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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Standard Process of 88 - Lecture I (T88 Supp 3b) - L520807b | Сравнить
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CONTENTS STANDARD PROCESS OF 88 - LECTURE II Cохранить документ себе Скачать


A lecture given on 7 August 1952

Note: The recording from which this lecture was transcribed begins with the lecture already in progress.

But a couple of things have turned up that people who are running this should know about it — very definitely should know.

What has occupied the greatest part of an auditor’s time was the preclear’s boil-off. In the first book, I said I used to kick preclears out of boil-offs.

A great many people have done a lot of boiling off; it seems to do something for the preclear. But if a preclear is pretty low on the scale, a boil-off can take two out of three hours of processing. And I have followed an awful lot of cases now, cases which have been permitted to boil off just ad infinitum. And I have not seen improvement in these cases.

The answer to boil-off makes it possible — not only makes it possible but makes it mandatory — for the auditor to haul his preclear out of boil off every time the preclear starts into boil-off and to train the preclear not to go into boil-off. In this way, you’re going to get high-speed auditing. And it was too simple.

And as a matter of fact, I stand here before you today, and I think I must be a dumb dog. Two and a half years since the first book is out now, almost, and five years that I’ve known about this phenomenon, boil-off, and it took Scientology’s energy flow techniques to suddenly demonstrate what boil-off was.

Boit-off is the input to the preclear immediately after he does some outputting. And no matter what he puts out, he’s going to get one of these inputs very, very shortly. Within seconds after he puts out — he gets an outgoing flow — he’s going to hit a boil-off.

And how do you cure a boil-off ? Well, it sounds very silly. The first time you try this, the first time you do this, you’re going to feel very silly. All you do is flow in. The second he starts to boil off, the second he feels himself get even vaguely groggy, then, at that moment, he just reverses the flow and pulls in, just willy-nilly at anything — gust pull in. And the fogginess goes away and all the unconsciousness symptoms cease at that instant. He just gets even vaguely foggy, just pull in and boil-off goes away.

Now, your Black and White technique shows that he should pull in until he turns it bright white, if possible. And if he only gets gray, until he at least turns it gray.

Now, this is very simple. If you’ve ever noticed this, in boil-off every thing goes black! All right, everything goes black, the fellow starts to see it very — going very black and he knows he’s hitting a boil-off, just turn the flow around and pull in, and the second he pulls in, boil- off goes away.

The day of boil-off at this moment is done; there’s just no boiling off and there’s no sense in it. And you can then get in on the processing hour an hour’s worth of processing. Don’t let your preclear go into boil off; it evidently doesn’t do him a bit of good. But on the contrary, if you pick up every time he puts out too hard, he’ll get this boil-off, and if you stick that in, your preclear will finish the session, not groggy as he commonly does, but very alert. Because what is he pulling in?

I told you the last time I talked to you that there was an outgoing flow which was sanity, reason, analytical thought, emotion, effort — all of these were low-band flows. So that’s what came back from a body, the low-band flows — analytical thought on down the line — whatruns through the neurons and passes for thought. “Stream of consciousness” that the writers write about and that nobody thinks that way. All right.

Therefore, your thetan is putting out on a high level way up there, anywheres from point twelve zeros five [.0000000000005], on up to point twenty-six zeros five [.000000000000000000000000005] — way upscale. And he never gets that wave back from a body; he just never gets it back from a body. So he’ll start putting out to the body in terms of facsimiles. Facsimiles don’t exist, actually, on those very, very high levels as such, because they blow away. Facsimiles contain analytical thought, emotion and effort. But these high-level aesthetics can be appended to the zero of theta. They are the only thing that makes it possible for thought to even contact lower-level thought, emotion and effort — are these little highlevel aesthetics.

But the actuality is that your thetan has continually put out to MEST bodies “Be beautiful,” “Be nice,” “I want to make life wonderful for you,” “I’m going to fix you all up,” “It’s going to be pretty,” “You are pretty,” “I don’t want to hurt you.” And he’s gone along in this very, very highlevel aesthetic. And what’s he get back? Stream-of-consciousness-level emotion and effort is the back wave. Now, I’m going to give you the prescription of running a case — the prescription of running a case — and tell you about a new phenomenon, which is it. You’re going to see this just as clear and it’s just as simple as boil-off.

It’s going to make you feel very foolish. I mentioned it the other night hut I’m sure that from what reaction I’ve gotten that I did not make myself clear on this. I merely gave it substance and as a result an auditor using it, or a preclear running it, ordinarily wouldn’t run into it; because he wouldn’t think it was this desperate.

We have Black and White as a heavy process. Remember that you can process — even though you have a MEST body in the theta field — you can process Black and White incidents, heavy electronic incidents. You can take it — anything from the Capper straight on through to the — one of the most recent ones, the Iron Maiden. Now, any one of this barrage of incidents, you can pick them up one after the other and process them. Very often, you’ll find your preclear so sodden with psychosomatic illnesses that he can’t do anything else but process one of these big blackand-white electronic incidents.

But remember, you’re laying in to the MEST body a somatic, because that MEST body is all tuned up to have somatics. A theta body isn’t. So, you process these heavy black-and-whites — and you can; and you can get preclears a long way along, you can process a lot out. But that is not the process by which to obtain a Theta Clear.

Your process is obtain a Theta Clear by processing off what makes them not a Theta Clear. And there’s only one thing that makes a Theta Clear not a Theta Clear, and that is a body. So the only thing you’re interested in processing, actually, are bodies.

Now in processing bodies, you’re very rapidly going to run back and find that some of this body stuff is sitting right square on top of one of these old electronic incidents.

There’s one particular one that’s a rough one, which is a post. And the post is magnetic, and this post doesn’t have any charge in it. When you first encounter this incident, you will swear to God that this post is highly charged. The thetan will get somewhere in the vicinity of this metal post and he will feel himself being drawn straight into the post, and he will put up an energy flow and he will say, Oh, no.” And the harder he puts up this energy flow, the faster he comes into the post. He is the guy who is charging the post up; there’s no other energy in the post but his.

The circular field that is set up inside the post charges up, and any time he throws any kind of a wave at it, it starts that wave rolling and he — all of a sudden, the harder he pushes against it, the harder he comes in against it. Now, you want to know — a preclear who has some kind of an idea that anything he wants to do he can’t do. You know, all these reverse computations on a preclear. Well, that’s that post. Well, sure, if he wants to get away, he goes closer to it; if he wanted to go closer to it, he’d probably bounce off of it. But it’s just completely reverse. What happens to him is he comes up to this post, and he’ll finally get over — as a field — over the top of this confounded post; and every time he gives himself a booster to get off of the post, he energizes the post and it holds on to him solider.

People have been on these things anywheres from ten years, fifteen years, two hundred years at a crack; because nobody bothers to come around and pull them off. Anyways, that’s a theta trap; that’s a basic theta trap. And it feels like a MEST body — that post. So every once in a while you’ll run into a preclear who can’t run MEST body incidents until you get rid of that confounded thing.

But as far as the heavy electronic incidents, you should know about these so that you can clear a Theta Clear.

Two Theta Clears Theta Clear — person that doesn’t have a body or have to have a body; he can get on and off bodies at will. That’s one kind of Theta Clear. There’s another kind of Theta Clear — that’s a Cleared Theta Clear. And a Cleared Theta Clear would be on and off bodies and also have all the rest of these electronic incidents torn up and thrown in the ashcan. He’d be able to handle facsimiles like confetti; they would mean nothing to him.

Now, you differentiate between these two, and if you start running a preclear on heavy electronic incidents one right after the other, and nothing but heavy electronic incidents, you’re not getting off any locks off the case or what’s really wrong with him — basically wrong with him. He could go on for just ages and ages, and as a matter of fact has gone on for tens of thousands of years with a lot of these electronic incidents all ready to pump — bangs But it didn’t worry him. It didn’t worry him a bit, until one day he started to get mixed up with bodies.

And these bodies are very pretty and they’re very animate, and that sort of thing. But oh, boy. Because they’re sort of like theta traps. The biggest theta trap of all is the body.

Now, you start pouring energy into a body. . . All you’ve got to pour into this body is a high- level aesthetic energy, and all you’re going to ever get back out of this body is a flock of low- level energy waves. A body’s really crude — really crude. And so a person goes down Tone Scale, gets away from aesthetics entirely. The second he gets away from aesthetics, he loses contact with being a thetan, because a thetan is primarily aesthetic. And he gets analytical, he gets reasonable, and he starts on going down Tone Scale, and he gets very emotional and then finally he gets all fouled up with facsimiles and the facsimiles start running him and he becomes “average.”

Now, what’s the prescription? The prescription, then, is to look over the case and find the first contact or transfer on the MEST body: the first time he ever went onto a MEST body or blanketed a MEST body or any such incident that has to do with a MEST body. Now, as you know, a blanket incident is merely a thetan settling over the top of the MEST body. Facsimiles, when you feed too much current to them, zip! will explode.

A few of you, by the way, in running this, have felt a fear. That fear is mainly dispersal. But the point is that there’s an actual fear there; it’s based on former experience. It says, “If I start to run this facsimile, the thing’s going to blow up!”

Now, on a death shock, a person puts out so many energy units, wham! all of a sudden, bang! — that a facsimile that’s sitting there very handy will run off all at once, and it explodes. You get the sensation of an explosion.

Most preclears can remember a time when they were sitting still someplace or other and they weren’t even thinking about something and this unexplainable thing happened to them: they felt like they’d had a bad shock. And right afterwards they get a case of shingles or something like that. They think they read a bad piece of news or something and they got this. All they did was get an old facsimile of a facsimile exploding.

Now, when you blanket a being that has a theta body on it and the being happens to be killed, knocked off, you squeeze them to death — something of the sort happens to them — you will normally, with that death shock, get an explosion.

So here’s your thetan up here blanketing [marking on blackboard] this being. Here’s your thetan blanketing, but here is a thetan already on top of this MEST body, usually. So the body gets hit, shot, something happens to it, and it’ll die before the thetan can get off of it, and the body starts to explode with this energy of death shock. The death shock starts out like this: This inner body here says, “Crunch! I’m going to hold on; I’m not going to blow up,” and the second he blows up, he feeds the remaining current necessary to explode the facsimiles which are in restimulation at the moment.

So, what’s he get? You get this kind of a sensation: The inner body starts to go out with the death shock, comes in — crunch! — and explodes a minor facsimile of some sort. This outer thetan, which is your preclear (because this is very early on the track and he’s blanketing this MEST body) — he feels this MEST body start to explode and he starts to get off of it. But then he realizes he can’t do that, and his automatic reaction is to hold on. So he comes in just about the same time this body is coming in, and he blows up the rest of the facsimiles present and you get a very nice shock out of it. And people will avoid this. This is your anxiety stomach. And as you run incidents, you’ll find this confounded blanket circum stance here on the preclear and he’ll start to get a nervous stomach, he’ll start to get worried and so on.

Well, all you have to remember is that the — when this fellow holds in, he doesn’t reach outside himself and hold in, he does an implosion. That is to say, he pulls his shell in. So he is exploding in on himself. He’s imploding. This one implodes. This one implodes. It’s not very complicated. All you have to do is locate the center of the explosion. And make your preclear locate the center of the explosion and feel the thing come in. He’ll get a little somatic and all of a sudden it’ll stop.

And you say, “All right. Now you’ve located the center. Let’s locate the sphere and let’s crush the sphere in.”

And he’ll say, “Oh no, I don’t want to do that.” “Well, you go ahead and do that.”

All right, he goes “crush.” All of a sudden you get some somatics.

“Now find the center. Now pull it in.” And it’ll come in. And then, “Now crush it in.”

And now, about this time, you will have the sensation of this thing going out. And you let it flow out and crush it in, and let it flow out and these various combinations: finding the center, finding the sphere. Now, one of these is trying to expand off of the sphere. And each one of these will set up and run the rest of the facsimile.

This is the first contact with MEST bodies [tapping on blackboard] on the track: blanketings, nippings. Somebody would come along here, and he’d see a guy walking down the road, and the fellow looked like a farmer and — something of the sort. And he would sort of want him to move off of the road, or do something of the sort. And the fellow wouldn’t move, so he’d go pap! and just give him an electric shock across here. And of course, that carries a reverse jolt on it; it’s not very engramic. But the theta body gives him a shock like this, and what’s he get back? He gets back fear and apathy, one right after the other — bing! bing! And he gets this as a backflow. And then, throughout the career of a thetan, he keeps putting out high- level energies, and what does he get in return? Fear, apathy, sorrow, exhaustion, tired, dead, so forth. He just gets these, one after the other. And after he’s done this a few hundred thou sand times, he finally has so many facsimiles that say fear, apathy and so forth that he’s “normal.” And that’s what happens. Now, that’s your cycle, [tapping on blackboard] and that’s your first incident. Now, you want to look for this incident on your preclear — just take your preclear and look for this incident. By the way, if you run this thing far enough, you’ll run it into a perceptic level. You’ll run it out of the attentionunit band up into perception. And then you’ll run it up into aesthetics.

Now, that is one rule for you to remember straight on through. I don’t care whether you process any emotion — grief, apathy, I don’t care whether you process any of those things or not — but for God’s sakes, process aesthetics. “I’m doing it because it’s so pretty.” “I didn’t mean to hurt her.” “I wanted to make her beautiful.” “I wanted to do this.” “I want to make this beautiful illusion.” “I want everybody to be excited and enthusiastic about this new temple.” “ I want this — that along in this level.” “Everybody is supposed to feel good.” “It’s supposed to be colorful.” “It’s supposed to be pretty.”

Remember to process that, because whenever you process that, you’re processing the closest thing up here to theta; you’re processing this thin wave. Below this is a heavier wave, analytical thought. Below this is a heavier wave, emotion. And here is effort. And the only way that effort can hang on to the [tapping on blackboard] zero of theta is via aesthetics. You’ll have to run this to believe it. But, by George, ‘ you can get enough lift in tone, happiness and general change in the personality on a couple hours of this aesthetic processing. You can get an enormous amount of change in your preclear.

And you can change his personality. And all of a sudden he’ll start to spark up; he’ll start to think of himself not as being degraded, but as worth something. That is the one thing you’re really trying to do, is make a human being appreciate life and be happy about it. Well, there’s only one thing that a thetan is interested in with regard to life, and that is an aesthetic appreciation of life, right? All right.

So he actually didn’t start in on MEST bodies with, really, an aesthetic interest. It was curiosity. And curiosity seems to be way up here someplace. Because we’re dealing up here in the strata of interest, curiosity, and so forth. They’re way up here. All right.

He was curious. This thing was walking down the road and he never saw anything like that before. And so he’d nip it or push it off the road or do something like that. Well, after a while he’d begin to believe they were pretty. He’d think, “Gee, that’s a pretty body; that’s a very pretty body.” Pat it on the head or something and put out an affinity wave. Now, that’s all very well, but the next thing you know, the body gives him a kickback from it, because he just meant to pat it on the head and it shocked hell out of it and he ruined it. All right.

Therefore, you’ve got this distance contact — and then you get these blankets. The thetan gets interested in sex. Aesthetics get pulled down here into a sexual band, and this sex incident — sex blanketings — actu ally, these things are very interesting to run on a preclear. Preclears who are aberrated on the second dynamic are so badly aberrated that they even attracted the attention of early researchers in psychology. I mean, it was really obvious. And, well, you run your preclear through one of these sexual blanketings, he, by the way, gets very sexually excited — very. And then all of a sudden, it goes off the curve. And people have been arguing with me. They’ve been saying, “Sex goes from excitement and exhilaration down to contentment.” And they just don’t seem to get through their heads that I’m not talking about sexual relationships as they might possibly have been practiced in a golden age. I’m talking about aberrated sex.

And aberrated sex in a blanketing . . . Well, here’s your MEST being or your body, and this body is getting very, very thrilled and so forth. But your thetan doesn’t know when to quit on that body. He doesn’t say, Well, okay. You’re down to contentment now.” No! He’ll drive that body up to a high degree of frenzy, just zing! And then say, Okay, maintain it!” And of course the body doesn’t, and all of a sudden, bang! — here’s the body clear down here — apathy. And the thetan will say, Well, I killed it. For heaven’s sakes. What did it die for?

That’s silly!” But actually that’s how violent some of these sexual blanketings are — they left the MEST body dead.

So what’s your thetan get out of this? He gets a pumped-back emo tion which starts in with curiosity and interest, then excitement and eagerness, it goes on up to a high level of frenzy — this is the kickback emotion — and then goes right on down, and steep curve into apathy. And it’s a steep enough curve to temporarily stick him on the body.

Just sexual blanketings never ruined any thetan. But it certainly made him groggy, and you’ll get this backflow. And he’ll start to go into boil-off.

The second he starts into boil-off, that’s merely your signal to the fact that he’s got an incoming wave into him. And just run that incoming wave; it’s an incoming low-level wave of some sort or another. Just ask him what it is and tell him to run it. If he insists on boiling off, get another preclear (audience laughter) All right.

Now, that’s your first step, then, is your blanketing. You’ll find nips and so forth are earlier and they’re easy to run and all that sort of thing, but you won’t find that your preclear has much reality on them. He doesn’t have very much reality, but believe me, he gets reality on a blanket; there is just too intimate a contact of emotion there for him to miss.

And what the head of the human being is suddenly doing showing up about the level of his chest or bellybutton — that is a puzzler. So all of a sudden he says to himself, “My God, I’m not me; I’m not a MEST body. Here — here I am, I was just blanketing and — and I am obviously over a body. Here it is.” Very convincing.

Your next step on this chain — and watch: this is just one, two, three, four as a process. Here is your thetan. The next one he handles is out here about maybe two hundred yards. He’ll start handling somebody out that far. He won’t get stuck on that body at that distance. The thetan at this time has a concept of himself of being a couple of hundred feet high. I mean he thinks he’s big! Of course, he doesn’t have any size, he just thinks he’s big. And so this body out here will appear microscopic to your preclear.

All right. Your next being is closer in — that he has anything to do with — your next being is [tapping on blackboard] closer in, closer in, closer in, closer in, closer in, closer in. And then you come into the intimate contact which gives people somatics. These are almost incidental.

He had an idea that he was about sixteen feet high when he first started to monitor a MEST body and got stuck on it, carried it through a full lifetime. Do you want to know how to find a MEST body for the first time the full lifetime took place? Nothing easier than this.

You’ve got that chain of it getting in closer and closer, he’s getting more and more aberrated, and he’s thinking of himself as being smaller and smaller. He started to think of himself as two hundred feet high, and the first time he ran a body through one of its lifetimes, he figured he was about fifteen feet high. So the first thing that you get with your preclear is an impression, a ridge, which comes down to about here — reaches down to about the middle of the leg here and comes up about that high. And that’s a six-foot man. So you get this ridge and that’s your first ridge; this is an edge-on view looking at your preclear. Looking head-on, you’ll get a sort of a concavity here — there will be a concavity up here.

Now, you may find one just before this, right along about the nose level, no other contact with the body, so that it possibly could have been just barely touching here. So there’s this little concavity here.

Now, there’s this bigger concavity here — comes down to about the knees. And just behind that there is another ridge which would make another plate like this, looking at him front end. And then there’s another ridge and another ridge and another ridge. Each time, he conceives himself to be smaller; each time, the MEST body is larger. And another ridge and another ridge (and this is the one he generally is hung up in) and another ridge, and he’ll even go to the point where he’s got a ridge back here.

Now, there’s an odd thing about these ridges: They exactly match the back of a body — every one of them matches the back of a body. And they’re just a bunch of concatenations like that. And you can trace these out in your preclear. One after the other you can find these ridges — ptock, ptock, ptock, ptock, ptock, ptock, ptock, ptock — because your preclear is now moved all the way into a body, so all these ridges are available.

Now, there’s something funny about these ridges — is once in a while you’ll have one of these ridges . . . Of course, they show shoulders and legs and so forth, and they’ve got the back of it. As a matter of fact, sometimes they’ve been unlucky enough to have somebody with a rather big rump and it makes a considerable indentation in them.

All right, there’s the back. And here’s your present man. Here’s your present man, let’s say. [marking on blackboard] Here’s his body. And he’s got this funny sensation in there. He’s got a somatic which lies across his face this way, down inside the body.

Now, they come in like this. But occasionally, he has been turned sideways when he was hooked up with a MEST body, so you’ll find ridges coming in from the side over here once in a while, and ridges coming in over here. And sometimes you will find a direction reversal; sometimes he’ll get an impression of a face being here, sideways. Well, he’s just been running somebody from the side.

These ridges you want to locate, because it’s the sum total of aberrao tion. And what is the key to all this aberration? The key to all this aberration is aHold on, but try to get off.” And you want to know what’s wrong with any preclear, any Homo sapierts, it’s zI’ve got to hold on, but I want to get off.” At a further distance is Every time I try to get away, I get closer,” which is another variation of it, which gives them opposite lines.

This also gives you direction reversal, because of this — and I’ll go in now to how you audit this: Here’s your luckless preclear. One fine day he meets somebody that he can’t hold still. He can’t get this person in motion when they’re stopped, and he can’t get this person to hold still when they’re started. Some friend of his or his wife or his mother or her husband — somebody in their intimate family — has had the horrible habit of moving when the individual thought they should stand still.

What’s he doing? He’s trying this old stunt of — here’s your preclear and he’s trying this old stunt of running somebody out here five or six feet away, and he can’t do it anymore because he hasn’t got enough horsepower. He’s all jammed up in this body, and all of his forces are strained into this MEST body he’s fitted together. And here sits somebody out there and he used to be able to — he’s got a lingering recall of practically being able to stop time any time he wanted to.

And here this person is sitting down and he’s telling them all about last night at the lodge meeting, and he’s quoting verbatim the entire minutes of the meeting before. And it’s very fascinating stuff, and he’s only done it for about two hours. And this other person insists on getting up and going and doing the dishes. And the second this other person starts to get up, he’ll think — (pause) — and they get up anyhowl That’s a heck of a noted And they start to walk away. So he reaches over here to try to bring them back and they don’t come back. He tries to bring them back and they just don’t come back.

And he says, “I don’t amount to much anymore. Well, damn them!” And he’ll start down Tone Scale and someplace in one of these past lives, you will find the fellow heading in — 2.0, oh, he gets up, 2.5. He gets up to the point “Well, I don’t care whether they stand up and go away or not. They bore me. I really don’t care if they do.”

But if they insist on doing it, he goes down to 2.0 — which is “Hrrrrr! Hold still! Don’t you — I’m going to bowl you over; I’m going to somehow hold on to you and drill through you somehow.” And then he goes down to 1.5 which is “Become rock, brother!” And then he goes down to 1.1. And 1.1 is sort of — the person starts to walk away and he says, “Hey, I’ve got some French picture postcards.” So he gets way downscale on this. And he goes down finally into apathy. He finds out he cannot control people who are opposite him.

The clue in operating, then, on your preclear is to find out who’s occluded on the case. Because he put out continual waves at them: He tried to interest them, he tried to do anything he could think of to make that person stand still. And because he couldn’t make that person stand still, it put one of these old bodies into restim. And to some degree, he now becomes a body centuries ago, and does he go back down the time track in a hurry. And he’s back down the time track thereafter. This person is occluded, naturally, because he’s put out, put out, put out, put out and tried to hold; put out and try to hold, put out and try to hold. No backflow! How do you unocclude a person? Just run the backflow.

The next thing you know, one of these somatics will start to show up, one of these old ridges will start to show up. Now, just arbitrarily take those ridges, one right after the other, and turn each ridge white. Turn anything white from the ridge out — or wherever the edge was, from here out — turn that white and run Black and White on it. And when it starts to get black, get a reverse flow. Of course, when it starts to get black, he’ll start to go into a boil-off. That means he merely gets reverse flow, and it’ll turn white again. Reverse flow — bing, bang.

And you’ll find out that it’s an outflow of aesthetic and an inflow of low MEST waves.

Now, that’s a prescription for running a case. And you can take this and you can get the people out in front of him, and you will probably find them hung up on some old incident where he’s got somebody out irk front of him. You just run attention units — Black and White — you try to get this older person to turn white. “What do you have to do to turn this person white?” He has to pull in, he has to do that; sometimes he has to do the silly thing of hold with a wave here and pull with a wave here. That’s the effort of trying to hold somebody still. You push out here and clamp their head, and then, slussss — pull in like that — retractor beam.

Now, that becomes very complicated, because it turns black all of a sudden. Well, that means you’ve got to run the reverse flow here and a whhhhh there. You just turn it black and white, black and white, and keep it white, keep it white, keep it white. And particularly when you get onto these body ridges, start turning them white. Anything from here out, turn it white, and it’ll run right on out. And you can turn it white up to a point . . .

At first in the case you won’t-be able to even vaguely get a perceptic on it. But after you’ve been processing the case for a little while, this preclear should be getting a perceptic on what he was holding on to. Here he was holding on to somebody in intimate contact with his body for years and years and years, and this person was probably unhappy about it. And they wriggled and he had a bad time doing it. They moved when they were not supposed to; they stopped when they were not supposed to. They started going this way and the thetan tried to turn them that way and they kept on going this way, so the thetan really crunched in.

Now, every one of these wound up in a death, to drop a curve on it. So you’ve got — in each ridge, you’ve got decades of experience. Every ridge contains decades of experience. And here is the nasty little trick about a body: “It wasn’t my life, it was the body’s life. It wasn’t my fault it happened, it was the body’s fault. It didn’t happen to me, that life didn’t; it happened to the body and the body is now dead.” How logical. There’s how you forget your past lives. If it weren’t for these natural mechanisms, no implant — no electric implant under the sun, moon or stars — could have affected you for two minutes. These are actually more important than the electronic implants. But you’ll get this happening: because each one of these is to some degree an overt act — because it’s an overt act — the electronic implants show up as motivators. So a fellow gets an electronic implant after he’s done a few of these — oh boy, now he’s got a nice, beautiful DEDex. And so, you will find yourself starting to run electronic incidents every once in a while — find your preclear starting to run them — and there’s really no need to run them because you can key this stuff out.

What is the reverse act on holding somebody still? It’s having to sit still and write; it’s having to sit still and compose something; it’s having to try to make life interesting for somebody; it’s aesthetics, aesthetics, aesthetics.

Now, you’ll find that your aesthetic comes up against this lower-level inflow, and as you run this, before you’ve run this very long, your boy is going to say, “You know, I can now stand there and look at the back of my neck.” That’s all there is to that. You clean him up a little bit further and he’ll find out he can put his paws on his own motor controls or take them off at will.

Because the horrible part of this is, is he’s held on — he’s held just solid. And the reason he’s held is because he’s put outflow of aesthetics, outflow of aesthetics, outflow of aesthetics, and the inflow has never been an aesthetic inflow. It’s always been a low-level MEST inflow. So he has this out and this in; he’s never balanced this.

In order for an engram to work itself out, you would have had to have a low-level outflow and a high-level inflow too. But he never got this balanced.

If you want to see a preclear get stuck on an E-Meter, insist he End some white outpouring of energy somewhere on the track and then just insist that he keep it white and keep pouring it out. And even after it turns black, insist he pour it out, pour it out, pour it out. And that doggone E-Meter is going to get more and more rigid, more and more rigid, more and more rigid, and then it’s really going to stick.

And that’s what he’s been doing for centuries: He’s been sticking himself because here’s this high-level outflow, high-level outflow, highlevel outflow; low-level inflow, low-level inflow, low-level inflow. And the high and the low didn’t cancel each other at all. They didn’t even vaguely cancel each other out because they wouldn’t match.

So what have you got to do? You’ve got to run out this high-level outflow and you’ve got to run out some of this low-level inflow. But the low-level inflow didn’t have very much influence on him, if you get rid of the high-level pitch there.

That’s how you make a Theta Clear, and there’s not much to it. It is not difficult. It gets fantastically easy. It’s probably the easiest auditing you ever did. If you can’t do anything else with a preclear do just straight Black and White heavy processing. Anything he’s in will suddenly come up.

But if you know these facts, as he runs his black-and-whites he’ll suddenly trigger one. He’ll suddenly trigger in one of these funny somatics. It won’t take him very long either. He’ll say, “I have one in my mouth and it comes like this, and I don’t know what it is. It feels like something lying up against me. And the harder I run this, the more solid it is.” Of course, he’s trying to hold it still.

Pull this trick on him: Say, “Let it squirm for a minute.” And he says, “What?”

And you say, “Well, let it squirm.”

“Well, I — I can’t. I mean, it wou wouldn’t.”

“Well, just make believe it’s squirming.” And all of a sudden he’ll — the somatic will really turn on very nice. And if his sensitivity comes way up the line, he can get the complete outline of the hair and everything through here. Or he can get the outline of the back of the collar.

Fellow was hooked up on a preacher one time, and it gave him a band across his neck here. Only the band went the wrong way; it went around back of his esophagus and out this way.

The reason why this takes place is because your theta body all by itself was gradually more and more impressed on a MEST body; it isn’t the person as a MEST body has ever done this. And he’s finally gotten to the point where, when he comes back about halfway through, he’s pushed way into the MEST body.

Now, you get this other manifestation: He’s pushed so far into the MEST body that he feels like he has two faces. Here’s a face here and here’s his face, so he’s got a sort of a mask on all the time. And he can’t figure out what this mask is. Well, he’s just pushed into a body, and all you have to do is turn the distance between himself and that mask white. Just what does he have to do to turn it white? Just run it until it turns white and all of a sudden it will run out as a somatic.

Don’t be surprised, though, that when these things start going out, they come up-wave: your waves get higher and higher and higher and higher and higher, till all of a sudden they’re so high they’re just solid. They’re like a piece of porcelain. You don’t have any sensation of wave action or motion or anything else; it’s just there.

Well, what you should do with a case like that is just tell him to sort of disintegrate it, vibrate it. You know, “Shoot your attention at it.” And he will, and all of a sudden it’ll pass on out.

As you can suspect, then, the most aberrative — there are three most aberrative things. The most aberrative thing, then: sexual intercourse, as — that’s one of the three; very aberrative. The only reason it’s aberrative is because it’ll give a guy an anxiety complex sooner or later. How does it give him an anxiety complex? Because he’s blanketed people. That’s all.

Anxiety is just a sensation in the pit of the stomach, more or less, to most people. And so, as he goes on through life, he will find himself becoming more and more anxious about sex. That’s kind of stupid, isn’t it? He’ll get more and more anxious about sex. He’ll wonder whether or not, and so on. Oh, wonderful. You run out a few blankets and then you’ll become anxious about it, but he won’t.

Now, the next point that you should recall on this is that the bodies he has contacted and held to himself, form up in front of him and in ridges and are restimulated by his inability to hold people and control people at a distance. When he tries and fails to control people at a distance, it restims these ridges and he gets somatics. He has his teeth pulled out, he has various bad things happen to him — one of these is in restimulation.

He, in this life, conceives himself to be the person that is restimulated for some past era. He’s given himself these completely false characteristics.

And the other thing to remember is the important line to run is the aesthetic line — aesthetics. “Truth is beauty and beauty is truth and never the twain shall meet,” or some such quotation. You get these down with your preclear and so on.

Now, don’t tell me that we’ve abandoned Black and White; we haven’t. I repeat that. The only way these ridges will run out is by turning them white. Way a long time ago, he ran somebody that was out there, a quarter of a mile away, maybe. That’s a white speck. And as long as that speck is black and as long as the current going to that speck stays black, it won’t run out.

“What do you do to turn it white?”

Well, he has to — hmm, push it this way to turn it white. “All right, it’s white now; it’s white.”

“Run it white. Run it white.”

And all of a sudden he says, “It’s getting black.”

And you say, “Pull it back this way.” “Well, there’s nothing beautiful coming back from it, believe me,” he says.

And you say, “Well, get some exhaustion, some apathy,” something of the sort. “Yeah, yeah,” and he brightens right up. All of a sudden he pulls that in.

Now, you’ll find preclears that are kind of bad shape about this will be able to do nothing but pull in exhaustion for a while or pull in agreement for a while and try to hold exhaustion off. People get so looped up on this that they’ll eventually spend nearly 100 percent of their time worrying about people in front of them, hoping that that exhaustion ray doesn’t come in. That exhaustion wave mustn’t come in. So they kind of — they go through life with interpersonal relationships this way. And somebody says something to them, they try to hold it back and then they sort of succumb and get apathetic about what the person said. Painful to them.

That’s what happens to antisocialism. The only thing that’s wrong with a criminal is his aesthetics have been broken to pieces. If his aesthetics have been broken to pieces, you can count on the fact that he’ll have no pride.

What’s pride? High aesthetic sensitivity. That’s pride. And if you can define it that way, you can rehabilitate pride. If you can rehabilitate pride, you can rehabilitate marriages, thetans, the United Nations, almost anything. The only reason Russia goes to war is because she knows she’s a dog. They do, they know they’re a bunch of revolutionaries that bumped off a lot of guys better than they were. And they are so darned paranoid about it that it is pathetic. I know. I’m not talking out of Hears* newspapers; I know Russia to some degree — knowing it through knowing some of its officers.

But here, rehabilitation of pride. So a person after a while will start to get desperate about his pride; he becomes easy to insult. He’s still pretty high level. Oh, nobody had better cross his path or insult him. We went through whole periods in the last few centuries of people dueling at the drop of a gun right here in Arizona.

Fellow says, “You blankety-blank.”

And the other fellow says, “When you say that, smile.” And there was a blast of pistols at sunset and somebody died because of pride. Pride — that was very important. Then they went down below that, and they got to a point where politeness was everything: polite, polite — they’re more defensive.

Then they got down to below a level where — civil rights: “We have to pay attention to our rights. All men are created equal” — any other dodge in order to make it possible for somebody to survive, because their pride is gone. Nobody with any pride will get up and say, “I am equal to all other men.” Dash! Because pride is a rather individual thing.

Now, we go down level a little bit further, and we get people massing together under strong leadership and being very destructive, and depending for their pride on how much they can destroy. “We’re the Wehrmacht!” And they go to war! To do what? To assert the fact that they still have some pride. Actually, they’ve got aesthetics all mixed up with it; it’s just all mixed up with it.

They get aesthetics into religion, they get it here, they get it there — they try to figure it all out from that basis and it won’t figure.

They come downscale from that, they go in for communism. aWe’re all of a group here together. We’re all of a group here together. Our only pride is that the hammer and sickles goes on flying.” The pride has become a flag or something over there, or somebody named Uncle Joe8 or something.

They keep going down, down, down, down, down, down, down. The pride becomes more and more general, and they finally sort of spiral out the bottom.

Before they come to that, they have — get a concept that they are everybody in the universe — a very aberrated concept. They have lost all their individuality. The only way that they could be everybody and everything on all the dynamics would be to have the highest possible aesthetic value and pride, and then they could mote. So you’ll see it at both ends of the spectrum. So rehabilitate that above all other things.

But now I’ve given you, now, the one-two-three steps. Don’t want to keep you here very long; I just want to give you data.

This step of the sequence you run in order to create a Theta Clear. And this is the easiest thing in the world to run. It’s just this blanket and you get the center of it and the impact, and the out and the in and the out and the in. And all of a sudden the guy — he gets this horrible fear: “Oh-oh-oh! I’m sick. I don’t know what’s going to happen. It’s hor rible, it’s horrible.” Well, all that is, is some MEST body that had an old thetan on it about ready to explode. So keep him running right on through that, and it’ll run off in a few minutes.

But people go through their whole lives with that. And the only way that police can control criminals is because that manifestation comes into effect. They get anxiety stomachs. And if you have a criminal who doesn’t have the good graces to have an anxiety stomach, he goes on committing crimes.

Now, that step and then this step of controlling people at a distanceand you’ll find people in this life and people in other lives clipping back and forth. And the only really important point of control is when they were trying to control them aesthetically, when they were trying to interest them, when they were trying to get them interested in art. When they were trying to do this and that with some other being and this other being wouldn’t stand still, it restimulated these old implants.

You just follow back up the track from basic-basic, which is the blanket way out here. It’s a sort of a circular pattern, don’t you see? It’s first the blanket, then you get out here, [marking on blackboard] with people way out — control coming in — and then there’s this thing and then this. It’s a sort of a circular process. It starts right here and then goes out, and then comes back in and then becomes these ridges. And you run Black and White on this, run Black and White on these ridges; turn everything from the ridge forward white.

If possible, turn everything in the ridge back white, too. But the thing will run out if you turn everything from the ridge forward white. And you’ve gotten rid of one body and you’ve. . . This was the first body that was touching the thetan — really touching him for a long time. And you’ll find that ridge is awful solid and it’s apathetic. And you’ll find this anxiety to hold on, hold on, hold on. And then all of a sudden this thing died and he couldn’t get off. And then finally he made it. Great! Say, “I’m never having anything more to do with that. Here’s another body.” Boy, he just goes one, two, three.

Now, as he goes, his degradation is a very interesting plot. It first says, “I’m not going to have any sympathy for this body.” Then it says, “I’m sympathizing for this body.” Then it says, “I’m going to do anything for this body.” And then it says, “This body is cause and if the body is all, then the body is everything and I am not.”

So you can expect a psychic upset in your preclear for a short time — a real psychic upset. He’s going to hit the strata where as a thetan he is nothing, and a MEST body he doesn’t amount to anything. And let him run it out. Because that is the bridge you’re trying to cross, and that’s what the old-timers out in India used to say: “You have to reach the bottom before you reach the top.” How they knew, I don’t know. I know they don’t know, too.

But you had to reach the bottom before you reached the top. And that was the fact that the MEST body dwindled and dwindled and dwindled in importance, and all of a sudden as a thetan . . . At the moment the MEST body was completely dwindled in importance, the thetan was, at his first level of consciousness, blotto, zero, nothing. No pride, no aesthetics, nothing — just a rag.

Now he starts up the line in there as a thetan. You’ll find you run out more and more of these body contacts, more and more of these contacts, more and more of these contacts, and all of a sudden he’s not just standing there looking at his own collar. His body is sitting there and he goes over and sits in a chair someplace or in a corner — flies away to Mount Kaaf.

You haven’t got a Clear when you do that, you understand; you’ve just got a Theta Clear. A MEST Clear in a body would be even a little higher level aesthetically, because the fellow still thinks he’s the body. See, “I’m important because I’m the body.” And you’ve taken this guy over the hump, and he’s probably still pretty low on the Tone Scale. He’s probably 8.0, 10.0, something like that on the Tone Scale, and he doesn’t feel like he amounts to much because he hasn’t got any of his horsepower left. He actually, theoretically, should be able to throw out about twenty-five thousand watts or something at will, and he isn’t able to do that. So he knows he’s dished; he knows he’s in bad shape. And so he starts to rehabilitate himself And it’s very easy to run electronic incidents without a body, but it’s hard to run them with one because they keep throwing in somatics.

That was all I wanted to tell you and I hope you have found it of interest and of use.

I want to see a few Theta Clears down here in Phoenix. We’ve got a big job to do. We got Russia to clean up and a few other things to clean up and society to mop up in general, and the elections in November and who wants Eisenhowerl° in? (audience laughter)

Thank you very much.