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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Handling ARC Breaks (L3-03, SHSBC-297) - L630528 | Сравнить

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Level 3 Lectures


A lecture given on 28 May 1963

Thank you.

Thank you. Well, it’s a good thing you put me into a good mood with all that applause. Reports I’ve been getting on the Zed Unit for the last twenty — four hours — practically unprintable. We’ll take that up in a moment. I know, you’d better look sad, because it’s pretty sad news.

All right, this is what?

Audience: 28th.

Twenty — eighth? 28th of May, AD 13.

All right. Now, this lecture is not for people with weak hearts. If you can’t take it, why, I advise you to go over into the other building there, where they have a speaker, and turn it off.

This auditing dissertation here actually is possibly passed by, by the student who is doing other types of auditing, but it applies to him very much.

I’ve discovered the common denominator to ARC breaks. And that common denominator of all ARC breaks — all ARC breaks — is bypassed charge. That’s the common denominator to all ARC breaks. And that includes, therefore, all misemotion exhibited by the pc at the auditor.

Now, we should define an ARC break as the pc’s transfer of attention from the bank to the auditor and a dramatization of the bank directed at the auditor. And that is an ARC break.

Now, you can get the mechanics of an ARC break just by dropping your E-Meter, or something of the sort, and just calling the pc’s attention off of his bank onto the auditor. The ARC break might not take place, but you have approximated the mechanic of what happens. And the probability is that it will take place. See what I mean?

So, we get down to this fundamental, which is not terribly important at first glimpse: but dragging the pc’s attention onto the auditor, you see, and onto the session is a precipitating factor even though the pc doesn’t dramatize. You see, that’s beside the point. You’ve dragged his attention onto the session. Well, that’s an ARC break in sort of reverse.

Let’s show you something; you go like this: click — click, click — click, click — click. You’ve not laid a fundamental for the ARC break, but you’ve approximated one of its mechanics, don’t you see? You’ve dragged the pc’s attention onto the auditor.

Well, very often when you do that, you leave the charge of the session not held back. See, the charge of the session now is not being as — ised, and therefore provides a background booster, and the pc „row — rows“ at the auditor, see, or becomes annoyed or something of the sort, don’t you See?

Well, so not even that one falls outside this Definition It’s bypassed charge. See, pc’s attention is on his bank, the auditor does something weird, attracts the pc’s attention off the bank. Then, you see, you’ve bypassed some charge. You’ve left some charge there, the pc’s attention is not on the charge but the charge is restimulated. Do you get that as a simple mechanic?

So that in normal course of human events you’re talking to this same pc out of session, you know, and you drop an anvil on his toe or something of this sort, and he’ll argue with you about it, but he won’t ARC break. You see? It is not, then, that a social faux pas has taken place that causes the pc to ARC break. So an auditor very often feels terribly reserved and preservative of the social amenities and all of this sort of thing, and walks around on tiptoe in a session being terribly polite and so forth. Well, you see, that isn’t necessary to prevent an ARC break. You see?

But this mystery is presented: In common course of human events, you make some crack at this person, and they, make a crack at you and you yap — yap, and that’s all there is to it, you see? And in a session, you make the tiniest inference about this person and all of a sudden he’s splattering all over the walls with an ARC break.

Well now, if you understand what you have done, you understand this matter of bypassed charge and so forth, this most flagrant example — the easiest to observe, don’t you see; the easiest to observe and actually not of any really very vast importance but I’ve just given as an example to show you what this is: In the session he’s got his attention on charged areas. And then you take his attention off the charged area and put it on the auditor, you bypass charge and that’s what causes the ARC break, see?

He’s about to tell you „… and then they drowned me in a well.“ He’s saying, „And I — I — I’m standing here, and I’m looking down into the thing, and there’s somebody grabs me by the arm, I can feel his arm, and he’s about to throw me over…

And you say click — click, „Just — just a minute. Let me see if I can get some charge on this. Let’s see, click. I — I beg your pardon, my meter — I don’t know, I guess I forgot to charge the thing,“ or something like that. And the pc goes splatter!

Oh, that’s very obvious, you see, what’s happened there. See, he’s got all this charge he’s sitting down on, and all of a sudden his attention comes off of it, and you in effect have bypassed the charge right there.

Well, now, the other part of it is he is being cause over the charge, right? As long as he’s running it he’s being cause over it, see? All right. Now, the moment that his attention is flicked off of ‘it he is now the effect of that charge. And any tone level or Know to Mystery Scale level higher than the chronic tone of the pc — . Now, get this; you know what chronic tone is, the old Know to Mystery Scale? Boy, we’re back amongst the familiar tools here these days, you know? The Know to Mystery Scale, the Expanded Tone Scale, you see — all of those things — quite valid, see? And let’s say the pc is at apathy as a chronic tone — that’s pretty high, by the way. Very few pcs are there; they’re more or less kind of wood, you know? They’re way down below that.

The other day I suddenly realized that I was feeling continuously apathetic, and I thought something is happening, my auditing is doing me in or something of the sort. I went around like that for about twenty — four hours and then suddenly realized it was I, a free thetan, who was feeling apathetic. All of a sudden, you know, any consequences of it blew, you see? And I realized suddenly I was feeling much better than I had for a long time. See, I hadn’t felt like myself, a free thetan, for some time. You know? You get the idea? I mean, gradually the Tone Scale had come up, you see, not as Ron or human being, you see, but had gradually come up, up, up. See, I’d feel pretty good as Ron, you see? Fine, feel very high — toned. But I’d come up, up, up, and I didn’t get the sneaker of it. And the first emotional response you get to it is feeling apathetic. You know, „Well, guess I’m not worth much. Look what they’re doing over in the States these days, you know? People talking about rerunning Kennedy. You know?“ I was kind of thinking about things that way, you know? And all of a sudden: „Hey, that’s me! „ you know? ‘?de! That’s me I’m feeling about! „ And it felt wonderful. Was a great feeling after that. I went around and enjoyed it, you know?

Well, actually, a pc will come up through degradation as a chronic tone, and actually will come up from unconsciousness as a chronic tone. We had a pc over in the States. I mean, it isn’t anything esoteric, you know; he just lies there conked out all the time. You try to audit him and he — conk — you know? And audit him and — conk. And talk to him — conk — you know? And he’s actually existing above his chronic tone. His chronic tone is unconsciousness. And so this boy, of course process — you process him now to get rid of his unconsciousness — well, cut your throat; you’ll never get anyplace, you see? You just have to generally process his case with processes which are real to him and bring up a general case advance, and the unconsciousness will disappear. You see that as a different look?

That doesn’t mean that there are chronic tone levels of maladies, you know? You don’t have maladies as chronic tone levels, but anything above — anything above — the pc’s chronic tone, you see, being higher than the pc, can be cause over the pc and therefore become a dramatization.

There is nobody more amazed than the pc to find himself in raging anger in a session. He’s absolutely flabbergasted! Well, some charge gets bypassed, and he doesn’t know where to look, he doesn’t know what charge is bypassed, he doesn’t know where he looks — he doesn’t know where to look. He looks at the auditor — the auditor doesn’t even have to fiddle with the E-Meter, see? He looks at the auditor and there is something, you see, and anger or something like that, being higher on the Tone Scale and contained in the incident which has been missed, causes the pc to dramatize. And the pc is actually as helpless as a dish towel in a hurricane. He’s totally helpless. He says, „Ohh — aww, what’s going on?“ And he’s shouting and screaming at the auditor, you know?

Well, you can get somebody who is dramatizing effort. You know, he’s got to pick up the chair and break it in half, you know, something like that? Well, that’s a pretty low — level dramatization, that particular one. Anger is more common. Bored is something you very often don’t recognize as a dramatization. PC is getting along fine, and all of a sudden ARC breaks and feels very bored.

Now, similarly, you could go further and find a pc ARC break into a total manic. I have never seen this, but by extrapolation, you could say he would become very manic, you see — terribly, wildly enthusiastic, with glaring eyeballs, you see? Be an ARC break.

So an ARC break, then, comes about whenever charge is bypassed, which then puts the pc at its effect — point. And the pc then dramatizes the charge that has been bypassed. This is actually far simpler than it sounds. I’m just giving you all of the ramifications of it — giving you all of the ramifications of it. These are the mechanics involved in the thing.

Now, the remedy for an ARC break is to locate and indicate the bypassed charge, at which moment the ARC break ceases. Now, that could be interpreted by a Q-and-A artist as meaning you have to go and run the bypassed charge right now. You see, he goes into a do. No, that gets into impossibility. You find yourself fifth on the chain. You are running the fifth engram and the pc is ARC breaking on the chain — well, then you would interpret it and say, „Well, you can’t possibly run the fifth engram because the pc will ARC break,“ you see? Some Q-and-A artist would interpret it at once, you see, in that category. And you will find them doing so no matter if I’ve said so. And if you’ll just remember I’ve told you this and remember this particular mechanic, you can prevent this other consequence from taking place.

And the consequence is this: Well, the pc is ARC breaking, running this engram, so therefore you have to at once go run the earlier engram. And that is not what I have told you. If that were the ease, then to prevent everybody from ARC breaking would require continuous auditing. See, that is not the remedy. The remedy is to find and indicate the bypassed charge. And the ARC break ceases, right like that. Find and indicate the bypassed charge. It’s actually as simple as that. Nothing to it.

Now, you are, all of you, cognizant of the trick of turning off somebody’s anger at you by saying „somebody’s missed your withholds.“ Sometimes it doesn’t work. Sometimes it doesn’t work. The person just gets more insulted. Well, that’s because a missed withhold isn’t the source of the bypassed charge. You just indicated the wrong bypassed charge.

But this fellow does have missed withholds, somebody has missed a withhold on him in session, he doesn’t even know this, and he’s ranting and raving at you, or something of the sort, and you say, „Boy, somebody missed a withhold on you, man.“ He cools right down.

It isn’t, as you might think, that it introverts him so that he immediately begins to look around inside of his skull, „I wonder what the missed withhold is,“ and so pulls him off of your neck. That isn’t what’s happened there. You take a good, close look at it. Get some experience on this and get some reality on it yourself, and this material will really be in your grasp.

Now, sometimes you’ve said to somebody, „Well, somebody missed a withhold on you, man,“ and the person has said, „Goddamn, don’t you pull that on me!“

Well, it wasn’t a withhold that was missed, see? Somebody missed a goal. Get the idea? And if you were to pursue it right then and say, „Well, let’s see, was it — it was probably a goal that was missed. Probably somebody missed a goal on you — missed a whole GPM. Somebody missed a whole RI. Somebody’s missed some RIs on you.“ And he’s just about to let out of his mouth a horrendous scream and follow this thing through, and he all of a sudden says, „I wonder if it could have been a missed RI? Probably was.“ See?

So the trick of turning off an ARC break is to find and indicate the bypassed charge. But it must be the charge that was bypassed. See, that’s where the accuracy comes in. And that makes you an artist.

Now, it’s still within the realm of scientific approach — still within the realm of scientific approach because there are only a few charges that can be missed. See? There’s engrams and GPMs and goals and RIs, an engram more basic on the chain or an incident more basic on the chain, or a failure to acknowledge, or a refutation of reality, or a rejection of affinity. This character is feeling you’re a pretty good auditor and you say, „Ah, nuts!“ see? All right, he’s got a charge there of affinity, see, and that isn’t acknowledged and you bypass it. You rejected it. So you get this thing firing back in your face. Don’t you see what that is?

Now, these are not mechanisms which are totally relegated to session, but they relegate themselves to life. Now, you’re a Registrar and somebody is coming in, or you’re signing up pcs. (All of you have to wear a Registrar’s hat at one time or another.) And you’re trying to get somebody to get some auditing, you’re a Registrar, see? And there you are one fine day with a yow — yow — yow and a scream — scream — scream standing in front of your face: Seventy — five hours of auditing have been delivered — he feels terrible! He says, „Oh, I could kill everybody in the place,“ and he ought to go out and sue everybody, and he’s going to inform the government that so on and so on and so on and so on — yap, yap, yap, you never hear such a thing. Don’t worry too much about the threats, because the person totally lacks direction. Person will go halfway down the steps and change his mind and do something else, don’t you see? They’re incapable of carrying forward a program that has any cohesion or direction, see?

Now, you actually are very foolish to engage this individual in any reasonable conversation, because it’s not a reasonable situation. That attitude is wholly the product of bypassed charge. And as Registrar, you simply should hunt and punch around till you find the bypassed charge. That’s all, just hunt and punch around till you find the pc’s bypassed charge. All of a sudden the thing expires. It just goes, because you’ve found and indicated it.

Be perfectly all right to just grab a meter, and — trying somehow or another, to get him to hold the cans — and just give him the standard sort of an assessment: „Did somebody run an engram too late on the chain?“ you see? „There’s a more basic engram run? Oh, clang. That fired. Ah, yes. Well, somebody was running an engram on you and there’s an earlier engram.“

„Oh, is there? Yes, you know, yeah.“

Where’s all this rage? Well, you see, the rage is an automaticity. And I have told you often, often, often, often, often, the tenuous character, the extremely delicate, balanced character of neurosis and psychosis — and such other nasty words — makes it almost impossible not to undo it. Because it is incapable of continuation. It is set up in such a delicate balance that almost anything can make it slip, if it’s effective. You understand that?

You see, some guy is down in a padded cell someplace, and he’s a „raving gamaniac“ and he is screaming away and throwing stools at the warders and so forth. And although I don’t blame him for throwing stools at these blokes, this is the point: His condition is not a condition of terrible, difficult, hard, mean, impossible — to — reach, go — on — forever dramatization, see? That is not true. Actually, the difficulty of maintaining such a state is almost impossibly difficult. You can make it go bzzzt! And all of a sudden it no longer hangs in balance and can’t go on dramatizing.

You’ve heard me talk to you before about the slip: old ARC Straightwire, the way you can knock apart a neurosis — the difficulty of maintaining a neurosis. Old ARC Straightwire has broken up more neuroses than you can count. See, it — too difficult for the pc to go on being neurotic on this particular point.

And this, of course, is at wild variance to the commonly held belief. The commonly held belief is a person is psychotic — well, that’s it, they’ve had it, you see, and they’re psychotic, and that’s all you can do about it. You can’t do anything about it, you see, because it’s a very tough, vigorous, dangerous, enduring condition. See, that’s the commonly held belief. They believe that a neurosis is a fantastically arduous thing.

Read a funny story: Somebody — people send me clippings all the time. I get lots of clippings (appreciate them). And one of the clippings I got the other day was a yap — yap about a psychiatrist; it was very funny. It seems like he’d been treating this fellow — he’s telling his story, you see? And he’d been treating this fellow for four years at an hour a day. And when the fellow — he’d had a tremendous success, the psychiatrist was saying, because when the fellow first came to him, why, he just felt terrible all the time, because he just had this urge to kill somebody. And so he gave him an hour’s treatment every day for four years, and at the end of that time, why, the fellow walked into the office, and the psychiatrist knew he’d had a wonderful success because the fellow said he just felt wonderful, he just felt wonderful, he’d never felt better, and so forth, and that neurosis that he had been working with, that always used to make him feel terrible, now made him feel wonderful. And as the fellow pulled the iron bar out of his pocket, the psychiatrist said… And that was the end of the story.

In other words, there are two things, you see, that argue in favor of a lie in this direction: One, the absence of technology and the absence of understanding of these states combines with the professional need of tough eases. You see, if psychosis wasn’t unsolvable, you wouldn’t find the — and very tough and very enduring and very terrible — you wouldn’t find the US (ha!) government shelling out sixteen billion quid (or bucks or whatever they’re using these days) to build themselves up endless numbers of sanitariums, and ten research centers. They’re going to build ten research centers and so forth. And they might even get up to prenatals in these things, you know, because they’ll probably use our work. And man, look at the kitty! Sixteen billion, see? And that’s just the initial appropriation. That’s going to cost five billion a year afterwards. The armed — forces construction program of the United States is only 1.6 or 1.8 billion. Give you some weird perspective? That is fantastic.

Look at the vested interest in psychosis being incurable. These nuts that are in charge of the nuts will never do anything, of course. It’s worth too much to them not to. Somebody comes along and said, „All you have to do is find and indicate the bypassed charge and the Person go fftt! and he’s sane.“

„Oh,“ they’d say, „take that nut out and kill him, ha — ha — ha — ha! He’s about to cost us sixteen billion hard — earned legislative bucks! Ha! Shoot him.“

It’s not for nothing the FDA is mad at us. You see, they don’t for a moment believe any of their charges. See, they have made a comprehensive, thorough investigation all up and down the land, and they haven’t found one single human being who ever was told that an E-Meter would cure anything. But they’ve invented the statements. Why? Well, we constitute a fantastic threat to a fantastic vested interest.

These are not men of goodwill. They’re caved — in dramatizers themselves. Never make that error. You can very easily make that error. These guys are dramatizing. I don’t know — much care what they’re dramatizing, but they themselves are doing a heavy, hard dramatization, by which they say, „We can do what we do without conscience, because man is after all an animal and is nothing.“ See, so they spread the plea that man is an animal and is nothing as an effort to get over committing overts. So this hangs them with being an animal and being nothing.

I imagine that if you took thirty psychiatrists — I know it’s unpopular to talk about these people, but if you took thirty psychiatrists at random, at least one of those thirty would be sitting there barking. If you just called on thirty in a row.

You think I’m kidding — try it sometime. I’m not kidding. These people need help probably worse than their own patients. How would you like to be up against something that you advertisedly considered incurable, totally damaging, nothing could be done about it, and you’re collecting money right and left to do something about it? Krrrrr! That’s a pretty nasty position for anybody to work himself into.

Now, we probably cut those blokes off by my continuous saying this and that, we probably deny them help one way or the other. But every time I have ever tried to work with any group of psychiatrists or anything of the sort, the only thing they’ll send me is one of their number who has already gone potty. This bird’s around the bend or something like that. And I’ve never been able to teach them anything. And they actually have worn out their welcome with me, that’s all. But I would still help them today.

That’s beside the point. The point I’m making on the thing is that you can work yourself into a position where you consider an ARC break unremediable, terribly powerful and overwhelmingly destructive, so that you will label certain pcs as ARC — breaky pcs. You can fear this ARC break, you see? You can become afraid of these ARC breaks occurring. And that can make you unwilling to audit, or if you don’t even go that far, will rough you up enough to do a stinking auditing job, which of course causes more ARC breaks. You got that?

So unless you corral the ARC break, unless you yourself get a good reality on handling the ARC break, unless you understand this one and you develop the skill necessary to find and indicate the bypassed charge — that’s the only skill you’ve got to develop — you’ll get into a position where you’ll audit for a while and then feel like it isn’t worth the candle and man is no good, and go the route, man! Another half a century you’ll be telling Congress, „Well, we need sixteen billion dollars because — to handle the nuts.“

You see, what you’ve got to break through with you is, one, a condemnation of ARC breaks. They don’t mean anything; they’re not diagnostic in any way, shape or form. They’re not diagnostic, that’s all. They don’t tell you the ease with which a pc runs or the unease with which he runs. They tell you nothing. See, the pc who runs like a well — oiled player piano may ARC break all over the ceiling. And some pc that you couldn’t get a gain on with a building jack never ARC breaks at all. So, you see, it’s no indication at all. There’s no index there.

The pc who is very easy to audit very often is the pc that is very hardest to get a gain on. And the pc who is very difficult to audit very often gets the highest gains. So, you see, these are not coordinated factors. So this is something that should tell you that temporary or permanent conditions of misemotional stress are something that you have to face up to as an auditor or just get out of the auditing chair. It’ll catch up with you sooner or later, man.

I catch myself every once in a while in some kind of a session: Pc says, „Row — row, row — row — row — row, row — row — row — row — row.“ See? „You just ask me for one more of those suppresses on this RI and I’m going to blow! Because there aren’t any suppresses left on the RI!“ You get that kind of an approach?

I say to myself, „This pc’s trying to convince me that I mustn’t take the charge off the RIs. This pc is in a big sell.“ See?

Well, actually that would be the inevitable effect of it. I eventually would say, „Well, all right. And all right, that rocket read,“ you know. „It rocket read,“ and so on. Get the next one, the next one, the next one, and so on. „All right. Yeah, you’ve finished the bank. To hell with you,“ you know? See?

You’re doing the very thing you must have done in the first place that caused the ARC break. And you got to get some wins on this, auditor — you got to get some wins on this. This one you got to get wins on.

I want you to get a confidence that when a pc goes row — row — row, that you can find the bypassed charge, either just by knowing what it must be because it couldn’t be anything else because you weren’t doing anything else, don’t you see? And checking on a meter, or going into a full — dress parade of assessment to get the bypassed charge — however you get that bypassed charge — find it and then by indicating it to this pc, realize the tool that is in your power. By the fact that the mere indication of it turns off the ARC break, right like that. You didn’t do a thing about it except indicate it.

How do you indicate it? You say to the pc whatever you say to the pc that indicates it, that’s all. I mean it’s as elementary as that. There isn’t any hidden magic here. It’s not like that if you — “I can teach you now how to make gold. And the way to learn how to make gold, the way to make gold is to go up at twelve o’clock on a night of the full moon, and sit down on a punky stump with two pounds of lead and one pound of arsenic. Rub these two together, and if you don’t think of the word hippopotamus you will find you have made gold.“ See? Impossible — completely impossible assignment.

Now, this is not an impossible one. This lies well within your reality, your action, your ability and so forth. There isn’t anything else spotted here, see, that is esoteric or outside. I didn’t mean to degrade your reality or anything like that; I’m saying, just, it’s something that you can have a reality on right now. The only times you’ll miss on this, you very often will pick it up a session or two later. You had an ARC break, bow! and you couldn’t find anything to — and then nothing happened, and you couldn’t cure the thing, and blooww! and you couldn’t do anything about it. And two sessions later you find out — my God, you had passed a whole GPM. You all of a sudden remember, „Hey! Two sessions ago when I jumped that bank, you know, I got that next goal, and — ha — ha! And we just found out that in between there is the goal ‘to spit.’ Hey, what do you know. Ho — ho!“ And you say to the pc, „Hey, what do you know about that.“ And the pc gets very calm all of a sudden.

You very often find out a couple of — some time afterwards what the bypassed charge was, and that will make you very enthusiastic on what I’m saying just now. You’ll get more enthusiastic than that, because you find out it’s an invariable fact. It doesn’t vary. Why didn’t you find the bypassed charge at the time the charge was bypassed?

Now, the rest of it is, you actually shouldn’t let an ARC break endure more than two or three minutes, because ARC breaks multiply by the square. They’re not a lineal development. You let an ARC break run one minute and it doubles. You let it run two minutes and it quadruples. You let it run three minutes — you get the idea? There it goes. This thing is developing on a very steep curve. And you actually owe it to the pc — not because you’re afraid of it, but because you’ll have more trouble and waste more session time — you owe it to the pc to get in and turn it off fast.

Now, you see, a whole government can be intimidated by a riot. The United States government is actually being conducted today by riot. The only people who get any attention or get anything passed are those people who riot. See? The Japanese government went by the boards because there was a riot. Somebody went down and slipped a few yen to a few students and they went up and went yow — yow — yow, and Eisenhower was unable to visit the country, and so forth (because, after all, students are pretty dangerous, you know?). And can’t have all that shouting, you know, and so forth, and the government fell.

This government — my hat’s off to this government. They „Ban the bomb,“ you know, and the police go out and pick them up and put them away. And they „Ban the bomb,“ and the police go out and pick them up and put them away. And I don’t think there’s been a ripple in Parliament. I don’t think Parliament has even heard about it. It’s very, very remarkable. They’ve gotten used to that over here, see? So they’re not being run by riot. Get this as a method of government: running a government by riot.

There are many methods of government which I have studied from time to time and been called to my attention, and so on, which aren’t in the civics textbooks. You know? You elect the mayor, and the mayor does this and the aldermen do that and all that sort of thing. These aren’t in the civics textbook, but they are basic methods of government. Government by assassination: There are many texts on this subject. Texts!

The government of Japan, for some vast, vast, vast period of time, was run by the Black Dragon Society.

Some bird dramatizing the Helatrobus Implants. I think they’re called the Sharif Mohammedans or something like that, they were at the time, from which you get the word assassin. Old Hashshashin, the Old Man of the Mountain, used to kidnap young fellows and tell them that when they got killed they could come back to paradise. He’d give them a few days in paradise, you know, and he’d get a lot of good — looking dolls and rivers of milk and honey and all that sort of thing, and the guy up there — that’s where you get the word hashish too. They’d get this young fellow in some cafe and feed him some hashish, take him up there, and these babes would chuck him under the chin for a few days, and then the old man with the false halo would come around and say, „Now, son, the way you get back here and live forever in perfect enjoyment is to do exactly what we say.“

„And what is that?“

„Well, go get yourself killed, of course.“

„Well, how am I — get myself killed?“

„Well, you have to assassinate the sultan of Persia.“

Well, the young fellows look at these girls and all the curves, and he’d say, „Tsk, tsk! Why not?“ See? And the next drink of wine they slipped to him, why, it’d have some more hashish in it, and he’d wake up in the capital of the shah. Next time the shah walked through the streets or rode through the streets or something like that, there he was and off went the shah’s head, see? Of course, the guards would kill the fellow, but that was exactly in the plans. And a lot of young fellows got surprised by not being able to find the top of this mountain again, and there they were.

But that was government by assassination. And all the Old Man of the Mountain ever had to do was just indicate to the Chinese head of state that he’d like a couple of camel loads of gold, please, and they would be on the way at once. Everybody was terrified of this person. Government by assassination. Any policy could be laid down, anything else, because of this fear of assassination.

This lasted a couple of hundred years, by the way, and it’s oddly enough, a direct dramatization of the Helatrobus Implants.

The Helatrobus Implants didn’t have that as a purpose. They just had a purpose as doing you in — it was far more elementary But — that’s why they’re so easy to deal with. They’re so monomanic on the subject. You were supposed to be human, have a body, not fly around anymore, not trouble anybody. And then you were supposed to have such diverse purposes that you could never unite on a single cause. Easy to govern. Yes, I must say so. But, of course, the Helatrobus government never got around to establishing the government they had then set up. Rest their bones, rest their bones.

They must have had the whole galaxy laid out for a total conquest. And they were too covert to ever take over. Covertion became the order of the day, you see? They could never assert dominion of what they’d set up. Interesting. Interesting point. I see that that saddened you. Don’t worry about it, don’t worry about it. We can straighten that up.

Anyhow, getting back on this other: You realize that if you governed all of your actions by reason of ARC breaks, you’ll get a government of Scientology by ARC break. And you as an auditor, in your auditing actions, will be governed by ARC breaks. Do you see that? Do you see that? That’s why I was taking this political excursion, just to show you there that it is possible to have your actions governed by that.

You are never governed by that which you can handle with ease. So therefore the greater the facility you develop in handling ARC breaks, the less you are governed by ARC breaks, until you’re not governed at all by ARC breaks. It just becomes another phenomenon. Pc’s nose is running or he starts — tears leaking out of his eyes, hand him a Kleenex. Has an ARC break, why, locate and indicate the bypassed charge. Bang — bang, you see? And keep on with what you’re doing. You got it?

Now at first in developing these activities, you will make mistakes as to what the bypassed charge is on, and your faith will quiver and grow faint. And you’ll say, „The ARC break must be caused by something else, because look, I found and indicated the charge and the pc still has an ARC break. Therefore there must be something about this that Ron did not tell us.“

No, there was something about it that you didn’t hear. You have to find and indicate the right bypassed charge. There are only a few of them, but you have to find the right one. And the ARC break vanishes at once. Therefore, there is no reason under the sun to have ARC breaky sessions. No reason to keep a pc ARC breaking.

Now, those pcs who have continuously ARC broken sessions can be run on a process which is the three — way ARC Break Process. I’m not talking now about they have an ARC break, you run this process. You get that one wrong way to and I’ll get cross, because we used to have processes to handle the ARC break. But they won’t handle the immediate ARC break, you understand? We’re not interested in a process that handles the immediate ARC break. We got that technology and it’s much faster than a process.

But somebody whose bank is mixed up because of ARC breaks has this other ARC Break Process. And an auditor who has gotten himself stuck around and messed up because he has just run too many ARC breaky pcs, with this run on him, finds it all stripped away. „In session — in auditing,“ you know, „what attitude has been refused?“ You know, the „In auditing, what reality has been rejected?“ „In auditing, what communication has not been acknowledged?“ It’s that trio. And they’ll straighten up, using „In auditing“ as a prefix, more auditing than any quantity of mid — rud buttons.

I’ve gotten a repetitive process which upscales this. We needed a repetitive process at this time for many reasons. But there is a doll, because this one even runs an implant. You see, we have good history on this process, because this is old ARC Straightwire. Nineteen fifty — eight, the only thing that’d go into implants and open them wide open was ARC Break Straightwire. Remember that process, 1958? All right, this is the immediate successor. And here’s one of the most worked — over areas of repetitive processes known. It’s based, of course, on the whole technology of the ARC triangle. Now I’m giving you the rest of the technology.

Why does it work, you see? Because it does nothing but spot bypassed charge. That’s how I redeveloped it and redeveloped it, you see? And I got it redeveloped along this line. And there’s trick ways of clearing the auditing command and so forth I’ll put into your hands so that you can do an assessment on certain words, so the pc has a complete understanding of what you’re doing. And this is a doll. It isn’t any too — little, two — bit process. In fact you will be doing it on Fridays.

Well, what I’m getting around to here is your attitude on the subject of ARC breaks must never be one whereby you’re driven by the ARC break. Because you’ll be driven, man, into not getting the items clean. You’ll be driven into taking the pc’s orders, because a pc ARC breaks just for so much time and then starts to issue orders because his duress is so great, and those orders are the direct result of dramatizations. So, the orders are the significance. See, he’s dramatizing the significance contained in what you just put him at the effect of. See, not only is he capable of dramatizing the emotion of the bypassed charge, but he’s also capable of dramatizing the significance contained in the bypassed charge. And therefore it’s a very dangerous thing to take the orders — it’s very dangerous to the pc to take the orders of a very ARC broke pc. Very dangerous — to the pc, not to you.

So what’s this add up to? This adds up to two things: that you should learn to handle bypassed charge, and be good enough as an auditor not to ever bypass charge! Period! How do you do that? Well, just get hot, man.

How can you bypass charge? You can bypass charge by not finding any. You get a pc who is on suppress, suppress, suppress and is all upset and going sideways, and you try to find the next goal. You’re pressing on with the session in the teeth of some kind of a weird, apathetic ARC break or a low morale, see? So you do this list, only he never puts the goal on the list. He puts some other goal three goals down the bank on this list. You take that goal, you see, because you can’t do anything else and so forth, and you just really can’t do a good job on it. So you take this goal and you bypass a couple of GPMs. Now, brother, you’re going to have a picnic.

See, you were driven into auditing somewhat carelessly or apathetically or defensively or something of the sort, so you did a bad job of auditing and then you laid in more charge — bypassed, see? You lay — you didn’t lay in more charge, you bypassed more charge. See? The harder you are driven into doing a bad job, then the more charge you bypass. So then you try to find the top oppterm of this new one you found; it doesn’t fire. Got two GPMs ahead of it. Or you try to find its terminal, and that takes you two sessions.

What do you think the magnitude of built — up charge is by this time on the bypassed charge? The bypassed charge is always prior to the charge you were working, you see — always prior. What do you think this does? Well, it just confirms the bypassed charge.

The reason you can’t get anyplace with what you are doing is because you have bypassed charge. And therefore look on the ARC break as a blessing in disguise. It tells you, even more accurately than the meter, that you have bypassed some charge. Well, it tells you you haven’t got basic on the chain of the engrams, regardless of the meter. „Is there a more basic incident on this chain?“ The meter doesn’t do a thing; it just sits there and does nothing. If the pc ARC breaks, well, brother, there is a more basic incident on that chain. In other words, he can look deeper than the meter, see?

You’ve said, „All right, now let’s pick up the first incident. Good. What are you looking at?“

„Oh, I’m looking at the clouds going by here.“

„All right. Good. Now, see anything else around you?“

„Yeah, I see this black cord that seems to be coming down from the sky.“

„All right. Now go to the moment just before that black cord reaches the ground or reaches toward you.“

Pc ARC breaks. Well, you say, „Well, I’m — I was just sitting here trying to run the basic engram on the chain, and it said on the meter that it was the basic engram, and — and — hu — uh — mm — mm.“

Don’t feel so damn pathetic. You asked him to go to the beginning, so that restimulated it. And then he didn’t get there, and he saw a picture that was the fifteenth incident. And you started to run the fifteenth incident; there were fourteen before it. So the pc ARC broke.

Now, you say, „Well, I’ve got to run this incident, because I can’t get any trace of the earlier incidents unless I run through this one once. So therefore I don’t dare run through this one once because the pc will ARC break.“ Not unless you haven’t heard a word I said in this lecture. See, you won’t be able to if you haven’t heard a word I’ve said. You will always have to run the basic and, of course, it’s not available. It’s seldom available till you’ve peeled off a couple off the top of it. Look at the trouble you’re having trying to get the first goal on the first series. Look at the trouble you’re having. Why are you having trouble? That’s because you’ve got to audit a few later ones to get the charge off enough to find the first one.

Well, all right, isn’t that automatically bypassed charge? No. It’s bypassed charge, but you’ve already cured the ARC break. How? You told the pc, „I can’t find the first goal right now and it’s undoubtedly there; we’re going to run the one we’ve got our hands on.“ So you’ve already found and indicated the charge. So the pc won’t ARC break, of course, because he knows there’s charge up ahead.

All right. All you have to do is find and indicate the basic — the fact that there is a basic on the chain. Well, the pc ARC breaks — start to run this chain. You just try it on for size.

You say, „Well, you know, the engram that we’ve just started into here, that’s evidently late on the chain, isn’t it?“ And you look at your E-Meter and it’ll fire right about that time, because you said, „Now, we’re going to run the one we get through so we can get back earlier.“

„Oh, well — oh, yes? All right, fine.“ And the pc’ll go right through it.

He’ll run — he’ll run the eighty — ninth on the chain, as long as he knows not even that it’s the eighty — ninth but that there’s an earlier one on the chain. It’s that elementary. It’s that elementary.

Now, why does a pc ARC break when you’re putting in rudiments? Well, the rudiment is out in the incident that you are running, and of course that’s prior to the session. You try to put the rudiment in, in the session; it is out in the incident, so of course you’ve bypassed the charge, so therefore the pc ARC breaks and said, „All you’re doing is sitting there running mid ruds and mid ruds and mid ruds, and you’re mid — ruding me to death.“ See, that’s just another case of bypassed charge.

Pc ARC breaks in mid ruds, you say — you don’t have to find it. In fact, you better hadn’t. There’s probably a suppress in the incident. See, you’re running Suppress and the pc ARC breaks. You say, „Well, in the incident we’ll probably run there’s probably a suppress.“

And the pc — “Oh, yes!“ That’s the end of the ARC break. You understand? You get how many ways this cookie crumbles? See? It’s the number of ways this pie can be cut. It’s always bypassed charge.

And what’s that make you for chickening off on cleaning an RI? What’s that do, when because the pc is so ARC breaky and restive that you don’t get all the charge off of — out of an RI? What does that set up? What does that set up for the next two or three RIs? Learn to think in those terms. It sets up an ARC break, of course. Because you didn’t get the charge off the RI, the next RI now has bypassed charge behind it. Least that’ll happen is your pc’s morale goes down, and you can’t get the charge off the next one. And you get a cumulative error. See? But, of course, you are so protective of your skill as an auditor you never say to the pc, „Hey, I don’t think I’ve gotten any of the charge off the earlier incidents in this bank.“

And the pc says, „Oh, no? Haven’t you? Well, careless of you.“ And that’s the end of that ARC break.

Look at the cumulative error. Item one: you got it to fire; it fired over a sixteenth of an inch, sensitivity 128 on the meter. „Well, that’s the end of that one. All right, what opposes it? ‘Nix scrambled eggishness.’ „ You know? „All right, that fired a sixteenth of an inch.“ So you say, „Good. All right, let’s take the next one, number two. ‘Absolutably scrambled eggishness.’ You know? Well, that ticked. Well, that’s good enough. There probably wasn’t any charge on it. Probably the speaker was out that day. So let’s get the next one. ‘Nix scrambled eggishness. ‘Hm — hm. That fell slightly.“ (Tone arm went up so you got „tone arm action“ on it!) „Oh,“ you say, „well, I better get industrious. ‘Perfectably scrambled eggishness.’ I better get industrious and I’ll really clean this one. This item been suppressed? Anything in the session been suppressed? Protested? Upset? Anything — anything been Upset? Anything Protested? Upset? Invalidated? ‘Perfectable scrambled eggishness’ — anything been perfectabled?“

And you’re sitting there looking at the wildest ARC break you ever heard of. „Where did it come from? Just because I’m trying to put in a couple of rudiments on ‘perfectable scrambled eggishness,’ this pc is ARC broke because he doesn’t want me to — .“ Looks mysterious, doesn’t it? Well, it comes from „nix absolutable,“ „absolutable nix,“ and the top oppterm.

Want to set up an ARC break? You can set it up perfectly mechanically. Just start going down the list, just drop one — just drop an RI. See? Notice the pc is a little abstracted and say, „Give me number thirty — one.“ Ticks. You say, „All right, that’s fine. Give me number thirty — two.“ This pc will get a weird look in his eye. And certainly by thirty — three, thirty — four or thirty — five, you will have a God — awful ARC break on your hands. And then you say, „I didn’t take the charge off number thirty — one. Didn’t take the charge of it off.“

„Oh? Oh.“

I wouldn’t say you’d do this to any pc, but you actually could. And it’s just as predictable as that. One, two, three: You bypass the charge, keep it a secret, ARC break.

Now, you start struggling around with a pc and ramming around one kind or another and harassing the pc and chewing the pc up, after you’ve bypassed two and three — quarters banks full of no blown charge, and what do you think you’re going to be able to do with this pc? Exactly nothing. You’re going to get nothing to discharge, you’re not going to be able to run a session and so forth. What’s your remedy? Your remedy ordinarily is find an earlier goal and run it well.

What if the pc is so bogged down by this time that you can’t get up to an earlier goal? Well, run this ARC Break Recall Process for half a session, your pc will be able to find some earlier goals. Yeah, well, that’s a crude remedy.

Any trouble you have with Routine 3 today is caused by bypassed charge. Any ARC break that you’re having is caused by bypassed charge which has neither been found nor indicated. It’s all under the heading of bypassed charge. Get a reality on it. How many ways can you bypass charge? Then you’ll be able, not only to run a smooth session, but you’ll have everything blowing, left and right, all the way on down.

There are numbers of ways to run charge off of RIs — numbers of ways to do it. But don’t take the charge off of a GPM, your next GPM isn’t going to fire. Don’t take the charge off of four or five consecutive RIs, the sixth isn’t going to fire. That’s all.

Now, don’t yammer at the pc on the seventh, trying to get it to discharge. Well, that’s nonsense. How can it discharge? Pc is all of a sudden — his morale’s down, he’s ARC broken and so forth. The perfect way to keep these implants from running is to bypass charge. Then you’re not going to get anything to run.

Well, I’ve even given you a weapon that puts the pc back together again so you can bypass the charge you’ve left on the bank. And that’s your ARC Break Process, and that’s marvelous anyway. The only thing known that’ll cut into an implant like a band saw. Good Straightwire process — sit there and run it for a while, pc’s that upset. But find out the charge reason first. Cure these ARC breaks before running a process.

Now, there’s the trouble „you is having“ — if you have any trouble with pcs, and if you have any trouble running banks; it all comes under that one heading of bypassed charge. You’re going to have ARC breaks and no rocket reads. Everybody was sitting marveling at the big rocket reads I was getting on that TV demonstration. Well, it might strike you as very interesting that it was one of the most difficult sessions I have given for a very long time and those were the smallest rocket reads I have had for a long time. It was very difficult. The pc was very restimulated by the amount of electronic hum on the television cameras, because he was going through an electronic implant that hummed. Therefore wasn’t firing very well. And I fought that on down the line and there was a bypassed charge of a cognition which almost caused an ARC break, and finally gave you the cognition, only it had been bypassed. And then you saw some rocket reads that were really rocket reads. You saw a lot of rocket reads; those things were clean.

There’s way — many ways to blow RIs. This is not a lecture on how to blow RIs. But let me tell you that if you start bypassing charge early on, you’re going to find no charge later. And let me tell you something else: Don’t buy an RI that doesn’t rocket read a full dial. Got it? Just don’t buy them. Let’s see that thing fire, man! Let’s see it really fire. There isn’t a pc made that won’t give you a dial rocket read per item. Now, how much charge do you think you’ve left on the bank? How long do you think your pc will remain ARC unbroken?

All right. Now, I told you you wouldn’t like this lecture, but there it is.

Thank you very much.