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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Aberated Thought, Simplicity of Data, Invalidation, Counter Effort (T88-4a) - L520626a | Сравнить
- T88 and the Whole Track (T88-4b) - L520626b | Сравнить
- T88 and the Whole Track, Continued (T88-4c) - L520626c | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Действия, Которые Выполняет Энергия (Т88 52) - Л520626 | Сравнить
- Т88 и Полный Трак, Часть I (Т88 52) - Л520626 | Сравнить
- Т88 и Полный Трак, Часть II (Т88 52) - Л520626 | Сравнить



A lecture given on 26 June 1952.

We have been up to this time in our study of Dianetics, to some degree groping in the dark. We have been groping in the dark because we had not differentiated what we were trying to treat, completely. The start-out point was the genetic line. In an inspection of the genetic line you find out that you are treating cells. The subject is most closely intimate with psychology and biology. The whole theory of evolution is in a large measure correct, but it doesn’t wind up with the product known as man. It is the evolution of cells, and the evolution of cells does not give you the rational being called man. It gives you the MEST body, and the MEST body is as alive as asparagus or cats. ONE CELL HAS A THETA BODY. It probably even has past lives and so forth. It probably splits up it’s theta from one to the next, which gives you identical memory on mitosis. That is one of the most fascinating things in the world - why a cell “A” splitting and becoming “A and Al,” with each half knowing everything that “A” knew. In other words, it is splitting its’ memory banks. It keeps halving up, and dividing up its’ facsimiles, so there are some wonderful marvels in this line. The body is a colonial aggregation of cells. This body is a carbon-oxygen engine, it runs at 98.6° temperature, it is very mechanical, and it is built out of cells. The cells evolved in certain lines. The blueprint of the human body is composed of facsimiles. These facsimiles are collected up all along the evolutionary track. There are billions and billions, and quadrillions and quadrillions squared, cubed, of facsimiles connected with the MEST body. It goes straight on back.

Now, a MEST body goes through some wonderful states and stages, and so on. It has a sort of a composite bank, and this gets mixed up with the protoplasm line. It travels along the protoplasm line, it skips from death to death, and it learns by dying. The colonial aggregation of cells becomes a colonial aggregation of theta bodies, of which each one is a cell. You can actually locate the somatic theta body. The somatic theta body is just exactly where the Greeks said it was. It is in the stomach, just where the Greeks said it was. The Greeks said: “The mind is in the stomach,” and if you want to test this, you will find very easily that the Somatic Theta Body is located in the stomach, or that is where it centers, but it is a colonial aggregation of theta bodies really. It’s a big collection, but it centers there - there is your nerve system, it evidently hangs on to the vagus nerve.

The brain doesn’t do any thinking - it absorbs shock. It does some transmission, it monitors the endocrine system, but it doesn’t do any thinking. It’s just stimulus- response, stimulus- response, and the recombination of facsimiles. MEST bodies are a nickel a million. They are very easily come by, and very expendable. You can very rapidly increase a population, decrease a population, etc. There is a high degree of possibility that there are (human) MEST bodies that exist on this earth today which do not have a theta line body - idiots, morons, and so on. It is very possible. I haven’t gone into an examination of it far enough to tell you exactly what the percentages would be, but every once in a while you run into somebody who can’t think, he can’t reason, he is just sort of an animal. You will see them in feeble minded institutions, etc. Well, it would be one that a theta body wasn’t piloting.

Now, when you are studying, processing, or treating MEST bodies - you might as well be studying, processing, or treating celery. It’s just about that important to your health, alertness, and mental beingness. Each one of you has got a MEST body. You have had to fight for that MEST body, or you have had to fight for MEST bodies back on the track, time after time. You have abused them, you have thought lots of strange things about them. You have conceived every once in a while that they had actual life and sentience. You have made a mistake - you have tackled a MEST body which was actually being piloted by a theta body. You didn’t perceive the theta body, tried to knock out the MEST body, and it kicked back, and you got the idea all of a sudden, that it (the MEST body) was a sort of a sentient being. You have protected them, you have submerged yourself into them, you have used them as a defense against anything happening to you. Sometimes you don’t like to step out into theclear - you are afraid to. You ask somebody suddenly to separate and he will generally group his whole track, he’ll say: “Crunch.” No, he isn’t going to leave. “You want my MEST body,” is his first reaction.

Your attitude towards MEST bodies has gone down to the level of, “I own it and it’s mine.” That is interesting, you are about as solidly attached to your MEST as you are to the moon. You could step off of it as easily as you could lift an inverted cup off a cube of sugar. There you actually have a picture to some degree of a theta body fitted over a MEST body. There has been a lot of confusion about this. There are implants back along the line, lots of nice beautiful implants that put a soul into you. That’s sweet of them, so they put this electronic spinning cone down through your theta body and they say: “Now you have a soul.” They say: “It’s attached to you by a string.” That is an illusion, and of course after that, when you try to separate, you try to take your theta body out of the middle of your MEST body. So you go through the contortions of trying to step out of your MEST body to be your theta body. Of course you aren’t in yourself, so naturally you can’t. Very amusing! If you sit around and concentrate hard enough to get the physical body into obedience so that the MEST body can separate (as in the practice of yoga) all you do is slow the theta body down to a point where it can’t lift itself off.

This is a study in motion, it’s a study in beingness, and no matter how difficult it might be to crack this riddle, its’ solution is ridiculously simple. You know, we’ve been a long time trying to figure out these human beings. Like, “Let’s look at these human beings, are the theta bodies inside or outside?” Now you put them on a meter and you say: “Is your soul inside your MEST body?” and you always get a bop. Well, I believed the bop until I found out that no homo-sapien that I could locate could step outside of himself, being inside of himself. So I began to look for an implant, and I found it. The implant puts in your . . . here is your theta body and it’s very nice, this implant runs your soul into you like this, and it’s tied to you. It’s just an electronic illusion. So, you ask somebody to start monkeying with his theta body, and if you stress it real hard you will get this other (the Soul Implant Incident) in restimulation you see, and he will try to lift this spinning cone out of his head.

Did you ever have the feeling that the top of your head was flat? Well, that is the result of that incident. It has other results too, but other things can do it. They just lower this spinning electronic cyclone right down inside of you. Now this is very interesting, because very early on the track, unbeknownst to the people who were planting this one, there is an incident called, “The Cyclone.” The cyclone comes along and hits you one day, and tears you all to pieces, and you go back together wrong way to, and it makes you feel very sad.

Now, there is a terrible terrible liability to being immortal. Immortality has a great liability to it if you can’t process it out, because it just means that things keep piling up on you. Look at all you can find to worry about in just one lifetime. You start adding on, and adding on, and after a while you will think, “There is no solution to these lifetimes, there is no solution for the whole track, so the best thing to do is to die and forget about it. So if you decided that, you will say: “I must have a soul of some sort.” You sense that, since you know you have. So, when they put in the implant it generally keys in “The Cyclone.” Boy, it makes a real tough incident if you start to audit it, because you start to audit it and start to get yourself out, and the next thing you feel yourself all falling to pieces and so on. That is not what it’s like to have a theta body. An actual picture of your situation would be very difficult to draw. In the first place, what you take for your theta body is wave emanation which you are originating. You can make that big or small, and you can grow larger or smaller; it doesn’t matter. A picture of the situation would probably look like this except a bit more graceful.

Here is a being, and there is his theta body, that’s all. Now it is about as comfortable to have a MEST body inside your theta body as it is to have a sliver in your finger. It’s not comfortable, but if you have to do it, you have to do it. If you want everybody else to be arrestable and laborable, and so forth - you finally decide that it is the best thing to do, but it is not very natural.

You are living in glass houses that are not made out of glass. I don’t ask you to suddenly sense this and so forth. I’m going to give you a technique which will show you where your theta body is without any trouble. So, as far as dimensions are concerned what this is out here (the theta body) is actually emanation. Just plain, ordinary, energy emanation. Well, you can move that around at will with this thing (theta body). Of course, if you’ve got a lot of call- backs to go into restimulation every time you get off of a MEST body which is dead or something of the sort, you lose your awareness. You know, a theta body goes to sleep, wakes up, does the things in various ways, has impulses, just like a meat body does, because it is really the MEST body that is doing it. The theta body has learned to approximate these same things. So it goes to sleep, it forgets, and all that sort of thing, because it’s you! I don’t care if you think you are in the middle of your head looking out of your eyes. You are not looking out of your eyes anyhow, it’s a fake. Then you get the lenses of your eyes distorted and you say: “See, I can’t see, I’m not here at all.” Tricks- that are as interesting as a little baby hiding his eyes and saying: “I’m hidden.” They are as simple as this, these tricks are.

Well, your MEST body dies - you go back to whoever or whatever is monitoring the line at the time and you fly back there, and you hit through screens (field screens, force screens). You go through these force screens - Bang, and boy do you forget in a hurry.

They have a device for, instance (between lives) that you will find you will be running on people whereby there are a series of pictures. They are on a hinged wheel. As this thing runs, the pictures go flop, flop, flop, in front of your eyes. They are generalized, and not pictures of anything that happened in your life, but they could be any life. They could be anybodies life, and when these pictures start to run - flop, flop, flop, you have a feeling that you are getting your memory erased. It feels like your memory is being erased, because sitting back of the pictures and hitting you simultaneously is a force screen. Every time you look at one of these pictures you get a wave emanation - bop, bop, bop, - and pretty soon it crushes back all of the facsimiles you’ve got on the surface. Your energy is simply pushed back and crowded back, and your lifetime is gone. What is forgetting? It is complete invalidation. So, this is you sitting over here, and you get all pounded down, and so you don’t remember your past life. Actually, they don’t have to go to all that trouble, because you don’t want to remember all that anyhow, if there isn’t any way to clean up these past lives. So they go to all this elaborate stuff and then they have a mirror situation, and as you look at all these pictures and get bop, bop, bop, (and they are on film too, some of them, and a lot of you have run PCs into this without auditing it, and they say: “I’m seeing reels of film” there is another gadget there not shown on the Diagram, that moves a mirror this way and a mirror that way, while this is going on. So, you think that you are being moved off, and you see: there you go, there goes you, that’s your last lifetime identity as far as you are concerned. It’s gone. They move you off this way and that way, forward and back. Very often you will pick up a PC who every time he gets into a situation, he is following himself. He is looking at his own back, that’s the only visio he can get. Well, he is just sort of dubbing these.

So anyway, here is a split up, and that by the way, that locks up on what we call entities. That makes a complete set of entities. They move mirrors, forward and backward, to give you the illusion that you are being taken off the top of you so you aren’t there anymore. It’s just a sloppy job.

Now, you will occasionally find a PC who has a whole flock of pictures that don’t seem to relate to his own life. Well, he is just sitting there between lives, and you tell him, “Scan” and he runs the reel some more. Nothing happens in this case. You say: “All right, scan through these incidents.” He will say: “I’m scanning. My visio is kind of bad, it keeps fading out and disappearing.” Well, that is the trick, because they will say, “Your lifetime and your memory is gone.” It is all predicated on the basis that you are your personal memory.

They can actually wipe out your life this way. It only takes a moment or two. They take you down the hall and say:” You are you, and new, and fresh, and you want to be good, you want to do this, your goals are so and so and so and so, and you’ll particularly follow this line,” and BING the next thing you know, you are being born again - all young, innocent, fresh, and new. Well, the people who are wide-open cases (completely wide-open cases) are the people this has worked on 100%, and the occluded cases are those cases that it hasn’t worked on. Big difference between the two. So, there goes your past lives, but that isn’t the only place your past lives go. You have been wiping out your past lives by agreement for an awfully long time. You wanted to wipe out other peoples lives. You’ve stood around and you have told people, “Now look, we want to start anew with all this.” They belonged to some other tribe or something of the sort, and you wanted them for troops. It’s a big swindle. You say: “Now the thing to do is to be born again,” - various books you have heard about vaguely, they talk about being born again. This is the same deal, so what do you get? You get people who are completely loyal. Why are they completely loyal? It’s because you start them out as idiots, and educate them. So, you are sold, because it is practical.

Lacking a therapy; death is the therapy. It wipes out the past. Now this is very demonstrable on PCs. It’s very important for you to know this, for you are going to say right away (you’ve got this theta body, and it knows about the whole track, and it’s on the whole track)” well, why don’t people just suddenly remember the whole track?” The answer is: They Do, every now and then. Somebody looks back along the whole track, and gets a wide open memory on lives and everything else. Well, it is typical of one of these half-way therapies, that it has a lot of liability in it. There are liabilities in this therapy of death.

What happens? This person gets hit with these invalidating waves. That is, any wave that would hit him that strong and repeatedly (bang, bang, bang) would eventually invalidate him. It unfortunately invalidates the skills he has been trained in, in the lives just succeeding. He might have been a very good concert pianist 25 years before he is suddenly taking lessons again. He was a concert pianist, and for some reason or other, every time he starts to get to that piano he knows he can’t play. Why? He has been invalidated. So his skills have all been invalidated, and they also have hit, knocked, banged and socked his ability to be a concert pianist. So there he is, they didn’t knock it out just for that life, they also knocked out his ability to learn to play the piano.

Now, add that to reading, writing, and arithmetic, and you will see why your boys and girls who are 13 and 14 right now - this thing is getting . . . you see, It has started to move up by the square and rather rapidly. Have you taken a look at some of the writing of your 13 and 14 year old children in this society today? It’s pretty grim. You take a look at the 13 and 14 year old writing in the society just a 100 years ago, it’s copperplate. Today, Gee! it’s not even chicken tracks. A chicken would be disgraced if they walked like that on paper. So, this therapy of death has this liability, but it has many gains - you get a new body, you get new goals, you get this and that. Your new body will grow, and you are perfectly happy with it, and so forth - swell. In the absence of a method of being able to re-tailor bodies you have or to swap bodies in the middle of a lifetime; it is naturally a very fine skill to have (to grow up a body) and then when it gets old and feeble, kill it off. That’s a cycle. It’s workable, but not very well. The trouble with the thing is that it actually leaves the bank wide open and half invalidated. People re-echo on all the old incidents, and their past lives aren’t cleaned up worth a nickel. The degradation’s of the past just keep mounting; they just get worse and worse and worse. Well, why don’t you remember taking off from a body here and suddenly reporting back? Well, the middle of the report-back is this: as shown in Diagram 18. Try and remember your childhood! Well, you go through a death (a bad death) hit a screen which is a bad shocker in itself, hit one of those wheels, come down here again, and you have gone through a cycle there in almost minutes. It takes about 15 minutes to go through a whole cycle, from the moment you die on forward. Well, look at the composite engram it makes. It’s a death, hitting those screens, knock out, and so forth.

Nobody would be doing this for any of you if it didn’t have good political significance. There is actually somebody still trying to put the show on the road, here in this universe. Of course you’re kind of goats now, you have come down the track this far, but this gadget (for some of you) maybe hasn’t been running for 5000 years. You have lost your bodies, you have no body to report back to, and you don’t report back there anymore. All you do is report back towards the screen. You hit the screen and go through, and there is a screen right here on earth. It’s up there, not too far up, and you have to know this, because you start running a PC and he will hit this screen every once in a while, and it will make him feel that he is being knocked to pieces. There are ways of going through this screen, and you know what the ways are. It is very amazing that it could be this complex, and this lost. You should also know all about that screen, so that if you get stripped down to theta bodies (where you can do anything you want to do) don’t take off and hit it again, because what will happen to you? You will go right straight through that screen and hit: Mars, this wheel, and there you’ll be - all that processing gone to the devil! So, you just have to know about this, incredible as it may seem to you. You just have to know about this, that’s all.

Now, what’s so wonderful about having a MEST body? Well, do you remember men started to wear a certain kind of hat, and then all men start to wear that kind of hat? Well, it could have been that mild, but it wasn’t. It’s a sordid tale. All the way along the track you have got incidents that are implants. Of course you are capable beforehand, of anything that an implant can make you do. If you weren’t natively capable of doing it, the implant couldn’t make you do it. There is quite a description of that in the first book. You could return motion before you were obsessed about returning motion, and you could appreciate and enjoy the wavelength of sex before you became obsessed about it. It shows up variously on the meter (6 million - 4 million years ago) incidents that take the aesthetic band and throw it down into the sexual excitement band, but one of the most interesting ones is: The Halver.

It halves people, and it makes half of them bad and half of them good. Actually there are little pictures in this doggoned thing, a lot of symbols come from this. This halver takes your theta body takes YOU - don’t make any mistake about this, your awareness, the awareness that you feel right now, is Theta awareness. It’s going to take a little while and a little processing to show you that it is theta body awareness, but it has nothing to do with anything else. The second you become aware of the fact that you are theta body awareness which is aware; your whole perimeter and aspect changes - BANG! like the old lady who came home with her clothes all cut up to ribbons said: “Could this have been me?”

Well, this halver is very important. As you would look at somebody head on: This side of them is black, and that side is white - this is evil, and that is good. They show you various slides, some of these are interesting. They have little statues on tracks, those little statues come along these tracks towards these two sides. One phase of one of them has a devil complete with horns, who lashes his tail. If you look very close, you will find that his tail lashes because he is just a little bit uneven on the track. All he is, is a mechanical doll that comes forward and suddenly looks at you, and on the other side you will see angels and that sort of thing, almost any kind of a mock up. As a matter of fact, we could get together and cook up things just as good as this. But this gives you - this one - by the way, tells you that you have to love everybody, stay together, check yourself, and so on. But what it actually produces is rather an impulse towards sadism, because it is very aberrative on the sexual line.

You may have done this to a lot of people before it was done to you, but you eventually got caught up in it. It is sort of a routine incident like Fac-One, but it varies more. It has a sexual implant, or a compulsion in the line. This has been going on for a long time, a long long while, but this is just typical of some of the causes of it.

You were free as a bird until you found that a MEST body had a lot more sensation on the subject of sex than anything you had ever known of. Now, you’d think that normally the routine would be for you as a Theta body to go out and find a MEST body, and get it to go out and find another MEST body. You’d think that this would be your routine. No, no. It’s not quite that way. You would find a couple or something of the sort - MEST bodies, human, animals. or anything of that sort. Anything that they were doing, you might be compelling them to do something else, you might be compelling them to do this or that, but sex rears its ugly head. Here are two beings and you as a Theta body are very expansive, and you just set yourself down over them, Bang. It is very exciting, let me assure you.

You will find that the more often you did it, the harder it was to leave afterwards. There was an emotional curve there: Tremendous sexual excitement - High excitement - A peak - and then a sudden big drop in emotion, which of course is about the same as hitting a very sudden line from clear up here to exhilaration, and then all the way off to apathy. It’s an emotional curve drop of that character. Well, you would hit this - it was very exciting, very nice, very wonderful, but you would hit that curve, and then they go into listlessness and apathy. So do you, because at the beginning of this incident you had the desire to feel their sensation, and you wind up at the end of the incident feeling their apathy. This is an interesting situation.

Sex is not simply the only aberrative factor, but it happens to be the factor most responsible for getting you into trouble about MEST bodies, because after you have done this hundreds of times, you have found out that once you had a MEST body you couldn’t let go of it at will. So, you gradually deteriorated in your ability to leave, until all of a sudden you couldn’t.

Now, playing a major role in this was the overt act, because each one of these is a DED, it wasn’t done to you before you did it. You take some situation where you seduce a boy and a girl, something like that. You all of a sudden realize that you have hurt the little boy, you have the boy one way or another, and you feel some sympathy. The next thing you know there you are protecting him, and the next thing you know you are protecting him so thoroughly you don’t leave. After that, you say: “I am he.” Do you know that every one of these Theta bodies (every one of them here) has an incident in restimulation somewhere on the track where you were so thoroughly protecting (way back, most of them) you are so thoroughly protecting the individual, and you have such a thorough hold on the individual, and the engram is so thoroughly in restimulation that you think you are the individual. You have done a complete identification between the MEST body which you now have, and the MEST body which you protected. Why? The motivator is not there - it s a DED, the overt act, then sympathy, protection, stay with, identification, and there you are.

You might have, ~n settling down over the top of some MESI body, got somebody killed. You might have gotten somebody killed (just that) or you might have suddenly said that, for the good of setting up this sort of situation here: “I think I’ll just hold this fellow here, and let the cannon ball hit him.” Crash! It sure blew him up, you feel the surge - the complete emotional transfer of his curve drop. It s not safe to do that! It s stupid to do that! You shouldn’t have done it, because it stuck you to some degree. So you start feeling that, and you all of a sudden pick up this fellows full set of somatics, and you will feel guilty, and you will think you should have protected him. You will get this into restimulation and you will fit it over the MEST body that you have right this minute. So, you will set up a set of somatics over this body. You have got at least one incident on the track in which you are firmly fixed.

Now, these incidents are just a little bit difficult to run for this reason, it’s confusing. If you just had this just you, that wouldn’t be so hard.

You just have an incident with a guy here, and something or other is happening to him, and you’ve got this incident. You run this incident and it’s pretty apathetic some of it, but you run it and it just blows, that’s all. You use Dianetics on it and you’ve gotten rid of it. That’s all there is to it. The trouble with running these is - you’ve already got a MEST body inside your theta field. So, when you start to run this guy here, you are here with your MEST body over here this facsimile shifts around and you start to run part of that out of you, and this out of that. Do you understand? The MEST body that you have now, interferes with your running of the old facsimiles of your being over bodies. As a consequence, the inside of your theta beingness is just studded with old bodies, old facsimiles which you very easily mistake for old spirits or something of the sort, because they of course can move, etc. They will be small and they’ll be big, and they’ll be this, and they’ll be that, some are early, and some are late. So, as you start to run this line .... Actually the only really important things to run on this line are the high emotional tensions and the emotional curve drops contained on the sexual line.

Sex has at last reared its ugly head in Dianetics, at the proper point on the time track. We know enough now, to run it. It’s very amusing. You know, the excitement contained around these sexual incidents is not mild. I hate to stand up in front of you nice people and tell you how violent this is, but that is nothing compared to the shyness your PC is going to show in demonstrating what is happening to him when you are running one of these - Mount Vesuvius, lots of expansion, explosions, the heat of fission. Your PC - The girl starts to run away, and your PC suddenly puts some more tension on that side - Bang - and holds on tight. Wonderful!

Now, over here we have a situation that you must understand in order to run this. That is: How does a theta being hold on to, or move anything? Are you capable of moving physical objects as a theta being? And if so, how do you do it? Well, you sure are capable of moving things. I can’t tell you the degree of perception of which you are capable, it’s pretty high, but I can tell you that your degree of being able to move things is fabulous. How do you do it? Here at (a) is an object you want to move. You are just a theta being, you are capable of creating radiant action, that is to say, you are capable of creating an energy flow - and that is all you can create. How do you make this thing (a) move? You don’t reach out with your hand and move it. So, how do you make it move? Well, here at (b) is an air-foil. How does an air-foil stay up? It creates (by the motion of the air past it) a partial vacuum above it, and an increased pressure below it. Therefore, as it forces through the air, it lifts. The same thing applies at (a). You put a lot of energy on one side of the object, and very little on the opposite side, and this thing moves - you give it a shove. There is nothing simpler, actually you do it very instinctively. If you want the microphone to move - you just pile up attention units on this side and wipe them off that side simultaneously, and your microphone would move. When you start to take hold of a MEST body, or a MEST object of some sort or another - what do you do? Well, you just lay a radiant screen over the object, and you can hold it in place - but stiffly, if you want to or move it at will. In other words, you just bang it with energy all around it, and it will stay still. If you bang it on just one side with energy, it will move in the other direction. You know, you have some mechanical assistance in handling your body, but essentially that is the way you handle your body. Only you do it SO easily, and you mustn’t let yourself know that you are doing it, because if you knew you were doing it, then someone else would know you were doing it, and that would be that.

We have then this being, and what do you do to hold on to a being? It’s very simple to hold on to a being. You just wrap yourself around this being - Crush, with points of force going in. You can hold him still, or you can move him around. You are very good still, at holding or changing their facial expressions. I know of only one theta being that might have been on the loose (and capricious) here in the last few years. It was very sporadic, and didn’t last very long. He probably left or something.

They had a little boy back East (I think it was in New Jersey) that was being thrown all around the room. They would put him on a rug - make him lie down on a rug- and the rug would sail in this direction - sail in that direction - sail under the bed- sail out into the hall. They had a lot of Catholic Priests and they were trying to Exorcise it, to get rid of this “demon” that was possessing him. I suppose the “demon” got bored with them after a while and left.

The point is, this was actually the manifestation which was occurring, but it is not a very puzzling manifestation. You could certainly do that - as a theta being- your potentiality. In order to solve this situation you have to know these mechanics: All you have to do is find the incident necessary to show you the first time you did this, and you run that incident. You will run it oddly and strangely, and probably you will feel pressures on this thing. You will probably feel there is a head inside your head, or maybe a head hanging over your right ear, or the guys head will be down here, or something of the sort. He will be out of position with relation to you, but there will be another body there or there will be 2 other bodies there. There will be a ridge or an empty space here, and a ridge or empty space here, and here will be a girl, and here will be a boy - Crush . You start running those and you will get some very fancy somatics. Also you will run complexity, because one of them will have one mood, but when you have 2 of them encompassed - one of them will have one mood saying: “No, no, no” and the other is saying: “Yes, yes, yes”, for instance. So, you get a compulsion against a negation, and you have to run those simultaneously otherwise it won’t run. It is very interesting, but you just look at the mechanics of the situation, and you will find out that it will work out rather easily.

Now the next thing you are looking for, after you have found out one of these things that can be run, preferably the first one that can be run. Run 2 or 3 of them, they are rather easy to run. They run just like other incidents, except that you are running the PC outside of people. Find the one where the PC is fitting the past facsimile to his present life.

Now, he will have a facsimile somewhere on the track; he will have a facsimile that will look like this - here he is and he has a theta body, and he has his own present MEST body (solid outline) fitted with this facsimile (dotted outline). In other words, he has taken the old facsimile and duplicated his present MESI body with it. The difference between these 2 facsimiles - is some distance in time. (The next Lecture, #5 will give a further explanation of this, it is called “The Duplicator”). So, the trick is to run the incidents. You will find that he gets confused as the dickens. He starts running his own MEST body and tries to reduce it. Then he starts trying to reduce this facsimile, then he loses the facsimile and he starts reducing his own MEST body again, and gradually he gets differentiated. Then it will get sticky, and you have to find why it was getting sticky - why it was an overt act, and trace back and run why it was an overt act for him to have jumped over the top of this old body.

That was an overt act - it is always an overt act to fit over a MEST body. It is always an overt act. You don’t intend it any good, at first. Then you get sympathy. You really start running this sympathy and you will find that the cycle is: Overt act - Sympathy - and then you have to protect it. This is covered in “Advanced Procedures and Axioms” - this cycle of overt act, sympathy, and protection. Suppose the MEST body you did this to was “a girl”, well it gets so bad that you will finally dedicate your whole beingness to carrying forward this girl. After that you are a girl, and life after life you go on being a girl. You keep being born - into this girl - into that girl - or any other girl - and all the time you get more and more mockishly sentimental about taking care of this girl. You get “psycho” on this subject, and you take care of this girl so that anybody can sell you toothpaste, appendectomies, or anything under the sun, because you’ve got your present MEST body confused with that old MEST body that you pledged to take care of forever. You start running sympathy for that original person, and it will be the incident we have been discussing. That will be the incident. You start running sympathy - sympathy, - protection - protection - you go back and find the overt act - the sympathy - the protection, and you will find times when you were protecting this girl from other attacks, and all that sort of thing.

By the way, you wonder why some people look at men and women together (you will find this in lots of PCs) everytime they see a man and woman together, walking down the street, or dancing, or anything like that, they feel disgust. If they only knew! Of course they feel disgust, they are feeling the repulsion after “they drew away” from having done this to a couple. They see people out there walking together, or being together, or something like that; and they are getting in restimulation the incident where they as theta bodies had backed off, several feet away from this couple . . . after the overt act. So they say: “Men and women together, no good,” but they go on doing it. So, this is the one you are looking for.

You will find out in any lifetime, that some marital partner or somebody, will have come along who has treated a person in this fashion, so that they will select out for that lifetime that person they were going to protect. They will take the roll of some old facsimile; they will take this role and they will fight it religiously. Actually, it is very easy to relieve. It is very easy for a person to start all of a sudden identifying where these theta bodies were; and then start getting them out on the time track properly, and then suddenly find out what he is as a theta body. I won’t tell you how many hours of running this takes, but it takes less hours of running than finding basic-basic.

Now, this is the key: When you want to find out what old facsimile he is using, and that he has gotten confused with this lifetime; you will find the same things wrong with this MEST body in this lifetime, that was wrong with this old facsimile - back there. You reduce this old facsimile, throw it out, throw out the protection, and so forth. All of a sudden he isn’t running the “Care of a body phobia”, and that is a terrible phobia by the way. The whole society has got it, got it bad; “care of the body” - don’t get your feet wet, blow your nose, take listerine, go to school, and see your dentist twice a year. Why? That is silly. Care of the body, care of the body. Be careful what you do. Take care of your body. You have to like your body. You of course, tell people that all the time. When you audit PCs, the first thing you get concerned about is the care of the body. That is your automatic response. Now we have gone up on a higher level of knowledge than that, and we realize “Care of the body,” so what? Let’s take care of THEM. It’s something like treating a child’s illness by painting his toys. You should treat the individual.

This sexual line (as diffident as I am to tell you about the birds and the bees) the sexual line is the line which was the most compulsive line for you to do this. But most important, because there are 2 people in it, it is the line which permits you to differentiate all of a sudden, and say: “My gosh, I’m a Theta body, so I am.” You run a guy up to the point where he suddenly realizes this. It is most easily differentiated because he knows (you see) that he hasn’t got 2 people under his robe in this life, whereas you could run him a long time with just one. You see, he has a MEST body here, and you can fit these old MEST body facsimiles on to the present MEST body here, just one person at a time. He will feel a little bit large sometimes, and a little bit small sometimes, but he won’t get this sudden realization, because he has this one MEST body. If he were two MEST bodies here in this life, you see, you would solve it by running the times he threw himself over one body.

Well, you resolve the thing by finding times when he threw himself over two bodies. When he threw himself over two bodies he could actually distinguish the motion, shape, size, and general characteristics of these bodies, and all of a sudden he will find himself. When he finds himself, he will very often after that, lose himself again, then he will find himself again, because he will start to run incidents that have heavy waves and they tend to invalidate him. The first thing you know, you have broken through all past life barriers, and you’ve got the full track in recall.

It is perfectly safe for you to have the full track in recall. You’ve got symbological processing, you’ve got attention unit running, you can unravel all the maybe’s, and you can take a lifetime to pieces in a couple of hours. If all of a sudden you run into a lifetime that is just too unbearable, “You can no longer face that lifetime,” you thought, as you finally blew your brains out. You can solve it in an awful hurry, pick up symbological processing. Take it to an E-meter. You know you can clip it. Actually, they are seldom acute. The second you begin to find out, “My God! I’ve lived forever, and I’m going to live forever, and now I’ve got savvy enough to go on and on, and on ....”, these things don’t affect you very deeply.

One word of warning about all this: when you get the individual running in this one, he will get into “The Halver”. That’s why I told you about “The Halver”, because that was what was basically done to him that gave him the compulsion about sex. He will move into this as the motivator quite often, and it’s a very sticky one. This side of him mis-matches suddenly with that side of him. One side will go dead, and one side feel alive, or vice versa. This is the source of stroke - evidently. Half of him will go dead, he will feel very upset, and he can’t run this sexual union any more, because all of a sudden he is half dead himself.

What you have done there is - you ran him back to a portion where he could run the motivator. So, just run through that a little bit - or being gunned with rays, half of him, one side with one kind and the other half with some other kind. You will quite often have him facing sexual partners in this life, and he will get a visio of the sexual partner as this side black and that side white, and that is the old halver in restimulation. That’s all it is, because actually the halver contains a light - the light flashes as the rays flash, and the light divides the person in half. The person then thinks he is two people and lots of things.

There is another word of warning that I would like to give you, and that is - the motivator for these incidents quite often. You will find other motivators, so don’t let him go on running the motivator forever! Realize that you have hit a motivator of overt acts like suddenly jumping over the top of some beautiful young girl, and then whistling at a farmer boy. The other word of warning is: When you get to a point where you can handle this body adequately and you are pretty well swamped up with the theta body - Don’t do that so often! If you do do it, run it out.