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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing - Procedure 30, Step I - Openning Procedure by Duplication (UNI 54) - L540606 | Сравнить
- Opening Procedure By Duplication (UPC) - L540606 | Сравнить
- Remedy of Havingness and Spotting Spots in Space (PHXLb-25) - L540606 | Сравнить
- Remedy of Havingness and Spotting Spots in Space (PRO-25) - L540606 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Групповой Процессинг - Посмотрите на Этот Предмет (КПВ 54) - Л540606 | Сравнить
- Групповой Процессинг - Процедура 30, Шаг I - Открывающая Процедура Посредством Воспроизведения (КПВ 54) - Л540606 | Сравнить
- Групповой Процессинг - Процедура 30, Шаг I - Открывающая Процедура Посредством Воспроизведения (с англ) (КПВ 54) - Л540606 | Сравнить
- Лекция и Процессинг (КПВ 54) - Л540606 | Сравнить

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A Group Processing session given on 6 June 1954


I understand you got some Group Processing. Is that right? No enthusiasm, what’s the matter?

You mean – you mean I got to make up for it today?

Well, I’ll see if we can’t do something today. Something new and different. I have an idea that that’s what you want – is something new that you haven’t done before.

Now, I hope you all have brought with you two objects.

Got two objects? Get one in your right hand – that’s object one.

We’re going to be the communicatingest people when we get out of here.

Object one in your right hand. Object two in your left hand.

Object one in your right hand, object two in your left hand. Got them now? Good, good, good. All right.

Now, this exercise is very, very simple. I just want you to look at object one. Just take a look at it. Look at it real good there. Okay.

And take a look at its color.

Get its temperature.

Its weight.

Take a look at object two in your left hand. Take a good look at it.

See its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Okay. Now, let’s look at object one in your right hand.

Let’s look at its color.

Let’s get its temperature.

Get its weight.

And now look away from it.

Now, look at object two in your left hand.

Look at its color.

Get its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, look away from it.

Now, let’s look at object one in your right hand.

Look at its color.

Get its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, look away from it.

Now, look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

And look away from it.

Okay. Now, look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, look away from it.

Now, look at object two in your left hand.

Look at its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one.

Look at it.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

And look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, look away from it.

Look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, look away from it.

Now, look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

And look away from it.

Now, look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, look away from it.

Look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, look away from it.

Now, in these next ones get the idea of actually thinkingly communicating to me the answers to these questions now. Think of communicating to me the answers to these questions.

Look at object one in the right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, look away from it.

Look at object two in the left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, look away from it.

Look at object one.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, look away from it.

Get object two.

Its color.



Now, look away from it.

Look at object one in the right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

Look at object two in the left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

And look away from it.

And object one in the right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, look away from it.

Now, remember, think these answers at me.

Get object two in the left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

Now, look at object one in the right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, look away from it.

And look at object two in the left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, look away from it.

Now, look at object one in the right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, look away from it.

And object two in the left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, look away from it.

And object one in the right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, look away from it.

And look at object two in the left hand.

Get its color.



Now, look away from it.

Now, think these answers at me.

Get object one in the right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

Get object two in the left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Look away from it.

And look at object one in the right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And let’s look away from it.

And object two in the left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And get object one in the right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, let’s look away from it.

Get object two in the left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And get object one in the right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

Get object two in the left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

Get object one in the right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, look away from it.

And object two in the left hand.

Its color.


And weight.

Now, look away from it.

And look at object one in the right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, look away from it.

Remember, think these answers at me.

And object two in the left hand.

Its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object one in the right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And get object two.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

Get object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And object one in your right hand.

Its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And get object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

Now, get object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And get object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And get object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And get object one in the right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

Remember, think these answers at me each time. Each time.

Object one in the right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object two in the left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And get object one in the right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And get object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And get object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

Now, look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And get object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Look at its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

Remember, think these answers at me.

And object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And get object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

And get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And get object two in your left hand.

And get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And get object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And let’s look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

Look at object two of your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, look away from it.

Remember, think these answers at me.

Object one.

Look at it.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And let’s get object two in the left hand.

Let’s get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And get object one in the right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And get object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

Look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand. Object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

Now, look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And get object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

Get object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

Get object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And see object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And get object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And get object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And get object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And get object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And get object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Deliberately look away from it.

And get object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

Get object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Then deliberately look away from it.

And object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And get object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And get object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

Look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

Look at object one in your right hand.

Look at its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

Look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

Look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

And get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

Remember to think these answers at me.

Look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Now, deliberately look away from it.

Look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And get object two in your left hand.

Let’s get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And get object two in the left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

Deliberately look away from it.

And get object one in your right hand.

And get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And get object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

Get object one in your right hand.

Its color.



And deliberately look away from it.

And get object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object one in your right hand.

Get its color.


And weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object two in your left hand.

Get its color.


And weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object two in your left hand.

Get its color.


And weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.



And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.


And weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.


And weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

Now, look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.


And weight.

Deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Look at its color.



And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.



And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.


And weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.


And weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And object two in your left hand.

Its color.


And weight.

Deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Deliberately look away from it.

And look at object one in your right hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

And its weight.

And deliberately look away from it.

And look at object two in your left hand.

Get its color.

Its temperature.

Its weight.

Deliberately look away from it.

And find the floor beneath your feet.

The chair beneath your body.

The hall.

Find me up here.

Find yourself.

Get cleared.

Okay. That’s end of session.