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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Basic Process on Time, Survival Pace (3ACC-27) - L540118 | Сравнить
- Processing Time on a Group (3ACC-29) - L540118 | Сравнить
- Time Barrier (3ACC-26) - L540118 | Сравнить
- Time Sense, Particles, Survival Pace (3ACC-28) - L540118 | Сравнить



Lecture 28 - Disc 32
A Lecture Given on 18 January 1954
44 Minutes

Amd this is the afternoon lecture of January the 18th, 1954.

You have some feeling, obviously, at this stage of the game and it’s very funny that I was going to talk about this very thing and it happened to come up at this very moment: as soon as you start running the processes which we’re running, an individual’s “time sense,” so called, starts having things happen to it. You can fully expect this to occur with your preclear. If it doesn’t occur, then you just aren’t auditing him on these particles and differentiations. Something is wrong-the way you’re auditing him.

Communication lag and time sense are intimately connected and an individual who has a long communication lag can be particularly liable to this disruption of time sense because you’re directly mauling his survival pace. And his time sense starts to go off and it gets better and it gets worse and it gets foggy and it gets stretched and it gets condensed in various ways.

Now, you’re going to have to readjust somebody’s time sense and put him in—to a large degree-put him in command of time, for him to have a change of survival pace.

Now, there are many ways we can go about exteriorization and better exteriorization. And most of these ways are infinitely tricky. They are very tricky. As a matter of fact, there isn’t anybody I can’t fish out of his head in a relatively short space of time. To expect him to stay there without an adequate adjustment of his time sense is asking a little too much, because he is unable to impose space between two terminals.

Now, let’s go back to 8-80 and we discover that in 8-80 an individual is able to interpose, at will, space between terminals in ratio to how well-off he is. In other words, an individual is as well-off and has as much (quote) “force” (unquote) or (quote) “power” (unquote) or (quote) “personal magnetism” (unquote) or (quote) “competence” (unquote) or (quote) “confidence” (unquote) as he is able to impose space or delete space from between two terminals. Now, any particle is a terminal and so you see what the combination is there. You see that?

Now, Change of Space auditing is far, far too drastic for a case of IV, V, VI and VII. It’s just plain too drastic. A person in his body, not exteriorized, holding on madly, that you start to run between points A and В in the universe, will to some degree go there. He will at least put terminals in these two places, he will at least reach for them, withdraw from them. And the next thing you know, you have some tremendous somatic turn on or the individual becomes frantic and wants to run away. And if you care to conduct this experiment, you will find that you can classify a group simply by running Change of Space Processing in this wise: “Be in the next room.” “Be in your home.” “Be in this room.” “Be in the next room.” “Be in your home.” “Be in this room.” And after you’ve run that for a very short space of time, your cases IV and below will have either left the group, become ill or will simply be sitting there in a dazed apathy. They want nothing more to do with this.

Now, if you persist and keep it up, you will turn on some of the finest somatics they have ever had and they’re liable to be chronic for two or three days. So obviously this process is not the approach for somebody who is not yet exteriorized. Because you’re asking him to impose space, one way or the other, between a couple of terminals-which is to say, his body and home, his body and the next room, even his body and this room. And as you ask him to do this, then, you’re asking him to generate power.

Well, as soon as you start asking him to generate power, all he does is turn on the juice into his automaticities which furnish him somatics and so forth. You disarrange his power supply lines and he gets into some interesting states, to say the least. In view of the fact that he’s holding on very hard, this generally subsides in about three days, sometimes ten days. But this is merely a manifestation of imposing or deleting space between terminals.

Now, in view of the fact that time itself depends upon an ability to recognize the change of position of actual particles, MEST universe time is, then, to some degree, dependent upon this power ability. A person is unwilling to impose space between two terminals and yet, in the MEST universe we find space between those two terminals. And the individual then puts force and power of his own against these two terminals in order to crush them together or stretch them apart, as the case may be, and fails to do so. This leaves him stuck with a pattern of these particles in his own universe and in his own bank. You understand that?

Now, he has a bypass circuit which comes back to the MEST universe, by the way, but we won’t tamper with that just now. The point is that we’ve left him hung up on the time track. If you don’t believe this, you can take a small boy or a man and ask him to stand between the sides of a door and press very hard with the backs of his hands against the sides of the door and stand there for two or three minutes pressing very hard in that fashion. You see, his hands are down and the backs of them are against the sides of the open door and you simply ask him to shove against the open door. Now, you ask him to step out away from the open door and his arms will go up in the air. Well, that power that he put into it there must still be persisting. And if you ask somebody who has just done this to feel the pressure of the open door again, they can with great ease. In other words, there is, in small view, sticking somebody slightly on a time track.

Well now, an individual can be stuck just endlessly, you might say-1 mean, that’s stated wrong, he’s not stuck-but an individual can put energy against things and pull energy out of things and in general handle energy indefinitely without suffering any symptoms whatsoever. And as a matter of fact, he jolly well better had handle energy of various kinds if he’s going to stay around this universe.

But it is only when he has recognizably failed and refused to fail, at the same time on the same line, that brings him into a condition where he has a number of patterns of particles which remain a duplicate of past forces and energies. And there’s just as much force and energy in his bank as he has exerted in the past that has failed.

Now, he has to be up above the level of failure in order for him to continue on down the track and exert a great deal of power and energy and force. It is his fear of energy and his fear of failure which in themselves are aberrative and the reason why he continues to keep these patterns around. You see, he tries to close terminals with them and they are not to be closed terminals with. And he resists them, he resists failure and finally becomes a failure. This sort of thing continues on indefinitely, but this individual is not in present time who is doing this. The concatenation of experiences has at last (quote) “taught him” (unquote) that he will do nothing but fail and so he keeps all his past failures around in a highly restimulated state in order to prove it. The highest level on this is “prove it,” convincing, so forth.

I received a letter from some ambulant escapee from a state sanitarium this morning who said that “Yes, the evident truth of what I was saying was very evident, but what it really needed was for someone to come along and prove it and for me to prove it very convincingly.” He didn’t happen to realize just exactly where he was dramatizing.

It isn’t up to me to prove it. And it isn’t up to him to sit around and wait for it to be proven. If he thinks he wants to make something better out of his life and the lives of others, then he’d really better get in and pitch, he’d better find out himself.

But the level of knowingness of a person to whom something has to be proven is quite low, of course. Things are either true or they’re not true and when you start adding proof on top of it, you’re in a continuous “prove it, it’s true, it’s not true” and all of that, right on down the line. Well, time factors alter from case to case, very markedly, and it’s most observable in the communication lag. It would surprise you that some people who think they are talking-who are talking very slow, think they are talking quite rapidly. They think they are being pressured, they feel that they are being rushed in their speech and yet they are uttering speech at the rate of twenty-five, twenty words a minute. And they think that this is just a giddy speed.

And other people who are speaking at two hundred words a minute feel they are talking very slowly. This is just a matter of speed.

So slow and fast, like bad and good, are matters of consideration. That’s all they are, they’re just matters of consideration. A few years ago, somebody going down the road at twenty miles an hour in an automobile was considered a speed demon and was liable to arrest. Nowadays he gets cursed if he isn’t going fifty. Just consideration against survival pace: how fast do they think they have to go in order to keep on going?

Well, you can expect your preclear to manifest various things, such as upset with the length of time he’s being audited-with the length of auditing sessions and so forth. The second you start to run these formulas here about particles, he will get upset. And I don’t mean that he’ll get mildly upset, he will get very upset sometimes. It’d seem to him as he sat there for an hour and a half, it’d seem to him that he was audited for ten minutes. Or it would seem to him as he sat there for an hour and a half that he was audited five hours.

A person who does not, by one session, get an upset time sense isn’t being audited well. Upset his time sense. And that is a little higher than communication lag. You better change his communication lag. Well, you don’t ask about a person’s time sense, you ask about his perception changes.

Therefore, an individual time lag and an individual communication lag are comparable things. But they are not the same thing. Time is the co-motion of particles and a communication is a uniform flow of an impulse or particle. Time is not composed of the co-action of impulses. It is composed of the co-action of particles.

An individual, then, can communicate instantaneously. And time can’t go instantaneously unless it itself is theta, which is a no-particle problem. Now don’t think, too, that the individual can’t manufacture particles. He can. And he can put them on a different time sense. And it’s quite amazing to some people in this universe to have some thetan figure something out, spend a long time doing it according to him, you see, test it in numerous ways and then give him the data, because in MEST universe time, a second elapsed. And yet the thetan went off and wandered around and thought about it and leaned against the molding and the Sun and did a terrific number of things, merely because he was flying free from the co-action of particles. So therefore, time was to him meaningless. He made his own timespan. He merely said, “Now, I’m going to take a long time,” did, and came back a second later.

Well, time is an arbitrary of this universe or an arbitrary of any universe, which means “What is the rate of change of particles relative to my consideration?” You see, that’s “the relativity always comes back to my consideration.” “What is the rate of change?” A person says this to himself.

And then when he gets into interpersonal relationships, he says, “according to my and their considerations.” And then when he first enters into interpersonal relationships, it’s “theirs” compared to “their” relationships and he doesn’t consider that he’s being asked about it at all. He doesn’t care that he is or isn’t. And then that goes dwindling down to a point of where only he asks himself or in his own universe, he just asks himself. So you have comparable things here.

Quite ordinarily, at this stage of a process, you could expect individuals to conceive themselves to be without sufficient time, for instance, to finish off a case or with far, far too much time to have to work at all. And you can expect this to shift quite uniformly, quite regularly.

A fellow goes out and has lunch and finds out he’s occupied five minutes of MEST time in this and he can’t quite figure out how he ate lunch that fast because he’s never eaten lunch that fast before. And yet he distinctly remembers flirting with the waitress and distinctly remembers taking a long time to examine the menu and so on. And he glances at his watch and he’s taken five minutes to eat lunch. And this is very peculiar to him and he says, “Something is very strange here.” Of course, it depended upon the service. And then the waitress, of course, she took a finite length of time in order to have the order passed back and the cook took a certain amount of time to put it on a plate and they took a certain amount of time to bring it in. And all of this seemed to have gone off at a very, very slow rate, you see, it was very lazy and nothing to it and so forth. And five minutes later, he’s back out on the street again and he looks at his watch and he says, “For goodness sakes, what has happened to me?”

Or he gets this terrifically rushed hectic luncheon whereby he didn’t have a moment to spare and he just pushed it all the way through and everybody was operating very, very fast. And everything was going very fast in order to bring about this condition of speed. And fifty-five minutes later, he walks out on the street again and with nervous indigestion over the terrific rush and how fast he had to eat his lunch-and fifty-five minutes has passed by and where could it possibly have gone? Because he rushed the whole time, you see, and everybody else rushed too! Rather fabulous.

Now, where we depart is just in this thing: consideration. And it shows up nowhere as rapidly as it does in time considerations. Then somebody will be going along and he’ll get what they call-I think it’s called deja vu. (I interpret rather rapidly across the French line and I think it ought to be called the joie de vivre.) [laughter] But anyway, the deja vu is where the person knows, really, that he was right there before and he’s been there before and he seems to know exactly what is going to happen next because he remembers it all.

Well, this is a very simple thing to do-it comes very close to discovering how you’re postulating the future. And you get a sneaky little creep-in toward that particular piece of automaticity and you get this deja vu.

Now, you can turn deja vu on at will with a preclear simply by making him tamper with his prediction machine in this wise: He says, “All right, now I’m going to predict that a sunbeam is going to come down through the window and land on the floor.” (Of course, there is a sun coming in the window, see.) “Now I’m going to predict that another sunbeam... Now I’m predicting that a flood of sunbeams are coming down and landing on the floor.” And we go on this way and we take-just as though he’s putting the whole room and the whole system together.

“Now I’m going to predict that Mars is going to swing a little bit further on its orbit and I’m going to predict that Earth is going to turn a little bit more on its axis.” And he goes on this way, see? You carefully make him, little by little, put everything together and he all of a sudden gets his time, his co-action of particle sense, so disrupted-and he continues this-that the world sort of starts to cave in on him.

Now, it’s an interesting experiment, but conduct it just as an experiment. It isn’t good auditing, particularly. About as close as you want to get to that is letting the wall be a wall. And you’ll bring him back into a better functioning machine rather than knocking that machine out.

Well, the fact of the matter is, as far as processing is concerned, an individual is in his head and is stuck and without extra viewpoints to the degree that he is unwilling to let particles separate or come together. He is in as much agreement or disagreement with the society around him as he is willing to let particles go apart and the society wants the same particles together and he wants particles apart and the society wants them together. By society, I also mean his family. For instance, the workman doesn’t want himself there at his workbench. But society in all of its facets seems to want him there at the workbench. In other words, the society wants to keep the body and the workbench together and the workman wants to get them apart. And so he’s in a continuous argument on the subject of work.

And this in itself is argument. And the basis of all argument has to do-whether or not two or more particles are apart or two or more particles are together. And if you’ll just listen to a few arguments going on, the worst arguments, you will get your cue as to the very fundamental character of particle positions.

But remember this about this process: that as long as you’re processing it, you are actually processing the MEST universe, you are actually processing the Sixth Dynamic. And it’ll only take just so much processing without showing the strain. So remember to get it off a little bit closer to truth, which is to process some nothing. You can say that everybody who argues is arguing about nothing. All their arguments break down to nothing and a few months afterwards, if you made them go over the argument again, the chances are they would find that they had been arguing about nothing at the time. Because the truth of the matter is that there is a nothingness of particles. And of course, keeping particles and people apart and together and so forth makes an interesting game.

Now you think, possibly, that your postulates may occasionally override your concepts of spaces. You know, you make a new postulate and then you become very disappointed because it didn’t work. You know, you say such and such is going to happen now and now boom, that’s going to work. And boom, it doesn’t work. And boom, you feel you’ve made a big failure out of a postulate.

Well, the answer to this is, is can you out-postulate your own machinery?

One of the quickest ways to get an Operating Thetan into a fine state of spiralism is to ask him to out-postulate a postulate he has just set up to “resist all effects.” Now he’s just set up this postulate to resist all effects: that everything he creates now in terms of a mock-up will be blue. And he makes this, he sets it up, it makes it very workable, he sets it aside, he hides it, he forgets about it and so forth and now you tell him to make a purple mock-up.

And he says, “Well, all right.” And he says, “Now,” he says, “a purple mock-up will appear.” He gets one that’s part blue and part purple and the purple turns from red back to blue and so on. If he’s actually forgotten the thing thoroughly (and a good Operating Thetan should be able to forget his postulates in a hurry and dig them up again without any trouble), he will become very confused as to why he can’t make this mock-up. He’ll be in a fine state till you tell him to dig up the machine and throw it away, at which time he can make another one. Now he can make a postulate.

But “prior postulate” is in itself a built-in automaticity which comes from an effort to agree with time. A person agrees that his earlier postulate is going to have more force and duration than his later postulate. He has to agree to this so as to have time be effective and for his machinery to carry along in the (quote) “time stream” (unquote) so that he’s got a senior postulate. He’s working on senior postulates all the time, above which he mustn’t tamper.

Now, people who say you mustn’t tamper with the human soul, you mustn’t tamper with the mind, you mustn’t do this and you mustn’t do that, are just dramatizing like mad that they mustn’t out-postulate themselves. There’s two reasons for this. One is that if you started shattering all the postulates, if you could at a glimpse scatter away all the postulates you’d made in the past, just at a breath, rather than just take them up one by one or ten by ten or class by class, you would find yourself in a confused state. You would get a disorientation in time. And this threatened disorientation restrains an individual from suddenly saying “I’m Clear” or “I’m totally self-determined.”

Because what is this? This is just a new postulate which is sitting after the machine which is going to make all mock-ups blue. We get the same thing.

Now, the trouble with him is, is he gets excited and lays in postulates which are good for the moment but that he makes continue forever. For instance, the fellow who has just been left by a woman is apt to sit down and say, “Never under any circumstances, at any time, will I let myself be persuaded to be polite to, nice to or look at another woman!” And he lays this down with malice aforethought and he booby-traps it for himself and so forth. “Well, if I find myself looking at one, I’ll make myself so sick that...” and so on. (Now, maybe somebody here has made such a postulate about life or something of the sort.) Now, he seals that all in, he determines it like mad and then he goes down the street and he meets this beautiful girl. And he says, “Gee, that’s all right.” And a few days later he feels sick. And he says, “Look what the gods are doing to me.” The gods are always there, defenseless and ready to blame.

All right. Therefore, we get back to the manifestations we had on Postulate Processing-remember old-time Postulate Processing. But we weren’t taking it apart as well then. You could make the fellow remember the time-first time he ever wished he’d get sick. The first thing a preclear always does, of course, is look at you and say, “Oh no, I never wished myself sick! I just got this way, I...” lots of causes.

And you say, “Well, how about school? How about school?”

“Oh well, that’s, ha-ha, that’s different.”

But of course he’s wished himself sick many times.

Now, in order to go along on the time stream, he, of course, plots his actions against . the motion of particles. And this is letting time be determined for him by some exterior determinism. So he lets all these particles determine the time for him. He lets the Sun tell him the time and the Moon tell him the time and whether or not he’s driving his old Ford or a Packard tell him the time, you see? Whether or not he’s an adult or an infant tell him the time. And for each one of these, he’s supposed to act in some particular fashion. Automaticity on the basis of: at five I am supposed to-at three, at two I am not supposed to.

The amount of machinery of this character which is kicking around the bank is fabulous. And you’ll find some of it get kicked in on somebody who’s forty or fifty and they gurgle and glog instead of talk. He’s got a postulate, set of postulates and automatic machines-an automatic machine, of course, is nothing in the world but a set of postulates hidden and forgotten, that’s all it is. And he’s got these postulates sitting there and “At one and a half I am not supposed to be able to walk or talk.” That’s what it says, right there. And so at one and a half he can’t walk or talk. Now, when he’s seventy-one he starts the cycle all over again and all of a sudden he can’t walk or talk. Well, he’s kicked in the wrong machine at the wrong place and there he goes. The people down in the sanitarium just simply try to outguess their old postulates and so forth.

But letting the MEST universe tell you what time it is, is of course equivalent to desiring the MEST universe to furnish you the materials of havingness continually. If the MEST universe always furnishes you the materials of havingness, it will then furnish you with time and it will, therefore, be able to dictate and pinpoint your actions exactly. See that? So that you’ve set up the bigger automaticity, the MEST universe, to tell you, the smaller automaticity, what’s going to happen.

So a person doesn’t want to be able to out-postulate his own postulates. If he were able to out-postulate all of his own postulates, he’d find himself sitting in a vacuum. That’s all, he’d just find himself sitting in a vacuum. Be no air, be nothing, he’d just be right there. And this would be hard for him to get connected up again, because he’d take the whole universe with him. He’d just take one postulate, the entrance to the MEST universe: “All right. I’m curious about it, I’ll go in. And I am now in the MEST universe.”

Now, let’s just take that postulate and let’s throw it out. He would not any longer be in the MEST universe.

A test of this: A person seldom will let you go forward far enough with his automaticity to kick it all out. And you as a auditor seldom go far enough to really totally kick out a machine. I mean by that, until a person is up along the operating class and then he’ll kick them out and kick them in at will. It doesn’t matter, he’s full of beans and feds good about it.

If you were just to have somebody say over and over-not with words, that’s the big blocker on the line... You can start making postulates with words or you start making them exclusively with pictures and they merely become another set of symbols. And they themselves, having mass, become barriers. You make a postulate on this basis of just sit there and think of yourself as “Now you’re in the MEST universe and now you’ve forgotten where you came from.” And if you were to do that and you were to put it on a thought level rather than a symbol level, you would very soon get yourself lost.

The thing to do, of course, is to tap the body on the head and grab the back anchor points of the room. You’ll be found again right away, because you’ve got enough of the machine still there to orient you.

All right. Enough of that. It’s just theory. But it’s more than theory, it shows up in a tremendous level of workability.

Now, an E-Meter, if you will notice, any of the meters have these two dials, the modern meter-processing with an old meter, you have a tone handle over here, it still tells you plenty. But with these new two-dial meters, this newer style, particularly the E-AR-400 (the first one of those was just delivered to me), it does everything but scream and in supplanting its screaming, it merely howls and cries. This meter over here tells you rather constantly what the individual’s tone is. And this meter over here, the one which is on as you face it, the one which is on the right-hand side tells you the surges.

Now, when you’re processing somebody on time-separation of particles or the connections of particles-you will find that the meter over here will either do tremendous rapid falls or rises, which is significant. That means, you know, he’s trying to get particles apart. That’s what we know as a dispersal reading-you know, climb, climb, climb, climb, climb, climb, climb, climb, climb, climb, climb, climb, climb. He’s getting no place in tone because you look right over here on the other meter side or you look at your tone handle on the older meters and you’ll see that, although his climb-climb is going on over here, you’re not getting any kind of a sensible tone advance. You’re either getting a completely shot-up rocket advance, whereas your needle is just coming on over and they seem to be going right on off the top of the meter-you can get that effect-or it’s simply sitting there. Very silly, you see-it’s just sitting there, continues to read his tone. Well, that’s the dispersal reading.

Now, the other reading of this is more important. The other reading is the stuck needle over here on the surge meter. On the right-hand side you see a stuck needle. You’ve asked him a couple of questions, you’ve asked him about objects and all of a sudden the needle is stuck. Before this the needle wasn’t stuck. It wasn’t doing anything in particular, it was surging and rising and theta bopping and it didn’t matter much what it was doing, because that wasn’t what you were doing right now with modern auditing. Take a look at it and we’ve asked him now about keeping objects together and so forth and we all of a sudden have a stuck needle.

Well boy, you just go right to work. “Two objects which you don’t mind having apart.” “Two objects which you don’t mind having together.” “Two objects which the public doesn’t mind you having apart.” “Two objects which the public wants you to put together, wants you to keep together”-anything like this. And the first thing you know, why, you read a positive tone rise over here on the left-hand meter, you’ll see a positive gain on tone. And you keep this up and then all of a sudden the needle will come free. Well, you’re off the subject now, I mean, you’ve gotten that one cleared, let’s go back and now let’s work on people or let’s work on something else.

As soon as we work on people, why, it’s all right. But we get into the subject of-you know, we’re using all the eight dynamics and people and nothing much happens and all of a sudden you get thetans, you know? Two thetans that he wants to keep apart. Well, he doesn’t know anything about thetans, he doesn’t know anything about spirits. You’ve phrased it as spirits or something of the sort and, by golly, you will run into something very complicated.

“Well now, give me two spirits that you don’t want to come together or that you wouldn’t mind having come together.” “Two spirits which you wouldn’t mind being apart.”

“I don’t know anything about spirits,” he says.

“Well, just get a couple, anyway.”

First thing you know, a total background in the Roman Catholic Church shows up, just like that, boom! And your needle, then, is no longer stuck or is no longer just going crazy on just constant rises or constant falls. And you get it over here, you’ll get again another positive gain in tone. Now, most of the gain which you make in tone will stay gained, which isn’t true of just your typical dispersal case. It just goes right on off the top of the meter and then he’s off the top of the meter, that’s all.

A body in fairly good operating condition-I mean in pretty good operating condition-should read 3.5 to 4.0. When they start reading 5.0 and the fellow is up around Operating Thetan and so forth, there’s probably not quite enough mass there to keep the body running well as a Homo sap.

But now, of course, you start hitting the automaticity that makes the body almost nebulous and you start playing around with that, why, your meter just starts going through thin air. I mean, you’re getting into a different situation and a condition. And you wouldn’t be using a meter on this guy anyway.

You need your meter mainly to process, individually, a resistive case who isn’t exteriorizing well or if he is exteriorizing, isn’t exteriorizing stably. And that’s what you need a meter on. Look for the stuck and free it with “apart” and “together” and you’ll get a tone advance. Now, there are many ways of saying that, incidentally, “Give me three places where hate is not.” The guy has simply picked out three geographical locations. Now in all this processing, specific item and very, very finely precisely located points are of the essence. Big broad generalizations like “You get a cat.” Well, the fellow just gets an example of the class of cats.

You want him to get a cat in the form of a cat which has white spots and wearing a pink bow. You want him to get a cat, specifically a cat, or one that he knows. You don’t want to get an example of the class of cats. Well, as a case gets buttered all over the universe, they more and more tend to generalize and get terrifically unspecific. So your very action of making the fellow pinpoint, whether he likes it or not, is in itself resolving a lot of his trouble.

Now, when you’re asking for “three places where you are not” in SOP 8-C, you will find this manifestation occurring—this is how long you would run “three places—are not” in brackets. You would run it until the individual came down, very finely and very precisely, to exact locations well within perception range, because he’s liable to start out: he’s not in Universe 86 and not in Universe 16 and not in Universe 39.

He’s liable to just start out just completely outside of this universe and then he’s not in the other end of this galaxy and he’s not in the next galaxy to this and he’s coming on down, coming on down, coming on down, getting finer and finer and finer and finer and the next thing you know, well, he’s not in Mobile, he’s not in Toronto. Now, as he comes on down the line, in brackets, why, you’ll find gradually that he is not in that end of town or this end of town and then gradually he’s not in that corner of the room and not in this corner of the room and not.over there by the window. He does this quite comfortably.

But mind you, as you do this, you are running into particles apart and particles together so that your individual may start out on something he’s holding madly together on something as idiotic as no bigger area than the ashtray.

“Well, three places? Well, there’s that side of the ashtray and that side of the ashtray and this side of the ashtray.”

Yeah. That’s great, but he’s on a compression. And you can expect that compression to go through this cycle and it will go through this cycle: out, until he’s buttered all over the universe, and then in again until he’s relaxedly able to place things on that ashtray. He’ll run the complete curve.

Now, “three places where you will not be” becomes extremely interesting. Because if you continued it in brackets, you would pick up the ability of the individual to predict exactly where he will be for some time. And then again you will be knocking on the door of deja vu. Only this time, it isn’t deja vu, he simply knows that he knew he would be here. Which, of course, is the basic definition of deja vu.

So, in processing of time, fully expect time sense to go out. We have no better index of the workability of this process than a meter. A meter is excellent with regard to this process. And you can test processes and the degree of workability upon the preclear by setting up the meter and having the tone needle-watching the tone needle more as you process him, much more than you would watch the surge needle. Watch that tone needle.

With 8-C and these additional processes directly relating to time, in the formulas which I gave you this morning, you should see your individual rising.

Note: The recording ends abruptly.