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- TV Demo - TR 0 Demonstration (SHSBC-259) - L630116 | Сравнить

CONTENTS TV DEMO: TR 0 DEMONSTRATION Cохранить документ себе Скачать


A TR demonstration given on 16 January 1963

This is Ron and we’re going to do a series of demonstrations tonight of TR 0. And these demonstrations are made with the coach, who is a senior student, and a student in the thing is the newcomer.

Now, your attention is put on this because the teaching of TR 0 is quite important. It’s the number of TR 1, 2, 3 and 4 that a person does, actually, which makes his auditing presence. And it’s the best way we’ve ever found to make auditing presence and so this is the way we make auditing presence. And you should get used to these because you will be taking back to your area a good concept of what the TRs are all about.

We’ll – probably at a later date we’ll work hard on the CCHs so that we can give you those as well.

The essence of TR 0 is to teach a natural confrontingness. You go into an Academy where new students are first beginning to audit and you will see a tremendous stiffness, a fantastic stiffness. Now, actually, it goes this way: They go into the co-audit and they are not so stiff, they don’t seem to be so stiff. They seem to be more relaxed. But, nevertheless, you will see them sort of lose their grip on their confront because it isn’t indoctrinated into them.

And it’s like golf. Very often a brand-new golfer goes out, picks up some golf clubs and away he goes and he starts making holes in one and so forth. And then he, all of a sudden, cracks up and he’s totally incapable of striking a single stroke; it’s not possible. And from that point on he has to be taught. And for quite a little time then he’s a complete duffer. He’s become self-conscious about his grip, he’s become, oh, all kinds of mechanisms he’s learned and all this sort of thing.

Well, actually, our present TRs are calculated to bring a person up through this with the greatest possible rapidity.

Now, the basis of the TR is simply to get the person to sit there and confront. You ordinarily find out he confronts with something. He’s confronting with his belly, he’s confronting with his nose, he’s confronting with his hands, he’s doing everything else.

A little bit later stage, why, you’ve got him confronting with a professional attitude and an interested attitude and, other things of this character.

And the best way to do is to have him put these things on. Just hour after hour of sitting there confronting the coach and the coach doing nothing is not going to do very much TR for anybody. No, the coach has got to be good.

Now, the TRs are actually as good as the coach. If a coach gives too many flunks and too many loses, of course, the quality of the TR goes down. And if the coach gives the pc, or gives the student, rather, some wins, why, the TRs goes up.

All right. Well, we’re all set now. And we have Gordon who is a very senior student here and he is going to give TRs. And here we go. Start!

Coach:Okay. All right. Ian, this is TR 0. Confronting TR. Right? You’re familiar with it, I assume.


Coach:Okay. I’m giving an echo back here from myself. All right, now, I want you to relax and just confront me. Just straight TR 0. I won’t be doing any bullbaiting on this. I’ll just be here for you to confront.


Coach:Okay. Just relax and confront me. Just you do that. Okay?


Coach:All right. Now, we haven’t started yet. When I give you a start, you can start. When I say, ”That’s it,” that’s the end of the drill for a while. Okay?


Coach: All right. Now, are you read? All right. Start.

Okay, that’s it a minute. Now, just relax. Relax.


Coach: Don’t …LRH: This is an interesting case, this student here. He actually is doing a not-confront with several parts of his body. Quite interesting.

Coach:Okay, just be here. Okay? Relax and just be here. That’s all you’ve got to do, and confront me. I’m not going anywhere. Okay?


Coach: All right. Start.

Okay, flunk. That’s it. All right, you’re not really being here. Get here a little better. Okay?


Coach: That’s better. Okay. Now. Let’s start.

Okay, flunk. You’re staring at me. Start.

Okay, that’s it. Relax. You’re sitting there and your shoulders aren’t straight. You’re… Okay, just relax. Okay? What? To hell with the television, just confront me. This is a TR. All right.


Coach: Okay. Restart.

That’s better. Get here some more. Just relax and get here and confront me.

Flunk. You moved your mouth. Start.LRH: Now, here’s a trick. Let’s find out from this particular student – he’s sitting there with his chest sunk in withdrawn, his throat withdrawn, and so forth – let’s talk about not confronting. Let’s get this student to find out what he’s not confronting the pc with there.

Coach:Okay. All right. That’s it a minute, Ian. Now, are you aware of not confronting me with anything? Any part of your body?


Coach:Is there an actual effort not to confront me with something?

Student:No. Not an effort not to, no.

Coach:Uh-huh. Okay. Any part of your body you’re aware of doing this with?

Student:No, not …

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:… nothing I’m deliberately not confronting with. No.

Coach:Okay. Now, I want you to confront me, you know, not without anything and not with anything. Just you confront me. Now, you seem to be using – actually holding back parts of your body, all right, chest, throat

Student:It just feels like something …

Coach:Yeah. Uh-huh. Okay Just relax. All right? Okay. Start.

Okay, that’s a bit better. Now, relax some more. All right, relax. Okay. Get your whole body here; you get here. All right? Okay.


Coach: Start.

That’s better. That’s better. Okay. Just be here. Okay?

Don’t hold things back from me.

Okay. That’s it a minute. I feel like you’re still holding back from me. It’s getting better. I can feel you better over here.


Coach:But you’re still holding back from me. Okay?


Coach:Just be here and relax. That’s all. Okay?


Coach: All right. Start.

Okay. That’s it a minute. All right. Relax in here. Okay? Relax all that. I feel like you’re drawing away in that vicinity. Okay, start.

Flunk. You look like a tin soldier sitting there. Relax! Man, that’s a meat body, not a metal body. Relax it. Okay. Start.LRH: And Ian is sitting there with his chest very badly sunk in and sort of going to retreat through the wall. And actually looks a little bit more like an hypnotized subject than he does an auditor. So I think we’d better walk him over here on the subject of a professional attitude.

Coach:Okay. That’s it. All right, now, what is your definition of a professional attitude? Yours.

Student:Of my professional attitude?

Coach:Yes, your definition of a professional attitude.

Student:An interested attitude.

Coach:Okay. Now, what I want you to do is confront me with a professional attitude. Okay?


Coach:Let’s really be professional about this. Okay? Give them a good show. All right. Okay, now what are you going to do?


Coach:Okay. Well, how would you confront me with a professional attitude?

Student:Just look as though I’m interested in you.

Coach:Okay. Now, I want you to really do this.


Coach:Not just act it, you know, or pretend. I want you to really be interested. That’s your definition, right?


Coach:Okay. Really – really be professional. Okay?


Coach:None of this, you know, holding back from me. You know, you’ve got to have command over me if you’re going to audit me. Okay?


Coach:All right. When you audit a preclear, you actually confront them. Okay. Now, I’m not here to – to overwhelm you. I’m here to help you get better TR 0. Okay?


Coach:All right now, I want you to confront me with a professional attitude. Okay?


Coach: All right. Start.

Okay, that’s it a minute. Relax while you do this. Okay?

Student:I find myself sort of suddenly jump that way.

Coach:I could see your body jerking back and forth then virtually …


Coach:Relax and be professional. You know? Know what you’re going to do here.


Coach:All right. And be interested here. Okay. Start.LRH: Well, this student has a pattern here which is quite interesting. He’s been made to sit very, very quietly for TR and he’s obviously been flunked for batting his eyes so that he sits there with a very glassy stare and so forth. It’s very funny-amusing watching Gordon there, because it’s no doubt who the auditor is: Gordon obviously is. And yet Gordon’s TRs are very good. He’s sitting there in the chair all slopped over and that sort of thing, but he’s really all over that student. You see? And the student is sitting there about ready to back through the wall and he’s just got a complete, unwinking stare. And it’d drive any pc around the bend very fast.

All right, let’s find an interesting attitude here. A more interesting attitude. Let’s get him to do that several times until he himself starts laughing at this interesting attitude. Because he’s really – we got to pick this to pieces. He’s really got some kind of a notion there as to what he’s doing, you see? He’s all gimmicked up like mad: you don’t wink your eyes, you sink in your chest, you withdraw, you’re self-effective. He’s got a lot of things there if you could just get him to talk about them. Okay?

Coach:Okay. That’s it. All right. Now. You’re getting better here. But you can even get better. Now, I want you to confront me with an interested attitude. Okay. Really be interested.


Coach:All right, now, you’ve got, I’ve noticed and Ron has also – you know, I can hear him through these, he comes through occasionally – got mechanics to the way you’re confronting. You’re really staring a good hole through me that time. You know?

Student:I guess …

Coach:It’s confronting. You know? And I want you to confront me with an interested attitude. Are you afraid I’m going to flunk you, here? Are you sitting here scared to death I’m going to flunk you?

Student:No, I’m – no.

Coach:Okay. Well, don’t worry about it. If you flunk, you flunk. You flunk a million times, why you flunk a million times. And you have to have more, well, power than I do in this situation. You’re confronting me. I’m the pc here. Okay?


Coach:You know? You’ve got to be controlling me here, not me controlling you. When I say start, I want you to confront me with an interested attitude. And be aware of what you’re doing.


Coach: Okay?


Coach: All right. Start.

Okay. That’s it a minute. Okay, want to get comfortable?


Coach: Okay. You comfortable?


Coach:All right. Now, I want you to confront me, not stare at, me.


Coach: All right? I’ve got a whole body here.


Coach:All right. You can confront the whole thing, if you want. Okay? All right. You don’t have to just stare at me. All right. And be interested. I want you to assume an interested attitude and confront me from that viewpoint. Okay?


Coach: All right. Start.

Come on, man, relax. Relax.LRH: The pc actually here has a look of just pure horror on his face. In some way he just looks completely fixated. Now, if we could get him to give us a dissertation on what he ought to be doing, it might be very interesting.

Coach:Okay, Ian, that’s it. Okay. What should you be doing in this drill, to be doing TR 0?

Student:Just being aware of you.

Coach:Okay. But then, are you aware of any mechanics of how you should be doing this?

Student:No, as – as soon as I start being aware of you I sort of lose awareness of my own body …

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:… as a property, you know.

Coach:Okay. Well, what do you do over there when you start confronting me? What do you really do?

Student:Just look at you.

Coach: At me?


Coach:Okay. Are you aware of confronting me when you do that?


Coach:Okay. Are you aware of anything else going on, of using things to confront me with or trying to look like you’re confronting me, anything like this?


Coach:Okay. Now. Good. Now, I want you to confront me now and be interested. And, I want you to be aware of what you’re doing also. But I don’t want you to introvert here on this.

Student:All right.

Coach:And I’m going to ask you in a few minutes what have you been doing? Okay? To confront me.


Coach:All right. Okay. Relax. And get in a position you’re going to get in. Okay. Start.

That’s a bit better.


Coach:Flunk. You’ve got something going on with your eyes. You know, you’re trying to do something there. Start.

Okay. That’s it. All right. Now, what did you do then to confront me with an interested attitude.

Student:Looked at you, tried to look alive.

Coach: Okay. Were you interested? Really.

Student:Not very.

Coach:Not very. Okay. All right. Now, I want you to really be interested. Okay? Now, do you think you can get better at doing TR 0 here tonight?


Coach:Good enough. All right. You know, I really want you to get some good out of this. All right. Now, I want you to really be. No acting. Really.


Coach:Okay. Let’s make it real. All right. Now. Start.

I feel like you’ve got your body to feel a bit better. That’s good.

Flunk. You’re wearing some valence there, right over your face, man. Okay? You be there. All right. No vias: you. Start.

Okay. That’s it. Now. What did you do then to confront me?

Student:I looked at you.

Coach:Okay. Did you do anything else to confront me? How about this interesting part?

Student:Yeah, I tried to outflow interest.

Coach:Mm-hm. Okay. Good enough. Can you find anything over here in which you can get interested, anything about me?


Coach:Okay. All right. Well, really be interested. Okay? And you find something interesting over here, you’ll be interested. Okay?


Coach: All right. Okay. Start.LRH: All right, this is the last one. We’ll end this demonstration in just a moment.

Coach:Very good. You’re looking a bit more relaxed there. Flunk. I didn’t tell you you could move your head. Start. Flunk, you didn’t start. Start. Okay. That’s it. Okay, now what did you do then to confront me?

Student:Looked at you.

Coach:Okay. Did you do anything else? Good enough. Okay. How was the interest that time?

Student:A lot better.

Coach:Okay. Do you feel that we got anything out of this drill?


Coach:Good. All right. Well, that’s the end of the drill. Okay?

Student:Thank you.

Coach: That’s it! Good! Well, there you go.LRH: All right. That demonstration there was quite interesting because, frankly, this student is pretty badly gimmicked up. Finally figured out the – what this was all about. The mark of a good coach here, and Gordon did very well there, but the mark of a good coach is the – his ability to find out. The mark of a good coach is the ability to find out what the – what the student is doing. And to poke it full of holes so that the student will come off these special things. And that last preclear, the last student, actually, was in the attitude of a pc to a marked degree, but was confronting with an idea. He was confronting with an idea. And that idea was what he was confronting with. Somebody told him at some time or another that all he had to do to confront was be aware of the pc and ever since that time he’s had ”be aware of the pc” sticking out in front of him. He himself has not been doing anything with the pc. Well, we’ll cure him of that here at Saint Hill. All right.

Well, now, we’ve got another demonstration. Now, you just carry on. Start.

Coach:All right. Okay. What we’ll be doing here is just simple TR 0 to start with.


Coach:And all I’m going to do is ask you to sit there, be comfortable and erect posture and simply confront me there. Confront me over here. You be here and be aware of me.

Student:Fair enough.

Coach:Okay. Is there anything you’d like to say before we start?


Coach:Okay. You set? Fine. All right, confront me. Start.LRH: They’re moving on into this. I noticed that Ann has the – some of the same tricks of her husband.


Coach:Okay. Flunk for talking. Start. Is it okay if we start?


Coach:All right. That’s it. Are you aware of not doing something in order to confront me here, you know? You know, something that you should – that you are avoiding doing here?

Student:Yes, fidgeting.

Coach:Okay. Is there anything else here that you’re avoiding doing?

Student:Yeah, it’s uh-uh – crossing my legs and, you know, just to, you know, shift them.

Coach:All right. Good enough. All right. Just put your attention over here on me.


Coach:And be aware of me – of me, don’t too much care about that. Just confront me. Start.LRH: Apparently both of these students have been trained on a ”You don’t confront, you suppress.” And I never saw such a suppressed auditor valence there in my life. And well, let’s give her the works on a professional attitude, an auditing attitude. Let’s give her the works on that.

Coach:All right. That’s it.


Coach:Let’s move on over here to the professional attitude portion of this.


Coach:Now, what – what to you is a professional auditing attitude? Tell me about it. What’s a professional auditing attitude?

Student:Well, having your attention on the pc.

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:Uh – and uh-uh just looking like an auditor, I suppose.

Coach:Oh, very good. All right, what would – what would looking like an auditor consist of?

Student:Uh …

Coach:Well, just tell – just tell me what looking like an auditor would consist of to you.

Student:I don’t know, I sort of think of um – well, I don’t want to use Ian’s term, but it is being interested in a pc.

Coach: All right.

Student:That’s true.

Coach: Well, all right. Anything else?

Student:Well, not having attention on yourself.

Coach:Mm-hm. Good. Anything else a professional auditing attitude would consist of?

Student:Well, not sloppy.

Coach:Just how do you mean that, not sloppy?

Student:Um – not slouchy. Uh – I don’t quite get that, sort of, I would say, to be relaxed.

Coach: Okay.

Student:And without looking sloppy. That’s all.

Coach: Well, good. Perfectly all right.

Student:Relaxed and interested is about …

Coach:All right. Fine. Then I’d like you to confront me with a professional auditing attitude here. All right. Start. A professional auditing attitude.

Student:Uh …

Coach:Confront me with a professional auditing attitude.

Flunk for laughing.


Coach:All right. That’s it. What did you do to confront me with that professional auditing attitude there?

Student:Uh, I put more effort into it, which I sort of, you know, realize isn’t what I’m supposed to be doing.

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:It was – it was an effort. Yeah, very much so.

Coach:Mm-hm. Okay. Tell me a little more about that. I’m not quite sure what you mean.

Student:I think of my face, it sort of tends to fidget and moves around here and uh – I try not to have, well, my attention on me rather than on you.

Coach:Uh-huh. All right. Now, tell me again just what a professional auditing attitude would be.

Student:Having your attention on your pc.

Coach:Mm-hm. Good. Anything else would be – anything more that would be a part of a professional auditing attitude?

Student:Just looking smart.

Coach: All right. What was that again?

Student:Looking smart.

Coach:Oh all right. Fine. Okay. Confront me with a professional auditing attitude. Start.

All right. That’s it. What did you do to confront me with a professional auditing attitude?

Student:Looked at you.

Coach: Very good. Did you do anything else?

Student:Yeah, I do seem to be aware of doing extra things.

Coach: Such as?

Student:Uh – well, having quite an effort to just sort of put my body there.

Coach:Mm-hm. Okay. Is there anything you’re aware of not doing, you know, just avoiding doing to have a professional auditing attitude?

Student:Uh – yeah, having attention on my face.

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:That sort of, does tend to, well, I don’t have a great deal of control over it. And often …LRH: We’ve got a student here, by the way, who has buttons. And you would ordinarily have a button-punching approach here to this type of pc. Because this type of pc’s a liability in an auditing session.

Student:I’m trying not to have my attention on my face or on this .

Coach: All right.

Student:That’s one thing.

Coach:All right. Thank you. Now, what, again, is a professional auditing attitude?

Student:Having your attention on the pc.

Coach:Very good. Anything more on that? A real professional auditing attitude, you know, just a real pro.LRH: The student is breaking up a little bit on this professional auditing attitude. I mean she can make it.

Student:I’m not totally certain o n it, you know …

Coach: All right.

Student:It’s just sort of having all your attention on your pc …

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:… and not any on yourself.

Coach:All right. Fine. Then confront me with a professional auditing attitude. All right? Start.

All right, that’s it. What did you do to confront me with that professional auditing attitude? What did you do?

Student:More attention on you.

Coach:Very good. Anything else you did there, to have a real professional attitude?


Coach:Okay. Anything that you didn’t do there in order to have a professional auditing attitude? Avoided.


Coach: Mm-hm. What?

Student:Avoided having as much attention on myself as I did have.

Coach: Ahh.

Student:I want to try it again, on that thing.

Coach:All right. Thank you. Okay. How is that different than simple TRs?LRH: This student, by the way, is getting someplace under this coaching. Now, let’s pull an interested attitude.


Student:Ah …

Coach:Do you notice any difference in how you are doing this than sim – than confronting? Anything – this is above confronting and beyond.

Student:Yeah. A bit more relaxed.

Coach:All right. Very good. All right, we’re going to move on to an interested auditing attitude. Now, just that, you know.


Coach: Yeah. Interested auditing attitude.

Student:You mean the auditor being interested and sort of being an interested auditor.

Coach: Yeah, that’s – that’s the idea.

Student:Interesting or just interested?

Coach: No, interested.


Coach:Interested auditing attitude. Could you sort of describe to me an interested auditing attitude?

Student:Well, I get the idea of a pc, you know, cockeyed listening with one ear. But you know, just listening to the pc, with your attention on him.

Coach: Very good.


Coach:Good. All right. Is there anything else that you – that an auditor would do to have a real interested attitude now? You know, interested attitude there.

Student:We’ll just make sure he listens, that’s all. To have his attention put there and not sort of all around the jazz around the room.

Coach:Uh-huh. All right. Very good. Then confront me with an interested auditing attitude. Okay?


Coach:Very good. Interested auditing attitude. Start.

All right. That’s it. What did you do to confront me with an interested auditing attitude?

Student:I moved forward a little.

Coach:Mm-hm. All right. Anything else you did to uh – to have a real interested auditing attitude?


Coach: All right. Very good.

Student:Not anything else I can think of.

Coach:Okay. That’s fine. Now, tell me again, what is – what is an interested auditing attitude? You know ,just …

Student:Well, a person who looks as if they’re interested in the fellow at the other end of it.

Coach:All right. Very good. Is there anything special you’d do to look as though you were interested there?

Student:I don’t think so.

Coach: All right. Fine.

Student:There’s a…

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:I think, no, there shouldn’t be, but I think – suspect that, yes, I do. Uh – I get the idea I cock my eyebrow, I think.

Coach:Hmm. Very good. All right, we’ll see how this goes then.

Student:I didn’t get that.

Coach:We’ll see how this goes and we’ll do it again here, go back and see if there’s anything else that comes up.


Coach:All right. I’d like you to confront me with a – just – a – you’re the auditor here, you know?


Coach: Very interested attitude. Okay?


Coach: All right. Start.

Student:Uh – I’m not doing it. Sorry.

Coach: All right. That’s it. What happened?LRH: Of course, it cracked her up and she gets flunked of course, she gets flunked for grinning.



Coach:All right. Thank you. Now can I have a confront with an interested auditing attitude. Start.

I’m the pc, you know. Just be interested.

Student:All right.

Coach:All right. Just confront me. Interested auditing attitude.

All right. That’s it. What did you do to confront with an interested auditing attitude there? To be – be an interested auditor?

Student:Um – looked at you, yeah.

Coach: Okay.

Student:Well, I was sure I put more attention on you than other things.

Coach:Uh-huh. Okay. Is there anything you didn’t do or avoided doing, you stopped yourself from doing, you know, that you held down yourself from doing – held yourself down from doing something?


Coach: Uh-huh.

Student:And uh – being aware of the rest of my body.

Coach: Uh-huh.

Student:This is sort of hard for me to have to sit here.

Coach:Very good. All right. Is there anything that you shouldn’t do beyond this to have an interested auditing attitude? That you really shouldn’t do?

Student:Keep busy shifting.

Coach:All right. Fine. Is there anything that you shouldn’t do to have an interested auditing attitude?

Student:Um, yes…LRH: As soon as you get her flattened off on that a little bit, why, give her a ”That’s it, end of demonstration.”

Coach: All right. I didn’t quite hear that.

Student:Have your attention on yourself; you haven’t got your attention on your pc.

Coach: Well, very good. All right.

I’d like to do this again now. Interested auditing attitude – could you tell me again just briefly what it is.

Student:Having your attention on your pc and not on yourself.

Coach:All right. Fine. All right, confront with an interested auditing attitude. Start.

All right. Very good. That’s it.


Coach:Okay? Did you notice anything there that you did in order to confront with an interested auditing attitude?

Student:No, I thought it was a bit – a little bit better perhaps. I sort of got more interest on you than – than I have had.

Coach:Very good. All right. We’re going to end this off in a couple of seconds. What was that again? I cut you off.

Student:I seem to have more attention on you now than I had on you before.

Coach:Very good. Okay. Is there anything different, anything more to having an interested auditing attitude than simply to confronting? You know, anything – anything you noticed there that’s additional to an interested auditing attitude?

Student:That I’m doing as an additional auditing attitude?

Coach:No. I’m sorry, I’m not getting that across to you. Is there anything that is more to an interested auditing attitude, you know …

Student:Than just sitting there.

Coach:… than just – and confronting – is there anything more to it?


Coach:Okay. Anything more to an interested auditing attitude than confronting?

Student:Oh, yeah, being willing to duplicate the pc, sort of willing to have him as he is.

Coach: All right.

Student:Without alter-ising him all the time.

Coach:Okay. Fine. All right, I’d like to end this off here.


Coach: Thank you. All right. That’s it.

Student:Thank you.

Coach: End of demonstration.LRH: All right. This was a very interesting demonstration in view of the fact of tremendous difference between the advanced student doing the coaching and the person being the student, because the last two students have only been here since Monday, just three, four days. And we’ve got a big deal here of some kind or another of – there’s a lot of systematized confrontings. And you understand that this idea of telling them to be interesting and telling them this and telling them that and so forth is simply to run out the buttons so they just don’t keep on confronting by a system. And really, this can be stepped up to where you can break up almost anybody’s confront. All right. Now, we’ve got another one going here. All right. Start.

Coach:All right, Ian, what we’re going to do is some


Coach:Sorry. Norman, what we’re going to do is some TR 0. And I’d like you to tell me what you understand about TR 0.

Student:Just to be here and confront you.

Coach:All right. Very good. Now, I’m going to give you a ”Start” and a ”That’s it” when I want to tell you something. All right? And I want you to just relax – just relax your body. All right. Fine. And just sit there and confront me. All right. Start.

All right. That’s it. Now, how do you feel about the space. You know, how big …


Coach:All right. Well, how big is your space?

Student:The room.

Coach:Good. Well, am I included in your space?

Student:Of course.

Coach:All right, very good. Now, just relax your body, a bit more. Terribly tense over here. Just relax, okay?


Coach:Just let go. Just let your body flop a bit. Go on, just relax your body All right?

Student:I feel relaxed.

Coach:Okay. Very good. Now, I want you to be there and confront me. Start.

All right, I’m going to flunk you. Uh – you’re staring at me. I want you to confront me. All right?


Coach: Start.LRH: She’s got him into pretty good shape there. Actually, he’s a caved-in – chest sort of a confront. He’s not confronting with a lot of things. And it’s a similar case: He’s got a lot of not-confront going on here. He’s probably confronting with an idea and not confronting with the chest, with the body at all. So, it might be of benefit to find out what idea he is confronting with.

Coach:Okay. That’s it. Now, Norman, I’d like you to tell me what, you know, you’re confronting me with? What do you feel you’re confronting me with?

Student:Fin just confronting you. But I was sort of trying to listen to what he was talking about.

Coach: I get it.


Coach:All right. Well, just – just relax a bit more, get your body you know, in the chair …

Student:Yeah, I think it’s the word ”relax” that might have a hypnotic command. You know?

Coach:I see. All right, well if I used ”easy” would that be better?

Student:That’s ne, I know what you really mean; it just bugs me because I used to use it.

Coach:All right. Very good. Now, you’ve got your – I mean – your stomach and chest sticking out here. Just relax. Get your body in its proper – putting it nicely. That’s fine. Now, you be there and you confront me. Start.

That’s much better. All right.

All right. That’s it. Now, you’re sort of tipping over to the side there. Can you feel that?


Coach:All right. Just get your body relaxed …

Student:I’m confronting you more with one side of my backside. You know?

Coach:I see. All right. Very good. Well, just, you know, just get your body easy, nice. You be there and you confront me. Start.

That’s it. You’re still tipping over to the side there. Can you feel it?

Student:I always sit like this.

Coach:Oh, I see. All right. Well, just – just straighten up, you know, prop yourself up a bit. That’s much better.

Student:Am I okay now?

Coach: Yeah, that’s much better.

Student:I can’t always tell when I’m doing it.

Coach: All right. Now, just relax.


Coach: Okay. Start.

LRH: This student’s confront, actually, is pretty grim. He’s got some kind of a glee, g-l-e-e, going on there. You could very easily break him up, and so forth. And actually, the coach ought to walk forward to shattering the false composure he is sitting there in.

Coach:All right. That’s it. Now, I sort of feel there’s something real solid sitting there in front of me.

Student:It could be my bank.

Coach: All right. Fine. Well, just, you know, just get your body relaxed. Okay? y


Coach: All right, some more.

Student:I need to …

Coach:Just let your body flop. You know? Just – just hunch over a little bit. All right? Let your head drop. Go on. Just drop – just relax.

Student:I wouldn’t be comfortable.

Coach: Just try it.

Student:I don’t know how.

Coach:Just relax your body completely. More. Just a bit more. Let it go.

Student:I don’t understand – let what go?

Coach: Forget about the people.

Student:No, I’m not interested in them.

Coach: All right.

Student:I’d like to know how to do it.

Coach:All right, just let your body relax. You know? That’s much better. All right. Now, I want you to be there. All right? Just you be there and confront me. Now – now …

Student:Okay. Yeah.

Coach:I was – just before I was going to give you the start, I just felt you building this up again. Now, just let it relax. You know, just you relax, sorry.


Coach:And you confront me. All right? Okay. All right, start.

Now, that’s very much better.

All right. I’m going to flunk you for thinking, now, uhh …

Student:I am. I didn’t feel as comfortable as when I started.

Coach: I see. All right.

Student:I felt I was very here when I started. But I don’t feel like that. I feel like I’m trying to do something.

Coach: Mmm.

Student:You know, I’m trying to confront. And I – I don’t want to try to do it. I – I was comfortable, sat up straight …

Coach: Mmm.

Student:and comfortable just sitting here, like when I started.

Coach:All right.

Student:I did – to try to collapse, I’m trying to do something and I don’t like it.

Coach: Well, how are you trying to do this?

Student: Well I’m trying to sit the way you want me to.

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:And I’m trying to sit the way you expect me to, you know the way you’re telling me.

Coach: I get it.

Student:Uh – I – I sit up. When I sit down anywhere I sit up. I sit erect. I’m comfortable.

Coach: All right.

Student:I’m very comfortable.

Coach:All right. Well, are you sitting relaxed now?


Coach:All right. Very good. Now, I just want you to be there now …


Coach: … and you confront me.


Coach: All right. Start.LRH: He’s having quite a time here. I said he could be rattled. And you heard how rattled he was starting to get. Now, he’d rattle the same way under a pc that started to fall to pieces. So it’s much to his advantage as an auditor to get this broken up as early as possible. And, actually, he ought to be wracked up even more than he is being wracked up there by Mazie.

Coach:All right. That’s it. Now, uh – which way are you sort of aware of holding

Your body?

Student:This way.

Coach:That way. All right. Uh – you’re tilting it which way, which side?

Student:I’m intentionally tilting it uh – so that this lowers because this shoulder is lower than this one.

Coach: I see.

Student:Normally. And I know in TR 0 …

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:… I’m going to get flunked for it. So I purposely push myself forward like this and raise this shoulder. I’m intentionally doing that, but when I’m auditing I just sit with this shoulder lower than the other one.

Coach:I see. All right. Well, let’s see if the body can relax, let it relax …


Coach:… so that you are there and you communicate across to me. All right?


Coach:Okay. Are you feeling more relaxed now?

Student:Yeah, I feel fine.

Coach:All right. Fine. Now, you be there and you confront me. Start.

All right. I’m going to flunk you. You’ve still got your body tilted over to the side.


Coach:So I’m going to correct that for you. All right?


Coach: Well, how does that feel?

Student:Feels fine.

Coach:All right. Are you aware of any change from before?

Student:No. Not much.

Coach:Okay. Just going to get this straight over there. All right. Now, just relax. Okay. That’s fine. I feel you’re much more here than when we started. All right?

Student:Fine. Yeah.

Coach:Good. Now, you communicate across to me and you confront me. Start.LRH: I think we ought to ask this student for an amused auditing attitude. How would he look if he were amused. Because he actually looks like he’s on the verge of laughing. And actually, it’d be murderous for a pc to be audited with that expression.

Coach:All right. That’s it. Now, Norman, I want you to show me an amused auditing attitude.


Coach: All right?

Student: Christ! Really?

Coach: Mm-hm. Well before you …

Student:What do you mean amused?

Coach:Oh, well, you tell me what you understand by an amused auditing attitude.

Student:Well, immediately I thought of a joke I have with somebody, about an acknowledgment. It goes: Yeah, okay, yeah, all right, I heard what you said. And I sound somewhat amused, I mean, for me to be amused I’d have to sit with my legs crossed like this and just sneering.

Coach:All right. Very good. Well, you show me an amused auditing attitude. Okay. When I say ”start,” you can do anything you like to show me an amused auditing attitude. All right. Start.

Student:Well, that’s ridiculous.

Coach: Go on. Very good. Carry on.

Student:Just take my frowning off.

Coach: All right. Good. Fine.


Coach:Just give it a go, you know. Just show me an amused auditing attitude. Let yourself go.

Student:This twitch is purposeful.

Coach:Mm-hm. All right. And some more. Let it go.

Student:I think this is better than the way I confront the other way, you know.

Coach:All right. Very good. Now, just carry on. You’re doing fine. How about leering at me and grinning.

Student:I don’t think I can do that now.

Coach: Uh-huh.

Student:I’m not really amused.

Coach: I see. All right.

Student:I don’t know what an amused auditing attitude is.

Coach: Mm.

Student:I really don’t.

Coach:All right. Well, that’s it. Okay. Well, that was very good. Okay? How did you feel doing that?

Student:I was acting. Because I don’t know what an amused auditing attitude is.

Coach: I see.

Student:I really don’t. When I think of an amused auditing attitude, I think of my – me being amused, at an auditor, who has some type of sarcastic attitude. You know?

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:But I don’t see one.

Coach:And as an auditor, what do you understand by amused auditing attitude?

Student:Well, if the preclear told me something funny I’d laugh. I’d be amused.

Coach: All right. Very good.

Student:I think it would be all right, you know, if the preclear thought it was funny and uh – when we’re in session and I felt like laughing, I’d laugh. I’d be amused.

Coach:All right. Very good. Well, how about showing me that.

Student:I can’t laugh now, you haven’t said anything funny.

Coach:All right. Well, I’d like you to put that on for me. Okay? I’ll give you a start and I’d like for you to do that.

Student:Oh, boy.

Coach: All right? Start.

Student:That’s very funny, you know.

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:Well, that’s it. I would always smile and be amused.

Coach:All right. That’s it. That was very good. Okay? All right. How are you doing?

Student:Okay. That attitude that I just showed you is closer to my normal attitude when I’m auditing than when I first walked in.

Coach:All right. Very good. I’d like you to relax and let’s get back to TR 0 …


Coach: … and see how you do now. Okay?

Student:Yeah. Mm-hm.

Coach:All right. Now, you be there and you confront me. Start.

That’s very much better.

All right. That’s it. How do you feel about your body now, you know …

Student:Well, I’m feeling more comfortable.

Coach: All right.

Student:And I feel better. Uh …

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:I did what I was normally expected to do for TR 0 – is to sit erect. Well, I always sit erect anyway as I said.

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:But, um – I have to try to please the – the coach.

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:Now, that was what I was trying to do.

Coach: I see.

Student:This way I feel much more relaxed. I’m doing it – I’m confronting you.

Coach:Okay. Very good. All right. Now, I don’t want you to try …


Coach:… or try to impress me or anything like that.


Coach:I just want you to be there and you confront me. All right?

Student:Yeah. Sure.

Coach:And you just get your body relaxed again. There’s still a tendency to …

Student:Sometimes I can’t tell which way my head goes.

Coach: Uh-huh.

Student:Uh, I – I can’t always tell when it’s tilted.

Coach:I see. All right. Very good. Well, now you just relax and you confront me. Okay?


Coach: Start.

You break up.

All right. That’s it. Well, that was very much better. Now, I want you to relax even more. You know? This tenseness is coming across to me terribly. Okay?


Coach:All right. Now, just relax your body. Even more. You know? Just get there real easy. That’s good. That’s much better. How do you feel?


Coach:Good. All right. Now, I want you to communicate across to me. All right. Start.LRH: All right. Get him to do something there. And find out if he’s had any gains from the session. And then close it off.

Coach:Okay. All right. That’s it. Okay. Now, what I want you to do this time is be even more here. All right? More relaxed.


Coach: Can you do that?

Student:I’ll try. Now, the thing that bugs me is you keep saying communicate to you and …

Coach: Uh-huh.

Student: … and I’ve always considered that – should uh – my willing – commun – uh – my confront is the willingness to see what I’m looking at and to receive communication. And you’re sort of twisting that around a little bit; I never thought of it – that isn’t to say I haven’t communicated to …

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student: … a preclear, but …

Coach: I understand.

Student:… you know, the idea is that – the willingness to receive communication.

Coach:All right. Very good. Well, as the auditor …


Coach: Um – who really sets the session up?

Student:Do I get a pass if I answer?

The auditor.

Coach: All right.


Coach:Well, very good. Okay. Now, let’s just have this once more for a few minutes …


Coach:… and I want, you know, real good TR 0 here. And I really want to feel that you’re there, you know, confronting me.


Coach: All right. Start.

All right. That’s it. Okay. That was very much better. Okay. Now, how did you find this coaching?

Student:Very good.

Coach: All right.

Student:Very good. Yeah. I’m glad you didn’t ask me for a professional attitude I’d have charged you a professional fee.

Coach:Okay. Anything else about the coaching?

Student:No, it was very good. I felt much better towards the end than when I started. I was a little nervous, but other than that I’m still better at the end. I felt more relaxed at the end than the beginning.

Coach: All right. Very good.

Student:Thank you.

Coach:All right. Well, it’s the end of the coaching now, all right?

Student:Fine, yeah.

Coach: That’s it.

Student:Thank you.LRH: Okay. He had quite a difficulty there of one sort or another. This – he’s very easily broken up. And in actual fact, why, in a tense situation, and so forth, he would tend to shatter, he would tend to go all to pieces on a pc. Now, he’d have to be gotten out of that. Of course, these are very short demonstrations, you understand, very, very short demonstrations. All right. And we’re just going to do TR 0. Uh, go right ahead, Tony.

Coach:Okay. Well, I’ve just been given the go – ahead. And what we’re going to do is, for a short time, some TR 0.


Coach:Now, do you know what the purpose of this is?

Student:The purpose of the drill?

Coach: Yes.

Student:Yeah. It’s just to confront you.

Coach:Very good. Now, that’s all I want you to do.


Coach: All right. You read?


Coach: Good. You relaxed?

Student:Yeah, I think so.

Coach: Okay.


That’s it.


Coach: All right. Now, I said ”start. . .


Coach:… it took you a little time to get there.

Student:Yeah. That’s right.

Coach: Okay. And you’re still doing that.


Coach: All right. Now, really be there …


Coach:…and confront me.

Student:All right.

Coach: Start.

That’s better.

That’s it. You’ve gone off again.


Coach: Now, be there and confront me.


Coach: All right. Start.

That’s it.


Coach:Flunk for moving. Also, you had gone off again.


Coach: Now, you get there.


Coach: Is it all right to be there?

Student:Yeah. Sure.

Coach: Good. All right.

Student:All right.

Coach:Start. That’s it. You didn’t start. You didn’t confront me immediately when I said ”start.”


Coach:When I say ”start,” you confront me immediately.


Coach:All right. Are you feeling pretty comfortable with all this …

Student:Yeah. Sure.

Coach: … jazz and so on.


Coach: All right. Start.

That’s good.

Flunk. You’re going off again. Start.LRH: The difference here watching coaches who have been here for a long time at Saint Hill and watching these students who have just come recently is quite remarkable. Because, of course, the coach is doing a fabulous job of confronting and makes the student look awfully bad. Actually, Joy isn’t doing too bad a job here, but she’s confronting quite woodenly and she’d be very easy to break up. Now, let’s find an auditing attitude on her, or a professional auditing attitude, or an interested auditing attitude. Let’s break up that graven – in – marble.

Coach: That’s it. All right now.

Student:It is?

Coach: All right now. Did you hear that?

Student:No, I didn’t.

Coach: Okay.

Student:I was all agog to hear, but I didn’t.

Coach: All right.


Coach:Well, now, we want, first of all, what is a professional attitude?

Student:Well to me, a professional attitude is knowing your onions.

Coach: Very good.


Coach: All right, well can you show me that?

Student:Uh – yeah., I guess so. It would include feeling fairly confident …

Coach: Yes.

Student:… and I realize it’s a via, but I think that if you try to put across – in an endeavor to put across confidence, that would be a via of being professional.

Coach: All right. Ver good.

Student:All right.

Coach: Now, I want you to show me …


Coach: … a professional attitude.

Student:All right.

Coach: Start.

That’s it. How did you do?

Student:How did I do?

Coach: Yes.

Student:Well, I felt there that I was actually putting the idea across, ”Well, but I know what I’m doing, I know my onions. Can you see it?”

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:Uh – that was the via I was using.

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:Uh – confronting with an idea there. And trying to make the idea solid that there was this professional quality around.

Coach:Mm-hm. All right. Now, I want to point out something to you here – I got what you said there.


Coach: When you’re talking to me …


Coach: … there’s something different going on to when you’re just sitting there. Now, what is it?

Student:Something different going on?

Coach:As far as your confronting is concerned. Now, what’s the difference?

Student:Oh, well, the difference when I’m talking to you is that I’m just totally relaxed and just being myself, just being quite willing to be here and talk to you.

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:Uh – when I – when I put on this confronting attitude for you I’m actually taking the via and putting it there, well, to put the apparency there.

Coach: Okay. I get that.


Coach:Now, what you’re – what you’re doing here or – or not doing when you’re talking to me …


Coach:… can you just sit there and do that? Or not do it?

Student:Well, then I wouldn’t be uh – laying on the professional attitude.

Coach: Well, let’s just say …

Student:This confuses me a little.

Coach: All right.


Coach:Well, let’s just – are you getting what I’m getting at here?

Student:Well, I don’t think I am actually, uh, Tony. Because when I’m not laying on the professional attitude for you, I’m just, you know just being.

Coach: Hm.

Student:And, what I – what I understand here is the idea of actually putting across the professional attitude …

Coach: Mm-hm.

Student:… uh – to show up the via.

Coach:Mm-hm. All right. Well, I just want to try this for a minute. I want you to just …

Student:I see.

Coach:The difference I see is when you’re talking to me you’re with me.

Student:That’s right. Yes.

Coach:Now, I want you to just sit there and be with me.

Student:All right. Very good.

Coach: Just see how this goes for a minute.


Coach: Start.

That’s it.


Coach: How did that seem to you?

Student:Well, that seemed more relaxed. It didn’t seem particularly professional. It just, you know, just seemed me.

Coach:All right. Very good. All right, now, let’s get back to this professional attitude.


Coach:Just once again define what is a professional attitude.

Student:Well, a professional attitude could be the idea of putting across that you know your onions and you’re very confident and uh, well, dressing yourself up in fine feathers, I guess.

Coach:All right. Good. Well, show me a professional attitude.

Student:All right.

Coach: Start.

That’s it. That was good.


Coach: Did you notice the difference then?

Student:Yes, I felt the difference.

Coach: Yes. That’s the best you’ve done.

Student:Well, the point is that I felt like I was getting across what – uh – the idea or the via.

Coach: Mm-hm.


Coach:Very good. All right. Now, let’s take a couple more of these, here. What is an interesting attitude? Define it.

Student:Interesting or interested?

Coach: I’m sorry, I flubbed it.


Coach: What’s an interested attitude?

Student:Um – well I feel an interested attitude, uh – well, it’s just – just putting across being interested. But I feel that if you have to put it across, you’re not really interested.

Coach: All right.

Student: Anyway, an interested attitude is trying to emanate interest or emanating interest to the person in front of you. Trying to put across the idea that you are very interested in – uh – in him or her.

Coach:Very good. All right. You show me an interested attitude.


Coach: Start.LRH: We’ve got an awful lot of gimmicks and tricks here mixed up in this confront. It’s got to be worked over pretty hard, actually. Pc – I mean the student there is sitting there looking alluring at the present moment.

Coach:All right. That’s it.

Student:I felt an absolute fraud, Tony.

Coach: All right.

Student:I felt I was pulling all sorts of things out of the bag.

Coach:All right. Well, have you got any different idea here on what an interesting attitude is?

Student:Um, uh – well, uh – as I said I just felt an absolute fraud when I was laying that on. I felt I was pulling tricks out of the bag and, uh …

Coach: Yes.

Student:… you know, I felt that I was putting across using my eyes in order to convey interest and um, using a slight facial expression in order to convey interest.

Coach: All right.

Student:The whole thing just felt like a total fraud to me.

Coach:All right. Fine. Very good. All right. Now, you observed that.

Student:Oh, yeah, sure I did.

Coach:Now, now, you did tell me a little while ago about the difference between real attitude of some sort and something that’s laid on.


Coach:What’s a real interested attitude? What is that?

Student:Well, a real interested – well it – well it would just be an interested attitude, just being there.

Coach: All right. Can you show me that?

Student:I’ll try to.

Coach:All right, well, don’t try, just show me. All right.

Student:Very good.

Coach: Show me that …

Student:All right.

Coach: … an interested attitude. Start.

That’s it. Flunk, you’re moving.


Coach: Start.

That’s it. All right.

Student:I felt I was using exactly the same vias again. I don’t seem to be able to get away from them.

Coach:All right. Well, I’ll tell you what I’ll do here.


Coach: Um – we’ll do this again.


Coach:And any vias that I see you using, I’m going to flunk you for them.

Student:All right. Very good.

Coach: Let’s see how we go with that.

Student:All right.

Coach:All right. Now, show me an interested attitude. Start.

That’s it.


Coach: Flunk. Your eyes are moving around.


Coach:And – uh – actually you were confronting me with movement there.

Student:I see.

Coach:All right. Now, from now on I won’t say, ”That’s it,” I’ll just say ”Flunk.” You keep on doing it.

Student:Very good.

Coach: All right.

Student:All right.

Coach:There something you wanted to say to me?

Student:Uh – no. But, uh – you’re just going to flunk me and not tell me what you’re flunking me for.

Coach:No, I’ll tell you what I’m flunking you for.

Student:Oh, all right.

Coach:But I won’t say, ”That’s it.” I want you to keep doing it.

Student:Good. I’ll do that.

Coach: All right. Confront me. Start.

Flunk. You’re moving your head.

Flunk. You’re blinking your eyes; fluttering your eyelids.

Flunk. You’re confronting me with movement.


Coach: All right. That’s it.


Coach:Now, around your neck here, all around here, it’s turning red.


Coach:Now, you’re confronting me with that part of your body.

Student:Actually, I’m not surprised at that. I’ve got terrific masses around here. I have had all day. I’ve been totally aware of them.

Coach:All right. Well, now, uh – are you aware of doing anything with that part of your body?

Student:Yes, I am.

Coach: Good.

Student:I – I’m actually aware of – uh – tremendous mass around here, uh – tremendous heaviness. I’m actually aware of using this part of my body here.

Coach: Hm.

Student:Pushing it out. You know? I’m holding out and pushing up all around here. I’m totally aware of that.

Coach:Mm. All right. Well, let’s see if you can confront me now …


Coach: … without doing that.

Student:Very good.

Coach: All right. Start.

Flunk. You’re pushing the side of your face out.


Coach:Start. All right. Now, be here. Confront me.


Coach:You’re going off.LRH: All right. Finish that up and find out if she’s had any gains and end it off.

Coach:That’s it.


Coach: All right. Now, how did you do then?

Student:Uh, well I came off the actual laying on of interest. But – um – I feel that I’ve actually – um – I’ve got something out of this.

Coach: Very good.

Student:I do feel that I’ve come through quite a bit. And it’s – it’s real to me how even a short period of – of this confronting drill can actually get you through and help you to be there.

Coach: All right.

Student:I feel very much more here than when we came in.

Coach:Very good. All right. Well, is it all right with you if we end off the drill now?


Coach:Good. All right. Thank you. End of drill.

Student:All right. Thank you, Tony.LRH: All right. Take a ten-minute break and I’ll give you a talk on this.