - the most certain thing you can get, about children. All right. Got your greatest certainty about children?

Now let's get the greatest certainty that you can get about groups in general - groups of people. Just any kind of group. All right.

Now let's get the most certain thing that you can get about mankind in general. The greatest certainty that you have about mankind in general. Okay.

Now let's get the most certain thing that you can get about animals. What about animals? What are you the most certain of about animals? All right.

Now. The most certain thing you're certain of about the physical universe. Your highest certainty about the physical universe.

And now the most certain thing that you can get about spirits. What is your greatest certainty on the subject of spirits? Okay.

And now what is the most certain thing that you can get about God? The greatest certainty that you can get about God. All right.

Now that we've run over those certainties, let's see if there are any changes. Now let's get the most certain thing you can get about your body. And the greatest certainty, now, that you can get about yourself in general. And now the greatest certainty that you can achieve about your prospects in life. And now your highest level of certainty regarding sex. What are your chances in sex? What are your feelings about sex? What's the most certain thing about sex now? And the most certain thing now about infants. Little babies - most certain thing about them.

Now what's your greatest certainty about groups of women. All right. Now your greatest certainty about groups of men. Now your greatest certainty about military organizations. Now your greatest certainty about governments. Greatest certainty now about mankind in general.

Now your greatest certainty about fish. About insects. And about bacteria. About disease. About birds. About snakes and reptiles. About domestic animals. About wild animals. Create a certainty about cats. Dogs. Chickens. Cows. Horses. Okay.

Now let's see if we can get the greatest certainty you have about space. Now the greatest certainty that you have concerning electricity. About masses of energy. Your greatest certainty about solid objects. Now what's your greatest certainty now about time.

And now your greatest certainty about ghosts. About spirits. About guardian angels. About demons. About ghosts. Now your greatest certainty about the devil. Your greatest certainty about God. Okay.

Now what's the most certain thing you can get about your father. The most certain thing you can get about your mother. And your greatest certainty about any brothers. About any sisters. About grandparents. The most certain thing you can get about grandmothers. About grandfathers. About uncles. About aunts. About nurses. About maids. About servants. About guardians. About homes. About jails. About teachers. The greatest certainty you can get about classmates. About boys. Your greatest certainty about girls.

Now greatest certainty you can get about pets. Greatest certainty you can get now about eating. schoolrooms. About sex. Your greatest certainty now about symbols. The greatest certainty you can get about thinking. Now your greatest certainty about effort. About labor. About work. About play.

Now your greatest certainty about apathy. About grief. About fear. About anger. About rage. Your greatest certainty about resentment. Antagonism. About boredom. Your greatest certainty about enthusiasm. Your greatest certainty about enjoyment. Your highest certainty about courage. About serenity. What's your highest certainty about serenity. Okay.

Now let's get your highest certainty that you can get about communication. About receiving communications. About sending communications. Your highest certainty about telegrams. Letters. Spoken words. Written words. Textbooks. Novels. Magazine stories. Classic literature. Your greatest certainty about paintings. About cartoons. About music. About classical music. About popular music. And your greatest certainty about dancing.

About sunlight. About explosions. Your greatest certainty about vacuums. About black clouds. About white clouds. Your greatest certainty about empty spaces. About closed spaces. Your greatest certainty about height. About being below ground.

Your greatest certainty about love. About hate. About affection. Your greatest certainty about being needed. About needing help. About helping people. About being worried.

Now the greatest certainty you have about agreeing with people. About disagreeing with people. About people agreeing with you. About people disagreeing with you.

Now the greatest certainty you have about being alone. About being in a crowd. Your greatest certainty about being with women. About being with men.

Now your greatest certainty about creating things. About things surviving. About things being destroyed. About things creating you. About things making you survive. About things destroying you.

Now your greatest certainty about winning. About losing. About being responsible. About irresponsibility. About your existence. About your dying.

Now your greatest certainty about being everybody. About being nobody. About owning things. About owning nothing. Now your greatest certainty about traps. Now your greatest certainty about freedom. Now your greatest certainty about being owned. About owning people.

Now your greatest certainty about bearing children. About operations. About accidents. About people working for you. About you working for people.

Now your greatest certainty about heaven. And your greatest certainty about hell.

Now your greatest certainty about you. And your greatest certainty about your auditor. Your greatest certainty about medicine. Psychology. Religion. Chiropracty. Naturopathy. Witch doctors. Witches. Psychiatrists.

Now your greatest certainty about life.

And find the most certain thing you can be certain of in present time. Okay.

(end of lecture)