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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Demonstration of SCS (GAP-13) - L560902E | Сравнить
- Effectiveness of Brainwashing) (GAP-12) - L560902D | Сравнить
- Group Processing - Hold it Still, Mama and Papa (GAP-10) - L560902B | Сравнить
- Havingness (GAP-09) - L560902A | Сравнить
- Hold It Still, Mama and Papa (Cont.) (GAP-11) - L560902C | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Групповой Процессинг - Удержите в Неподвижности Маму и Папу (КИ 56) - Л560902 | Сравнить
- Групповой Процессинг - Удержите в Неподвижности Маму и Папу, Продолжение (КИ 56) - Л560902 | Сравнить
- Демонстрация НИО (КИ 56) - Л560902 | Сравнить
- Обладание (КИ 56) - Л560902 | Сравнить
- Эффективность Промывания Мозгов (КИ 56) - Л560902 | Сравнить



= A lecture and Group Processing demonstration given on 2 September 1956

All right. Now, let's look over here.

Audience: Okay. All right.

Now, somewhere or another you've gotten the idea that that's Mama. That's women!

And somehow — somehow you have gotten the idea that's Papa. Nah-uhuh — men! Men.

All right. Now, look at her — look at her. She epitomizes. She does. She does. She epitomizes. She does!

It isn't generally known, but he epitomizes too.

All right. Now, look at her.

Audience: Okay. Yeah.

That's women — women. Got that?

Audience: Yeah.

That's all the dames you ever knew, see?

Audience: Yeah.

Got that now? Women?

Audience: Yeah. Okay.

All the dames you ever knew. Got that?

Audience: Yeah.

And over here this other dummy — this other sad sack, that's all the men you ever knew, right?

Audience: Yeah. Right.

See, he's darn near a group. You got him — you got him reidentified now — you got him placed? You got him placed?

Audience: Yeah.

You girls have got him placed?

Audience: Yeah.

Okay. Now, look at her — look at her now.

Audience: Yeah.

That's women. Is that women?

Audience: Yes.

That women — that really is?

Audience: Yes.


Audience: Yeah.


Audience: Skoits.


Audience: Yeah.

You got that?

Audience: Yeah.

And noble womanhood.

All right. Look at him.

Audience: Yeah.

Masculinity. Virility. Strength. Brutality. Ignorance. And utterly wrong. That's guys.

Audience: Yeah.


Audience: Yeah.


Audience: Yeah.


Audience: Yeah.


Audience: Yeah.


You got them?

Audience: Yeah.

All right. That's real good. That's real good.

Do you know that there are several — several people present that look much more alive than he does but I ask you to stretch your imagination just to the degree — but can you grant him a little beingness?

Audience: Yeah.

He needs it.

All right. Now, look at her.

Audience: Yeah.

Look at him.

Audience: Yeah.

Good. All right.

Now, what we're going to do here is just a little bit different than we've been doing before, just a little bit different. What we're going to do is easier.

Is that better?

Audience: Yeah.

I feel some people don't quite believe me. Nevertheless, it's true and we're going to do this because it's a bigger subject that we're covering. Got that?

Audience: Yeah.

All right.

And I'm going to ask you — I'm going to ask you to look at one of these and then I'm going to ask you to hold her still. Is that okay? And keep her from going away. Complicated, isn't it?

Audience: Yeah.

I'm going to ask you to do two things at once, so to speak. Would you rather have the command "Keep her from going away and hold her still"? Would you rather have the command that way?

Audience: No.

No? "Keep her still and keep her from going away" is all right with you, huh?

Audience: Yeah.

All right, and then I'll ask you to look at him and I will say — I will say, "All right, now, hold him still and keep him from going away." How's that?

Audience: Okay.

All right? Okay. Are you all set?

Audience: Yeah.

We're ready to begin? Okay.

You got an auditor?

Audience: Yeah.

All right.

Now, look at her.

Audience: Okay, yeah.


Hold her still and keep her from going away.

Okay. All right.

It is easier, isn't it?

Audience: Yeah.

All right.

Now, look at him. Now, hold him still and keep him from going away. All right. You winning already?

Audience: Yeah.

Well all right. Good.

Now, let's look at her. Now, hold her still and keep her from going away. All right. How's that?

Audience: Fine.

It's easier to do now, huh?

Audience: Yeah.

All right.

Now, look at him. Now, hold him still and keep him from going away. Okay. That's good. That's good.

Now, look at her. Remember this is women. This is women now. Now, hold her still and keep her from going away.

All right. How's that?

Audience: Fine.

Getting some wins?

Audience: Yeah.

All right. You'll have a lot more before it's over now. Not having any real difficulty, huh?

Audience: No.

All right. Do you find you have to hold them sti — keep them from going away and then hold them still?

Audience: No.

No? You do them both at the same time?

Audience: Yes.

All right. All right.

Is it getting more solid when you do that? Well, you see if it gets more solid when you do that. By the way, some of you have a bad idea of solidity. You think something is solid if it's simply solid. There's a part of the star dumbbell of Sirius, one teaspoonful of which on Earth would weigh one ton. And that's light compared to how solid I want you to be able to get these things. All right.

Now, you look at him. Now, look at him. Hold him still and keep him from going away.

All right. All right. How's that?

Audience: Fine.

You winning better?

Audience: Yeah.

All right. Now, look at her. Now, you hold her still and keep her from going away.

All right. All right. That's fine. That's fine.

You winning real good?

Audience: Yeah.

Okay. Okay. Now, remember to use force.

Audience: Okay.

I want you to use force.

Look at him. Got him?

Audience: Yeah.

All right. Now, you hold him still and keep him from going away.

All right. All right. How's that?

Audience: Okay.

Getting better?

Audience: Yeah.

Getting a lot better?

Audience: Yeah.

The first hour running out a little bit too?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now, remember — use all the force you want to, I want you to use force on this. Don't want you to just sit back with a little postulate and do it. Now, let's use force.

Look at her. Now, hold her still and keep her from going away.

Okay. How's that?

Audience: All right.

All right. Getting better at it?

Audience: Yeah.

Getting any ridges moving around in front of your face or anything like that?

Audience: Yeah.

Hm? All right.

Now remember, use force. And we want this "keep her and keep him from going away" to be pretty absolute, you know. And we want that stillness to be stiller than still ever was. Got the idea?

Audience: Hm-mm.

All right.

Look at him. Now, hold him still and keep him from going away.

All right. How's that doing now, huh?

Audience: Okay.

Are you getting much better at it?

Audience: Yeah.

All right. Now, let's establish this critter over here again.

Look at her. Look at her. Got her?

Audience: Yeah.

She there?

Audience: Yeah.

She's women. Okay?

Audience: Yeah.

That's women. Dames. Ladies. Laidies. And noble womanhood. You got it now?

Audience: Yeah.

All right. Look at her. Now, hold her still and keep her from going away. All right. How's that?

Audience: Okay.

Getting even better?

Audience: Yeah.

Getting smoother at it?

Audience: Yeah.

You having a lot less trouble than you did in the first hour?

Audience: Yeah.

Huh? Well you know she's just any woman now, any woman.

All right. Now, let's look at him. This is a guy, a fellow, a noble and virtuous sire. Man. He's men, you gals. Men. Got him? All right.

Look at him. Now, you hold him still and keep him from going away. All right. How's that?

Audience: All right. Fine.

All right. Now, look at her. Look at her. Look at her.

Now, I want to call something to your attention. There's a lot more body there than you've been looking at. Notice she has hands. She has feet. She has a head. Got it?

Audience: Yeah.

All right. Look at her. Now, you hold her still and keep her from going away. All right. All right. You find out there was more of her?

Audience: Yeah.

Hm? Got two hands and legs.

Now, notice that he has two hands too and he's got a head and he's got a hat and he's got feet and shoes — everything. Now, we want the whole thing held still, see? And the whole thing kept from going away. You understand? We don't want — we don't want him standing there keeping from going away going like this or something like that.

Now, let's impose your will upon this situation. Look at him. Hold him still and keep him from going away.

You're making it?

Audience: Yeah.

Did you discover there was still a little part that wasn't quite under control?

Audience: No.

No? Some of you did?

Audience: Yeah.

All right.

Okay. All right. That's fine. That's fine.

Now, look at her. Look at her. We want you to do this to all of her now. Now, you look at her — now you hold her still and keep her from going away. All right. How's that?

Audience: Fine.

You doing pretty good now, huh?

Audience: Yeah.

You doing pretty good, huh? Well that's pretty good. I want a seminar — two seminar leaders up on this side and two seminar leaders up on this side. Front and center. Chop-chop. Good. Attaboy.

Each one of you grab each end of that table and very carefully, steadying the dummy the while, turn him around. Easy. All the way around.

Okay. Thank you boys. Thank you.

All right now, all right now. Did that disturbance bother you?

Audience: No.

Oh, it did, huh? Well, we'll run it out. Okay.

Now, here she is and here he is. Same process. Look at her. Now, you hold her still and keep her from going away.

All right. All right. That's a little different, isn't it?

All right. Now, look at him. Look at him now. Look at him. Now, you hold him still and keep him from going away.

All right. How's that?

Audience: Fine.

Little different, isn't it?

Audience: Yeah. All right.

Now, I want you to do it with strength, force, power. I want you to be doing it, you understand? You got that? You do it. Don't depend on any other force or automaticity to do it. Just check yourself over and make sure you're doing it. Not some machine you've got or something.

Look at her, hold her still and keep her from going away.

All right. How's that, huh?

Audience: Okay, yeah.

That's pretty good, huh?

Audience: Yeah.

You're getting real sharp at it?

Audience: Yeah.

Huh? All right. Now, look at him. All right. Now, you hold him still and keep him from going away.

All right. How are you doing on that now, huh?

Audience: Okay.

You getting better at it?

Audience: Yeah.

Much better?

Audience: Yeah.

All right.

Now, look at her. Now, you hold her still and keep her from going away. All right. How's that? Hm?

Audience: Okay.

You're getting sharp at this now, huh?

Audience: Yeah.

You're getting sharper? You people toward the back having a better time of it, too? Huh? All right.

Now, I don't care how much force and power you use, I'd like to see you use some for a change, you know? Roooof!

Look at him. Got him?

Audience: Yeah.

Well, look at him. Hold him still and keep him from going away.

All right. How's that?

Audience: Fine. Okay.

All right. Am I going too slow for you?

Audience: No.

Going too fast?

Audience: No.

All right.

Now, look at her. Look at her. She there?

Audience: Yes.

Okay. Note the fact that she does have appendages, appurtenances and other things. All right.

You're doing it now, aren't you?

Audience: Yeah.

You're holding her still, aren't you?

Audience: Yeah.

All right. Now, you hold her still and keep her from going away.

They ought to be getting pretty doggone still by this time. All right. All right. All right.

Look at him. Look at him. Got him?

Audience: Yeah.

Is he there?

Audience: Yeah.

He is there?

Audience: Yeah.

All right. Now, you hold him still and keep him from going away.

All right. How's that?

Audience: Fine.

All right. Look at her.

Audience: Okay, okay.

All right. Now, you hold her still and keep her from going away.

Got that?

Audience: Yeah. You do it?

Audience: Yeah.

All right. That's fine. That's fine. Now, look at him. Got him?

Audience: Yeah.

Is he there?

Audience: Yeah.

Does he exist?

Audience: Yeah.

What's the date?

Audience: 1956.

All right. Look at him. What's the date?

Audience: September 2nd, 1956.

All right. Now, hold him still and keep him from going away.

All right. Is that a better win?

Audience: Yeah.

Huh? It isn't taking you quite so long to do it now, is it?

Audience: No.

Is that right? All right. Look at her.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Got her there?

Audience: Yeah.

Got her real good?

Audience: Yeah.

What's the date?

Audience: September 2nd, 1956.

All right. Look at her. Where is she?

Audience: Right there.

All right.

What's the date?

Audience: September 2nd, 1956.

All right. That's fine. Now, you hold her still and keep her from going away.

Audience: Okay.

All right. How's that?

Audience: Fine.

Good. How about you in the back there?

Audience: Fine.

Making okay, huh?

Audience: Yeah.

All right. Now, look at him.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Now, you hold him still and keep him from going away.

All right. How's that?

Audience: Fine.

Better, huh?

Audience: Yeah.

Better, huh? This thing getting flat?

Audience: Yes.

Process getting flat now?

Audience: Yes.


Audience: Yeah.

Well good. That's good.

Look at her.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Look at her real good. Is she there?

Audience: Yeah.

What's the date?

Audience: September the 2nd, 1956.

Well, what do you know? We're really getting it now.

Now, you hold her still and keep her from going away.

All right. How's that?

Audience: Fine.

Hm? You mean you — how are you doing now really? You're doing much better on this?

Audience: Yeah. Okay.

Does this have some semblance of kind of flattening a little bit?

Audience: Oh, yeah.

You can do it better than you did?

Audience: Yeah.

Well, I got another little process I want to run in, but how about me running this just a couple of more times and then we knock off this particular process, okay?

Audience: Yeah, okay.

All right. Look at him.

Audience: All right.


All right. You hold him still and keep him from going away.

All right. How's that?

Audience: Fine.

Good. Good.

Now, look at her — this is the last command now — last command. All right. Look at her now and you hold her still and keep her from going away. All right. How is that? Hm?

Audience: Fine.

Anybody in terrible condition?

Audience: No.

Aw, shucks!

Did you get much better at it?

Audience: Yeah. No.

No? Somebody say no back there? Was there anybody around that couldn't do it at all? Was there anybody around that didn't really see any-thing difficult in it because it was just standing there anyhow? All right.

How about just leveling this whole thing off with a little bit of spotting, huh?

Audience: Okay.

Want to do some spotting?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Well now, what I'm going to do is point out the sides and the walls and the things and stuff in the room and you're going to spot them, okay?

Audience: Okay.

And every time you do you tell me okay, all right?

Audience: Okay.

All right. And then I, dutifully, because I have heard you, will acknowledge your communication, okay?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Find the floor.

Good. Good. Find the wall on your right.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Find the wall on your left.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Did you do that?

Audience: Yes.

Good. Find the ceiling.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Find the front of the room.

Audience: Okay.

Good. Find the back of the room.

Audience: Okay.

Good. All right.

Now, how're you doing? Does that make you feel a little better?

Audience: All right.

All right.

Well, you seem to have that one pretty flat as a matter of fact. I don't think there's even any reason to give you warning of end of process on it. Is there any particular . . . ? You doing all right? Huh?

Audience: Yeah.

You doing all right. Will you mind if I change that process a little bit?

Audience: No.

All right.

Now, we're going to run a little process on you whereby I'm going to ask you to put the objects in place which I call out to you, okay?

Audience: Okay.

You sound a little doubtful. Now, you understand the auditing command will be to "put a floor down there," for instance, and then you see if you can put a floor down there, you got it?

Audience: Okay.

And put a right-hand wall over there and you do that, okay?

Audience: Okay.

Is this all right with you?

Audience: Yeah.

Do you like the phrasing in the auditing command?

Audience: Yeah.

All right. Doesn't do any good if you were to say no, I mean .. .

You put a floor down there.

Audience: Okay.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right.

Now, you put a right-hand wall over there.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Did you?

Audience: Yeah.

Well good. Now, you put a left-hand wall over there.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Did you?

Audience: Yes. Well, all right.

Now, you put a ceiling up there.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well good. All right. You put a front on the room.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Now, you put a back on the room.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right.

Now good. You put a chair under you.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's try that again. Now, you put a chair under you.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right.

Now, you put a floor under the chair.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. All right.

Now, you put an Earth under the floor.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right.

Now, you put a MEST universe underneath the Earth, okay?

Audience: Okay.

All right. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay.

Now, let's get back to the chair and you put a chair under you.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well okay. Is there something for it to sit on?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Now, you just make sure and you put something there for it to sit on.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Good.

Now, you put a wall on your right.

Audience: Okay. All right. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put a wall on your left.

Audience: All right.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Now good. You put a front on the room.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put a back on the room.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well okay. Now, you put a floor under you.

Audience: All right.


All right. Now did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well okay. Now, you put a ceiling over you.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put a front on the room.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right.

Now, you put that dummy there.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put that dummy there on .. .

Audience: Okay.

All right. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put a floor under you.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Let's do it better. You put a floor under you.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, you do better than that. You put a floor under you.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you do that?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put a wall on your right.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put a wall on your right.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put a wall on your right.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put a wall on your right.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put a wall on your left.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put a wall on your left.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now, you put a wall on your left.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Okay.

Now, you put a back on the room.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put a back on the room.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put a back on the room.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put a front on the room.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put a front on the room.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now, you put an audience here.

Audience: Okay.

Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put an audience here.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put me up here.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put me up here.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, that's okay. Now, you put an audience here.

Audience: Okay.

Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you create a congress.

Audience: Okay.

Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

All right. Now, you create a congress.

Audience: Okay.

Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right. Now, you create a congress.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

That's all right. Now, you create a congress. Audience: Okay.

Now, did you? Audience: Yes.

Well, that's okay. Now, you create an organization.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, that's okay.

Now, you create an organization.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, that's okay. Now, you create an organization.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, that's okay. Now, you create an audience.

Audience: Okay.

Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

That's okay. Now, you put me up here.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay. Now, you put a whole room here.

Audience: Okay.

All right. Now, did you?

Audience: Yes.

Well, okay.

How do you feel?

Audience: Fine.

How you doing?

Audience: Fine.

Where are you?

Audience: Here.

What's the date?

Audience: September the 2nd, 1956.

Well there, does that sound different than it did! Good.

I'll now give you the Chinese custom.

Good audience.

Good preclears — good preclears.

Good congress. Thank you.

Supposing — you intimated earlier that you were going to make me work tonight.

Audience: Yes.

All right. If you're going to do that, however, I think that we ought to take till 7:00 o'clock, don't you?

Audience: Yes.


Well you know, this time I might even be on time.