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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Miracles (GD-11) - L550209 | Сравнить
- Session - Control of Body, Think a Thought (GD-12) - L550209 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Чудеса (КЛ) - Л550209 | Сравнить



A group processing session given by L. Ron Hubbard
on the 9 February 1955

All right. I'm going to give you a Group Processing session. All you have to do is follow the auditing commands as nearly as you can. And if you can't, follow them anyway.

And I want to know now the inevitable thing, a thing of great interest to any Group Auditor. Is there a floor beneath your feet?

Audience: Yes.


Is there one?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a chair?

Audience: Yes.

Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a chair?

Audience: Yes.


Audience: Here.

All right.


Audience: Here.


Audience: Here.


Is there a floor?

Audience: Yes.


Audience: Here.

Okay. All right.

Are you there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Where are you?

Audience: Here. Okay.

Where are you?

Audience: Here. All right.

Where are you?

Audience: Here. All right.

Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Now, I'll bet you haven't looked. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Well, all right.

Where are you?

Audience: Here.

All right.

Where are you?

Audience: Here. Okay.

Where are you?

Audience: Here. All right.

Where are you?

Audience: Here. Okay.

Where are you?

Audience: Here. All right.

Where are you?

Audience: Here. Okay.

Where are you?

Audience: Here. All right.

Where are you?

Audience: Here.

Now, let's look, let's look. Where are you?

Audience: Here.

All right.

Where are you?

Audience: Here.


Where is here?

Audience: Right here. All right.

Where is here?

Audience: Here.


Where is here?

Audience: Here.

All right.

Where is here?

Audience: Here.

All right.

When are you?

Audience: Now.


When are you?

Audience: Now. Okay.

When are you?

Audience: Now. Well, fine.

When are you?

Audience: Now. Okay.

When are you?

Audience: Now. Okay.

Now when are you?

Audience: Now.

All right.

When are you?

Audience: Now.


When are you now?

Audience: Now.

All right.

When are you now?

Audience: Now.

All right.

When are you now?

Audience: Now.


When are you now?

Audience: Now.

Well, all right.

When are you now?

Audience: Now.

All right.

When are you now?

Audience: Now.

All right.

When are you now?

Audience: Now.


Now, now that we have established this fact beyond question, does anybody feel that it is beyond question?

Do you have a right hand?

Audience: Yes.

How many fingers does it have?

Audience: Five.

All right.

Can you feel them?

Audience: Yes.


Who is feeling them?

Audience: I am.

All right.

Have you got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.


Have you got a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

How many fingers on this left hand?

Audience: Five.

All right.

Do you feel them?

Audience: Yes.

Do you feel them all?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine.

Do you have a right hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a left hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a right hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a left hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a right hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a left hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a right hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a left hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a right hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a left hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a right hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a left hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a right hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a left hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a right hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a left hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a right hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a left hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a right hand?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a left hand?

Audience: Yes.

Which hand is your left hand?

Audience: This one.

Oh, this one?

Well, fine. Now, all right.

Let's see it. Come on, let's see it. Let's prove it. You got a left hand there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

You got a right hand?

Audience: Yes.


Is that your right hand?

Audience: Yes.


Is this my right hand?

Audience: No.

Okay. All right.

Let's hold up this hand over here. Come on, same one. Mirror image. Hold it up.

Shake it back and forth. Shake your hand back and forth. Okay.

Now hold up your other hand. Okay.

Shake it back and forth. Shake it back and forth. Shake it back and forth. Good, good, good.

Now let's take both hands and hold them right in front of our chin. Right here. Right in front of our chin.


Now let's flop them up and down like this. Okay.

Let's flop them. Let's get them real relaxed. Real relaxed. Come on, let's get them real relaxed. Real relaxed. Let's flop them. Let's flop them.

That's fine. That's fine. Good, good, good. Who's doing it?

Audience: I am.

All right.

Come on, who's doing it?

Audience: I am. We are. Okay.

Who's shaking your hands?

Audience: I am.

All right.

Who's shaking your hands?

Audience: I am.


Well, who should quit? Okay.

Now, do you have a right ear?

Audience: Yes. Are you sure?

Audience: Yes. Well, feel it.


Do you have a left ear?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Feel it.

Is it there?

Audience: Yes.


Do you have a right ear?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Feel it.

All right.

Now without your hand, feel it.

Audience: Okay. Did you do that?

Audience: Yes.


Now let's take your left ear, and without your hand feel it.

Audience: Okay. Can you feel it?

Audience: Yes.

Stroke it. Without your hand, now stroke that ear.

Audience: Okay. Yeah.

You do that? Can you make a sensation doing that?

Audience: Sure. Yeah.

All right.

Now let's take your right ear.

Female voice: Okay. Now let's stroke that.

Audience: Okay.

Did you do that?

Audience: Yeah.

Did you stroke your right ear?


Now let's find the top of your head with your right hand.

Female voice: Okay.

Is it there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Let's find the top of your head with your left hand.

Audience: Okay.

Both there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Now with both hands pat yourself on the head.

Good. Good. That's fine. That's fine. That's fine. Okay.

Both hands, pat yourself on the head. Now let's make sure you're patting both sides equally, let's not play favorites. Both sides equally. That's good. Both sides equally.


Who's doing it?

Audience: I am.

Well, all right. All right. You're doing it.


Let's put your hands down.

And now without your hands, let's pat yourself on the head.

Audience: Okay. Now pat yourself.

Audience: Okay. Say, "Nice body." Okay. That's good.

Now pat yourself on the head and say, "Nice body." Okay.

Now pat yourself on the head and say, "Good Seeing Eye dog." Okay.

Now pat yourself on the head and say, "Nice" and your first name. Okay.

Let's do that again. Pat yourself on your head and say, "Nice (your first name)."

Okay. That's fine.

Now pat yourself on the head again and say, "Nice (your first name)."

Audience: Okay.


Now let's pat yourself on the head again, very lovingly, and say, "Nice (your first name)."

Do that well?

Female voice: Sure.

Well, good.

Now, let's pat yourself on the head again and say, "Nice (your first name)." Do that easily?

Audience: Yeah.


Audience: Yeah.

All right.

Now let's do it so you get a sensation on the top of your head.

Female voice: Mm-hm.

You got it? You got a sensation now?

Audience: Uh-huh.

Let's pat it till you get a sensation. Everybody done it now?

Audience: Yeah.

Anybody hasn't got a sensation? Okay. That's fine.

Now let's find your right foot. Good.

Now let's reach down with our left hand and feel our right ankle. Now let's pat it. Pat it.

Got it?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine.

Now let's reach back. All right.

Now let's reach down with our left hand and pat our right ankle. Is it there?

Female voice: Okay.


Is that real good?

Audience: Yeah. Well, fine. All right.

Now, sitting back and without using our hands let's pat our right ankle. Okay. Fine.

Now let's pat our left ankle. Okay.

Now let's pat our right ankle. Now say, "Nice ankle."

Audience: Nice ankle.


Now let's pat our right ankle and say, "Nice ankle." How is that now, huh?

Female voice: Fine.

Real good?

Audience: Yeah.

Real good.

Now let's take our left hand and pat our right hand on the top. Say, "Nice hand."

Audience: Nice hand.

"Nice hand." Okay.

Now let's take our right hand and pat our left hand on the top. "Nice hand."

Audience: Nice hand.

"Nice hand." Okay.

Now we got it? Audience: Yes. All right.

Now let's pat the back of our left and right hand, simultaneously, without using our hands. Let's pat the back of our hands and say, "Nice hands."

Audience: Okay.

Now let's do it some more. Let's say, "Nice hands." Let's pat them. Pat, pat, pat. "Nice hands." "Nice hands."

All right.

Now let's take our right hand and pat our left shoulder. Now say, "Boy, I'm some guy."


Now let's take our left hand and pat our right shoulder and say, "Boy, I'm some guy."

Audience: Boy, I'm some guy.


Now, that's fine.

Now let's pat our left shoulder, without our hand, let's pat our left shoulder and say, "Gee, what a nice guy."

Female voice: Okay.

All right.

Now let's take our right shoulder and pat it and say, "Gee, what a nice guy." All right.

Now let's take our left shoulder and say, "Gosh, what a swell fellow."

Female voice: Okay, Ron.

All right.

Now let's pat both shoulders at the same time. Pat them both-the back of both of them at the same time and say, ''What a wonderful person!"

Now pat the body on the head and say, "Gee, I'm lucky."

Female voice: Okay.

Got that?

Audience: Mm-hm. "Gee, I'm lucky." All right.

You got that real good?

Audience: Yeah.

Now let's find something that's right about your body. Something that is okay about your body.

Audience: Okay.

You find something that's okay about it?

Audience: Yes.

You got something?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Let's find something else that's okay about your body.

Female voice: Okay.

All right.

Everybody done that?

Audience: Yes.

Well, fine.

Now let's find something else that's all right about your body.

Audience: Okay.


Now let's find another thing that's all right about your body.

Audience: Okay.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.


Now let's find something else that's all right about this body.

Audience: Okay.


Now let's find something that's all right about your perception.

Audience: Yes.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Find out something else that's all right about your perception.

Audience: Okay.


Let's find something else out that's all right about your perception.

Audience: Okay.

Good. All right.

Now, let's find something that's all right about your looks.

Audience: Okay.

Find something that's all right about your looks, huh? Don't look like a Martian. Something that's all right about your looks.


Let's find something else that's all right about your looks.

Female voice: Okay.

All right.

Now let's find something that's all right about the way you work.

Female voice: Okay.

All right.

Let's find something else all right about the way you work.

Female voice: Okay.

All right.

Now let's say, "My right hand is going to work," and pick it up and make it flop. Pick it up and make it flop.

Now, were you right? Did it?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right.

Now let's stop that hand flopping and say, "Okay, now I'm going to make my left hand move." Did you say that?

Audience: Okay. Yeah.

All right.

Now do so.

Audience: Okay.

Make it flop.

Well, good.

Now say, "Now I'm going to make my left hand stop flopping," and do so. Now say, "Now I'm going to make my right hand start flopping," and do so.

Female voice: Okay.

All right.

Now say, "Now I'm going to make my right hand stop flopping," and do so. Okay.

Now say, "Now I'm going to make both hands flop," and do so.

Now say, "Now I'm going to make both hands stop flopping," and do so. Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Say, what do you know. Boy, are you under control! All right.

Now start your head ... Now say, "Now, I'm going to start my head bobbing." Do so.

Say now-while it's still bobbing, say, "Now I'm going to make my head stop bobbing," and do so.

Female voice: Okay.


Now say, "Now I'm going to make my head start nodding," and do so.

Female voice: Okay.

Now say, as it's still nodding, "Now I'm going to make my head stop nodding," and do so.

Boy, are you under control! Say, that's all right. Say, that's all right.

Now just to show you can control your eyes say, "Now I'm going to open and shut my eyes," and do so. Go ahead and do so.

Say, "Now I'm going to stop opening and shutting my eyes," and do so. Hey, boy, are you under control.

All right.

Now say to yourself, "Now I'm going to feel something with my back," and do so.

Audience: Okay.

Say, "Now I'm going to stop feeling something with my back," and do so.

Audience: Okay.

All right.

Now say, "I'm going to start feeling something with my back..."

Female voice: Okay.

. . .and do so.

Now say, "I'm going to stop feeling something with my back," and do so.

Female voice: Okay.


Audience: Yes.

All right.

Now say to yourself, "Now I'm going to have sensation in my body."

Female voice: Okay.

Now do so. Audience: Okay. Did you?,

Audience: Yes. All right.

Now say, "Now I'm going to stop having sensation in my body," and do so.

Female voice: Okay.

All right.

Now say, "Now I'm going to have sensation in my body," and do so.

Female voice: Okay.

Say, "Now I'm going to stop having sensation in my body," and do so.

Female voice: Okay.

Say, "Now I'm going to have much more sensation in my body," and do so.

Female voice: Okay.

Say, "Now I'm going to have the normal amount of sensation in my body," and do so.


How's that?

Audience: (various responses)

All right.

Now here comes the tricky one.

Say to yourself, "Now I'm going to hear better," and do so.

Female voice: Okay.

Say, "Now I'm going to hear less," and do so.

Female voice: Okay.

All right.

Say, "Now I'm going to hear better," and do so.

Female voice: Okay.

Say, "Now I'm going to hear less," and do so.

Female voice: Okay.

Say, "Now I'm going to hear the normal amount," and do so.

Female voice: Okay.

"Now I'm going to hear as I usually do," and do so.

Female voice: Okay.


How's that?

Now let's look out across the room, and now let's see more light. Now let's see less light.

Female voice: Okay.


Now decide you're going to see more light and see more light.

Female voice: Okay.

Now decide you're going to see less light and see less light.

Female voice: Okay.

Say, "Now I'm going to see more light," and see more light.

Female voice: Okay.

Say, "Now I'm going to see less light," and see less light.

Female voice: Okay.

All right.

Now see the normal amount of light.

Female voice: Okay.

Now see the amount of light you usually see.

Female voice: Okay.

Why, can't you determine it easily? Huh? What's the matter? All right. Now, that's real good. That's real good. That's fine.

Now, say, "Now I'm going to think something," and think something.

Female voice: Okay.

Say, "Now I'm going to stop thinking," and stop thinking.

Female voice: Okay.


Say, "Now I'm going to think something," and think something.

Female voice: Okay.

Say, "Now I'm going to stop thinking," and stop thinking.

Female voice: Okay.

Now think the normal amount.

Now think the amount you usually think.

Audience: Yeah.

Figure, figure, figure. How's that, huh? You got that good?

Audience: Yes.


Audience: Yeah.


Now I'm going to ask you to think a thought with your right foot. All right.

Now let's think a thought with your left foot.

Female voice: Okay.

All right.

Now let's think a thought with your right hand.

Female voice: Okay.

All right.

Now let's think a thought with your left hand.

Female voice: Okay.

All right.

You do that easily? Huh?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Now think a thought with your brain.

Female voice: Okay.

Come on, with your brain.

Oh, let's do this whole thing over again. This is ... Now listen. You're supposed to think with your brain. It says everywhere you think with your brain. Now let's do this carefully.

Now think a thought with your right foot.

Female voice: Yeah.

We'll get you oriented.

Did you think a thought with it?

Female voice: Yes.

All right.

Now think a thought with your left foot.

Female voice: Okay.


Now think a thought with your right hand.

Female voice: Okay.

All right.

Now think a thought with your left hand.

Female voice: Okay.

Did you do that real good?

Now think a thought with your right shoulder.

Female voice: Okay.

Now think a thought with your left shoulder. Did you do that real good?

Now think a thought with your brain.

Female voice: Okay.

Did you?

Audience: Sure. No.

Come on, come on, let's get on the ball. Think a thought with your brain now.

Audience: Okay. Yeah.

Don't let the professor of psychology at Illinois State hear you making mock of this. The brain is a computer. It says that everyplace. Think a thought with your brain.

Now think another thought with your brain.

Female voice: Okay.

With your brain. Not fringe stuff. With your brain. All right.

Think another thought with your brain.

Female voice: Yeah.

Now stop thinking that thought with your brain.

Female voice: Okay.

Now start thinking that thought with your brain.

Female voice: Mm-hm.

Now stop thinking that thought with your brain.

Now start thinking that same thought with your brain. And just think it over and over and over and over.

All right.

Now stop thinking that thought with your brain.

Female voice: Yeah.

How's that, huh?

Audience: Okay. All right.

We all have a right shoe.

Audience: Yes.

Think a thought with your right shoe.

Now at the same time think a thought with your left shoe.

Audience: Okay.

Got that?

Female voice: Yeah.

Now think a thought with the back of your chair.

Female voice: Okay.


Female voice: Yeah.

All right.

Now think a thought with the right wall of the room-the right-hand wall of the room.

Female voice: Yes.

Now think a thought with the left-hand wall of the room.

Female voice: Yes.

How's that, huh?

Female voice: Real fine. All right.

Now think a thought with the floor.

Female voice: Yes.


Did you do that?

Audience: Yeah.

Huh? Real good?

Audience: Uh-huh.

All right.

Now think a thought with my right hand.

Female voice: Yes.

You do that easily?

Male voice: Yes.

Hold up your own right hand. I'm going to think a thought with it.

Good. That's real easy. You got real intelligent hands. All right.

Now let's think a thought with the back of the room. The whole back of the room. Just think a thought with it.

Female voice: Oh.

That good?

Audience: Mm-hm.

Easy? Anybody have anything go pow or anything?

We don't want anything to go pow. If anything happens while we're doing this process, why, it doesn't count. We're only trying for alertness here.

All right.

Now you doing real good with this thinking?

Audience: Yeah.

All right.

Think where people normally think.

Now think a thought where you generally think.

Now let's think another thought with where you generally think. Oh, come on. Let's think a thought with where you generally think.

Okay. That's fine.

Now are you thinking normally, I mean, just as you were before? Thinking the same way? Huh? You thinking the same way, the same location? Huh?

All right.

Think a thought which is utterly contrary to your nature and disposition.

Female voice: Yes.

All right.

Now think a thought that is in complete agreement with your nature and disposition.

Female voice: Yes.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Was it in complete accord with your nature and disposition?

Audience: Yes.

Well, let's think it again. How's that?

Now let's think a thought completely contrary to your nature and disposition.

Did you do that?

Audience: Mm-hm.

All right.

Now think a thought that is much better than your usual thought, about yourself. You know, such as like "I'm not quite paralyzed." Better it. Better it enormously.

Female voice: Okay.

Did you do that? Audience: Yeah. Well, fine.

Now let's think a thought which is much, much better than you ordinarily think about yourself.

Female voice: Okay.

Did you?

Audience: Yes.

Now let's think a thought that is much worse than anything anybody has ever thought about you.

Let's do that again. Now let's think a thought that is much worse than anybody has ever thought of you.

Come on, let's do that again. Let's think a thought that is much worse than anything anybody has ever thought of you.

All right.

Now let's think a thought that's much better than anybody ever thought of you.

Female voice: Okay.

Now let's think a thought that's much worse than anybody ever thought of you.


Now let's think a thought that is much better than any thought anybody ever thought of you.

How's that, huh?

Now let's think the usual thought you think about yourself.

Audience: Mm-hm.

How's that, huh?

Audience: Mm-hm.

Did you get it?

Audience: Mm-hm.

Did you get it real good?

Well now, let's fix it more solidly. This usual thought you think about yourself, let's fix it much more solidly.

Okay. Fine, fine.

You got that so that you know it's there, huh? Good.

You got it so it won't change?

Audience: Yeah.

All right.

You got it real carefully now so it won't change?

Audience: Yeah.

Now let's look at it and make sure it's not going to change. All right. All right.

Now let's think a thought about our case, much worse than anybody ever thought about it.

Now let's think a better thought about our case or state of sanity than anybody has ever thought about it, much better.

Female voice: Yeah.

You got that?

Audience: Yeah.

All right.

Now let's think a thought which is much worse on the subject of our sanity than anybody has ever thought. Got it?

All right.

Now let's think a thought about our sanity which is much superior to anything anybody ever thought about it. Got it?

Male voice: Yeah.

Now let's think our normal thought regarding our sanity. Got it?

Male voice: Mm-hm.

Now let's fix that so it won't change. Get it fixed there so it won't change. Now let's look at it to make sure it's not changing.

How's that?

Female voice: It changes.


All right.

Now let's think a thought about ourselves that we would like to have others think about us. You got it?

Audience: Mm-hm.

Did you think it?

Audience: Yes.

Now make it stick. Get it there so it won't change. Okay.

Now let's think a thought which tells us what we are generally doing. Now let's change it and make it worse.

Now let's fix it so it won't change. Did you fix it so it wouldn't change? All right. That's fine.

We're safe about that, huh?

Audience: Mm-hm.

Now let's think a thought much better than anybody ever thought about anybody anywhere at any time. Got that?

Now try to change it.

Did you?


Now decide-decide now you've had a horrible session.

Female voice: Yes.

Got it?

Audience: Yeah.

Now fix that so it's a complete conclusion. Now decide nothing happened.

Where did you decide it?

Audience: (various responses)

Where did you make these other decisions?

Audience: (various responses)

Let's look them over to make sure they're still there.

Let's look at our body to make sure we're still in it. Got it? You still got it?

Let's find the floor. Let's find the chair. Let's find the floor. Let's find the chair. Let's find the floor. Let's find the chair. Let's find the floor. Let's find the chair. Let's find the floor. Let's find the chair. How do you feel?

Male voice: Better.


Audience: Fine.

Do you feel pretty good?

Audience: Yeah.

Well, how are you?

Audience: Fine.

Well, okay.

How are you?

Audience: Fine.

Well, okay.

How are you?

Audience: Fine.

Well, okay.

How are you?

Audience: Fine.


How's everybody else?

Audience: Fine.


How's everybody else?

Audience: Fine.

All right.

How are all these people?

Audience: Fine.


How are all these people?

Audience: Fine.

All right.

How are all these people?

Audience: Fine.

Well, all right.

How are all these people?

Audience: Fine.

Good. You sure?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right.

How are all these people?

Audience: Fine.

Good. How do they think you are?

Audience: Fine.

All right.

How do these people think you are?

Audience: Fine.


Let's find a person near you. Is that person alive?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Let's find another person. Is that person alive?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Let's find another person.

Female voice: Okay. Is that person alive?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Let's find another person. Is that person alive?

Audience: Yes. No.

All right.

Let's find another person.

Female voice: Yep. Is that person alive?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right.

Let's find another person. Is that person alive?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Let's find another person. Is that person alive?

Audience: Yes.

Now let's make a conclusion about the aliveness of these people.

Audience: They're alive. Yep, they're alive.

All right.

What's the conclusion?

Audience: They're alive. Well, all right.

Are you alive?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Are they alive?

Audience: Yes. All right.

Is there a floor there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a ceiling there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a right-hand wall there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a left-hand wall there?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is there a room here?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Is this present time?

Audience: Yes.

All right.

Are you in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right.

Are you in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right.

Are you in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Well, all right.

Are you in present time?

Audience: Yes.

Well, good.

Are you in present time?

Audience: Yes.


Are you in present time?

Audience: Yes.


Are you in present time?

Audience: Yes.


Well, that's how it is. Thank you very much.

Audience: Thank you.

Thank you.