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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- How to Post an Org (FEBC-05) - L710123a | Сравнить
- How to Post an Org (FEBC-5 Notes) - L710123a | Сравнить
- Org Officer and His Resources, Part 1 (FEBC-6 Notes) - L710123b | Сравнить
- Org Officer and His Resources, Part 2 (FEBC-7 Notes) - L710123c | Сравнить
- Org Officer and His Resources, Part I (FEBC-06) - L710123b | Сравнить
- Org Officer and His Resources, Part II (FEBC-07) - L710123c | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Как Назначать Людей на Посты в Организации (ОКФР-5) - Л710123 | Сравнить
- Организующий Администратор и его Ресурсы, Часть 1 (ОКФР-6) - L710123 | Сравнить
- Организующий Администратор и его Ресурсы, Часть 2 (ОКФР-7) - L710123 | Сравнить

CONTENTS HOW TO POST AN ORG SIDE A SIDE B Cохранить документ себе Скачать
LRH TAPE, FEBC - 5, 7101C23SO, 23 JAN 71



1.) Once having cleared up what a Product Officer is, we are up against the next Barricade.

2.) The First Product of a Product Officer is an Org Officer.

3.) The Org Officer's 1st Product is an HCO Area Secretary.

4.) The HCO Area Sec's 1st Product is an HCO

5.) The HCO's 1st Product is the ESTABLISHMENT.

6.) Some people do not know what an establishment IS. They thing it's just BODIES!

7.) JOKE: That would make a mortuary the ideal establishment!

8.) Until this point is cleared on an Org Officer, they are not effective at all.

9.) This is important. It is information you can not live without as an exec.

10.) If you don't know this data, things will not work out on any post in the Prod/Org System.


11.) If Establishment is not in, the Product Officer will go into a short term cope, get exhausted, and say the system doesn't work. His products will also get worse and worse.

12.) It will also produce overloads and ARC Breaks which can't be audited because he's too exhausted.

13.) The "REAL WHY" is found in Establishment (lack of).

14.) The Org Officer was the "cheerleader", took care of bodies and hats - but also he has to be AHEAD of the Product Officer - preparing for increased production. The "Heavy Traffic Warning" idea.

15.) If the Org Officer is NOT ahead of the Product Officer, you will get a sequence of booms and depressions - Overload, lines break - cope - overload, breakdown, over and over.

16.) But the Org Officer has Product 3 & 1 - Correction of the Establishment and the Establishment - so he had better do so fast - but - how?

17.) Prod 1 - Establishing the Establishment. Prod 2 - The Product of the Establishment. Prod 3 - Correction of Establishment. Prod 4 - Correction of the Product.

18.) Now these are just arbitrary numbers, for a sequence. But you should probably figure your org board out backwards - 4, 3, 2, 1 - (if you have an existing operation or products lying around to start with).

(Note: Ron's Org started this way, doing 4, 3, 2, 1 on the Existing pc's & Pre-OTs & Auditors & c/Ses.)

19.) What comes first? The ESTABLISHMENT or the PRODUCT? It's like a CHICKEN & EGG question. (Answer: The IDEA of the Chicken as a product, then the IDEA of making an egg to produce it - and of establishing that EGG.) (Or if the EGGS are the Products, then the chicken is the establishment, but some of the "products" have to be kept to product further "chicken org" staff.)

20.) The EG came first, otherwise there is an omitted sequence. So we solved that old question - just look at the Data Series.

21.) The Product, however, does come first. As a cope. Ex: Shoemaker finds some leather, and old kitchen knife, makes sandals. Sells some. Gets a BETTER KNIFE - that's when he starts into Establishment.


23.) You could take 100,000 Dollars, establish an org - and it would probably promptly fail - we HAVE done it. So we always insist an org make it's OWN way.

24.) If you want to fail, just give an org money "till it gets on its feet". This never works.

25.) Big factories do this all the time - yes, but NOW they DON'T OWN THEMSELVES any longer - they are owned by the bank.

26.) The point I'm making is: There is no point at which the flow can be reversed. So the PRODUCT comes first. So there is good reason to change the numbering of the 4 Products and make the PRODUCT of the Establishment Number 1.

27.) So the EGG (as product) always comes first. It's economically unsound to do it the other way.

28.) Now if you take the PRODUCT and work backwards to see what is needed to make it, you get the Org Board. (So maybe the numbering IS OK. If you work backwards from Prod 2, you get Prod 1.)

29.) If you take an org board by itself and just "post it" - you haven't necessairly got ANY at all.

30.) If you just "post" people by the org board you wind up with a government that governs nothing.

31.) So how do you post it? you post FIRST the people who GET THE PRODUCT.

32.) The basic Valuable Final Products of an Org are Auditors, Pcs & Money.

33.) So you don't post "Execs" who don't WORK. Somebody could HOLD these posts, but they ALSO have to TRAIN, AUDIT 6 REG, in a small Org.

34.) Course Sups, auditors, Regges, Procurement of Public. - You get from that new Auditors, pcs & money. Then you can expand.

35.) Another Cycle occurs and then you can promote broader and get more people in.

36.) One mistake - a basic one - is not to have a SUPERVISOR to train Auditors. That will eventually limit your expansion.

37.) If you want an org - post it backwards - Course Sup, materials, Tech Services, etc.

38.) But the Sup has to be trained - so does the "chicken" (organization) come 1st? (No. A person can use a cope - read, drill, apply.)

39.) If you chrashed on a desolate planet with a spaceship - you COULD build a civilization starting with a sharp rock, then fire, then metals (copper 1st), etc. to steel and electronics.

40.) There IS some place to start - a sharp rock. So it CAN be done.

41.) Now in an Org area just starting, you find students who pay - the Org Officer has to get a Course Sup., materials, tape machines, a place to study. (The Product Officer Sups until the Org Officer gets one) - and it starts.

42.) The Org Officer gets an Establishment Officer to put the org there (HCO AS). He then handles Prod 3's while the HCO AS is doing Prod 1.

43.) The Hiring and Posting of what staff the O/O needs is the HCOs job. Meanwhile, the O/O uses whoever he can find to handle Prod. 3's.


44.) The HCO generates the ESTABLISHMENT. This is the big M/U that people have. They think it's JUST people and hats.

45.) What does an Organization and Establishment consist of?

1. A Space to Produce in. A safe guarded protected space with Doors, Windows, Floors, and a Roof.

2. Tables, Chairs, Desks.

3. Supplies for Admin & Tech.

4. Materials of Courses and Auditing.

5. Tape machine, type writers, E-Meters, charging cords.

6. Signs, forms, Org Board, routing forms, certs, releases, etc.

7. Electricity, Heat, Light, Ventilation.

8. People for Staff.

9. Hats for Staff.

10. Money & Accounts, Legal items, etc.

11. Comm system, Logbooks, etc.

12. Files for CF, FSMs, Students, PC Folders.

13. Decor items: rugs, lamps, lounge, snack bar, public lounge.

14. Telephones, Mailboxes, Telex.

15. Stats, scheduling boards, etc.

16. Mimeo & Mimeo files.

17. Clocks & Schedules.


46.) When you see this fully, your attention comes off "just bodies".

47.) Remember: A DISPATCH IS NOT A PRODUCT. It never will be. It doesn't get us anything and it never establishes anything. So, don't accept excuses like - "well, I wrote a dispatch about it...."

48.) A dispatch is NOT a doingness - it is a "gesture".

49.) In a CLO or management org - you have the situation where the Product Officer operates EXTERNALLY and the Org officer operates INTERNALLY. It's slightly different from a Delivery org where both work INTERNALLY.

50.) If a person has to handle both EXTERNAL & INTERNAL ATTENTION AREAS at the same time, he goes bonkers. It can be done, but not for long.

(Note: This is exactly why we need CASELESS PEOPLE to make a New Civilization with.) (Then ALL their attention can be EXTERNAL.)

51.) The Guardian Office is EXTERNAL, but while you execs are here on Flag they are holding some Exec Posts INTERNALLY, so speed up and get back there.

52.) I told an EXTERNAL Exec to bypass HCO, go to the Personell files, and find a replacement for the INTERNAL post she was holding. This was after she told me she had tried to "handle" it by "repeatedly writing to HCCO". My reply charred the wood on the desk.

53.) The REGISTRAR is an EXTERNAL ATTENTION POST. So don't have them also worrying about "filling CF". That will cut your income to pieces.

54.) So, remember to analyze posts from "EXTERNAL" & "INTERNAL" attention required, when someone has HFA, or double or triple hats.

55.) Similarly, the PRODUCT Officer can have his attention yanked off production by an O/O who is not running AHEAD of him. So the rule holds also for PRODUCTION - ORGANIZATION as it does for EXTERNAL - INTERNAL.

56.) You CAN PRODUCE without a clear-cut ORGANIZATION. So go ahead and do so. If you go into 100% ORGANIZE, the whole org will stall.

57.) You Organize WHILE you Produce. But, "You PRODUCE WHILE you Organize", is closer to the truth.

58.) The O/O and the HCO AS have to have a fantastically clear idea of what an Establishment consists of - exactly.

59.) If not, the O/O can't back up the P/O because the O/O won't be able to detect a DECLINE.

60.) He won't see it as a "Departure from the Existing Scene" because it is not STATICIZED necessairly.

61.) If the roof falls in, there is no stat for it - but it IS a departure from the Ideal Scene - I assure you!

62.) The first requisite of an O/O then is not the OEC but the definition and full understanding of what an Establishment is.

63.) And also - "What is everything in this PARTICULAR Establishment?"

64.) THEN he gets the OEC, as it tells him all that should be there and how it works.

65.) He should have a list of hats for posts in the org, so he knows what all these posts DO.

66.) Anyone handling personell must have such a list.

67.) In companies, if they need a "shop foreman", they look for somebody who WAS one. Because they don't KNOW the duties. (So if anyone HAD the knowledge but was on another post, they wouldn't know it!)

68.) Here on Flag, They tried to make the D/P hold the C/S Conference!

69.) The D/P assigns auditors, gives the data to Tech Services for posting on the scheduling board, and interviews pc's to clarify their programs, or to get data. (The Examiner can interview to find out what the auditor did in a flubbed session.)

70.) So don't audit pc's with the "MYSTERY" RUD OUT. Use the D of P to give the R-factor.

71.) HCO here has also developed an illegal policy of opening pc & student mail in case it might "enturbulate" the pc. Totally illegal - AND they had Tech Services doing it!

72.) The failure to predict the traffic load finally blew up every weak spot in the org.

73.) And I had warned them days previously of heavy traffic and to beef up Tech Services - and I found it was being "done" on DISPATCH lines! God's sakes!

74.) When an Org is forming, this is the key time - like no other for the O/O to adhere to the Prod 3 (Correction of the Establishment) and leave Prod 1 to someone else (like the HCO AS).

75.) In a fast running organization the total duty of an O/O is: "Halting a Decline" - by use of Prod 3.

76.) Or a THREATENED decline.

77.) The O/O belongs a little bit AHEAD of the P/O, anticipating the traffic flows. It's a lucky P/O who has an O/O that handles this way.

78.) This is why the P/O must keep notes and pass them over to the O/O, indicating the Organizational action to be done.

79.) If you know Policy, you "common sense" (use of Policy) may appear to be "screaming genius" to somebody else. And conversely their "common sense" (NOT based on Policy) may appear as "idiocy" to you.

80.) This system (Prod-Org) will break down on the inability of the O/O to define, locate, and establish every bit of the Establishment - and including the DUTIES of the hats in it.

81.) You "Clear it". You can do "Reach & Withdraw on the equipment & personell" on an O/O, etc. as well as study tech.

82.) The P/O has to name, recognize, want, and get the product of the Establishment.

83.) The monitoring LAWS are: He has to Recognize and Want the Product; the ACTION is; He has to get it.

84.) The P/O has to know more about the Organization than the O/O, really.

85.) The O/O MUST KNOW "what an Establishment is" or he won't know what the Ideal Scene is, so he won't be able to spot a departure from it and thus can not arrest a decline. This is the WHY of a breakdown in the system.

86.) Thus the O/O works on Prod 3 and if he does well, there won't be booms followed by depressions.

87.) He will spot the declines and handle. You can spot a GDS (Gross Divisional Stat) dipping and then another and KNOW that soon the GI itself will drop.

88.) You can get a slump after a boom because the expansion finds and exploits every weakness in the org, and if these are not spotted AND handled - crash!

89.) When these weakpoints blow-up you get HE&R in your road, overloaded staff who wand to quit, and the whole thing goes to hell.

90.) Unless you have an O/O who spots the points of decline and handles them by Prod 3.

91.) To arrest a decline BEFORE it happens, an O/O can predict from the rate of expansion - that a bigger space and more staff will be needed in 3 months. So he gets HCO onto finding a building that won't eat up the money being made by the expansion and to plan a move, "open house", etc.

92.) (Lecture is continued on FEBC # 6, "The Org Officer and his Resources" - Part I.)

*** END FEBC 5 ***