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CONTENTS SOP 8: STEPS I, II AND III Cохранить документ себе Скачать


A lecture given on 2 October 1953 by L. Ron Hubbard 62 MINUTES

Continuing now these lectures on SOP 8, SOP 8-L, we want to cover specifically Steps I, II and III of SOP 8.

A little later this afternoon there will be a demonstration on Acceptance Level Processing. The reason for this is several people have asked me how you did it.

And now, it’s too simple. Did you find anything very complicated about Q and A when I gave you a demonstration on it? Very uncomplicated. Well, Acceptance Level is just a little more complicated than that.

People have a certain thirst for complication. Very often, steps such as I, II and III will be complicated by an auditor, either in his understanding or in his application.

These three steps are actually all of a kind. Any case that exteriorizes or is going to exteriorize, will on these first three steps in a very short space of time (twenty minutes, fifteen minutes). I give myself about five minutes on these first three steps. Just a quick rundown. I’ll give them Step I, give them Step II. If they’re not out, I give them Step III and, generally, if a case is going to be rather easy, he will be exteriorized almost immediately.

If he’s going to be very rough, you’ll find that he will have a variation. And he will flick through Step IV and Step V and he’ll have to have this and that. You’ll find out that if he’s not out of his head with a good auditor in about twenty minutes, half an hour, then he’s going to plot a curve of exteriorization and then he can’t get out. And then he exteriorizes again and then he can’t get out again. The reason for this should be obvious to you: it’s that he has enough energy starvation so that he is incapable of putting out energy without restimulating something in the body. You see how that is. And the second that this occurs, then you’ve got to remedy energy starvation one way or the other.

So that here he is, the first time you ask him to get out – first time you ask this fellow to get out of his head – of course, everybody has made this very difficult by planting the phrase liberally in the bank, „You’re out of your head.“

„No, I’m not out of my head.“ You know, Dianetics still works.

The readiest means of testing, if you want to know, pant, right this minute, whether or not a person is going to exteriorize on those first three steps, you just – I mean, rather quickly and without any energy starvation remedied, you just ask him, „All right, now I’m going to snap my fingers.“ (snap) „Did you hear that?“


„All right, hear it again.“ He says, „Yes,“ he’ll be out of his head in three steps, if not one.

Why? The sound which first told him that there could be such a thing as sound, evidently, on the evolutionary track, came to him out of an explosion.

And if he can receive and recall sounds easily, in recall, and get the same sound back, he is not worried about an explosion. And if he is worried about an explosion, it’s because he’s pulled in all the explosions in the bank in order to drain the energy out of them.

See how simple that is? That’s a simple test, and it simply tests whether or not the person has sonic. If a person has sonic he’s not locked up in an explosion. This doesn’t say he won’t be anxious about explosions, it doesn’t say that explosions couldn’t be run on him with profit, but if he has sonic, why, he’ll get out those first three steps.

Now, if his sonic is very dim or conceptual, we immediately can plot this curve [drawing on blackboard] of his case: He’s in his head and he’s out of his head and now he’s feeling better and now he’s feeling horrible and now he’s feeling much better and now he’s feeling not quite so horrible and now he’s feeling… And he’ll go over the humps on lids for some weeks, really, until he’s finally feeling fine. He can get to that state, but he gets to that state on a basis of remedying an energy starvation.

All right, let’s look at the mechanics of what happens then. We’re breaking SOP 8 into two pieces; we’re breaking it into Steps I, II, III and Steps IV, V, VI, VII. You have two distinctly different types of cases.

They’re on a gradient scale and we could break it as handily at Step II, but it would not be the same, true.

We have two different types of cases – always have had. There’s the occluded case, and the case who has recalls.

Now, actually, there’s three cases, but this other one is a sleeper. We have the occluded case as an intermediate case. And up above that, we have a case who has good recall in terms of perception. And then below that level, we have the case who recalls with vivid perception things that never happened. And this we call, sarcastically, the wide-open case.

The wide-open case is very often found at Levels VI and VII. And by the way, you’ll find Step VII cases who can exteriorize or who are exteriorized but who are mad as hatters, inside or outside. You’ll find some cases, by the way, that they present a perfectly sane aspect and then you say, „Be three feet back of your head,“ and they’re roaring mad. They start to take off for Arcturus. Such a case – such a case: they just start off into space and they’re gone and they’re not going to come back, and the body – this person has never heard of exteriorization or anything of the sort They are marked by people who tell you how bad things are. This is the single characteristic of that case: it’s how bad things are. Now, they’ll tell you bad occurrences and horrible happenings, and so forth. And as soon as a person has, as his constant chatter, „Well, I saw this… When I was a little child, I was told that ants got into the skull. And I never believed it, but the other day I saw a person that ants had crawled under the scalp and had eaten the whole brain away.“ Or „I knew a fellow that when you touched him on the shoulder, all of a sudden the whole shoulder caved in, because he’d had cancer for years and hadn’t known it, and he died the next week.“ I don’t know why it is, but in farming districts you’ll find this type predominating. Well, very well.

Where it comes to your exteriorize-and-run-away case, you’ll know this case, because – it might be a pretty girl, by the way; don’t take an exterior manifestation. Might be a pretty, sweet-looking girl that something has gotten hold of. And it isn’t the girl you’re talking to, by the way; it’s the something that got hold of. This girl isn’t in the possession of a demon like they used to think of; she’s the demon.

Might be a very nice-looking, pleasant young man. Very handsome. He hasn’t had time to mess this body up yet very badly. In a few years, the girl and the boy, they won’t be in such good shape; they’ll look pretty bad.

But you get young people, and you’ll quite often run into this, and you say, „All right, be three feet back of your head now,“ and all of a sudden, pow. They’ll just go completely limp, just like a rag doll. They just slump forward in the chair – silence. That’s all you know about it, see. I mean, they sat there and they were chattering away and they were telling you how their great-aunt Rebecca had the mumps when she was ninety and it rotted her jaws away or something. They’re engaging in some pleasant conversational topic. And somebody says, „Be three feet back of your head,“ see, pam, and they go slack or they get stiff. Well, they’re gone.

And I know of one case where an auditor – this is a bad moment for an auditor, a real bad moment for an auditor. It’s your own darn fault for telling such a case, you see, to be three feet back of their head when they obviously were nutty as a cuckoo dock. Because the thetan, uninhibited by the body, really takes off.

So this one auditor pleaded with her. He said, „Think of your little child.“ „Think of your parents.“ „Please come back.“ „Life isn’t too terrible to live, life isn’t too awful. Please come back.“ Just slack, see. The body is just sitting there in a complete slump. No twitch. „Well, if you come back I can do a lot for you, and life will be much better than it was in the past.“ Still slumping. Finally, this fellow, after a half an hour of pleading, came out with the line, „Think of your poor auditor.“ And it brought her back.

By the way, she was entirely sort of blasted at the time this occurred. She returned into the body and was just – all was revealed, you know. She was really groggy. It took the auditor a lot of Straightwire, and so forth, to just straighten her out a little bit so that she could navigate. That’s rather typical, no real damage. So there’s a corpse left around; the thetan didn’t want it.

This person can be expected to assume a rather different attitude toward existence just through that one exteriorization. Well, that type of case, of course, is normally delusory. But it isn’t a problem in energy so much; it isn’t a problem in anything I know anything about except they just can’t reason, don’t reason, they’re antisocial, and so on. And it’s mainly a question of postulates and downright cussedness. But what you’ve got to straighten out is the thetan. The easiest way to process the thetan is actually when exteriorized. You just get the thetan to change his mind, and the thetan is being very resistive and saying, „Well, I don’t want to change my mind. I want to think things are horrible. The devil with it.“

Well, that’s just a being you’re talking with; you’re talking with a person. Only this person can now talk with you safely, because this person is many feet away from you, and you can’t find out quite where they are in the room. And they can use this body as a Communications medium, and so they talk real brave and they tell you the truth of the matter: ‘To hell with you.“

Now, this is a problem that a demon exorcist in the early Middle Ages would probably have written up as a highly significant something or other, and it would probably now appear as one of the… The person who exteriorized her would probably now be canonized at least, if not shot. Now, three… You didn’t like that pun. All right.

„Be three feet back of your head.“ Please tell me why nobody ever said this in the last ump thousand years. This is fantastic. Because 50 percent, at least, of the people who come in and sit down, I don’t care what their age is – something like this – you say, „Be three feet back of your head.“

Sometimes you get the reaction, „Why?“

„Well, it might be more comfortable outside.“

„Might be more comfortable outside! You mean people are inside their heads!“

You would be just amazed how often one gets that reaction. One girl I know was given 125 electric shocks because the psychiatrist found she was outside of her head. Too sane for him.

Anyway, let’s look at the mechanics which we can theorize at this time – evidently works; it works out in theory – but let’s look at the mechanics of why a person doesn’t easily get out of his head, and why, after he’s gotten out of his head two or three times, and so forth, he all of a sudden stops getting out of his head and sticks or something.

We have inside this person’s skull a lot of energy deposits. It’s very real energy. It’s there, it’s measurable, it has quantity. If you don’t believe it, look at some of these very solid people. That’s nothing but this type of energy.

Now, the thetan is in the midst of all this, see. And the first time you ask him to put out a beam, you get this kind of a situation, you see. Here he is, and you ask the thetan inside the head to put out a beam. So he puts out a beam against the front of his forehead and lengthens the beam. And the second he puts out a beam and lengthens the beam, it’ll just back him right out of his head. Therefore, „Be three feet back of your head“ is much better than „Push yourself out of your head.“

You see, be in another location, don’t move to the other location. Moving is energy and use of. And being is, of course, just another geographical location. He doesn’t have to use energy to be from one of these places to another.

This is fantastic material which has been discovered here and I don’t blame people at large for wincing about it Fortunately, an auditor doing SOP 8, SOP 8-L well delivers a tremendous conviction in terms of the public with which he’s surrounded, simply because he can change over 50 percent of the people he processes from dark to light in a very short space of time.

He could take, for instance, a juvenile delinquent, see, and he’d say, „Be three feet back of your head.“ „Now, why are you being a bad boy?“ „Okay, can you change your mind about that? What do you have to pick up to be more agreeable to your parents?“ „Oh, you don’t want to be agreeable to your parents. Well, what makes you unwilling to be agreeable with your parents and the society at large?“ „Oh.“ It’ll be some kind of an answer. „All right, well, change your mind about it if you can. Can you change your mind about it?“


„Well, shift your postulates, then.“

All right, he does. But he looks around at the same time, and he sees he’s not the body; been kidding himself all this time. He looks around and he sees what the situation is in relationship to this body. He suddenly becomes interested in the fact that he has a couple of anchor points out, and the body is depending for its electrical current on this and that, and gets tremendously interested.

You’ve given him a brand-new world. After that, he hasn’t got time to be a bad boy. And after you’ve finished this very short session, he goes home and he says, „Hiya, Pop.“ And he’s always said „Hm!“ And so we have an altered behavior pattern. How much processing? Five or ten minutes.

You see, you could do that often enough, if you care to; you could do that often enough to carry a tremendous impact on the people around you.

It doesn’t require anything superspecial in you or for you to hold your breath or put your feet in a certain proximity one to another to generate enough energy to give them enough force and power to back up out of their heads. You’re just wasting your time. You just communicate with them, you want them three feet back of their heads, and a very large percentage of the people you run into simply will be.

And, of course, those people who are being difficult about it get more time from you, which is probably why they’re being more difficult about it Because you see, they get hours’ worth of attention whereas the other fellow only gets a couple of minutes. This guy is in good shape, though, and he’s happy and there’s a lot of adventure waiting for him and the other fellow, he’s just going around getting the beautiful sympathy of being very aberrated. All right.

So he puts out this beam here, and pushes himself a little bit the second he puts out energy, or he does it inadvertently as he moves out of his head. And the second he does that, this… [drawing on blackboard] There weren’t any agitated deposits in the vicinity of his head when he did this the first time, but you’ve shifted him somewhat on the time track. And the next thing you know, this is the picture which his skull represents, and this material may be of a gluey consistency or something of the sort, and it goes into restimulation and he gets the idea that he’s fixed in his head.

Really, there’s no reason at all why an occluded case can’t be ten yards, eight miles – and very often, by the way, they will be a couple of hundred miles away. They will exteriorize if you just say, „Where would you like to be?“

„Oh,“ the fellow would say, „I’d like to be home at dear old Gladolia Manor.“

„Okay, be in the living room at Gladolia Manor.“ And they will actually, completely exteriorize with a great deal of certainty into the old homestead, something of the sort, and look around there and take a good look and see that the place isn’t the same as it used to be. And they’ll get interested in this and so on.

Then you start to operate them dose to the body and you’re operating them dose up to where the energy patterns are and the energy lumps and blocks are, and so on. And this energy goes into restimulation. And the next thing you know, it’s all sticky and they get the idea that they can’t move because of course you can’t move if you’re surrounded by stickiness.

And so, this condition changes to this condition. Well, normally the change isn’t as marked. If this condition is going to be present at all, it’s at least present to the degree that a person doesn’t have any sonic recall, because all of this is based basically on an explosion. All right.

Therefore, Steps I, II and III may have to be repeated if it takes you too long to do it. If it happens immediately, pom, you’re not going to have to worry about this case very much. Of course, there is this about the case: This case may have to do a lot of work outside his body.

Such as one girl, she was apparently in apathy. She exteriorized beautifully, she had a great certainty on exteriorization and so forth, and she didn’t change in aspect very much after she exteriorized, which always makes one somewhat suspicious.

One’s suspicion, by the way, is quickly answered if some preclear tells him, „Yes, I am up there.“ Oh yeah? Because his immediate response would be – is „My body is down there.“ That’s his viewpoint That’s where he is. „My body is down there.“ He doesn’t think of where he is. When you get people talking about „my thetan,“ that sort of thing, you, all of a sudden – you know this is not true. But it doesn’t matter too much whether it’s true or not, the person’s… But this lady didn’t change; she was obviously exteriorized. She’d say, „Yes, I’m here.“

„Where is here?“

„On the lamp here.“ Still sad, still apathetic, so forth, until I came out with Cycle of Action Processing. This was the one mysterious case. This case wouldn’t seem to shake out of apathy. Exteriorized, good perception and so forth, wasn’t really stuck anyplace – mysterious case.

I came out with Cycle of Action Processing whereby the preclear simply mocks up the end of all the cycles of action he has tried to start You realize that people hang up in the middle of a cycle of action.

Let’s say a fellow is seventeen years old and is just about to receive the rank of captain of his company, and he is stopped dead in his tracks. He never finished the cycle of action. He didn’t get there. The fellow who is on his road someplace and suddenly runs into a truck, doesn’t get to his destination.

And this girl started finishing off cycles of action, things which she had wanted to do in her life and had never been able to do. And we find out that exteriorized or not exteriorized, she was still heavily in the complete conclusion and conviction that anything she started to do, she would be stopped because her parents continually stopped her from doing anything she wanted to do. It was enough for her parents to discover that she had an ambition, to immediately throw it away.

And this girl sat around by herself finishing off in mock-up form all the cycles of action, and she worked for two or three days by herself and she got up to the age of five. And she went on, and the next time I saw her – it was about a week later – she was bright, she was cheerful, she was a Theta Clear; there wasn’t any doubt about this whatsoever.

But you see what hung her up. She was exteriorized, all right, but all she was convinced of was the fact that she would be stopped in any action begun, so she started to get well. And the first step of it was Step I, „Be three feet back of your head.“ She could do that, but of course, she couldn’t finish any further action. We had to get her out of the conviction that she would be stopped in all actions before we could achieve Theta Clear.

Well, this condition, when it does result, will require from the auditor a considerable amount of processing. If it takes longer than half an hour to make a Theta Clear, get ready to slug. Those you make in fifteen, twenty minutes, half an hour are going to be stable and stay that way for quite a while with this slight exception: They will rush around and get into adventures and be too ambitious and get very upset about this and so on, and get an explosion and blow up in that, and they get adventurous, you see.

And you’ll see this fellow every once in a while, and he’s looking real sad, and you’ll say, „What’s the matter?“

„Oh, I’m back in my head.“

„Well, what’s happened?“

„Oh, nothing much. Going down the street and it occurred to me to be very curious about what was happening, and there was a five-alarm fire across on the other side of town. And just as I got there, why, all the gasoline drums inside the storeroom started to burn up, and it looked pretty, so I went in to see and,“ he said, „I got apathetic about it after a while and…“

What has happened is he’s been in too much contest he sees the MEST universe making all this terrific explosion, and he himself can’t make explosions that good, so he figures out he’s no good or something of the sort Or he just gets an explosion in his face and by mechanical energy decides he’s been blown up. It’s something he decides.

Now, this is where postulates enter in, and this is where postulates belong. Changing postulates on a Case Level IV, a Case Level V, the devil with it. It isn’t postulates that’s worrying these people, it’s energy, and I know of no method of changing postulates in them that doesn’t immediately increase their force potential. You see that?

Immediately the fellow begins to feel very forceful. You change this postulate – he feels fine for three minutes, four minutes, half a day. And he’s got his force potential up, he’s still inside the body and he starts to emanate energy and he starts to excite the whole bank and so he sticks. See, every time he gets a little bit tougher, he starts exciting the energy deposits in his vicinity. At least, we can explain it this way. And there he goes. So you change the postdates in a IV or V or VI or run concepts on them, it doesn’t matter what you do to them; they’re not going to alter very much, because they just get more force and then they get their energy deposits upset, and then they decide that they can’t And so you bring them up again and they get more forceful, and then they excite these energy deposits again and they quit again. And they’ll just run this cycle and you can just go on up the line, only it’s a very flat curve when you’re doing this. They feel better, they can think better, all kinds of things. But they know that there’s a place to get to on the Tone Scale, and they know they’re not arriving there.

So Step I, of course, is something that is accomplished in just a moment or two. You say, „Be three feet back of your head.“ The fellow is three feet back of his head. Now you go through the rest of the drill of Step I, which is asking him to be in various places. You’ll do better if you don’t ask him to immediately look at the body. You’ll occasionally get a Step III that looks at the body and immediately pops in again, who will act as a Step I till you ask him that question.

You say, „Look at the body now.“ And the second you say, „Look at the body,“ it startles him so to see the body there that he gets very upset, or he can’t see the body or the body’s black. And this upsets him and he’s done, he quits. So don’t ask him to look at his body. Just ask him to be three feet or six miles, whatever you want. There isn’t any mystic significance in three feet, it’s just a handy distance. It’s better than one foot Six miles is better except you lose track of your preclear.

You know, Dennis, the Director of Instruction in London, he’s quite a fellow, and he didn’t have any great reality on Theta Clearing for himself. All of his reality was completely objective, because he himself was an occluded case at the time. And one day he says to a fellow, he just starts through the rote and routine of, I think, Standard Operating Procedure 5, and he says, „Be back of your head,“ and the fellow didn’t say anything. And Dennis says, „Well now,“ – to himself – „I think I’ll have to do some mock-ups.“ So he says, „Well, let’s see, Ron said that very often where a person is stuck exactly on the track, he’ll have the facsimile he’s stuck in.“

By the way, you occasionally do that. You say, „What do you commonly see?“

And the fellow will tell you quite cheerfully, „My grandfather’s face lying in the coffin.“

„What do you see?“ That’s where he’s stuck and you can just move him off of that. If he can still see it, he can be moved off of it.

Well anyway, he thought this, and he said – the fellow said, „I – well, I don’t know, back of a girl’s head.“

„Well,“ Dennis says, „that’s fine.“ He says, „Well, let’s move into it now, and let’s move out of it“

And the guy did. He said, „That was kind of tough,“ but he did it.

And „Well, what do you see now?“

And he said, „Well, I see a train coming.“

„Yeah? Well, now what do you see?“

And now he said – the fellow said, „Wait a minute; there’s another train coming now.“

All of a sudden Dennis got a terrible suspicion. And he says to the preclear, „Where are you?“

And the fellow said, „Sitting alongside the railroad track on one of the ties.“ And he said, „Gee,“ he says, „these trains,“ he says, „these wheels are terrific.“

Dennis goes, „Ulp,“ and called him back very quietly and gently into the room. He had put him in and out of an actual girl’s head and Dennis simply – he was very green at this at the time; the techniques had only been out a few days when he was trying this. And Dennis went around after that telling everyone, „Be sure and communicate with the preclear and get him to tell you what he is doing.“

This could be accepted by occluded cases as very, very difficult phenomena to assume, very difficult But it’s not difficult phenomena the moment you start working with it, because to see some fellow walk in who has had four years of psychoanalysis, who has even been pitched down Tone Scale with anatypical procedure – somebody who has been really abused and so forth. And you see this fellow walk in, nothing’s ever been done for him, you know, and you say, „Be three feet back of your head.“

And he says, „All right.“

And you say, „Now let’s be across the street there where the sun is coming in.“


„Now there’s a garbage can over there; now let’s be in the garbage can.“

„Well, yes.“

„All right, now let’s sit down on top of one of those passing cars.“


„Wait a – what are you doing?“

„Oh, I don’t know; it was very funny. I made the bus driver scratch his ear.“

„No, no, I said on top of the car.“

„Well, all right“

„All right. Now let’s be over where they run their light plant You there?“


„All right Let’s sit up on top of the generator housing, listen to the generator.“


„All right, now, let’s step into the generator.“

„Okay. Gee, this is fun!“

„All right, that’s fine. Now let’s go over and stand in front of one of the arcs on the switchboards that’s snapping.“


„Bother you?“

„No. Used to. Doesn’t now.“

„All right Now let’s be in the center of the Sun.“


„Okay. Now let’s be up in the corner of the room.“


„All right Now put yourself where you’d like to have yourself in relationship to the body.“

„Okay. Gee. Well, you know, life’s pretty good, and so forth, and that stuff you’ve got there is pretty fine. As a matter of fact, it’s been very good, and I thank you very, very much for the session.“

He doesn’t realize this guy has changed. All of a sudden his face is animated, he’s got good color, he’s got circulation, he no longer has arthibumpis or something.

Or when you get him back there, if he has some psychosomatic ill, this – in Dianetics we used to slug and slave and sweat over trying to get out this chronic somatic, and he’d come back Tuesday and he’d have it again, and you’d run out another engram and you’d eventually get him so he didn’t have it, but boy, it was work. All right, you say to this fellow – he has lumitis or something or persilosis, some disease. (That’s my only disease.) So we get him to reach over and touch the affected limb or area of the body, and he does, and you say to him, „All right, now, do you see any pinched nerves or anything there you’d like to straighten out?“

„Yeah. Yeah, you know, this is real interesting. I always heard doctors of anatomy talk about this sort of thing, but I hadn’t ever realized it was like they said. Gee-whiz, look at all these tendons. And, yeah, there’s a nerve, yeah.“

„Well, straighten it out“

„Well, I just did.“

„All right. Now let’s get…“

„There’s another little black piece of energy on here; let me get that off.“

„Okay, you got that, that’s fine. All right, now let’s straighten out the joint a little bit, and see if that’s going along fine.“


„Well now, is there anything else you’d like to do to the body?“

„Well, I don’t know, I always had headaches and there seems to be a little patch of energy here that’s causing the headaches. Just a minute.“ (pause) „Okay.“

„Now, is there anything else you’d like to do?“


„Okay. That’s the end of the session.“

The guy walks out – he’s walking!

Miracle, just like that And it’s no tougher than that, and you use exactly the patter I was just giving you: „Is there anything you’d like to fix up about this body?“


„Is there any pinched nerves you’d like to fix up?“


„All right Well, go ahead. Fix them up.“

Do you say, „Now look, put out a beam and wum-wum-zum and touch the epiglottis on the spoololum.“

No, no. He knows more about his anatomy than you do at that moment, and the fact of the matter is he doesn’t have to be told; he knows how to fix up a body.

He can do weird things in fixing up a body if you don’t… He will, too.

The body operates on little anchor points around in various places, a very complex electrical anatomy. And he can make all kinds of things occur in the body that haven’t occurred before. Shocking. Boy, could he give the draft board a bad time.

So that’s processing of psychosomatic ills at its optimum. And all these 1 other steps of SOP 8 are necessary only because we can’t get this optimum operation instantly on all preclears. We can only get it on about 50 percent of them. And that’s that.

So you see, we’re actually dealing with a superior therapy. The most cases that a witch doctor, in terms of percentage, could expect to achieve an effect upon – some small, light effect – was something like 22 percent The same in practically any primitive tribe. The witch doctor, 22 percent of his cases had an effect.

Psychoanalysis achieved slightly less than that at considerable longer time. I tested it out one day. I tested out witch doctoring too, by the way. I’m a pretty good witch doctor – boom, boom, boom, boom.

I don’t know what the percentage is from country to country. The percentage is slightly lower in Great Britain than in the United States. It is a lower percentage if you’re taking certain age brackets. The percentage doesn’t necessarily decline with rapidity with advancing years, but it is fairly safe to assume that cases below the age of eighteen are much, much easier and more responsive than cases above that age. These are just figures to give you an approximation; they aren’t statistics. You can expect that somebody who is fifty years old, who walks in, you can expect there to be probably only a 10, 15 percent chance that he’s an immediate Step I. But don’t neglect the fact that he might be one. Pam, out he’ll go.

Old lady, eighty years of age, walked in on an auditor one day, and he thought, „Oh, my, I – ohhh!“ She had lumbitis with complicosis.

And he says, „Well now, be three feet back of your head.“

And she says in a sweet voice, „Yes.“

„Well, let’s go up on the roof and take a look at the city.“

„My, it’s beautiful, isn’t it?“

„Well, let’s go up a little higher, take a look at the city.“


„Now let’s go down to the light plant and stand on the edge of the generator.“ Here we go, see.

Come back and – “All right, is there anything you’d like to fix up about the body?“

„No, I think it’ll be all right now.“

„Well, that’s fine. That’s the end of session.“

She got up, she didn’t have complicosis – zzzzz. About eighty years old – everybody knows you can’t do anything for old people.

So we’re actually into a field of astonishing phenomena which has suddenly turned up, pam, and which it has taken me – I am very sorry that it has taken me this long, but it has actually taken me over fifteen months to get these techniques – after the discoveries of Theta Clearing itself – to get these techniques evened out And that’s an awfully long time; I apologize for it. Well, it’s taken over three years to graduate the processing of engrams and grief charges up to a point where an auditor didn’t have to work. I’ve been trying to save labor for you. I’m following out the general American neurosis.

So don’t neglect that Step I and don’t ever assume that a case is going to be immediately very difficult, until you’ve at least gone through those steps. It doesn’t take any time to go through SOP 8: Steps I, II, III. And after you’ve gone past III, you know what’s wrong with him: explosions.

But if he’s real bad off, you don’t dare give him an explosion, you have to give him mock-ups. But if he is real, real bad off, all you can do for him is to get him to contact a little reality. And these are the effective techniques, and you go off just on that level.

Now, you can go off on tests – one, two, three, four, five. A good test is can he mock up his childhood home. If he can mock up his childhood home with great ease, he’s probably still there. One method of getting him out of there is – if you just want to cure up a thought problem with him – is get him to reach and withdraw from the childhood home, get the childhood home reaching and withdrawing from him. All of a sudden he’ll come away from home. First time he’s ever been away from home. He’s liable to look around with great surprise, find out he’s been in Philadelphia or Keokuk all these years – without being in Philadelphia.

Most of your preclears have trouble, if they are in difficulties at all below the level of III, of „not here.“ That’s another phrase that they’re helped out on. „He’s not all there.“ How true, how true; they think they’re someplace else.

Now, I’ll go over less ramblingly, immediately, why we are working with geographical location. Theta, according to Prelogic 1, places things in space and time and can create space and time in which to place things. And when I say place them, I mean place them. The precision of being able to place a point – only a mind knows what a point is – the precision of placing a point is a direct index of neurosis. A person’s belief in the place where he is, is tremendously important to his sanity. Geographical locations. This is so much the case that a person can be evaluated for only by those people who have changed his position in space repeatedly and continually.

Take a drill sergeant. The drill sergeant with his "To the rear, hup; to the rear, hup,“ is changing the position of soldiers in space to a moment and time when he says, „All right, now, charge.“ And these guys get up and walk into a solid hail of steel. They don’t do it because they’re brave nearly so much as they do it because the sergeant said so. That’s evaluation. And evaluation doesn’t exist unless change in space has existed priorly. All right.

We have all evaluation on the part of parents, then, as important And your preclear is upset about his parents, simply because they have upset him about change in space.

Now, change in space is important, because that thing which he cannot perceive he has to think about. If he can’t go to a place, he has to suppose about a place. If he can’t go to a place, he has to mock up a place to go to. See, he can’t go there, so he mocks it up as how he thinks it is.

And there is your first echelon of thinkingness, and there is your first picture, which later on begins to include and embrace all language. He can’t go there, so he’s got to think what it is – he supposes it looks like.

Now, he supposes it looks like, at level of Resistive V, to the degree where, when you ask him to exteriorize by scenery, all he does is pull around facsimiles. Well, that’s all right Let him pull around facsimiles; he’ll get tired of it after a while and actually start to pull places under him. That’s in old SOP 8, Exteriorization by Scenery.

With what ease can we show this to be a fact This is demonstrable phenomena. We take any case that’s occluded and we ask him to pull pieces of scenery on the face of the Earth under him, and the next thing you know, he knows he can’t be there, so he’s got to look at a mock-up of it. Well, you just keep him at this, and he’ll get tired after a while, because what’s he doing? Every time you say pull such a place under him, he pulls a mock-up under him, ha. Wonderful. He’s had to mock something up. He’s had to mock something else up, and he’s feeding a starved bank energy. Eventually he’ll get enough energy so he will move. See how that is? All right.

So Exteriorization by Scenery in original SOP 8 is very effective, but it has to be continued and on and on and on and on and on till all of a sudden it starts to occur on a really bad case. The case really isn’t going these places. And he begins to think after a while, „Well, exteriorization and Theta Clearing and so on is a technique – one of Hubbard’s wild ideas, because it really couldn’t exist, because I have established conclusively and beyond any doubt whatsoever that every time I try to pull a place under me, it’s just a facsimile. So that proves Hubbard’s wrong, and I’m sane.“ Does it? You see how this is? He’s feeding the bank, and it’s just a handy way of feeding the bank – another way of doing it.

But he has to know before he can go. He knows he can’t be in places, and one of his finest upsets is walking into a strange place. And you ask any person who is at the Level V, „Do you feel at home in a grocery store?“

„No. Every time I go into a grocery store, I sort of feel like people are going to tell me to get out.“

„Oh, is that so? Why, that’s peculiar. Why do you suppose this is?“

„Well,“ the fellow says, „I don’t know. Maybe my mother or maybe my father,“ or other Freudian reasons.

The actual fact of the matter is, it’s a place where there are things to eat, you see, and that would be one of the things he’d be kind of nervous about Anybody who is eating is sort of debased, anyway. (That wouldn’t include any of us.)

But here we have somebody expecting to be asked to leave all the time. That’s his big worry. Somebody’s going to kick him out – kick him out or hold him still.

And this person, by the way, if you start running on a very occluded case „I am under arrest,“ do you know, he’ll get a terrific bang out of this – it’s a big technique. Of course, it doesn’t do too much for the case, but it sure does create an effect He thinks he’s under arrest Of course, arrest is bad, because it means you’re surrounded by a confined space, and you can’t get out of that space, and if you can’t get out of that space, therefore you can’t have an explosion because explosions are not fixed spaces, explosions are moving spaces. All right.

Therefore your low-level case just can’t be in various geographical locations. The truth of the matter is, he’s been blown out of too many of them by explosions. Or he’s blown too many people out of them with explosions that kicked back on him. He’s been real active, and all these people, by the way, at that level are real, boy, they… I’d hate to tell you what the past and background is of a lot of Vs. I notice several fellows twist nervously in the audience. That’s all right, I won’t tell anybody. Not for a couple of minutes, anyway.

Now, there’s the whole thing. He just can’t be someplace, and so he runs out of places to be, even in his bank. You see how that is? He can’t even be on his time track looking at his facsimiles, he’s out of places to be to such an extent. There’s a scarcity of places to be, in other words, a scarcity of viewpoints; the only reason you’d want to be in a place was to look from the place.

Now, he’s run out of them in the material universe and then he begins to run out of them on the time track, and their general scarcity gets to be such that as he looks back into the past, it’s all occluded. And he’s got a tremendous scarcity of past, because it’s the one place he can’t be again, is where he has been in the past He knows that, he has agreed with the material universe to the point where he realizes that time sets it up so that he can no longer be where he has been, and that’s the past.

If he can’t be where he has been, he then has a tendency to go into the past, identifying the past with prohibited areas and spaces. But if you will send this person around in various prohibited spaces for a while, he will actually exteriorize then. And if he stays away from the body, he won’t get trapped in it again. But the body is so mocked up with lots of energy that when he comes near it again, he goes into it.

You find many of these fellows, when they exteriorize, they’re wearing black suits. They’ll tell you all sorts of weird tales. Well, who cares how weird the tale is. The fellow isn’t delusive. It’s a remarkable conceit on the part of man that he thought and believes at large that out of this tremendous solar system, which occupies a tremendous galaxy, which is one of many island universes, that Earth has the only type of culture which can be, the only type of being which can live, and knows all there is to know about any way there is to go about living. I mean, such conceit!

When we have this problem of a person who can’t move out of his body, we get all sorts of other manifestations we can immediately study, such as he thinks the room is full of lions. If you ask him real quickly, and said, „What do you think the room is full of?“

„Oh, nothing.“

„Well, are there any dark corners that you see in the room?“

„Well, that corner over there is kind of dark.“

„What do you think is in that comer over there?“ (pause) „Mother.“

He goes around all the time thinking somebody is around. Well, that’s the level of delusion on the thing. He’s too sane to know – to admit that this is the case. But here he is, then, in a state where he can’t be in various places; I mean, various places in the material universe, much less make universes of his own. See, he’s in a bad way. He can’t be places, and that’s the only thing that really is a gradient scale in SOP 8, see? Inability to be places.

A Step I? Cocky, able to be anyplace. II, ahh, not quite. Ill, well, he could be someplace if he had some space of his own, but he doesn’t doubt that he could have space of his own, and so you use Step III just exactly as given in 16-G, without any differences there at all, to have some space of his own.

And he says, „Well, if I do get chased out of some space, I’m not entirely dependent upon the MEST universe for space; therefore, I could have some space, because I can make some space. Okay, I’ll move out of my head,“ you see?

In Step II, he just has a little bit of concern, probably. Probably Papa and Mama and other people have told him he was ugly. You’d be surprised, by the way, where all these conditions are extreme in a Case Level V, that a V, he really thinks he’s pretty homely. He’s worried about his looks. He can look in a mirror, but he can’t quite trust that mirror. It might be telling him lies. He doesn’t know for sure, he has never seen himself. He isn’t quite sure. And he kind of believes he’s real ugly. That’s the extreme case.

Well, a II has this just faintly. He thinks, well, as long as he’s in there pitching and making the body make nice, graceful motions, you see, why, he’s all right But if the body doesn’t look quite right, and he’s just a little bit uncertain about how the body looks – that’s really what he’s concerned about If you just tell him to mock up the body a few times, he’ll get the darnedest feeling; he gets the feeling of ridicule, mockery.

Of course, ridicule is the business of holding somebody’s anchor points out away from him and not letting him have them back. See, you take somebody’s anchor point and then won’t give it back. Well, that’s ridiculing him.

If you have a preclear who is just – oh, boy! He’s just in terrible shape on the subject of, oh, I don’t know, he’s had a broken marriage or some other American custom; you just get the other man or the other woman – in case of a girl who has just been divorced – holding the former partner away. Just mock them up holding them away, and just let the mock-up stand there and hold. And this person will squirm, and they’ll get embarrassed and they’ll twist, and then all of a sudden they say, „So what?“ A lot of mock-ups. Their attention got fixed on one mock-up, that was their trouble. They don’t realize there’s two and a half billion human mock-ups in this world. Gee, that’s a lot of mock-ups. And more coming along all the time. All right.

We have the idea, then, of that body away from him. Well, he’s afraid he’ll be ridiculed if he does something different or strange about going outside. There’s enough feeling there so he has a doubt about exteriorization. So you just get him to put his body out there. Mock it up, mock it up. He has a slight body scarcity, too. So he gets kind of the idea, „Well, if I got this body, then I could have another body,“ so you have him mock up his body several times out there.

But don’t keep this up and don’t do it at all if the body that he mocks up is not brilliant in color – I mean, if it’s not dear, brilliant and three-dimensional.

All right, he doesn’t do Step I instantly, you say, „Just mock up your body now.“ He does. You say, „What kind of a mock-up is it?“

„I got an idea it’s there.“ He’s a Step V, skip it Go on with III anyhow, but if he’s just got an idea that mock-up is there, you’re operating way up in techniques, when you should be very – sigh and take off your coat and roll up your sleeves and pull out the couch a little bit, and get a couple of glasses of water or a few Coca-Colas and set them down, because you’re in for it, boy.

Now, the mock-up that he gets should be dear and should feel like it has some body to it And if that is the case, and there’s no great deal of blackness around or something of the sort, he’ll mock up his body a few times and all of a sudden he’ll be standing back looking at his body and mocking up maybe a body in front of it and comparing the two and thinking, „Ha!“ „What do you want me to do now?“ he’ll say. Well, don’t just go on to Step III, because the fellow will seldom tell you on Step II that he’s just exteriorized. This will seem sort of usual to him, certainly – suddenly.

You say, „Mock up your body a few times now. Now have you done that?“

„Yeah. Yeah.“

Well, don’t expect him to give you any due, because normally you’ll be processing somebody that doesn’t know what’s supposed to happen. And he’ll be outside looking at the body in a lot of the cases, so don’t miss that one. You see, you could just pick up this beautiful slab of bacon you have just brought home, and say, „Well, that isn’t bacon, it’s just a mock-up,“ and throw it away. You’ve just done your job, you see, and you wouldn’t know it.

All right, here he is: He exteriorizes. Now, if there’s a great deal of blackness around and you just kept this fellow mocking up nothing but his body on and on and on and on and on and on and on, there is some possibility, some possibility that he would get kind of spinny, because you might be dealing with a very, very low-step case. And you haven’t established it yet, see. You don’t know what you’re handling yet You might be dealing – possibly, in spite of appearances – you might be dealing with somebody that you have no business whatsoever giving any mock-ups to. You might be dealing with a „What wall?“

So just for caution’s sake, just do it a few times. If he’s not exteriorized, you say, „Where are you now in relationship to your body?“

„I’m in my head, of course. Where do you suppose?“

See, he isn’t exteriorized. Well, don’t force him any.

Your next step is to tell him to hold on to the two back corners of the room. The reason you say the two back corners of the room is this immediately hits him with everything that’s in front of him. If you put out those two corners of the room, you see, that’s holding it as his space. But if you put that back there, he’s never held that space before. And it has a tendency to completely unsettle his thinking pattern.

Well, very well, what happens, then, to such a person that simply holds on to the back corners of the room and exteriorizes? Nothing, you just keep on going with the process of putting him in various places just like a fellow who exteriorized when he was – mocked up things in front of him. You just tell him to be in various places, that’s all. That’s real simple, isn’t it?

And the therapy as far as chronic somatics is concerned is telling him what would he like to patch up about the body, „Well, go ahead and patch it up,“ and in a rare case, having him do mock-ups outside the body until he finishes all cycles of actions he’s worried about Apply Mock-up Processing, but in particular when he’s outside of his body, get him up to a point where he can get just beautiful explosions with full sonic. And boy, he’s really Clear when he can really get those, because nothing can trap him after that.

Let’s take a break.