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CONTENTS HISTORY OF PSYCHOTHERAPY Cохранить документ себе Скачать


A lecture given on 20 June 1963

Meat bodies cook!

What’s the date?

Audience: 20th of June.

Okay. Twenty June AD 13, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. I was thinking what I could tell you, that might make auditing easier. I’m not in the position at the present moment to give you a history of auditing on the whole track, that would be a complete history. But I know quite a bit about it and it’s pretty stinking.

It all goes along the traditional psychiatric lines, of evaluate, invalidate — you know, the psychiatric code. Evaluate, invalidate and so forth.

Now, it might strike you as peculiar that if this universe has been sitting here this long, that nobody ever got very practical about digging anybody out of it. And that’s because — that’s because — there’s a very good reason for this — is the guys who consistently remain in charge are usually in sufficiently good shape that they are not terribly worried about their own Condition You see that?

Audience: Mm — hm. Mmm.

So it makes a continuous authoritative level of not interested. That’s quite interesting.

Because new blood comes into this universe, I suppose even today and these boys haven’t gone the route and so on. By the time they have, they’ve usually lost out and so they’re no longer in a position of authority. But there have been spells of auditing, of sorts, but you wouldn’t call it auditing. But as much as I’ve been around in this universe, I have never encountered an effective therapy.

That’s quite interesting, because it goes contrary to the fondest hopes of the religionists. It rather plows in the legend of the Kahoona Kapuna Kapunas, who all they had to do was go „Kahoona kapuna,“ and something — thaauh! See? This is an unworkable level. See, there haven’t been workable therapies. There’ve been by — the — bootstraps recoveries which are rather spectacular.

And as you look back over the whole track, you’ll find that you’ve been going on a rolly — coaster. You’ve spent some time in a meat body and then the next thing you know, why, there you were, Operating Thetan, see. And then for a while, why, you’re pushing a doll body around or something like that and then boom — why, you’re Operating Thetan. And then you push a meat body around for a while, and then spend a few million or trillion years in a trap or something like that and then you come out the other end of it. And suddenly and mysteriously, why, there you are chucking planets around, or something like this, you see.

This is all — this is all very difficult for a person to reconcile. And it’s „What am I doing? What am I doing“ Being up, being down, being up, being down. There isn’t one of you who hasn’t been in meat bodies on the whole track many many times. Many times and places, you see. And, who succeeded this act — who didn’t succeed this action by being an OT, you see. Quite interesting. And vitally necessary to your understanding of the situation because it gives you false hope. You say, well, „What — what must have turned? What must have turned the dials on my life like this? What mysterious thing happened that would suddenly make me nine Empire State Buildings tall? And what — what turn of the road did I hit that brought me into a state where I could well, cut Earth in half and serve it up as watermelon? See, what did I suddenly do that brought this about? And then, also, what did I do that made me suddenly feel so weak? And how come a few trillennia later, why, here I am a professor of medicine in the college of fine arts, or something, in Hoosegow University or something How — what?“ Dizzy. Very dizzying. Up one minute, down the next.

And you go along the track looking for a miracle, because it must have been a miracle; you didn’t know anything about it. Very peculiar things went on; you’re on a stake trap of some kind or another, and some bird out of the goodness of his heart grabs you by the scruff of the neck and threw you up into the sky or somebody else fortuitously put a charge in the planet and blew it to flinders that you happened to be trapped on, and you fortuitously went flying out into space. And next thing you know, there you are tromping around in your bare feet a light — year tall, see. And you say, „Well, it must have been that I just felt that way when I was on the stake and when I was off the stake, why, then I felt okay. And can’t happen to me again.“ And then the next thing you know, why, there you are pushing a broom at Hoosegow University, feeling very apathetic.

Well, I’d like to point out something to you. The cycle is getting shorter. See, that’s the trick. You stay up less long. You go down quicker. And what is this mysterious thing that suddenly brings you into prominence where you’re flexing the biceps in all directions and so on? What is this mysterious thing. Well, I can’t even now give you a full answer that I would guarantee to stay solid for the next some trillennia — years. But it’s the opportunity, more than anything else. And a necessity level. And then you find out you can and there you are and so you can go along for a while. Because you see, you aren’t naturally a matchbox tall. You see, that’s probably 90 percent of the answer. You aren’t naturally only two inches high, see.

You look at it as the ordinary condition of life, now, to be in a meat body and be quite small, you see. Actually, that’s not the ordinary condition of life. That’s an extraordinary condition of life. Very extraordinary. Takes quite a bit to get a person into that state.

Every once in a while you’ll run into somebody and they’re allergic to boot polish or something like this, you see. You ask them to recall a time when they swiped or ate their mother’s boot polish or something, you see, and bang, they do, and bang, they’re no longer allergic to boot polish. And you say, „Well isn’t this wonderful, isn’t this remarkable, here I have achieved a near miracle.“

Oh, yes, you have, there’s no doubt about that. But what you haven’t looked at is the unnaturalness to have an allergy to boot polish. That’s terribly unnatural.

Now it takes a great deal of publicity, takes a great deal of working at to keep everybody down. The enthusiasm that this has to be worked at is rather phenomenal. It does take sixteen — billion — dollar — per — annum appropriations on the part of the US so — called government — with psychiatric treatments for one and all and Siberia slated for anybody who doesn’t agree with them politically. It takes that much money, it takes that much effort. It takes that many TV screens, see. It takes that many — it takes that many misguided mothers who said, „Johnny, you must not get your feet wet.“ See?

It takes this whole operation, has to be worked at. You’ve never looked at it as a worked — at operation. You’ve looked at it as a rather natural operation. Well not to introduce memoirs into the thing particularly, but you occasionally have not wanted to be pushed around. You’ve just wanted to go and sit on a cloud for nine thousand years and recover. I almost tore up a valley one time on just this one basic fact. They wanted to give me some treatment. Well their treatment was no damn good. It was perfectly friendly treatment. Friendly. You know, you — you got knocked out in a crash, see. Well, let’s fix him up, you know? Whole attitude is why the hell don’t you go off someplace and get lost? I just want to sit here on this rock till my head stops spinning, see? Total ambition.

No, no, they had to hand out treatment. „Oh, ho — ho yeah, ho, we’ve got to fix him up, see.“ Ah, well, it’s very interesting. Because the funny part of it is, if I just sat on a rock for another thousand years or something like that and admired the sunsets and sunrises, why, I would have probably come out of almost anything I would have gotten into, don’t you see? Because I wasn’t being trapped there, nothing bad was happening to me. But you never have these opportunities.

The struggle a person has right now trying to get a vacation. And the glee with which some other people say they’ve just been on one. Now this is a — this is an interesting thing. How come everybody wants a vacation? Well actually, life is a very interesting activity. And if you were going at it hammer and tongs and were not being degraded in the process, why, you really wouldn’t feel like you wanted a vacation.

But that vacation is a token payment on the possible opportunity of having a hundred thousand years to sit on Mount Everest and admire the snowfall. Because you know you’d be better. The universe itself, if you delete incident from it, is therapeutic. Although you can look on this universe as a big basic trap, it’s mostly a trap cause it lets people get at people. It itself is not very operative in that direction.

Now, you could probably turn out, well, let’s go way down scale, and let’s take the spinbins. Look how busy they are in a spinbin. Have you ever been in a hospital? Ever been in a hospital? You’re lying there, six o’clock in the morning, crash, on goes the lights, bang, the door opens, somebody’s standing there — thermometer. Konk! Here we go, man! Gotta do, gotta do, gotta do, gotta do, gotta do, you know? I think there’s a hospital someplace, they were understaffed and they produced some remarkable cures!

At the same time, it isn’t true that if you just went on sitting still for any God’s quantity of years, that you would necessarily get well. That isn’t necessarily true either. It would all depend on what Condition you were sitting still in. If you were sitting still in the head of an idol someplace in an abandoned temple for a few trillennia, you might not deteriorate, but you certainly wouldn’t improve either. No, a power of choice has got to be there to sit still. And that’s what gets overset entirely. The entire economic system that we have now is completely rigged to overthrow the power of choice to sit still. You can’t do it, you see. Games are lots of fun, but here are enforced games and well, there’s the game of overdraft. Overdraft at the bank. That’s quite a game. There’s — it’s no accident that money keeps inflating and people keep fooling with money because the impulse is there to make the economic noose tighter and tighter and tighter and tighter. Where could you go right now and simply sit down in a meat body on this planet, and be free of the economic clutches? Well, not too many.

Years ago you could go up to the backwoods of Alaska or something like that, or I even know places in Montana. Little Kootenay country, something like that. You’d probably disappear in there, and years, decades would go by and nobody would even know you were around. You know, throw a sod hut or a log cabin together. Ah, these places are disappearing.

And there are no desert islands now where you can go sit under the Pago Pago tree and make love to the local Wahines and have nothing to do, see. They’ve all been atom — bombed or taken over by the Food and Drug Administration.

It’s quite remarkable — it’s quite remarkable, if you come right down to it, how all the progress level is directed toward, at this particular time, tightening the economic noose. And which of course shortens up the amount of available time you have, which of course gives you more problems and which once more overthrows your power of choice. And so there’s no chance to rest.

Well now, of course if you’re in good shape, you don’t want to rest. But bad shape has to be maintained. People have to work at it to keep people in bad Condition. That’s something that you should take into your considerations as an auditor. You’ve got the pc — now let me show you how far this goes — you’ve got a pc, and you audit them up all week, inch by inch, and over the weekend they fall foot by foot. Well, that’s an interesting thing. Hardly any of us haven’t run into this. Here we go. Somebody is working all weekend to make sure that enough problems are mounted up here and enough time is denied and enough this and that and the other thing is denied and enough arguments and trouble are thrown in the air to continue this type of status quo.

You say, „Well, this person must be crazy to be trying to hold this other person down to this degree.“ No, they’re just dramatizing. They’re just — not even dramatizing anything on the back track, they’re just dramatizing current trend. „Well now, John, you go off all week getting audited like that,“ you see, „and what do you think is happening to me here? And the kiddies and so forth — and do you realize that the rent is overdue and the meatballs are overdue and everything is overdue and then, of course, there’s installments on the furniture and — and there’s the — and who — and who do you think has to put out the cat every night and so forth — and you can’t go on like this, you realize that and so forth — it’s all just your introversion after all, and what are you doing putting out all that money for getting audited?“ You know, you’ve probably had this happen to your pc, see.

Well, you say, „What’s going on? This person’s keeping this other person down.“ Well, actually not trying to keep the person down, they’re just dramatizing the extant Confusion. Then there has to be some feeling that if you leave some guy alone, why, he’ll resurge. But it isn’t true that if you leave him alone in a trap he’ll resurge, because his power of choice is missing.

Now, how long can a person stay in a trap and not get any better? Even though he’s not being hurt? Well, I can tell you on very good authority — 13.94 trillion — trillion years. Didn’t get any better. Why? Well, sitting in a mass. Didn’t want to be there. See, the beingness factor is all knocked out. Power of choice knocked out, that sort of thing. You’re sooner or later going to find the pc you’re going to have incidents on that run up into trillions of trillions — maybe the thousands of trillions of trillions. You see? Maybe they’ve been sitting — they’ve been sitting inside this volcano or something. Volcanoes don’t last that long; something more permanent. They’ve been stuck on this sun for trillions of trillions of trillions of years, you see. Big time periods. But all that time they are being harassed by the fact that they are not there by choice. They’re harassed also by the engram of their original arrival. How they got into that state. They’re protesting, in other words, their situation. And as long as a thetan protests, he is not free. And he won’t get any better. That’s why you can’t enforce auditing on somebody.

Well, you see some guy walking down the street and you say, „Hey, you! You’re going to be audited.“ He says, „What’s that?“ You say, „You’ll find out.“ Funny part of it is you get away with it with some. They say, „Hey, what’s this stuff? Hey, this is all right, you know,“ on some of them. But the bulk of them, just the fact that you had forced them to get audited on something they didn’t even know what it was, eliminates power of choice from the auditing so completely that auditing is just a kind of a trap, you see. Power of choice factor is what has been overthrown there. They don’t get better.

Of course, it’s a testimony to auditing that even — auditing will even take care of that factor. You got a guy sitting there who’s protesting the process all the way along the line — he’s protesting the process all the way along the line. Well, unfortunately, he isn’t going to get any better — he’s going to stick himself in that protest. That protest against the process. That’s all; he’s going to stick himself. It’d be better to run him on something that was too upgraded for him that he wasn’t protesting that was just killing him — try it, see — than to run him up against this continuous protest. You take a pc who’s trying to go earlier on the track while you’re running a later — on — the — track incident, the pc gradually mounts up to a higher and higher protest against not going earlier, he finally locks himself later on the track. See, it’s as simple as that. This mechanic you should take into effect, in auditing.

Now, what you know and what you have in your possession as an auditor is actually data which has not been extant in this universe. And the longer I go, why, the surer I am of that fact. Now, there’s been data about engrams in this universe, there’s been data about mental image pictures, there’s been data about all kinds of things, but there’s not been data about auditing.

Now, auditing perforce does not evaluate or invalidate and when you audit a person against a person’s wishes — well, momentarily in a session you sometimes push a guy through a CCH command and so forth, and you — that is protesting, so forth — that’s not what I mean. I mean he didn’t want to be audited, he is being audited, you see. Nothing’s going to happen. Or if it does happen, you’ve got to be pretty heroic in the way you’re making a gain. You’ve got to completely alter his idea that he wants to be there. Old Failed Help was one of the most effective mechanisms by which you did that. He knew he couldn’t be helped because all help failed.

Now, if you have this weapon, this tool called auditing, and so forth, what is the limit of its use? Well, I’ve just given you the reason why its use is limited. You can, to some degree, overthrow a person’s protest by reorienting him on his power of choice. He finally, through habit and otherwise, familiarity, recognizes that you are not trying to do him in and therefore comes to want to be audited. Not because he’s overwhelmed; because you’ve changed his ideas on the subject. This is also very possible.

So that really can’t be considered a terrific limiter on the subject of auditing. No, auditing is limited only by communication. It’s the only thing auditing really limits.

You could imagine yourself going on a horrendous sales talk that everybody on planet Zug is worshipping the god Baal, see, and their idea of really doing their family a good favor is make them feed their babies oftener to this idol, see? And why, you say, it would take a long time to bring them around to any particular way of thinking. Oh, I don’t know that it would. You wouldn’t do it by suddenly overwhelming the lot of them, and say, „Now look, that’s the god Baal, but I happen to be the god Mug, and you’re going to get mugged any minute if you just don’t sit down and go into a co — audit here and straighten yourselves out.“

Well, oddly enough, that might even work too. But you mustn’t get overwhelm completely cancelled out of your catalog of tricks. Remember that. Don’t cancel that out completely. But look on it as an administrative or a political tool, not as an auditing tool. Don’t mix up these tools, you see.

Well, one of the ways to do it would just be to say, „Well, if you guys don’t stop worshipping Baal and get on the ball and kick its head off and get busy and set up a proper temple here to me, Mug, why, I’m going to scare — ify and scorchify the lot of you. In fact, there goes an acre of wheat right now.“ And they’d all say, „Gaw! Coo! Yessir!“ And after you’ve pulled them along a while, why, you might get them into communication and then you could alter this overwhelm, don’t you see.

Force does have its role. Force does have a role. The only trouble is, force has never been a total answer, see. Force is not a total answer. People try to make it a total answer. Right now most of the governments of Earth are conducting themselves on the basis of force. If you don’t believe it, look at the appropriation that is given to weapons. See, that’s their great belief in force. And yet, none of them can fall back on force and force has become absolutely useless in the field of government. It doesn’t settle anything.

One thing I’ve learned on the whole track has been that force is never the whole answer. But I’ve also learned, reverse way to, that a total absence of force is not the whole answer. You just try and build a mountain sometime, ignoring force. Heh — heh! I’m afraid you’re not going to get much mountain built. But that is constructive force.

So the way force is used has an awful lot to do with the value of force. And destructive uses of force has been the basic downfall of one and all. But you’ve got this whole planet that’s feeding its babies to this fire god, and that sort of thing, and you can’t get them into communication — well, you can’t totally rule out destructive force; at least tip a couple of lightning bolts over there to the temple of Baal and blow his silly head off. And you say, „Oh. You see what happens to the worshipers of Baal, you see.“ You might get them in communication.

But driving people toward auditing, that’s a very difficult thing. But they are driven toward auditing. People are driven toward auditing by their somatics, by their illnesses, by their unhappiness, by their unwillingness to be what they are, where they are — and those things drive them toward auditing. So they are driven toward auditing so you almost never get a pc on his own power of choice just to be audited, see. Very, very seldom. He’s driven there, at the best, by his goals, don’t you see?

Now, all of these things, then, sort out, well, what is power of choice? Well, power of choice could be many things, but if you’re auditing a person in the direction of consenting to be audited, and then follow this by pushing him — auditing him in the direction where he isn’t driven to be audited by his own condition and then audit him in the direction, finally, of putting himself in the condition so he can help you smooth things out — this, of course, is a very usable pattern. And I don’t care whether your pattern of auditing is preordained to be only on the pc’s power of choice or not. Remember there’s always something driving the pc.

To restore him to any condition where he’s any — feels any freedom or anything else, or is any value to himself or anybody else — to put him back into such a condition you do have to, however, consult his power of choice. You can always make a person well, oddly enough, with auditing, without consulting his power of choice. Isn’t that interesting? And it is just to that height only that previous mental therapy has reached. And that’s physical therapy too. That’s the height that it reached. It got no further than that. It was all done more or less by force and this thing called „power of choice“ was never consulted. Interesting, isn’t it?

But in your hands, why, you have weapons which improve a person’s power of choice and he finally elects to be audited. You’ve seen that happen, time after time. Well, that’s a very safe route.

So you never, then, find a pure power of choice to be audited. See, it’s always monitored by little tiny factors and these factors are more and more other — determined, the worse off a person is. See? So there is no absolute power of choice with regard to whether a person gets audited or doesn’t get audited.

And he has this horrible feeling that if he just would go sit someplace and be quiet or something like that, he might get well anyway. Well, that’s an interesting feeling. I appreciate that feeling. I feel a great empathy with that feeling. It’s fine — it’s a nice feeling. Even though it’s totally, completely impossible. Such a program — such a program, in this universe, will always be interfered with. Just as today you’re not going to find many wilds in which you could go and sit down comfortably in a log cabin of your own construction and get away from it all and remain away from it all from here on out. Just as you could not do that now — I imagine there are a few places you could do that, there are a few bits and pieces left of the world, rapidly being overwhelmed — so this universe, big, broad as it is, actually offers opportunities which are almost as few. Sounds incredible.

Say, well there’s a deserted planet up there, and all you’ve got to do is go up and sit on one of its mountain tops and it hasn’t any population for a long time because it had an atomic war a long time ago. Or there’s an asteroid spinning around, and if I could just go and sit on this asteroid for a while, why, I’d be cheerful about the whole thing and take a rest and so forth. Well, I can tell you from personal experience, here, you’re really betting on one, man! That’s very close to the impossible. I’m not going into any detailed private history — old soldiers are always talking about the war that the younger Generation has hardly even heard of And I’m afraid old thetans are always talking about the universes, planets and organizations which have long since gone to dust, but I’ll be forgiven by talking about an extant organization, and in the last eighty trillion years, with no change of identity, I’ve played hooky a number of times. Eighty trillion years, see. I’m playing hooky right now, as a matter of fact. And all during that period of time — of course that’s not — that’s not any, any great quantity of time. But remember it is the last eighty trillion years, ending up with right now, see. I’ve taken off a hundred thousand here and two hundred and fifty thousand there and five or six million someplace else, and one time even a billion. I always got caught up with — always did! It wasn’t that anybody was sending for me. But it just wasn’t that quiet!

I remember the last time, I almost gave up on this one. I almost gave up on this one. Found a valley where there wasn’t a blessed living thing anyplace in any direction anywhere, period. And the sun was quite distant from that planet. Who the devil would ever want anything to do with that planet, see? It wasn’t even very hospitable; there wasn’t any living things on it. I sat down and decided to grow some plants. And I thought that would be a nice, peaceful occupation. Just sit in this valley, you know, nothing to worry about with anybody or anything of the sort.

And I finally managed to coax into existence a few vines and that sort of thing, and flowers, and it was getting quite nice around there. I fixed up a lake and it was getting better and better, you see. Rather hard to do because there wasn’t much sunshine, you see. And I was just getting on my way pretty well and all of a sudden, zoom — boom, and there was a spaceship. And I got pretty mad about the whole thing, as a matter of fact. It wasn’t so much that their blast knocked down plants. I remember bringing a thunderstorm, moved it over the ship, moved it over a range of mountains, and then moved it back over the ship just to show them it was under control. And then let them have it! Well, they were back a couple of years later, we had a conversation and I reported back to base.

I mean, you give up on these things, you know? Apathetic. Apathetic about having a vacation.

But there’s — there’s a typical sequence, I’d figured I’d had a rough beef about it, for the whole billion years before that, and I figured I ought to go someplace and sit still and just be quiet for a while; and that was all the good it did me. It’s a noble ambition. I commend you for it. But I’ve never been able to make it work out.

It works out to the degree that you flex your muscles a little bit better, but you’re running up against a shortening cycle in this universe. The cumulative fact of the time track is the defeating fact. There is no other defeating fact than that — the cumulative effect of the time track. The more you live, the more pictures you’ve got. And the more misadventures you have, the more engrams you’ve got. And the more engrams you’ve got, the more engrams can be keyed in. And the more engrams can be keyed in, the less events you can associate yourself with, with a free mind. And that is the dwindling spiral. I’ve just given it to you right there. That is it. There is nothing complicated about it. It’s just no more complicated than that.

A thetan is his own trap, and time itself carrying forward adds a cumulative effect. I remember we had a press agent here for a while, I had to think up all of his press for him, and I got tired of having him tell me you couldn’t get any publicity, so I finally had to let him go. But I remember one time, his attitude toward our ideas in Scientology was, „But,“ he said, „that just says that it…“ — I hadn’t told him anything to amount to anything, I just told him that when you had an accident or something like that, you collected an engram — and he said, rather disgustedly, „Well, that’s the theory that the more things that happen to you, why, the more cumulative disaster you have.“ And he said, „That couldn’t be true,“ and that made a total departure between him and Scientology. You see, he couldn’t confront that fact. But that’s the truth. That’s the truth.

So one period you might be able to stay forty, fifty trillion years, sailing around, doing beautiful ballet on the planets, you know? And then all of a sudden this whizzle — bum goes by. And it causes you to feel strange. You go back, you’re not feeling so good. And you decide you’re not dancing so well. And the next thing you know there would be a whole chain of disastrous event, and bang, there you are, pushing a broom at Hoosegow University.

Only the next time, it only lasts thirty trillion years, see, and the next time it only lasts ten trillion years. There it goes, you see. That’s — that is the basic difficulty that you are up against, that any being is up against.

Now, there is another difficulty that you might become very interested in. And that is the difficulty called organization, and the way things should be run. Because Scientology is, at first glance, as any self — idiotic government agency would be the first to scent, death on organization — if organization contains seniorities. Let’s look this over. Let’s see why Scientology is not looked down on, but „oooouw — eh — huh!“ — the fear in the chest when somebody looks at this. He recognizes that if Scientology, as little as he could understand of it, was let loose, unlimitedly in this universe, it would end all caste-type organizations of whatever kind.

I was eating breakfast this morning, I was wondering, „How would I go about selling my compatriots in the — in the Galactic Confederation on the idea of kicking out the meat — body psychiatrists and putting nothing but Scientologists in, in that particular line of activity?“ It was an interesting mental exercise. Interesting mental exercise.

I could imagine the problems which would be thrown in my lap as a result. There’s the hewers of wood and the drawers of water, don’t you see — and there’s the people who direct the hewers of wood and the drawers of water, and then there’s the people — and the beings who direct the people who direct the hewers of wood and the drawers of water. It never quite occurs to anybody to ask, „What you doing hewing wood and drawing water?“ But that’s beside the point.

Well, the Galactic Confederation is one of the most successful organizations that this universe has ever had. Basically because it is based on an intermixture. It’s composed of meat bodies, doll bodies and free thetans. And it’s one of the very few that ever attempted this odd mixture. Of course, you get back on the whole track, you get back — well, I can tell you from personal experience — as short time ago as thirty — three trillion — trillion years, practically present time, only it doesn’t seem like present time to me — my mind starts creaking a little bit on time when I start adding all that up — but from personal experience, at even that recent date they were quite accustomed to having free thetans wandering around in towns. This was not an unaccustomed action. What kind of a town? Well, oddly enough, about thirty — three trillion — trillion years ago there was a society that was not too different from, I’d say, about 1920 — sort of 1920 with the Rococo of the 19th century, see. The potted palm sort of motif, you know, the Fedora hat, same clothes, the razzle — dazzle gent wore a striped shirt, see, a wide striped shirt, see. The various — various signs and so forth, it looked quite odd. The buildings, like modern Gamages or something like that, you know. These things, no matter how much they seem to change…

Ages after that, by the way, in the same locale there was an Arabian civilization that didn’t even know anything about automobiles or machinery or anything like that but had lots of minarets and big turbans and baggy pants, you know? And horses.

The universe goes backwards and forwards and upside down, but I’m beginning to wonder, because I’m looking almost in vain for a different type of society.

You say, well, of course you couldn’t find a different type of society because the type of society you’ve been living in at the present time has keyed in the types of society which are similar to it on the whole track, so therefore you aren’t going to find any different types of soc — I don’t know. I didn’t ask for any of these engrams to get keyed in, particularly. I’ve been getting them keyed in all over this universe. I only find a half a dozen different society types. They’re quite the same. And I find no bogies to amount to anything. In some stuff doing last night, I was looking at a Bentley — about a 1916 Bentley. Funny hood, mixed up with a western stagecoach. This was road traffic. And a Greyhound bus. Seven — hundred billion years ago, very modern, you know, all mixed up, all mixed up. Guy looking at this will think he’s running dub if he doesn’t watch it very carefully, because he gets the repetitive type of society, you see.

So on a couple of implants — and in one of them there was nothing but West Point cadets and in the other one there was nothing but Annapolis cadets. No, it isn’t that anybody was doing any dub, it’s just that — the fact that that is what a cadet for the army is supposed to dress like. Simple. Where do you suppose man — how does man get this terrific agreement without having experienced it? And that’s how he has experienced it.

Well anyway, thetans used to wander around towns — like Gamages, you know? And they had traps and implants and so forth sitting in the town for the unwary thetan to get blundered into. Like, you look into this box and you’ll see all your life again, you know? Implant.

Shoplifting, I think, was prevented by wire nets spread across goods on counters. If you could imagine London up here being — with nice rigs so that free thetans wouldn’t carry off all the hardware and so forth, and you — pretty mad. But no thetan at that time had been so antagonized that he had to consider himself three times as high as the Empire State Building. He’d just as soon be small peanuts along with anybody else. Funny. Funny admixtures of societies. And you’ll find a society where there is no such thing as a spirit — all is scientific, you see. There is no soul, man came from mud, the only cure and treatment is a biochemical shot in the gluteus maximus. You find such a society, you even find them that depraved, such as Earth, 1963. Weird beliefs. They shift all over the place, in other words.

But an admixture of social strata — and I do mean social strata, because it falls immediately into the ability and power stratas — that who can — that one who can throw the biggest lightning bolt, of course, is normally considered to be chief, mostly because he’d argue if he weren’t. And you get down scale, and you get the more active character, such as dolls, and then you go down scale, and you get the meat body, and then you go down scale and you get the politician. And the situation — the situation which develops is that Scientology injected in any mixed — up society where you have free thetans, doll bodies, meat bodies or any other downgraded — there’s also other downgrades that have thetans in them. Some robots have thetans in them. And horses, dogs, cats, game animals, birds, insects: these are social strata.

I don’t care if they’re not sentient social strata totally, because a guy’s pretty far out by the time he’s running an ant. But the situation is that you’re looking at a scale of social castes. These are castes. And the caste system shatters the moment that you can take a human being and process him up to a level of doll body. Well, what about the self — respecting doll? The self — respecting doll at that moment would be the first one to protest processing a meat body up to the level of dolls. Interesting.

All right, so you take the dolls and you process the dolls and you move them up toward a category of free thetan. Who’s going to protest there? Well, the free thetan’s going to protest, that’s for sure. He’s going to say, „Well, who’s going to hew the wood and push the spaceship?“ See? You know? „Who’s going to stand there and rivet this stuff? And how are we going to establish seniority, man?“ And one of the first things the Galactic Confederation would ask, „Well, what are you going to do? I mean, what’s your seniority rating?“ so on.

Well, actually, you could work it out. You’d say, „Well, you’ve got everybody’s records.“ And they have. So all right, so this character — this character’s been a doll body, he’s been a sergeant at arms on Planet Zed for quite some time as a doll, and by the time we get him processed we’re not going to penalize him or something or other, so we’ve made a free thetan out of him.

Well, I’m afraid that he would have seniority over somebody who had only been his corporal. In other words, you’d have to leave the status quo. And carefully record the status quo. Unfortunately, this leaves a free thetan pushing a broom someplace or another. But who said that a free thetan shouldn’t or couldn’t push a broom?

Now the whole argument explodes in the face of this: Well, who says that people have got to be at that level to do those things? See, that’s the lie that is introduced in the situation. For instance, in the last few hundred billion, why, the quality of motor or engine being turned out in space vessels in the Galactic Confederation have been very poor. Why?. They blow up every now and then. One of the first questions you ask after you’ve had an ARC break with a couple of blowups of this particular character is, „What the hell are we doing using spaceships?“ „Well, spaceships are necessary to carry the troops.“ Well, you say, „Well, what are you carrying troops for? Because a free thetan in the first place could go in and swamp up the lot — and usually does, to open up the gates or something like that and let the troops into the citadel.“ So it looks like a now — I’m — supposed — to chain which is going on here, see. Kind of weird, isn’t it?

And after a crash, why, you always have to pick the dolls out of their heads because dolls can’t get out of their heads. Human beings can, but dolls can’t. Kind of grim thought, isn’t it? And a free thetan, to pick one up and salvage him out of a wreck — and here we get back to auditing again — oh, there’s lots of patterned auditings. Doll has a head inside a head, oh, about the size of your fist. You know these puppet — these puppet things they turn out, you know, that you put on your hand, like a glove, you know, wiggle the fingers and… Well, a doll without the little hands on the thing and without the head is what the thetan looks like. See, it’s just that little skirt. So you take him, take a ball sort of like a trap with a couple of holes in it so he can see out of it, and shove him up into this metal trap thing, see? Then you pick up the head of the doll body and you put him in there, into a cradle inside the head, and he extends into a helical Arrangement down into the body by which he can then manipulate, and so forth, the body. They get pretty good at it. But a doll body is actually a trap to end all traps. Because the body’s light and because he isn’t always being beaten around — they last for a long time and so forth. But a doll is in a trap.

Now a free thetan, to take a doll out of a wreck pulls his — pulls the doll body’s head off — you know, like lifting off a diver’s helmet — picks this ball out of the dome, pulls the thetan out of the ball, you see, and goes… In other words, throws out a beam that as — ises or erases, eats up actually, burns up, his facsimiles of shock. And says, „Go on home,“ tells him where the wreck is, and the doll says „Aye — aye,“ and he’s away. As a free thetan. Tiny one. Interesting. Interesting.

But look at that. That’s very interesting because that’s a therapy, See. That’s an outside, exterior therapy where somebody else is doing it, but it gives you an open sesame to what do you do about ants, what do you do about ducks and what do you do about eats? Funny part of it is that a free thetan could pick up a duck and go fsssssss. There’d be no residue left. The thetan that was occupying that duck would at that moment be free and be Clear. Albeit, cleared by somebody else! What about the facsimile? Well, he’d go on for a short time and start mocking them up again, of course. Because it’s not on his own power of choice. But it leaves him momentarily free, do you see that? Interesting, from a standpoint.

There is a wave, then, that can be projected at an individual that would erase his engrams. Quite interesting, isn’t it? But would they stay erased for very long? Well, not until the guy kind of himself got restimulated and keyed them in, and so forth. It would just be what was in restimulation at that moment would get wiped out.

Now this was psychotherapy and you’ll see some residues of this called picturology. And it consisted of putting a guy to sleep with a ray or a beam — which is simply energy moving at a certain vibration — nothing very mysterious about that, which induces hypnosis or sleep. You take one of these clapsticks like they have in the front of the Hollywood cameras. They put this guy to sleep, and you know what he’s been looking at, see — he’s been in an accident or something like that. So you know the scenery he must have in the incident, see. You talk about — this is why some auditors write script, they’re probably familiar with the method. They take a picture, see, of what he’s been looking at, and hold it up in front of his face, take one of these clapsticks and go snap! Like that. Take another copy of it with a different view, hold it up, let him see it, take this big stick and go snap! See, he’s sitting there, comatose. Hold up another picture of it, another slightly different view, take this clapstick, snap! After a while the thetan all of a sudden groggily starts to get the idea, so he takes the pictures that he himself has been looking at and he goes snap! and smashes them. By mimicry.

„We want you to smash up this picture,“ and so the thetan in a groggy state goes ahead and smashes up the picture. Auditing. The most modern and advanced auditing that the universe ever developed is right there. Never developed anything any better than that. You have to select the picture. You select it one hundred percent, down to the scene and viewpoint. Well what if the guy isn’t sitting in the picture? What if that isn’t the picture he’s sitting in? „Well, forget about that.“ What if — what if you bypass some charge in it? ‘Ahkahhh!“ „Well, we don’t know why he’s cross.“ And what happens after this has been done? Well, a Scientologist could run the whole incident un — the whole incident from beginning to end untouched, and have the additional bonus of having to run out the erasure of a picture sequence too. All it actually did was operate as a key — in.

I think this is quite interesting. I’m very interested — now there’s other data and… of that character, but look at the evaluation. You choose the picture for the pc one hundred percent. It’s all right to say, „All right, we want you to go to a certain part of the track and let’s see if we can find anything.“ Oh, no, no, this is total evaluation: We’ve got to have a picture of a pine tree over on the right, and there’s got to be a rock over on the left. Now you find the picture with the pine tree and the rock. There it is.

Idiotic. Because it might not even be engramic. You talk about a hit — or — miss proposition, man. Well, how did they know, if they were working this on a free thetan — how did they know that he was even sitting in the chair, if this was a meat body psychiatrist doing this? That’s an interesting point, but they used to have meters. Some of you are allergic to meters, because you realize that meters are normally used by meat — bodies’ societies to detect the presence of a thetan. And in such a therapy room, there’ll be a great big dial, not unlike an E-Meter dial — this part of the dial, black dial, and as long as the thetan is in the chair it of course is registering because the chair is hooked up to the meter. There’s an aura registering — but somebody’s in connection with this thing, and therefore he is detectable. Now in the Helatrobus Implants and so forth, if you’re ever unlucky enough to get derailed and so forth in the Helatrobus Implants, you would have seen a workman come up, walking forward with a box pointed toward the pole. You know? Kind of ducked, and scared stiff, but — because you might be a big thetan, you see; you might not have been that little thetan they thought. And walking up toward the pole, see, to find out if you’re — if there’s somebody on the pole or not. Bad visio. That’s what’s the matter — their eyes are shot. It isn’t that thetans are invisible at all. As a matter of fact they aren’t invisible. They are very visible. And — however, if you’ve cut that whole top stratum off of your perception, why, you probably couldn’t see pink or green traffic lights either. See, I mean, there’s people colorblind. Well, people in meat bodies through fear and otherwise, go waveblind, at the wave.

Actually, thetans are very visible. Particularly if you condense one or freeze one. Then he looks like an old, black glove, without any fingers in it.

Now, talking about therapy at large, then, you are actually being asked to grapple then, with something for which you have no historic background. You haven’t any track background for this. I’ve probably given you a sample of possibly the only track background you might have connected with in this particular line, you see? The ideas of being big and little and how did you go over this cycle; the idea of somebody standing up and, perfectly beneficially, without being angry at you at all trying to get you to get rid of a picture by slapping a clapstick in front of your face or something like that. The idea that if you could just sit still long enough and breathe under your own power of choice why, you would somehow or another go free. These are the background music, and as far as a person being a pc is concerned — does he want to be audited, doesn’t he want to be audited, how much is he driven to be audited, what is causing him to be audited — all of these various other factors add up into the thing. His power of choice has to be consulted to this degree. And that is, in a nutshell, practically all the background anybody’s got pre — Dianetics and Scientology on this whole subject.

Sometimes people have Freudian background or psychological background, but not to be sarcastic at all because I’d never slap at 01’ Papa Freud — but your — the basis is, wow, this is a long way from home, man. Yeah, that’s — I don’t know, you start counting witch doctor stuff if you count that in, don’t you see? That’s about the same level of operation.

So there’s very little preconception here. Now, you get somebody who’s been a psychoanalytic patient and you try to audit them, it shows up at once.

He’ll start telling you that he has traumas caused by fixations and he keeps trying to run engrams of having made a pass at his little sister or something like this, you see. And it shows up almost at once what he is looking for, and the thing to do with that rather cruelly is just take him to his first psychoanalytic session, and scan him rapidly through to his last one. Do that two or three times and you won’t have any more trouble.

You sometimes also pick up data that the analyst picked up that you can use in running engrams. We’ve also done that. It of course makes him recover the ulcers and things like that that he’s been cured of. That’s the cruelest thing I ever did. I was — this poor devil had been five years or something like that, maybe seven, he was the assistant editor of Collier’s magazine. The poor devil! And he’d been going to that analyst you know, and been eating humble pie and being careful, and digging up these times when he thought lascivious thoughts about the wrong thing, and he’d just been having an awful time, and he’d been — vast amount of money — I think he must have spent ten, fifteen, twenty thousand dollars doing all this, and so forth.

And I got so tired of him trying to pick up his Eudipitus Lipupsis or something of the sort that I finally said in disgust to him — this is many, many years ago — I said, „All right, let’s pick up your first Freudian treatment.“ And we did. Had a little trouble, but we finally got it. „Scan rapidly through to the last treatment. That’s fine. All right, let’s do that again. Do that again.“

Then I found out the poor guy had been treated for ulcers, his stomach was just — his stomach looked like Swiss cheese, you know, full of holes. And by the time I finished this, he just doubled up in the auditing chair and then doubled up on the floor and I thought he was going into a prenatal. He wasn’t; his ulcers had just come on, full bloom. In other words, the only — the only thing that had happened is they’d put him on some kind of a suppress ridge so great that they had managed to suppress the pain of the ulcers. And of course the second you scanned him through all these years of travail, why, there he was with a complete, full — blown set of ulcers.

I’d like to finish the story and go on and tell you that I audited him on up then so that he didn’t have to worry about ulcers. But as a matter of fact, he wouldn’t publish a favorable article and I never did. Anyway…

But the essence of the thing is, is you have, as a student of Dianetics and Scientology, my sympathy to this degree: is you’re going in against a no — background action. I’ve given you just about the totality of the background of this particular subject.

Now the people who are, and beings who are in the universe that are still communicating and still alive have, however, arrived at a point where they can reverse very easily and start up again. And you’ll get more vectors starting them up than you will pressing them down. Governments are forgetting more and more how to govern and that sort of thing. They will be less and less argument posed against processing and so forth.

But in actual fact, what do you have? You have a brand — new trend. And a brand — new trend — it’s not necessary they catch on slowly; they don’t necessarily catch on slowly at all. Brand — new trends sometimes go faster than old trends. But certainly, to this degree, it gives you no benefit from your own past track, except as a pc you get reality on this and that and so forth — but you haven’t got a large quantity of data.

Now, if you were a sergeant in the army trying to teach a private how to shoot on a rifle range, you would be bounteously assisted and — or disastrously held up by the person’s past skill. Either a guy can shoot or he can’t shoot, and that’s just about what sergeants do. They pick out a few guys that can shoot and these guys are, well, well keep them in the lines. And these guys over here, they’re hopeless, don’t let them near a rifle and so forth. Well what are they doing’? They’re just cashing in directly on the training they had before the battle of Bunker Hill and before that the training they had so on and so on and backtrack and when they were a doll. And guy can’t shoot left — handed because dolls carry their weapons on the left — hand side and he’s committed too many overts on that, but he shoots all right as long as you give him a right — hand holster. These things change, but you’re cashing in all the time on the person’s background. And you’re practically training an automaticity.

You take some guy, send him to university and say he’s going to be an atomic scientist. „But why do you want to be an atomic scientist?“ Well, he doesn’t know. He just has a feeling. Wears his hair in the exact design of an atom bomb, you know? And there he is. There he is. You’re training an atomic scientist whose Aggregate training on the subject of atomic science, put together, would make an IBM computer awful sick in its gears, the figure would be so tremendous.

You take some pilot, you teach this guy to be a pilot, what have you got? You’ve got somebody there, my God, he’s been flying airplanes and flying airplanes and — he either can fly or can’t fly. And you’ll find most instructors have just come on down to that. What are you doing. You’re picking up the whole guy’s background, and teaching is then simply a method of restimulation! That’s all. We’ve got a brand — new subject here, there’s no — nothing. The more you restimulate, the less the guy’s going to learn. I mean, it’s quite reverse. Because there’s nothing there to restimulate. There is no past training on Dianetics or Scientology.

As far as your pc is concerned, the contrary is true though, as I was telling you about the editor — assistant editor of Collier’s, you do get a conflict. Because you’ll get somebody into picturology. Practically anybody who’s been on the whole track has some time or another had somebody smashing a clapstick in front of his face, see. Maybe not often, maybe some of you will find a pc whose Helatrobus Implant series and so forth has been very nicely erased by this particular method. It’s all there, you see, and it’s totally aberrative on the pc, but after you’ve finished up running the whole Helatrobus Implant then you’ve got to take care of the treatment. And it’s twice as bad as the implant.

Anyhow — this pc, however, can mistake the auditor for past schools and past actions. He can make a bad mistake that way. Pc’s sitting across the auditing table holding — he sees the auditor as somebody maybe who’s sitting there holding up a picture, don’t you see? Or an implanter or a hypnotist, or something like this. He can get himself screwed up on this particular subject. That’s why an auditor has to act more like an auditor than an auditor. Because you can key in, awfully easily, past therapy on somebody that was therapy that wasn’t therapy, don’t you see?

Now, you tell a guy to go into an incident and he’s liable to get the idea that you’re implanting him, and, you know, all kinds of weird things, because a pc isn’t too bright. He’s down there amongst the — amongst the energy waves and the anaten and he isn’t thinking too easily, so he gets confusions much more easily. You just remember that all past therapies overthrew his power of choice exclusively as an operation and an action. They were dedicated to this.

The one factor you can alter is not overthrow his power of choice, but rehabilitate his power of choice, if he’s very, very difficult as a pc. You’ve always got that one in your locker.

Now, it’s one thing to say, „Never take a pc’s orders,“ but remember that „never“ means when a pc is confused, upset, in the middle of an ARC break, he’ll tell you silly things. Well, that means don’t take those silly things. But sometimes a pc, even though he’s pretty ARC breaky can tell you exactly what is wrong. Well, if you don’t take those things, knowing yourself that that is what is wrong, why, you’re overthrowing his and your power of choice at the same time.

So there is nothing wrong at all with taking a pc’s — taking a pc’s hints and his — well, his orders, as far as that’s concerned. But taking his orders only occurs after you’ve ARC broken him very hard. He won’t give you orders up to that time, he’ll just give you data. You ARC break him hard, he starts giving orders. And then the next thing you know these orders start coming out of the middle of implants, they come out of engramic phrases, they do this and that, and you can just ruin him. That’s why you say never take a pc’s orders. But that means when he’s ARC broken, upset. He’ll just give you a confusing bunch of junk.

I know, I myself giving an auditor orders have wound myself around the meter about three wraps, you know? „What you ought to do is go back to…“ you know? The auditor didn’t realize that I must be pretty confused at that particular point and go back to it. Oh, no! It was… The reason you shouldn’t, of course, is what’s wrong is totally unknown to the pc or it wouldn’t be wrong.

Now, you get different ARC break assessments for different levels — there are different assessments — there’s a different assessment for each level on that State of Case Scale. And the engram running one only has a couple. That’s just bypassed an engram, earlier engram, an earlier beginning, or have I got the date or duration wrong? That’s two questions — got the duration wrong, or the date wrong. And you’ll find most ARC breaks in engram running stem from getting the wrong duration for the engram. Nothing more elementary than that. It isn’t the earlier incident, it’s the wrong duration. That’s the bypassed charge.

But that wasn’t what I set out to tell you. I just say, well, these are the various problems and this is the history of psychotherapy in this particular universe, given to you on a very limited scale. There could be a much fancier bunch of data connected with it, there could be a lot of ramifications, we could take in the witch doctors, we could take in all kinds of people, we could take in psychiatrists in general. We could give you, probably billions of words of description of the various practices of the Ug — bug tribe along the Moscow River — methods of psychotherapy, see. We could get very, very catalogic — but that is not psychotherapy, that’s just dramatization. They weren’t trying to do anything for anybody.

The point I’m making is, is you yourself — you yourself have a few points that you can put together and remember in handling pcs and in learning auditing. And they depend to some degree on history, and I think maybe some of the data I’ve given you might be of some assistance.

Thank you.