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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Ethics Protection (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P650901-7 | Сравнить
- Mailing List Policies (0.CONDITIONS) - P650901-3 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Защита Этики (ОХС, ЭТИКА) (2) - И650901-7 | Сравнить
- Защита Этики (ОХС, ЭТИКА) (3) - И650901-7 | Сравнить
- Защита Этики (ОХС, ЭТИКА) - И650901-7 | Сравнить
- Инструкции по Членству - И650901-5R78 | Сравнить
- Некоторые Инструкции Технических Отделений - И650901 | Сравнить
- Некоторые Положения Оргполитики, Касающиеся Технического Отделения (КРО-2,4) (ц) - И650901-3 | Сравнить
- Оргполитика в Отношении Списков Адресов (ц) - И650901-3R83 | Сравнить
- Под Защитой Этики (ОХС, ЭТИКА) (ц) - И650901-7 | Сравнить
- Под Защитой Этики (ОХС, ЭТИКА) - И650901-7 | Сравнить
- Юридическая Сторона Зачисления - И650901-4 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 650901 - HCO Policy Letter - Current Policy - Franchise [PL009-072]
- 650901 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Publications [PL009-073]
- 650901 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Mailing List Policies [PL009-074]
- 650901 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Mailing List Policies [PL009-075]
- 650901 Issue 4 - HCO Policy Letter - Some Tech Div Policies [PL009-076]
- 650901 Issue 5 - HCO Policy Letter - Membership Policies [PL009-077]
- 650901 Issue 5R - HCO Policy Letter - Mailing List Policies [PL035-042]
- 650901 Issue 6 - HCO Policy Letter - Saint Hill Services and Prices [PL009-078]
- 650901 Issue 7 - HCO Policy Letter - Ethics Protection [PL009-079]
- 650901 Issue 7 - HCO Policy Letter - Ethics Protection [PL050-135]
- 650901 Issue 7 - HCO Policy Letter - Ethics Protection [PL060-037]
- 650901 Issue 7 - HCO Policy Letter - Ethics Protection [PL093-043]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue III
Поместье Сент-Хилл, Ист Гринстед, Сассекс
Gen Non-Remimeo



“Ни один человек, который не подписал отказ о притязании - освобождающую форму, не может быть принят в Академию или НЦХ старого типа.

(Preserved policy from former Policy
Letters which have been cancelled)

Все такие отказы от притязаний должны включать утверждение, что человек находится здесь по своему собственному определению (решению) и что человек не имеет никаких или известных фактов о заключении в клинику для душевнобольных или того что он совершил тяжкое уголовное преступление (имеет судимость за него).

The elementary Emergency formula for a down org is:

Людей совершивших такие дела или имеющих их на своем счету необходимо отсылать к полевому одитору поблизости от их дома и отказывать им в обучении, или процессинге.

1. Promote Promote Promote.

Люди, подозреваемые (предполагаемые) в том что у них полностью медицинское заболевание должны быть отосланы к доктору для компетентного лечения, если такой доктор или лечение существует.

2. Then change bad spots and re-organize.

Любой отказ от притязаний и любая предоплата, несовершеннолетних должны быть подписаны их родителями или опекунами.

3. Then economize, cut off all Purchase Orders except postage, communications and rent.

От известных источников неприятностей (согласно недавнему ИП ОХС, которое целиком остается в силе) необходимо потребовать укрепить свои жизни до зачисления в штат или записи на процессинг, или им нужно прямо (открыто) отказать.

4. Get ready to Deliver to the people who will be coming in as a result of the promotion and deliver.

Любому отказывающемуся от проверки на Е-метре должно быть отказано во входе...”

To promote you must have a full mailing list. Anyone who failed to get his mailing list back off old invoices will probably make about thirty or forty thousand pounds less between now and Christmas — which is punishment enough for not following my late '64 orders where the job was skimped.

I see two orgs that are limping also have a very small mailing list. Any connection?

Rush the project ordered in '64 wherein you culled your addresses back from old invoices and you'll have lots of people and money again. Scientologists never get truly lost.

Then get onto Book Promotion, put a return self-address card for "more info" in the back of every book you sell and get your list up both from the book sale and the card. Omitted that?

Look over the earlier 1965 Policy Letters that define promotion. That's all it is.

But promotion is successful when you use books to front for you and a flop when you don't. If you think promotion is costly it's because the money isn't invested in getting books sold. Books are your first line of promotion.

Re-organize your book department if it doesn't slam back a book at every orderer within 24 hours of the receipt of the order. Why be poor all the time?

1. Place ads

2. Get mailing lists from anywhere.

3. Get mailing lists by selling books.

4. Sell more books to them.

5. Have good processing available for them and say so loudly.

6. Have good training available for them and say so loudly.

Do just those things and do only those things and you'll be 10 times your size with a lot more pay.

It's very easy. Why keep doing it the hard way?

I'm interested in review that only those orgs are poor which haven't been following my direct orders. Well, anybody has a right to be poor, I suppose, if he has an appetite for it. Personally I don't care for it. It must be a carefully acquired taste.As a brand new idea in those orgs that are struggling, why not get rich by doing what Ron says?


Starting right away, this is the drill for new book buyers. This drill also will be kept in and followed.

1. A person buys a book personally or by mail for the first time.

2. The invoice is made out with the name and address bright and clear on all copies.

3. One copy goes to shipping or books whether mailed or just handed out.

4. One copy goes to own Address. (This is true of all orgs including City Offices. Whatever is done with remaining invoice copies is according to standard accounts procedure.)

5. Address cuts a plate or stencil and puts a date on it and a designation like BB 3/3/65, meaning the person bought a book on 3/3/65.

6. This plate is put in File A and receives whatever goes out to File A for six months.

7. Any new invoice, indeed all invoices, go to Address. If a BB in File A buys more books or training or processing Address obliterates the BB 3/3/65 on the plate or stencil either by just flattening it on a metal plate or cutting a new stencil in case of less durable stencils, and puts it in the regular active files.

8. The Distribution Secretary must not place whole lists in the hands of Field Staff Members but may send prospects to Field Staff Members of proven value to the org.


City Offices must send a copy of the invoice of all memberships it sells or issues free to the Continental Office that issues the Continental Magazine. It must also send a copy of all other invoices for whatever service, including book sales, to the Continental Office, so that these people can get the minor issues of the Continental Magazine, plus any other promotional mailings that go out from the Continental Office. As the City Office has collected the membership money for the memberships that the Continental Office is servicing with magazines, and as the Continental Office does promotion for the City Offices, the senior org draws on the junior org's Book Acct for promotion in the junior org's area.

A City Office must maintain some sort of an Address unit, and Central Files. Until it has funds for buying addressing equipment, it keeps a card file for each name in its Central Files which is anyone who has bought service (includes PE) or bought books, with appropriate abbreviations on the card to match tabbing of a full Central Org Addressograph. Of course, in such a case, when a mailing is to be done by the City Office, then it will be necessary for someone to type duplistickers from this card file — but that is still an address unit functioning. As it can accumulate funds for equipment, it can get an Elliott addressing machine or some other piece of inexpensive equipment for addressing. It is not conceived that an Addressograph would be secured until the City Office had reached full Central Org size. The silk screen Elliott Addressograph is probably cheaper and easier to use than duplistickers even as one can write one as fast as a duplisticker.

The names and addresses of City Offices must be carried in each issue of every magazine mailed by the Continental Office, and other broad promotional pieces.
